
Just go on her coomer

That particular vid is not on her coomer, believe me I've looked.
Putting a download limit on the link is so fucking lame
Nah that’s crazy
unfortunately, we-transfer won't/wouldn't let me remove the download limit without upgrading. and quite frankly, i'm not dealing with that
Understandable, could you (or someone who pulled it) kindly re-up it to something like mab or gofile?
Can you upload it to gofile maybe? If you want to ofcourse. Would be great brother

oof I missed it too and I was the one that initiated the thread lol.

Thanks anyways, fuck WeTransfer for designing it that way...
Much appreciated.

Crazy to me how different her life would’ve been if she had never met this guy. She was genuinely cute. Now, she’s a mindless blob, a slave of gluttony and probably won’t see 40 or ever be able to have children. Idk how they met but if she hadn’t decided to go to a certain event or whatever, her whole life is totally different. I feel for her father, honestly.
Why are you on this Chan jacking off to fat girls saying weird ass shit like this? You really do not know her.
Thank you but wtf is this video recording and editing?? You cant see shit and the fucking music that keeps coming on... What a video is this was filmed properly, a shame.
if you think that comment is weird wait till you actually watch one of her videos
Well the video edits itself needs work, but it's fine. What I can't stand sometimes is the overly loud music playing in the background. At least she's hot.
Its hot how much of a glutton she is, But he can't edit video for shit. The constant change in the video resolution, the constant start/stop of the music. Like learn some basic editing skills if you are going to be posting video content on a regular basis.
Woman your hourly salary is screaming keep quiet lol
A lot of the recent content looks deliberately morphed.
lol this video is giving me montage vibes
Wow thanks for the video, this guy is kinda living the dream of every feeder… she’s so hot too
Ye and hard hard can it be, just set up a tripod, dont move it around unless your changing angels and dont play any goddamn music!!!
Facts couldn’t tell if I was watching an NBA mixtape or a fat fetish video. And why can’t we see her face ever? Number 1, nobody she knows will find her page. Second, it’s pretty clear to everyone in her life she’s gained significant weight and probably doesn’t care.
what manner of psychic mind fuckery did this guy do to convince this woman to drop everything to be a food addict
Yeah umm, pretty sure she would get doxxed if that were the case. If nobody knows what she looks like, no one can dox her unless they literally spy on her or her family knows exactly what she looks like from the chin up.
This was brought up in a previous thread. Possible but most likely they’re into the “can’t help herself she’s so stupid and helpless can’t stop eating” role play. Bet their dynamic off camera normally is very different
U love posting ur kids on social media like predators dont see u smh
dunno, but the videos give general vibes that are pretty weird, mental I'd say. that girl completely destroyed her body and health seeing her initial pics (although I really love bbws, she really looked hot when she was slim). imagine now the guy just becoming bored and leaving her to start working on a new blob

The constant tongue sticking out is annoying. It’s like comical, she acts as if she’s Homer Simpson to the point it’s distracting
Ya looks like shes "playing" retarded, hopefully she isn't for real.
she moves around like she's six years old. can hardly walk. poor motor function. very strange

my theory: mentally retarded sister.
yeah for as hot as her gains are I can't get into it due to the weird behavior. I wish she'd just stuff her face in silence at this rate.
This comes up pretty much every time there is a thread about her. I say that 95% of what you see in the videos is played up for the camera because he gets off on the idea of her just being this mindless glutton who seemingly can't do anything but shovel food into her mouth.
Yeah, it's clearly an act. Y'all can hate the act, it can be a turn off, but its wild to me that all ypu coomers are thinking its real.
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We don’t think it’s real we think it’s grotesque beyond even our fucked up standard. Her bf is clearly into slob/ruin/dehumanization and somehow got her to play along. What really, really bothers me is how at the end of almost every video she sounds like she really regrets what she’s turned into but she just can’t stop. Maybe that’s an act too but it’s sad honestly. Not so much the gain, but the fall from grace from a conventionally attractive girl to an absent, emotionless, glutton. Maybe if her mannerisms weren’t so fucking weird I wouldn’t hate it
None of it is real. If you dislike it, simply don’t watch? The camera turns off and she is not a mute person unable to perform basic functions, it’s just the style of content
Damn bro you think if she sees this she’ll contact you the white knight to save her and bring her down to a more manageable weight
I would bring her to a more unmanageable weight
I know we all like to pretend here, but dude, she’s not an animal. She’s an adult. She is pretty clearly consenting to make the shit this often. She clearly plays it up for his interests, and maybe she likes some of it. It’s frustrating how even when you guys try to be aware of women’s feelings, you still strip them of their agency.

