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It surprises me that no one made another one right away after the other thread reached the limit.

Anyway, you know how it goes:
Post content of this woman and PLEASE avoid fighting over meaningless things this time.
I don't have that much, I just have her burp comp that someone made and a random vid that I had (which is not that interesting imo)
This was posted on the SSBW board, it's the Reiina and Ivy video, download it while it still avaible.
Wish there were more sex tapes, would buy them in an instant
For me, Reiina lost everything when she decided to remove her double chin and lose weight, this is a fucking disgrace.
All these hoes bending ass. But innocent in my presence. Ms piggy running to defense for her clan of thots
Chik fil a twerk something. Choker videos
She made 3! Hopefully someone can share the two rare ones.

And let's put some respect on her name, she did gain from waif-like status to massively overweight in a relatively short time and had the self-respect to pivot when she felt like she needed to. It was a fun ride and for some it's still going!
You can buy it... right there from that link.
She looks fucking disgusting, she's going to lose a lot of fans. It's over she made a terrible decision.
It was fun while it lasted. All that’s left to do is to share stuff while she was at her biggest.
Eh whatever. Now we can share her content without consequence. No need to gatekeep it anymore since her gaining is over.

Fair point. Anyone have her bloat pills collab clip? Not sure if she ever sold it on her main clip pages
This just makes me think that she is doing this for the money and attention… I was used to like her content and followed her first gain into the 200s.After that, she decided to lose weight and no one give a fuck to the videos she made back then. Then, incoming her third spell… who knows, maybe she will gain it all back in the future
She lost me when she started that plastic surgery shit, I don't get why people do that shit, perfection doesn't look good

my income from content in general peaked when I was 230lbs in December of 2021. If it was really about the money and I didn’t enjoy getting fatter, I would have stopped there and not gained another pound since every one of the 70 (!!) lbs I gained after that was with exponentially more effort & diminishing returns. all for the love of the game (the kink) tho. think whatever you want, but I’ve been honest about not planning to gain forever and I’m happy with my choice because I put my overall well being & life outside work over money every single time.

y’all leaked my content like crazy while I was gaining too so ppl going “now I can leak it” is hilarious to me. Happy to sit on all the super hot unreleased content from my high weights until postpartum if it’s really gonna be that way, because it’s not about the money haha. anyone surprised when I’ve been saying I’d have a muscle mommy arc for years hasn’t been paying attention, not my fault lol. I love my body & my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way (although if I gained easier I would totally have gone bigger lol)
You do know im reading this. You that dumb? The fuck I bother with you

lol who even are you!!!! hahahaha. lots of people are happy w/ my trajectory and what I’m making now, why would I care if a vocal minority is crying about it. lots of amazing active gainers to support, you go do that!
Why u never leave his apartment then when you worked at the convient store. Youre all talk now. Everyone is expungable including you. Now show up on time and when youre on shift

y-yes manager I’m so sorry I’ll do my best to be on time tomorrow :’) I was late because I was smoking a big fat doobie in my car
because you removed your double chin Reiina, it enhanced your beauty, I think you made a mistake there
Have her sextapes all of them.
Mrs.Pop, if you're off the feedee wave can you get a BBL next (-人-)
lol this broad saying it ain’t about the money is so cap. Ya sit on your content sweetie we’re not going to beg for it. Bye
Yeah seconding this
Someone who just straight up cuts a part of them off clearly doesn't enjoy how they look. Weight loss can 100% be for health but when you're just lopping it off in chunks, you've got a body image problem.
Like this girl wants so badly to be conventionally attractive it’s hilarious.
>goes from chubby and doing inflation content
>gets thin as a rail, fake tits and lip fillers
>absolutely wrecks her body with hundreds of pounds
>now wants to slim back down and gets plastic surgery on her face
Face it, you’ll never be a real, non-fat fetish pornstar babe. Those tattoos are going to look awful on a deflated, saggy gut even if you do drop the weight. The body positivity farce only works when you aren’t getting surgery to look less fat. But hey, at least you can keep selling your content when you were fat as fuck.
Damn reiina you a mother now?
Dude it would be so fucking hot if she turned that big ol ball gut into a 60 inch bubble butt🥵🥵🥵
>>racaoonie reina

At least soon this larper can fuck off.

>>160062 (OP)

>>It surprises me that no one made another one right away after the other thread reached the limit.

There's already enough shitposting as is. You people can wait a while before restarting another thread that'll end up being 99% bickering and spergness.
God this thread comments make me cringe. “Oh my god mommy reiina is here, let’s worship the shit outta her”.

She ain’t nothin but a ho, they all are in the end wanting your money.

>>Oh my god mommy reiina is here, let’s worship the shit outta her”.

Nigga only two comments are simping over her. Quit bitching about a non-existing issue.

Fuck off blackie, go look for other white women. Not this thin lip filler ho.
hi I am retarded
I would say we should start trying to archive her fat stuff, might be other models who want to force the sale of their newer stuff and begin wiping the old content from the internet.
Yeah, I don't think she understands that all this plastic surgery is going leave her looking horrible in 15-20 years.
Nothing against you but, bro, *of course* she's doing this for the money and attention.

She only got back into gaining when covid hit, and she's a woman so, obviously, she enjoys the fact that literally thousands of dudes are watching her.

Homegirl was only ever in it for herself.
>Happy to sit on all the super hot unreleased content from my high weights until postpartum

Who cares? It's over, Reiina. You aren't gaining weight anymore so it's not like any of us should care about these "super hot videos" we know you don't have. Even if you get big pregnant belly there is a good chance you'll fuck it up. I mean, you have the burden of having a child in your stomach weighing you down, you might not even be in the mood to make videos, or other outside forces would stop you.

No need - all my content from my career will continue to be available in perpetuity, and if anything happens to C4S or Curvage I have all the files.

y’all forget I was a thriving fetish model before I ever wanted to gain weight, and I’ll continue to be regardless of whether you’re wasting time arguing about me here or not lol.

I haven’t taken a meaningful break from making content in my 10 years of doing this, I’m happy with my body of work & have no reason to stop! It would be great if you could just move on because like you said, it’s over for me (my period of time being obsessed over here) and I’m free to continue making whatever porn I feel like. Win/win! Couldn’t be more excited for the next chapter of my career.
yo can you guys believe the pacers are about to beat the celtics rn? i hope boston blows a 3-0 lead lmfao
she looks horrible now as a result, her face looks alien lol
please stop arguing with the larper

yayyy I love aliens <3 I was happy with how I looked before getting my boobies done/nose but I wanted to look supernatural (aka not natural at all) - if you don’t understand my aesthetic that’s cool because I love it!
Can anyone pass her stuff of when she was 300?
Always a shame when promising bbws start to peter out, would love to see more of them hit that 600lb mark

most of it is unreleased, I’ll be releasing it to clip sites over the next couple months. for anyone claiming I “don’t actually have a lot of horny unreleased content” prepare to be wrong lol. Filmed a fair bit in advance.
Sucks to see her losing weight. But, on the plus side, that probably indicates that she is going to be pregnant at some point in the not-so-distant future.

