
Non of them respect men in their lives we blame their father. He started it with their momma
Anyone got a reup of NopeGuy's vids?
Looks like she’s lost hella weight
She never had ass. Does it matter
Her mirror shots are always absolutely ridiculous compared to the straight on shot
She went full on dyke with the nose piercing. Yuck
Wah wah you sound like a fucking baby no one cares about ur personal preference for some who doesn't know u exist.
You care apparently to get all hot and bother it lmao
Man if ur wife fuck your best friend or your dad you will care too stfu
This site has a bit problem lol
it does. IMO it's lack of moderation. Stop letting people moan all over threads to the point that some threads feel more like a analytical debate more than sharing content and half this sites problems will be fixed
Yes I did. There's always that one person that whines about a models piercings, tattoos, or haircut. Then all those weirdos come out of their caves to vent about a person's personal choices with their body. We are here to admire fat bitches not cry about their tattoos or nose piercings.
If she looks fucking scuffed I’m not going to crank the hawg to her, let alone “admire” her. Whatever the fuck that means. When a persons entire career depends on their appearance they should probably try and not look repulsive. Fucking white night
apparently im missing something here. what's so repulsive about a nose ring? 🤣
christ dude, get a grip
MODS FROM ITALY & PARIS POST CHILD PORN THE END!!!!! They will delete this comment just watch

dont know when she did this but found it
did this nigga really encode a thisvid link
any new vids of her?
Figured I'd share to stop the stream of drama/begging. Here's her "fattening your houseguest" one, honestly one of my favorites of hers:


If anybody is so inclined, I'd love any of her recent (late April or later) curvage vids or anything with her burping.
She’s a dime
Or any reups?
>>158449 (OP)
"I got fat overnight" was bonked out of spankbang recently. Really great one
She’s really figured out how to look fatter in the mirror
This is the thing. I can enjoy videos from a model who hasn't gained weight in a while, but not when it's constant pretending "oh look I got fatter" while standing in front of the same mirror with a different set of clothes on.
Agree. Most interest waned some time ago.

That's not what she's doing though. She's not lying about constantly gaining, she's making new roleplay videos pretending that she was thin a few months ago and suddenly discovering her own weight gain

It's a totally different niche of content, and while I wish she was still gaining for real, I don't really get tired of it. You're literally supposed to pretend she's a different person every video, that's the point of role play
I would have posted it but she Enables DRM on her onlyfans purchasable videos so i cant even screen record it.

Just a warning to never buy videos from her onlyfans.
that photo is from one of her curvage videos
anyone who bleats on about models lying about their gains are just the most tedious hopeless cunts in existance
Could you use another phone or IPad to record the vid? Meaning like what people do in movies for a cam to get around not being able to screen record. The quality wouldn’t degrade that much if you had focus good.
What I hate is she does videos in a week and uses them throughout the year. You can tell her hair is the exactly the same and other things that show it’s the same. Skin not changed same color makeup is the same. I have seen other things as well, like pillows in same spot…like I am not sure but I think she just does clip after clip in 3 hours then doesn’t shoot for another year. Not Like Plum prin you can tell things are months apart.

Yeah I know and it’s on her OF too…. Reading comprehension is important.

And anyone who is this high on copium to think that they don’t care too should take a break from brutalizing their micro penis to online women.

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