I concur with the rest tho. The things she plays up turn me off. The bit works well enough just looking at how much she’s piled on. The weird mouth agap Homer Simpson thing was even more apparent when she was a little smaller and was very clearly forcing her double chin all the time. She still does this, but the second chin is clearly always there anyway now.
I think I'm one of the only ones who actually gets turned on by her acting. Then again I always have this worry in the back of my mind about her, like is she's actually enjoying this or being forced against her will, and her health obviously (same with most models). She gained this much in 3 years and ballooning yourself up so quick isn't really ideal.

Their OF is just the BF's fantasy so it's not likely we'll see anything real from her. Only real thing is whenever the BF is responding to criticism, fake accounts, or whatever happened to the GF that bothered her. We probably shouldn't continue to question it since we likely not going to get an answer and will likely chase them away.
Quite conflicted about this gal. We know how bf thinks and feels, but I'm just not sure where she is coming from. I like a girl getting bigger, but her act has gotten old for me, and I wonder (worry) if she has a grip on her behavior and what it has undoubtedly done to her health. What is she getting out of this besides an early death with a weirdo bf?
I personally think this is the epitome of bdsm gone wrong

Concerned about stripping women of their agency on a piracy board...

Society really has people concerned about certain buzz words but not about their behavior.
skimming through the posts in this thread baffles me lol. why would anyone have interest in doing anything other than jerking off and going about their day? all the ppl talking as if they know her, or him, or anything about their private life or what they think or feel lol.
Why do people even care about conventional attractiveness and ruining it when you're into fat girls. I guess most of us go through some self hatred for liking this shit at some point, but you gotta get over it. It's like you've never been to the SSBBW board.

Isn't the exact reason why these girls are interesting that they've chosen a fat life instead of a thin and conventional one? I mean, there's lots of other way bigger girls that were always fat and don't have this niche going.
Yeah, a fat girl who was fat from adolescence has basically no appeal to me, and that represents the vast majority of these fetish content creators. The ones that started thin, and for whatever reason, choose to pursue the fat life into obesity hold my interest. cgv, azismiss, lmbb, lucyv, got it started. The likes of reiinapop, alissb, candii, nadya, poptart, blondiee, cutiedonut, etc., etc. are there for me now. Some began their gains as near anorexic looking. Has also cost me some serious bucks over the years, but it is what it is. Others with more "conventional" desires have undoubtedly spent much more on hard core, cam girls, numerous indistinguishable big boobed OF gals, paid "escorts", etc. And then we still find shame and reluctance to admit this fetish that we assume the majority will find us (incorrectly to my opinion) to be sexual weirdos, or worse.

Appreciated the fact for a site like this where you can get some content shares without shame (assuming you can tolerate the toxicity that comes with it).
anyone who feels a noticeable amount of shame or self-hatred for being into this needs to check themselves a bit lol. Reality is no one else really gives a shit what you like, and are egocentric enough to take notice and think about themselves a lot more than they do about others. which ironically is why some ppl might have those feelings about themselves in regards to this fetish
I guess our thing is kinda in the same land as masochism. That's what's bothered me, at least when I was younger, as I'm mostly into SSBBW of the upper bracket. If you're generally ethically minded, it's kind of a paradox to get turned on by people destroying themselves. Even if it is by indulging in an enormous excess of pleasure.