In other words, it's probably only a matter of time before she blows right back up again, if only temporarily.
Not every thing in life is about porn, if she wants to move on then let her
The ride has to end sometime and With Reiina it was always bound to end at some point. Take what you can and call it. Personally I think if she stayed 300 and lost the double chin, I'd call it a win. I lost interest in her content awhile ago.
gonna be straight up, the threads where the model in question lurks in them are the worst ones.
Oi don’t delete my comment dick weed. whoever the big fag blackie is who told me to fuck off, go watch your fucking B E T tv channel or go watch your monkey family in the zoo.
I know I’ll be called cringe and insane for what I’m about to say but I don’t care. Every time a model I follow loses a bunch of weight, I low key want to curl up in a ball on the floor and die. And when they rub it in with this talk of how thin and fit they‘re going to be, that shit stings like acid. And then I feel gripped in the fear that this will happen in my own life. The fear that the world just fucking hates what I love, and I’ll never get to spend my life with a fat girl who‘s okay with her size and isn't going to try to whittle away everything I love about her body.

We are not all the nasty misogynist villain that you came here to spite. Sorry to disappoint.
Wow, she looks a lot thinner than she was just a month and a half ago.

And maybe it's just my eyes going bad, but it looks like she barely even has a belly anymore.

She's slimming down - and fast.
Mods can we ban the guy pretending to be Reina please
This guy is jerking his cock from this
just a reminder, reiina posted on twitter that someone was impersonating them on a "certain site". Ignore this dipshit
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oh no.. my bmi is down to 47, that’s only 17 points above the obesity threshold. I fear I am wasting away.. /s (from tumblr) size 22 pants must mean I’m positively petite now! there’s no way I’ll ever be thin again while keeping my curves looking plump and taut.. I guess I’ll enjoy life in the 200’s forever!
Low ceilings low wages. Spend $2000 on something stupid show me you got it
God that plastic surgery is so glaringly obvious
Nah dudes, Reina looks better after losing weight, plus that ugly double chin lol. W on Reina's part. For the losers bitching about her losing weight, go touch grass and cry lmao

nice bait, go back to jerking it to eugenia, thinfucker
I agree here, shes a hot girl, just not fat.
I disagree, I love it. She’s beautiful.

Also dont understand why y’all are so pressed because she’s allegedly lost some weight. It’s her body lmao unless you’re paying the grocery bill you have zero say in her physique. >>160236 looks like an inflation before/after anyway. Y’all acting like she fell off the face of the earth. She uploaded an empty stomach pic.

I love you Reina please marry me I can settle as a sister husband
I agree. When she was at her biggest? Six months ago?
She was hot, but there are other models to jerk off too guys
Retarded moids jerk off somewhere else she will come back when the money dries up
It is insane how some people here are so obsessed with a fetish model, even if most of us don't like the change (same for me, it's a massive L), it's her life and her body

Just stop following her and watching her new stuff

this is cringe but you knew that already so props. never have I ever said I’m gonna be “thin and fit” again LMFAO, I would HATE THAT. I look better fat and I have no desire to have saggy skin from weight loss.

What is so hard to get about someone wanting to be fat AND active when they have hobbies that require a lot of standing and active movement. and the whole theory of plastic surgery of any kind = hating yourself is moronic. Not everyone who modifies themselves does it out of self loathing, you can be happy and confident and still want bigger tits or a fatter ass - nothing wrong with having dreams and saving up to make them a reality lmao. many women wish they could have either of those things and would do it if it wasn’t for difficult recovery/money. no reason for there to be such a stigma

big ups to the logical and sane people in the chat, love to see it

outside of this echo chamber, anybody over a size 10 is considered fat and societal fatphobic has increased a lot in the last couple years. I’m a size 22/3-4X. I get fatphobic judgement in the real world like any other fat person, and that’s fine because I like being fat. Cope

March 2024. :) so no, more recent.

hilarious people cry about me getting “too fat” and “becoming a blob” while I’m actively trying to get bigger and the second I decide to let my body rest and find its natural maintenance point suddenly it’s a huge shame? for crying out loud lol

personally I was happy with my fatness at 220/230 - for my own desires I wanted a belly hang, a round soft gut that sits in my lap and I got that. since me & my fiancé both have fat fetishes i was curious to see how big i could get. in hindsight I should have just done what other gainers have done and not set lofty goals for myself so I could respect my wellness and stop whenever I feel like it. Since I promised 300, I knew I had to do it and I felt like my body was giving out around 280 - the last 20 pounds were really punishing but I struggled through so I wouldn’t be known for setting false expectations. All that for people to be assholes about it :p like I didn’t need to do all that, you’re welcome
This thread has consistently and the previous versions been the most toxic on the entire site. Woman puts on like 200 pounds and still people aren't happy.
Nah imma need that ass to get heavier you know I like the butt big lol
For me, it was when she got the nose job
You can never please everyone - so don't try to (I'm not suggesting Reiina is trying to btw)
Reiina losing weight to gain it all back again is nothing new, last time she did that she got thin af and then blow up like a balloon, it wouldn't be a surprise if she returns in a couple of years with double the amount of weight
Yep. Ya hate to see it.

ya the aquiline nose was a vibe.. I am a big big lover of women & men with big or quirky noses so I feel ya. I don’t regret it but I know my old nose was beautiful too! it’s been fully healed for awhile now and I think my modified one looks nice with my face when it’s rounder and suits my piercings more. Both are good tho! It was such a subtle change that my immediate family still had no idea to this day, I wear glasses too so that kinda obscures it
Lets expose all lakewood thots
Do they know about your content?
If we could all stop RPing as Reiina for a second, I'd like bring us back on topic to shamelessly beg for the JOI video she just uploaded to OF. Have to pay extra for it due to "weird content" , not super sure what that means.

a lot of my subscribers actively dislike gassy/fart content and vore. I do sometimes send out free vore teases and short form vore content to people who like the “vore lover” post pinned to my profile. Just being considerate to the people who don’t wanna see that stuff in their DMs. It’s extra because it has farts and a cumshot in it, 2 things I don’t film all the time.

wait a day or 2 for the monthly free clips if you don’t want to pay $5 for a very niche JOI that I’ll probably sell for $10-$15 on C4S :) if people don’t abuse the monthly free clip drops, I’ll keep that going forever.

they’re super supportive ^.^ I’m very generous to them and they think it’s cool that I inherited the “entrepreneurial spirit” haha. I don’t go into details though because it feels yucky to involve relatives like that. I would support a family member doing OF but I would NOT want to know about it at all.
Reina will you ever make mutual gain encouragement stuff? Even better if you’re stuffing your partner I would buy every one without hesitation.
Fuck you guys for banning my ASN. You guys are a bunch of pathetic, whining hypocrites and say unbelievably toxic shit all the time. Whoever is behind this ban is a massive idiot.
I have 2 or 3 mutual gain or gain encouragement clips in the pipeline. I pay attention when people request me to film stuff often :’)

