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Got a bit of a kink for firm, round beer guts and was wondering if I'm not the only one.

Here's some stuff to start off the thread (moved from /bbwalt/ due to relevance)
It's the only look that I'm really attracted to...which makes life hard because very few women have this body type and even fewer women allow themselves to get a beer belly let alone show it off.

But I feel like there used to be lots of models with bodies like this in the feedism community while now it's 90% BBW and I'm not sure why exactly
You're not the only one... but it's really rare, and most of the girls that have that body tend not to show their faces.

Ah well.
There's a roundest belly's thread which has some incredible guts in there already. >>133873 (Cross-thread)
The problem is, huge apple shaped girls tend to have small everything else.

Yeah, it's a shame that they usually treat it with more embarassment than a normal bbw build. I'm pretty new to the community but this is definitely my favorite look, a big beer gut on a slim build is amazing.

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