
(480 KB, 550x641, tf.png)
thank you! i didn't actually know her, just saw her on tumblr. didn't realize it was a scammer account, was just put off because the impersonator was pretending to be *transgender*... really weird
Bumping bc this chick looks like my highschool crush and there's a new curvage video
https://gofile.io/d/EU6D8W here's a bunch that i've bought from her yeah if anybody can share her newest vid please do she's cute, pretty, and sexy she's great. old videos are welcome too cuz she looked really chubbier then than she does now ngl. she does mention she has some issues with her stomach which is unfortunate
If you go to her Tumblr blog she states very clearly that she is a male to female trans person
If so then I'm gay bro lol

Hope you get help
never have i seen a man with a woman's body
are these the same acc? I googled her tumblr and couldn't find anything. Could someone link her tumblr if it exists? No need for baseless accusations without solid proof.
i have 100% faith that that is a woman and one guy just reposted a pic of her with a trans tag. you can tell a tranny from a mile off, thai ladyboys included
Re up? It says triste folder doesnt exist

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