Cry about it on twitter dumbass
ban this faker already, this ain't a fucking roleplay chat. If people are gonna share stuff then just close the whole damn thread

everything I’m saying is 100% factual - go ahead and check if you don’t believe me. and you’re so right, time to close the thread
Thank you very much Reina. Will they be on C4S or OF? Do you have a timeline as to when we can expect them to come out?
No, not time to close the thread. Stop letting this bitch (or her sycophants LARPing as her) derail it. She does it on purpose to distract everyone and you retards keep falling for it every time.

c4s next week (I’ll finally break my uploading hiatus bc I have a few things to upload) yay!

so you love my porn and wanna see it so bad right, regardless of the fact that I’m not at the moment gaining? Wow! I did crosspost that post from tumblr and I’m giving plenty of genuine info & answering questions - afaik I’m contributing more meaningfully to this thread than 80% of people here lol
Idgaf what diddy did yall sensitive let lebron wife come out of pocket with her mouth then its " oh thats different" man lets jump him
But if that was my kid it be different because im telling them dont talk to ppl crazy
No. I'm just sick of seeing this thread bumped every 5 seconds with you idiots arguing about nothing.

I wish you'd all either share something or shut the fuck up. And yes that includes you Reina.
Maybe 7 years fake ass eli manning atleast he puts his black friends on
Oh and by the way, nothing I said has shit to do with your personal life. What I’m mad at is that you‘re playing the same fake victim game that all the weight-losers play: as soon as you start losing, you go around fishing for disappointed comments from fans with heavier preferences so that you can frame us as the villain and pretend that we‘re trying to force you to gain weight against your will.

Ever heard of genetics? There are women bigger than you were at your biggest size who still put some effort into being healthy. So I don’t just assume that everyone I find attractive is doing crazy forced binging on purpose shit to be that size. If you did that to gain weight, that’s on you. That doesn’t make it right for you to spin this narrative that you were so unreasonably gigantic and the guys who actually prefer women that size or bigger are just a crazy loser that can’t be pleased. That’s an a fatphobic straw man. You’re just uncomfortable with the fact that we’re disappointed so you’re demonizing us and pretending that we‘re trying to control your body or some shit.
TL;DR, you’re throwing men who prefer larger fat girls under the bus just because you weren't happy at that size.
Your onlyfans has also become less and less worth the money. I understand coomer messed things up but having to keep rebill on to maybe get value out of your subscription is ridiculous. I can’t imagine paying 20 dollars for the garbage that you regularly push to your main feed.
Are you fuckin retarded
If you dont like the content then don't comment on this stinker or pay her any attention, simple
i swear the reiina threads are where the most autistic people on this website have conversations in.

Do ya'll have your own lives?
This girl doesn't know you, why the fuck you talk so much about her?
maybe get some actual content for your life smh.
I think miss pop might be pregnant now but I'm not sure tho
If she was pregnant, she'd be gaining weight, not losing it.
She looks even better here, and it doesn't matter if she lost weight and went under 200lbs. She'd probably have some jiggly curves after that too
No need a big bull in her pussy to gain weight
Yup its her. So unhinged had to check again
Women lose weight during pregnancy all the time, especially fat women. My wife lost 40 pounds when she was pregnant. She wasn’t trying to lose weight, but she was sick all the time so she wasn’t eating as much.
That's actually a *really* good point.

She may well be expecting, though in the very early stages.
If that's true, then it certainly possible that she's pregnant. We'll see where it goes I suppose.
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did a big overhaul in 2024! Subscribers get 32 videos (over 9 hours of content) without rebill and I send out free videos every month that everyone gets. Rebill gets you another 2-3 higher value videos on top of that, but there’s nothing stopping you from just using my sales to pay $7-$9 a month - that feels cheap for how much I post & how active I am on there. my sale prices me in line with other creators who post far less than I do.

as far as everything else - calling me a victim is insane, criticizing me for not wanting to gain past 300 isn’t an attack lol that’s very valid considering we are in a weight gain fetish forum. my fiancé would love to see me at 350/400 or bigger (no limits) and I hold real life feeders in high regard, if my body didn’t fight me so hard to gain I would be bigger, trust me. no fatphobia going on here so don’t project that on me. I love & admire the models going above & beyond what I accomplished (I pay for some of their onlyfans) and my feelings about my kinks haven’t changed at all.. still love it! everything I do in my content is because I want to be doing it for whatever reason, complaining about the way I look or my choices in feedism has never affected me before and I don’t see it ever informing my decisions on how I enjoy living my life. have a normal one guys and enjoy the b&a
Why is she with if she talks to you like dirt under the ground? How did you guys meet? Did you ask for her number or did she reach out to you. Women who reach out first have bad intentions from day one. Take care of yourself. She is trying ruin everything about you.
You shouldn’t have to defend your choices about your own figure to basement dwellers. What you did to yourself for our (and hopefully your) pleasure is impressive. Not many people can get where are especially starting that small. Not all of us on here are perverted complaining weirdos. I’ll continue supporting you as I can as long as you make feedist content.
Stfu cat lady. You town biggest whore.

1. You're defending a larper, idiot.
2. If you visit this site, then you're not supporting anything but piracy.
aside from all the fighting would anyone happen to have the video where she is in a skirt with a star belt buckle sucking her belly in?, it was uploaded to thisvid but my dumb ass forgot to donwload
Honestly once you more than double your original weight I don't even know the point of trying to lose it, you will never be attractive by conventional standards ever again, even with Bill Gates lizard man money she's never gonna look like she did on the left again.
Lol what are „perverted complaining weirdos“? None of this has any common denominator, you all are just mindlessly throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. For some reason the only two types of people who have any clout in these threads are either boorish vulgar misogynists or spineless simps who think their queen bee is right about everything even when she‘s giving them the finger. Anyone who thinks critically about anything gets called „mentally ill“ and then we get scapegoated for the shit that the real morons started. This is like a toxic family dynamic in digital form.
100 comments and not a single link, what a useless thread
I dont know what to think about that, she looks like she lost a lot of weight and then she post a stream foto and she looks amazing. What do you think?