Gotta learn to distance yourself from those thoughts. It's their decision to do it and put it out for people to see, and I for one am happy that people like that exist.
Yeah something about this girl is off imo, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe she's retarded?
GOAT of what? -- gullibility? -- to be dominated by a crazed Svengali out to destroy your mental and physical well-being for his own sadistic pleasure?
All the posts are from her bf's pov, she is completely objectified in every clip and she looks as if she doesn't have any agency; you don't know if she's not completely okay with this, if she has other problems and is being enabled or something...
love seeing people playing armchair psychologist on a fetish forum about fetish videos. get a grip on yourselves
why? speculation & opinion is a right for everyone for every subject, whether you find it odd or not. controlling yourself is more appropriate than asking others to get a grip
Certainly. While armchair psychology on a fetish forum may seem unconventional, it underscores our innate curiosity about human behavior. Speculation and opinion are universal rights, yet advocating self-awareness and restraint is crucial for respectful discourse. Balancing exploration with introspection fosters understanding and harmony within these communities.
That’s a really long winded way of saying “raging autism”
Bro how did you get ChatGPT to sound autistic
I haven’t got a fucking clue what some of you guys are on, but she is very clearly overacting the bimbo role. Both feeder/feeder are very clearly aware of their RP.

Blows my mind that people here seem to genuinely believe this. Hilarious.
Like it or not act of MyFatBlondeGirlfriend is the peak fetish content of the scene right now.
I understand people get used to girls with few extra pounds, claiming they're full after eating half a burger but this is not feederism boys.In real fetish content: You eat until you can't then your feeder force you to eat whats left. If you don't like this maybe feederism is not your thing.
Gatekeeping a fetish is wild work
He is right you pussies need to get the fuck out of here cucks like you ain't no real feeders and real feeders are out here dominating these bitches you jerk off to wishing you could slay when you want not slay when you can peasant cuck. You act like women are purchased off a slave market, their not, they willingly seek sick fucks out like us because pussies like you feel bad and can't actually pull off epic gains. You wreak of small weiner energy.

Ah, yes. The one and only fetish to ever exist: force-feeding.
It's not that we believe it, it's that it's weird RP.
Role play, like fiction, requires the suspension of disbelief, and if you're willing to accept that this is reality then it can make you feel a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention how this is not clearly just RP, I mean at least you can say they're really committed, since the amount of food she's eating and the pounds she's gaining are not imaginary
>>156969 (OP)
Reup please?
And to the janny who keeps deleting my posts, hidey-ho, nigger boy. Feel free to ban me, I'll just come back, so why don't you just make things easy on yourself. After all, you aren't paid for this sort of thing.
the fatfag joker is on the board it seems
Anyone got some new clips?
I hope that one day she will make a video like Mochii, but this time she will try to break a record and eat 40k calories instead of 30k. Then increase your daily shake doses.
Yes but the intention in doing so could be played up. If she had a single 'normal' video of them/her talking peoples fears could be put to rest but I do see the other viewpoint that this is a prequel to a 600 pound life/dr phil episode about exploitation

tldr; I myself don't care
Going freeze my useless union book & get back to making real money. These fuck are loserrrssss
Are you saying 40 kilocalories, or 40 THOUSAND calories?

Because one is a small chocolate, the other is enough food for a family of four for a whole week.
40,000 calories my non-American friend
and yes, that's a lot
It’s an impossible amount unless she’s drinking gallon jugs of cooking oil. I think when these broads write shit like “10k calories in 10 minutes” or some shit, they’re just really bad at reading nutrition labels.
BBWCasey is the worst with this, she is so full of shit I can’t believe anyone believes her crap. “50kcal dinner” “30k shake” left and right, lies constantly to play into the fantasy. Just like how she says she put 165 lbs on health insurance and now has a physical to prove it. Sure, “oops just casually committed insurance fraud tee hee”.

