
where does she posts? She's perfect!
Did she actually eat 5 whole pizzas without throwing up wtf I have never seen that before.
Even 2 whole not a lot of girls do

of course not, most if not all of her videos are faked in some way shape or form.
I've seen her on yt before
uhm... they just are okay?
Having watched a few myself, they are spliced, so she could very well be doing the stuffer 31 schtick of purging and going at it from where she left off. I just want to know why so many LATAM women ate trying to pass off pregnancy as stuffing; gives me a lot of false hope, honestly.

most of her videos impossible/extreme competitive eating type feats (chugging 10 liters of water/soda) there are multiple splices throughout many of her videos where food will magically disappear, and she faked being massively bloated whilst she was in fact pregnant (funnily enough, a few spergs in her comments actually believed it)
ngl I'm fully aware her videos are full of cuts and shit but I still love them, mainly because I think she's hot and her burps are S tier. Wish she was fatter but oh well.

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