Stream photo she's probably bloated

And if she's losing weight? Eh. She wants to have a kid. That kinda trumps entertaining weirdos on the internet
Preg Reiina would be peak.
Yeah only if it meant she got fat again
When I hear the term "braphog" , it's Reiina I think of. Don't know about you all.
Agreed. The aftermath of it would look so goof but only if doesn't ruin the content flow
I’m going to block her so I don’t have to see her content for 2 years. I really get tired of gaining model talking about weight lose. There are so many other models to support. But this one has ran it course for the possible future.
Does anyone have the waking up as a fat bimbo vid?
Bruh how the whole tide of this thread (and previous) went from majority of people saying that she looked like an ogre and her peak was when she was smaller, to complaining that she got rid of her double chin and is losing weight instead of gaining? Can yall make up yall damn minds for once?
Maybe a bit of topic, but I would have loved to have seen Reiina get pregnant during her first gain in late 2016/early 2017. In my opinion, that was when she had the perfect body for a pregnancy.
No man, taking money from feeders and using it to fund WLS is an objectively shitty thing to do in this space
never had weight loss surgery in my life. it took me so long to get to 300 (much to everyone’s upset) because I have a freakishly fast metabolism. literally the week I stopped spending every waking hour stuffing my face, the weight started to come off. I got sick after that and could hardly eat (no exercise either because I felt like shit) for a month before I started feeling better. It’s common knowledge I’ve had GERD for years - I would never do any crazy weight loss surgeries or drugs that would make my stomach issues any worse than they already are. I never even wanted to lose weight, I just wanted to take a break from the constant eating 24/7 and not being able to enjoy anything else. If there was a way for me to stay 300 and not have every second of my day dictated by food trust me I would still weigh 300 haha
Metabolisms don’t actually vary that much person to person, that’s just fallacy fat people have adopted to excuse gaining weight while saying how easy everybody but them have it. What really varies is how much people consume and burn, and how honest they are about tracking it.
yall see her new insta post? its OVER.

sources? it doesn’t make sense that I would be able to eat consistently 1,000 to 3,000 above what my TDEE was daily and consistently for weeks when I was gaining and not gain weight, or gain 5 pounds over 2 weeks and have that 5 pounds lost over 2 days of traveling/not having time to stuff. Nobody in my family is overweight, there’s a hereditary component to your natural set point. Human bodies are not identical - hormonal differences/endocrinology can affect weight and that can vary a lot.

for you? aw, I’m so sorry :’( I’ll continue to be a happy fat somewhere else
We know this isn't reina. Do something better after your done working your 9 to 5 lol
Now that it’s guaranteed we’re never getting good content again, anyone wanna dump their best-ofs on here?
Maybe she'll get a surgery to reverse this awful surgery lol
It’s been over a week and no uploads, looking like this isn’t her
It was never her to begin with. It's just some weirdo pretending to be her as a pass time. Which is pathetic ngl
She looks like shit now.
Just how I like it ass fat & all. Gut hanging out. Like city roaches & rat piss shit. Wide butt farting gum on 6 train vibes always love argument
For real. If you are going to become as fat as she did you have to commit, because no amount of surgeries or exercising will reverse what gaining the weight did, that is to say that she will never be attractive by conventional means again, so she should just pig out.
Her latest Instagram post she's lost a fair bit of weight in her belly, plus that chin surgery looks awful especially on a still-fat face
Bruhh y’all never happy. I think she looks great now especially in da face. Y’all wanna dictate what women do with there bodies so bad it’s sad lol.
The point that some of you are missing is that there is no reason to be in this scene making this content unless you're actually for real about it.

Is perfectly fine if someone decides that they no longer want to do it, so what they need to do is retire from the scene. This whole nonsense of dragging it out with fake nonsense and acting is just ridiculous.
Tbf they’re not actually dictating what she can do with her body, they’re just voicing an opinion that what she’s chosen to do doesn’t look good.

Just because it’s contrary to what she’s done doesnt make the comment any less valid or more dictatorial than your comment that her face looks great now she’s had surgery.
That's not even close to what he said lol
I'm interested to see the finished article of these weight gain roleplays, where she's filmed the latter part now, and will film the start later. She looks like a total braphog in these final scenes. Hopefully it'll be great to watch with suspension of disbelief.
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she was fat without a double chin before. you made up a surgery to hate her because she stopped gaining and is otherwise solid - wholesome friendly person, high quality videos and obviously has fun because why would she do this for so long with no absences. she said she lost weight fast due to sickness, makes sense. she still has a fat chin and face from a lot of angles. she should quit porn because her face is less fat? we’re cooked. she’s gonna keep posting her videos whether you care or not, it’s not like anybody cares what people say on here anyway
She looks cute at around enchantress's size anyways versus looking like jaba the hut.
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Hey guys made this edit cuz i was bored. Enjoy and ill make more on request if you like it. 1 has finger over the car but its a bit of shoddy job so theres one without

Reiina feel free to upload to insta and ill get in touch if you want me to make more for a bit of cash
Can you fucking freaks quit arguing and post any of her vore stuff if you've got it
Nah they never gonna stop arguing. They can't just say they hate Reiina and move on, buy instead critique her for literally anything she does, whether it's good or bad. And no I am not defending Reiina I just think whatever is going on here is stupid and pointless.
it’s crazy how many people actually argue in this thread like can we not just share content and move on with our lives?
there's nothing to share. To get her good stuff, you would have had to be subbed continuously for months, and we all know the moochers obviously weren't. Meaning no one has anything.
>*moochers on this site
This is very true I preferred her here vastly more than current
Up the Mega
don't understand by people say they like her smaller, she looks terrible smaller
Perhaps. The only think that would look better are breasts since the implants look kinda gross looking at her current size

you hate that her tits are still round with little nipples and not upside down triangle udders? she’s one of the only girls who’s boobs still look objectively great after all that weight gain. your complaints are literally the reason she’s well liked outside of this echo chamber get a grip
Talking about get a grip when buddy is bothered by a different opnion lol
Frankly, I thought that she looked the best at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. Nothing against her or anything, but, after that, she just started to look like a blob. Some people like that, and I respect that, but it's just not what I prefer.
My thoughts exactly. Some people have limits and that's perfectly fine
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Just gonna leave this lil bit o nightmare fuel here
Eh, either she's actually into it or just trying to reach another audience. She does a lot of shit so it ain't shocking.

She found out furries have more money than her simps do because furries literally have built this nation since the late 1990's early 2000's
Shoutout to furry labour i guess
First reiinapop L in years ngl

Have you seen how much furry costumes are going for? I'm talking easily 6 grand and up for the more premium costumes.

LMAO. "after that she start to look like a blob."

Bro that's literally why most of us are here. Go simp for a skinnyfat eslewhere.
Agree with you both.

When she was at that size, she still had curves and the weight she gained accentuated them.

But, at a certain point, the weight stops being an "added bonus" and becomes simply too much.

When her belly stopped looking round and started to noticeably sag (around the 215-225 pound mark), that was it for me.

That's just my taste, though.
Why are you getting all pissy because somebody has different preferences than you?

It's not that big of a deal, bro.
because he is correct, she looks terrible with the lost weight
It's standard when it comes to this fetish. You can't say so and so look nicer at this weight and blah blah without someone raging over a difference in taste lol
we get it already, you get aroused by bowls of mashed potatoes because they look like your favorite model
Idk why she lied they was still awake lol doesn't let anyone see the kids but I do hahaha
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but, to me, she looked the best during her first gain in 2017. To me, her second gain was much less appealing, even in the early stages.
Sounds more like she saw her numbers declining and now shes throwing random shit until something sticks, we should rather let this thread die since nothing new is shared, and shes not actively gaining.
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Stopped watching Reiina years ago. I preferred her with little tiddies and her real face and I don't find mashed potato women attractive so she's long since gotten too fat for my tastes. From my personal, porn-enjoyment perspective, she was 'ruined' a long time ago.

Never felt the need to rage about it online tho. I just found other shit to fap to. Some of y'all need to take a long, hard look at your behaviour. Listening to autistic Star Wars fans' opinions on Disney is more tolerable than some of you lot.

If you don't like what Reiina, or any other model is doing with their body/whatever, do like I did years ago when Reiina decided to become a bimbo: Move on. There's more to life than Reiinapop's double chin.
You are literally doing the same thing. Nobody cares.
Humans are like plants. Kill off the bad phenos like you.
Except I'm not raging at all. And people obviously care because this thread is full of coomers ranting about everything this woman does.

Just speaking up in the hopes some of them will realise how cringe they are and stop before they become permanently pussy-repellent.
Just cause you aren't in your mind, doesn't mean you aren't to everyone else
Your pastor is a pedophile.
You are literally ranting about people bitching about Reiina while still slipping in bash about her appearance now. Literally nobody cares about your preference. Or mine for that matter.
True. Buddy "doesn't care about her" but just had to comment anyway lmao
>>163330 Only mentioned my preference for context, demonstrating that I am not here to whiteknight for anyone. Not suggesting anyone does or should care what it is. Not sure why you're being so hostile, either.

>>163347 Never said that, and only commented because I scrolled past and saw a lot of incel behaviour going on, which is fucking tiresome.

All I'm tryna say is, if anons are getting mad about what this stranger does with her own body, agonising about it here isn't going to make anyone feel better. Maybe just leave the thread for the people who aren't salty to enjoy.
That's basically what your actions show and it's not "incel" behavior to have opnion or preferences.
Plus people are spending money on her to do this specific thing and etc (which is fine to me if she stops or doesn't imo). I would be annoyed too if I was paying
People pay for her content, which reflects whatever she looked like at the time it was made, and people can stop buying any time. Don't think anyone pays for her to maintain a specific weight/appearance, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I mean that's the case. Seen a bunch of thread comments being disappointed whenever someone loses weight or isn't "gaining enough" all the time lol (I.e lilsquish baby, kellijeiibelli,aliss, candii at one point, and etc)
and Reiina betrays us once again!
what is this? the third time?

let's all just wait for the army of brainless obsessed fans and whiteknights to keep motivating her into destroying her body

We gave her the lifestyle she's enjoying today and how does she pays us back? with indifference and surgery to ruin her body even more!

wish she never would've got that stupid UFO tattoo on her gut, or her fake tits, or the stupid wasp-stung lips

used to look like a perfect petite goth waifu with a nice gut, now she looks like a overinflated blowup doll and not in a sexy way.
>all my content from my career will continue to be available in perpetuity

oh yeah! just like with your youtube videos and streams, or like that time you said you'd provide free videos every week if we stopped leaking your stuff, or IDK that time when you mention you'd never lose weight again and yet here we are!

Youtube banned her account (she had no control over that) but keep on shitting those pants. name one feedee model who posts full free videos, I’ll wait. she sends free videos on onlyfans so that’s good enough for me
you’re mad she was “petite and perfect” before while also being mad she isn’t gaining past 300 when she gave everyone months notice she would stop at that point lol. nobody here ever gave her anything so she owes us nothing. none of the models do lol, they shockingly have lives outside of this. reiina has said she wants to get pregnant and I’m sure that’s more important to her than gaining since she hit her big 300 months ago. no grasp on reality bro
I'm not simping or white-knighting for Reiina, but I'd like to just point out that guys like this^ are the reason why many models have quit making content for this community over the last ten years or so.

Super ungrateful and highly toxic.
Fr I dont undertand what it is about this site that brings out all the angry pasarsocial incel gooners.

Why cant yall just be "normal" like the people on TiT. How can you have such strong feelings about someone you dont even know?
anonimity + chan culture? Also I feel like anyone that still uses BBS forums in this day and age is 30+ (and therefore less unhinged)
It's also the fact people are anonymous so there's no real consequences for talking shit and etc lol
It's also the fact that there's no consequences for going into a thread about a model and then just shitting all over them and complaining. Which obviously since the contributors and downloaders of that model's thread like the model, will incite argument. Which is how you get full-blown arguments in like every other thread. The solution is to delete and temp-ban the people who start arguments in threads by just complaining about a model they clearly don't like
Exactly. Just giving temporary fixes isn't gonna change much lmao
"No real consequences for talking shit." Please tell us Rambo, what are the real consequences for words you don't like you fucking faggot.
poor baby :( im sowwy wife is so hawd. maybe mommy can buy chicken nuggies on the way home!!! doesn’t that sound nice?? so turn that frown upside down!!!! :)
>>163554 "Gimme your personal information so I can hurt you" ass post. Do you know what one of the first rules of internet safety is?
What's wrong with you? That statement wasn't an attempt to "tough guy" you or anyone else. I'm just saying you can talk shit and the worst that can happen here is a temporary ban lol. Learn to read next time
Reading is a skill you should work on.
Getting back on topic, I'm interested to see how she looks when she slims back down.
She's got enough stretch marks on her belly that she looks like she's been pregnant, but aside from that, she's probably going to look fine.
Any chance for a reup on the puke vids
rofl bro actually said "no u"
Do you think Queen loses all her weight or stays a little fat? Personally, I would like her to look like she did before, it would be a bit hot lool
I think she'll lose most (if not all) of the weight. She might gain a bit of it back after she has kids, but her days of being a BBW are over.
Crazy to me she's choosing to procreate and childrear.
Disagree. IMO, it's far more likely that her being preg *causes* her to get back into BBW territory.

Reiina has a ferocious appetite when she's eating only for herself. When she's "eating for two," its going to skyrocket and she'll gain weight in the way you'd expect in those circumstances.
Yep. She doesn't seem, to me at least, to be the "motherly" type.

Hasn't she stated multiple times that she's staying in the 200s and just doesn't want to be 300+? Lmao
Ngl the baby is finna look funny as fuck with reiina and her goofy ahh boyfriend genes
He looks like an anorexic Gru from despicable me
Bruh 💀 HAHAH now I want to know how he looks

Y'all bitches quit bumping the thread already. I'm thinking some content finally dropped yet it's the same bullshit about her boyfriend. You're all ugly as hell so there's none of you have room to talk, otherwise you wouldn't be on this site.
The last sentence is so lame lol

Lame or not it shut them up. The shit got annoying after a while.
Content-wise, I'd love to see some stuff from her first gain a few years back. The stuff from her second felt much more, I don't know, "forced" and kind of unnatural to me.
Same. I liked the little pot belly she had back then much better than the one she has now.
Holy fucking shit thank you I've rolled my eyes everytime I've looked in this thread for the past week or two until now. Most people in this thread complain about it being gay seeing her boyfriends cock or just in general calling people faggots and shit when they sit here like fucking divas crying all day and gossiping about someone else's personal life.
How do I download videos from onlyfans? What application do you use?

>>complains about other people complaining.

Keep rolling your eyes and I hope they get stuck hypocrite.
Reinapop?, more like Reinapoop
I found the opposite to be true

first gain, she forced herself to eat crazy amounts in her videos and burned out FAST, said she never had a feeder that whole time either

second gain lasted twice as long, gained in fast spurts with slow plateaus mixed in but she seemed actually happier and from her of posts you saw gaining was her lifestyle even when she wasn’t making videos. Belly shape obviously different because she never gained enough the first time to get any sort of hang. her now looks more hourglass and soft pudding fat compared to when she was gaining and stuffed all the time

she also posted on twitter about gaining again while on her honeymoon but I don’t think it’ll be a real return
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Inflation content finally back on the menu.

Found it funny she claimed onlyfans had banned it when you got people like dealing peaches making it with seemingly zero issues.
She's pregnant. Bet on it.

Yeah she's getting ready to pop out a little weasel. :-(
I don't think she's pregnant, but her stomach does seem like it has gotten bigger over the last few weeks.

Maybe she's gained some of the weight back?
I don't think she would be inflating if she was pregnant. Unknown if that could harm the baby.
Blah, Blah, Blah, less pregnant talk and more content drops. It's been two weeks since the last one. I'll go to preggophilia if I want to see some knocked up bimbo.
It's finish. made vius the idea that she will never again be above the weight she had before. she will even lose weight. it's good for her, less so for us. we don't care, good for him.
its over guys we can close this thread
Great. Now this stupid slut can be thrown in the trash.
Where's all the "Reiina was better smaller" stans at?

big soft belly, fat hips, fat ass, sexy face. indisputable BBW, she’s not shopping at no mall. you guys don’t really fuck with fat bitches

Right next to the "Her fiance isn't that bad" group.
What does she's not shopping at no mall mean ? You shop at a mall they sell clothes
>>166752 unless there’s a torrid somone her size is too big for any regular stores. max they go is size 18/20 and some sizing range even smaller

a lot of fat girls have to buy their clothes online

why would someone who thinks she looks better smaller support her fiancé who made her the fattest she’s ever been by like over 100 pounds haha. make it make sense

i have no problem with him either, better she be honest than larp as a single girl to trick us
Don't know why she bothered with the surgery bs. Once a woman more than doubles her weight and gets a bunch of stretch marks and cellulite it's over for them being conventionally attractive. Might as well give in and speed up the process to meeting those great golden arches in the sky.
I'm probably the only one here who actually prefers that saggier look
honestly wouldn’t have cared that much if she didn’t get her double chin surgically removed. Enjoy the ozempic hair loss.
does anyone share vids here anymore? or just yapping?

too many bored dudes who get off more on talking shit about women than actually looking at them

probably neither. for someone that big with a fast metabolism to lose weight all she would need to do is eat normally and we know she lifts weights. there’s fat dissolving injections too, she has zero scars so that would be my guess
anyone have any of her content with Vore-Acious?
Hey guys, anybody have fart contents from her? Please.
Does anyone have videos of her farting? Share please.
Anyone got the vid of her eating marbles?
“The end. Thee end…make sense of that. Where on earth are we now…”

And what's there left to do here? Coomer is dead and isn't coming back. Any uploads are far and few. If the thread becomes dormant for too long then it'll eventually get deleted. And then you'll get some retard making a new one while going "Im shocked there isn't a thread on her yet".
Anyone have the vid where she gets force fed by erohime?
Wow, no way! Reinapop having a body image problem?? Shocker of the century. Her whole personality is being unhinged
Aside from the goofy memes she’s never done anything unhinged. she’s always been in a stable relationship and is chill to talk to on OF. she does crazy stuffings and extreme fetish stuff but personality wise she’s one of the more normal ones. You see any girl with tattoos and assume the worst. her actual content that she isn’t acting in just seems like a kinda nerdy optimistic girl.

speculating about strangers mental health when they don’t indicate having any issues at all is weird. afaik she’s about to get married and seems genuinely happy. someone stopping weight gain for health reasons/wanting to have a baby with husband seems like the opposite of a body image problem - that’s a sensible goal for someone who cares about health and family

if you disagree give us any evidence to suggest otherwise aside from made up rumors like the stupid surgery thing that clearly never happened
She should have gotten a fat transfer to her tits lmao. All of her radical body choices are insane. Glad we got a couple years of great content but it’s time for her modeling career to cross the big rainbow bridge.
Why is it insane for a porn model to get a boob job etc, any other kind of porn nobody would bat an eye at that. She’s still hot, I’m sure she’ll make a killing making vore, inflation and stuffing content like she used to. Little Puck was the host of the AMV’s this year and she’s open about being 35 or something like that and reiinapop is much younger. so quick to say someone should quit the second they make a decision you don’t like, even if the reasons for it make complete sense. Weight gain wasn’t a part of her work for a long time, she clearly doesnt need it to keep enjoying porn
What is this horseshit
>> >:(
She thinks she is putting on tons of muscle underneath. Sure it’s be hot to see bulky muscle chub, but I think she’s overestimating how quickly muscle comes and will just end up flabby.
Yo Reiina I think you're cool and I'm a big fan. I'm terribly sorry about how awful the people are here when talking about you. They'll probably call me a white knight but honestly it's for artistic purposes. I was wondering if would at all be acceptable for me to edit your photos / videos for some projects. e.g. Erotic worldbuilding, morphing, PMVs, etc. I also remember you also made a girldick post in the past? I could make more of those for you if you wish. Again, I love your content, your Tumblr is so uplifting, and I think you're bad asf. You dress great, you're a hair dye goddess.

Before anyone says anything about me white knighting I want it made clear that I am GAY. I love MEN. I have a Boyfriend and erm yep they are gay too.
I mean you’re still a fucking idiot for using a largely anonymous site to request permission from a model to use their stuff, with no way of confirming that anyone responding is legit, as opposed to just asking said model on any one of the half dozen or more actual legit accounts they actually use…
she seems to be done losing weight and doesn’t look flabby at all. Posted on tumblr about getting a weightlifting coach that makes her eat a shitload every day so things are looking up boys
bruhhh who cares just share content, this thread is dead
SHES a ReiinaFlop. This a Joke
ReiinaBlob to ReiinaFlop. Ugly-Sexy to Beauty-Hotness
I don’t get what you’re saying but I think I agree. Her shape now is amazing and overall she looks more objectively attractive. I hope she gets that fat transfer to her ass that she mentioned if so I will be DIAMONDS
Weirdo motherfucker. If u want to see stuff like that go jerk off to kardashians
‘Objectively’ mate are you dumb?

Yeah, she looks great. I don't get why people give these women shit for simply facing the inevitable. No one constantly gains forever. Reality is at some point they're going to level off and either yoyo over the years if they want to sustain their health. I'm sure she's going to continue to find interesting things to do for content and continue to vary in weight over time.
>enjoy the hair loss

she can just grow it back with treatment like everything else she's doing
Can we now get some shares of rare Reiina vids from her fat days now that she is moving on to other stuff?
Close the thread guys it's over
can you retards just upload something. I don't care if it's old, I don't care what you think about how she looks, I don't care if you think her boyfriend looks like a fucking mole rat just holy fucking shit there's been 5 fucking threads of constant fucking bitching and nothing fucking else. upload something for the love of god. do you think I or anybody else comes here to read through your constant whining over every single god damn thing? I come here to JERK MY FUCKING SHIT OFF. TO FUCKING COOM TO FAT CHICKS.
anyone got her colab with ivey?
anyone got her colab with ivey?
does anybody have a burp compilation? i know there was one on a gofile link a while back but it was taken down :(
If you have a video where she is being fucked naked or sucking cock please can you pass it on whether it is old or new, if you have a collection or videos of her please pass them on I am new to this thread. 😞
How recent is this to what she currently looks like?
I am looking for the video of Reiina in the toilet. Doez anyone has it?
Hold up, she swallowed 100 glass marbles?! How is this chick not dead?
If we met in a bar I know we'd like each other.

Fucking dank
blatant proof she looks so much sexier now compared to whenever this was. a slim face with huge hips and a fat belly is ultimate peak hotness
She looked waaaayyy better and Sevier when she was totally round and bloated. Her belly and fupa were insane. The double chin was great too. So you are wrong.

Everything you’re saying is still true but the weight loss in face/extremities. That weight contributed to her looking like a blob in a bad way kinda like how tiana looks right now, no neck at all. Her having less fat makes her belly look a lot bigger when stuffed now. Just take the L. A lot of gainers lose the ability to stuff and inflate as well once they reach a certain size it all starts looking the same. I liked reina originally because of her crazy bloats and inflations that very few stuffers would do, the gaining was a nice bonus.
she's autistic so her being out of touch with reality tracks
It is not updated, recent videos are not available there.
does anyone have her sextapes?
Reiina’s weightlifting turn has me thinking, are there any girls who fit the strong fat description? Obviously there are power lifters and Olympic throwers, but those girls don’t fit the “big belly and prominent biceps” drawings you see. After a certain weight, you just look big.
Reinas feeder has lost all street credit
I hope reina looks like xinia_official just with a big belly and thick as fuck and keeps doing stuffing bloating and inflation. there is truly no woman like that and I feel like she can become that, she prove by hitting 300 that her dedication to her goals is unstoppable

they’re married now bro. they have fun together, I’m sure he loves her for more than just her hot body. the couple videos of them I’ve seen they both seem rly happy together. even if he wishes she was bigger bro is still winning
You're implying he had any to begin with. He was a feckless, dickless coward.
Waaaaaahhhhh I’m mad at the guy married to my favorite e-girl fetish model he’s just a dickless coward she’d be so much happier with me I’ll show him
dudes complaining about the SOs of girls they wank it to are in a special league of their own lol
Woops. Wrong reply.
I can see why she wants to get rid of that double chin. I lowkey feel like Shar is never gonna get any bigger because she knows she will lose her attractive face like how most gainers do
can someone upload it "giantess swallows tinies and cum" ?
Anyone got one of her gain compilations
Does anyone have the rp waking up as fat bilbo vid?
Does anyone have videos of her farting?
I'd much rather see a damned triple chin; than Shar continuing her wanna-be Joan Rivers facial mutilation.
does anyone have content of her at 300?
Upload some Giantess Swallows Tinies video ?
Does anyone have the fitting room vid with Candii?
Does anyone haven’t video of her and candii in the fitting room?

You know what I mean bro 😭 does anyone Have it?
In general, perhaps, but this is an extreme case as her partner looks like a goddam molerat.
Trust me I’m with you on this, more softness/jiggle never hurt anyone

And yet he's still ended up with a fatty while everyone who bitch and moaned about him looking like a rat/weasel has to jerk off alone.
Judging by her recent posts on Instagram she is losing weight more and more, even her belly skin is sagging, it's over guys
Does anyone have the spidergwen vid or the messy cake stuffing with feederandfeedee that they could share please.
Thanks your a legend I have been looking for this for a while
In which vid was she at her biggest?
Actual content in the reiina thread is insane
Kinda shocking she's already getting loose skin already
common side effect of ozempic
It’s a common side effect of rapid weight loss in general lol.

This is almost as dumb as the dude saying elsewhere on the chan that stretch marks were a symptom of a possible tumour for a model, ignoring the rapid intentional weight gain said model had gone through.
Another goth girl stops being fat. Oh well at least lux is looking huge and there's that new one on feabie forget her name. Circle of fat
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ss from new sex tape ad. peak fat distribution even if she isn’t as big as before, belly hang is top tier
Already gone
reup? or something new?
hate to say it, since I don't want her molerat getting any airs, but her belly has really settled in nicely at the new size. It really ties all the cosmetic surgeries together rather nicely
Wow she is starting to look kind of like chubbychiquita. Flabby double belly forming and face/hair
Finally a decent replacement

Rhea's not the first chick to have bangs and tattoos. Keep your faggoty ass fake fights out of the thread.
Bruh how?? 😭

As someone who watches wrestling, it's scripted entertainment, just like your TV shows.
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Literally halved in weight. Ozempic epidemic.
So is there a reason why she's not getting fat anymore?
guarantee she’s not. she’s said on tumblr she takes medicine for severe acid reflux and has been taking it for years. the side effects of ozempic would destroy someone with those problems, plus she eats and bloats a lot on stream and has done some big stuffings since she stopped gaining. Ozempic would make that physically impossible. she lifts weights and has a fast metabolism (that’s why it took her forever to get from 270 to 300)
she said she would stop after 300. she hit 300, and stopped. she gave everyone heads up that 300 would be the last goal months before reaching it, she wants to get pregnant and grow her muscles so
Anyone got some vids of her at her biggest
Someone have her videos from her top?

At least she's smart to not fuck up her body to point where she's forced to stop. Not everyone needs to be a Mochii and suffer for this fetish.
seems like she may be headed to preggophilia herself if im reading these threads right.
Because its a specific fetish. Some people really get off to the idea of rapid weight loss and weight gain, ig apparently she's one of them. Give it another 6 months or so and she'll probably be gaining again
extremely unlikely story.
It's pretty easy to lose a fuck ton of weight when you are super obese. The amount of food someone has to consume at that size to not just maintain weight but increase it too is a lot, so just eating a normal, healthy amount with some basic exercise would make anyone lose a fuck ton of weight at that size. The more healthy someone gets, the more difficult it becomes to lose larger increments of weight, though I also don't doubt she's using ozempic
Ikr idk why people forget that these models are most likely overeating to get their gains. The minute they eat normally then boom the weight slowly comes off.
It's not as easy as you think, many of these people have food addiction
Vid where she was at her biggest?
go look it up dude, its a real thing. What other explanation could there be.
She gained to 300, got rich. Now she wants a family, and is losing weight to have a healthy pregnancy. The yo-yo theory is a massive cope.
THIS. She easily lost weight before ozempic was a thing because she is not built to be big and has no issues eating greasy food on stream. She was stuffing and bloating massive very recently only hitting the limit around 2L (beyond most people would). We are killing the ozempic allegations. Read what that actually does to people, she is showing zero ozempic side effects. I’m sure we will see her eating a ton with satanthiic this week with no issues because she did not get the shot.
Easiest explanation is that she has an iron will when it comes to reaching her goals like hitting 300, she made a few short update videos on OF just talking about how hard it was for her to eat 4,000-7,000 calories a day in order to gain because any less and she would lose weight. She never had a food addiction irl she just wanted to be fat for her fetish. That’s why it was so easy for her to stop as soon as she hit her goal. I doubt she will stop weightlifting either until she’s reached her goals of muscle mass. One thing about Reina nobody can deny is that she is the least flaky model, she never disappears and always does exactly what she says she’s gonna do no matter how long it takes

Also guarantee she has no weight loss fetish otherwise she would pander to the people who are into that. She doesn’t tend to make content about stuff she isn’t at least slightly into.
preganante you say??
reiina pregnancy arc when?

hey reiina, if youre still here please dont stop making content during your pregnancy. we got more than enough beautiful models that decided to vanish and lost tons of money. please, by all means, cash in on the niche fetish, do customs and make all you can.
She's going to be huge when she's pregnant.

Bwahahahahahahahahaha Ohhhhhh I am loving this. I can't wait how thread #6 will be like. The pregnancy arc is going be such a shit show, I can't wait.
It's crazy and weird how fast she loses weight lol
It's honestly impressive. I respect her for it
(sorry if you see this Reina) It's not really crazy, it's eating disorders tied to a fetish, as someone with one I am not even remotely surprised
she’s been reliable and consistent at posting for like 10 years regardless of her weight why would that change if she gets knocked up. well prob get some good bbw pregnant sex content at long last, she responds to critique bc each sex tape has been better than the last
on of she said she has to eat 30-40g of protein a meal and around 2500-3000 cal a day. doesn’t sound disordered at all, that sounds healthy lol. just because someone used to have an ED doesn’t mean they are doomed for life

>>why would that change if she gets knocked up.

I'm only here to watch the retards who constantly complain about her husband have meltdowns when she eventually pops out a little weasel. 🤣
Dude, what someone with an eating disorder says they eat and what they actually do is entirely different, you have no clue and it Is vastly clear
because a lot of women get self conscious when they get pregnant or they think its a "special time" that people have no right to see. so theyll either fall back on a ton of unreleased photos or theyll just go silent until they have the baby and return. ive seen it happen before. ive actually seen models swear theyd deliver content and the entire pregnancy only do a few videos. they say things like "i was too tired" but who really knows the truth?
does anyone have that video she made with chubbychiquita

>why would that change if she gets knocked up

Because you're not as active when you're pregnant? Use your brain dude.

neither are you when you’re 300 pounds LOL. I see heavily pregnant women at my gym sometimes, out and about so that’s no excuse. she has a guy helping her as well

You two shut the fuck up The bitch ain't even pregnant and you faggots are bickering about a hypothetical scenario.
you’re too far gone if you’re considering whether a strangers imaginary KID will be hot, when you’re never gonna fucking see this future person. nasty, don’t scare the hoes
Honestly respect FeedistDani uploading everything she did especially giving how fucking massive she got

Nigga shut up. Ain't no hoes here anyways, it's a straight up sausage-fest.
Whatever happened to her? Haven't seen her OF since coomer stopped updating. Waaaay less active on curvage, other than a few pics where she doesn't look pregnant anymore but still bigger than she was pre-pregnancy, she's just slowly been uploading backlog pregnancy vids.
She hasn't released any post-pregnancy content since she had her kid and just dumped a few very late stage pregnancy videos. Could be a good chance she doesn't come back to regular content since its been a year.
yeah she's either taking a on a long hiatus or she's left the scene

She has a kid now. Those things are expensive and time consuming af. Either she turns this into a full time gig or she leaves and finds a better paying gig

Fitfat women are the worst. They wont shut the fuck up about fitness while still trying to please the community, knowing good and well that the weight is stagnant now.
wait, when was she pregnant? i know her belly looked kinda pregnant but im finding it extremely hard to believe she didnt post this on curvage and any other site to drum up interest. pregnant bbw videos are hard to find. she couldve made a fortune on preggophilia alone.
I dunno why everyone is presuming stuff without evidence tho
there are some pics here where her belly looks almost pregnant. i admit that. >>166224 for example. but im just finding it very hard to believe she hid a pregnancy. she makes her money off BBW content. shes done pregnant RP videos. she knows thats a niche fetish. theres just no way shed get pregnant and hide it. thats easy money for her to just sit, feed her face and burp for 9 months. i think shes just moving on, as most models eventually do.

No you idiots. They're talking about another woman, Feedistdani, not Reiina. Do all of you selective read or something?
yeah I HATE when fat women are enthusiastic about exercising, if you aren’t skinny why the fuck are you exercising? /s
exactly. but every pregnancy is different.

every pregnancy is different. i know thats not what anyone wants to hear but its true. check any cam site, youll see women camming up until the day they give birth. compare that to, say, mara / winkingdaisys. she got pregnant and barely did anything. shes bbw right? jessieminx, what all did she have to show for hers? or even a recent thinner lady, maryroselove. she swore shed drown people in content, ghosted her manyvids, onlyfans and twitter then dropped maybe four videos on the sneak. shes still ghosting them, btw, and im sure she gave birth at least a few months ago.

i do as well. she did quite a bit of work and shes still uploading new videos now which is a welcome surprise.

ive found that a lot of the models vanish after they have the children. i dont know if its the man suggesting the SAHM or what but most quit the scene.

my bad. but, to be fair, they have also been debating if reiina was pregnant or not as well.
why does Kelli look that fucking big in that photo?
she's standing next to someone who's recently lost massive weight
>>173007 kelli seems like she's pretty tall and built, like she's not a petite girl even when she was skinny.

reina is def shorter
I personally think she looks hotter now, but probably I'm the only one
you can tell a lot of people in this thread would've supported the salem witch trials on account of they think a woman wearing a waist trainer is akin to witchcraft. she still looks massive in all of the recent vids/photos posted with kellijellibelli and satanthicc
Kelli looks a lot bigger when compared to others vs solo selfies. She looks great
Pls share same videos, my pc died and lost all
Wtf is that pug looking thing in the middle 💀💀💀
The real question is wtf is that tattoo on their belly lmao
its that baby head and mechanical legs from toy story,
(844 KB, 1179x1291, IMG_6955.jpeg)
she said on OF these are coming out soon

what were you saying again about her growing muscles
Where I can buy it?
Her calf muscles were defined even while fat lol, check her sex tape
lmao she has zero muscle definition, better hop on the tren train
Ya Ik that… but like y
Dont over react heavy people have the biggest calves. You can’t grow your calves any in the time shes been lifting trust me.
Exactly. I used to caddy and there were members with large stomachs and heavy on top but with softball calves. Granted they were dudes but it's probably the same for chicks.
anyone have the custard video in the purple dress?
Anyone got any of her sextape videos?
Dead already, probably has a watchdog simp on this thread like Adeline, who are both coincidentally trying to prevent the leak of the content people actually want at their fattest.

Getting ready for the preggo body I see.

And the thread is bumplocked now. See y'all in part 6.

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