40k in a whole day is achievable for someone constantly stretching their stomach capacity, we have a ton of EXTREMELY calorie-dense junk food readily available here in america

40k in a single meal is obviously not unless you're the world's premiere biggest eater ever (and honestly I doubt any women could achieve it).
>>160423 hahaha what is this insurance fraud thing? first I'm hearing of it. what is even supposed to be the turn on with that?
Even for pro competitive eaters 40k in a day is a huge push. The pevious guy is correct in his assertion that some random bbw model is not getting close to 40k without downing olive oil shakes.

Competitive eaters only optimize for the single-meal pushes though. 40k in a day is something that many ultra-fatties have accomplished, some by accident (the people that'd go on my 600 pound life, but calories were brought up a lot more often on the precursors to that show from like 2005-2010).

Like, they're actually grazing while watching TV for 16 hours a day. If you're having 6 large, fattening fast food meals a day with only junk food for snacks in between each one, you start to pass 30k calories pretty fast.

But again, nowhere near 100k for a day nor 40k for a meal.

But there are no competitive eaters on the planet who can eat double their best meal result in a single day. Literally zero. So idk why you brought them up. The best way to maximize your full-day calorie income is through constant grazing.
Nah just LARPer to try and upsell a pretty slow and meh gain by trying to sell fantasy stories as reality.
No offense but you have no idea what you're talking about. Erik the Electric followed the diet of Walter Hudson (One of the fattest people to have ever lived) and it still only totalled to around 23k. Even if you ate nothing but junk the sheer volume of food required to hit 40k calories would still be unimaginable.

The idea that there are many fat people eating twice the amount of food consumed in this video is complete fantasy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAflAITPAl4
Anyone has her latest gluttony unleashed video?
It's not on her coomer for some reason.
40k would be the equivalent of 10 large meat-loaded pizzas in one day. I fucking DARE you to argue that this is possible for any human on earth. Maybe I don't belong here, the average IQ of this board depresses me

Yeah your IQ depresses me too lol. why the fuck are you bringing up pizzas when literally every human on the planet knows liquid calories are the most efficient. Pizzas aren't even close to the most calorie-dense *solid* foods, the most caloric part is the bread and bread's not that fucking bad for you compared to sweets.

Boost is 530 calories per 8 fluid ounces. If you were to just replace all of your water with boost in a day you'd be drinking 8000 calories and that'd be barely doable even for someone who hasn't been stretching their stomach capacity for the last 3 years.

Walter Hudson wasn't getting fat on purpose either, he wasn't deliberately eating calorie-dense foods, he was just *eating food*. People metabolize at extremely different rates so it's actually something of a miracle that he got so fat on that few calories since we've literally had documented evidence of 30k a day fatties who only weigh like 800 pounds.
I prefer big booty women with fat thighs. Not support beams
Have you ever met a football player? Or any large athlete trynna carbo load? It's not impossible. Even weirdo mukbang/ food challenge YouTubers are able to do it. Sounds like you have a skill issue.
Would some benevolent king update her coomer please?
Does anyone have her latest gluttony unleashed video?
It's not on her coomer.
plz update and create a link like gofile. Thx bro
If some king could please update her coomer, that'd be most appreciated.
Onlyfans content can't be uploaded to coomer rn
Ah bummer. Thanks for the update.
You’re dumb as fuck if you think even a tackle is eating more than 5,000 calories a day. And their macros are much better.
Who cares, someone post some content.
Considering the fact that they took a 2 month break due to content being shared (on tumblr), I rather not..
if they can't handle that, they should stay away from the internet
Notice there hadn't been updates for over a month any idea what happened?
Not too hard to figure out - the programmer geeks at OF continue to battle those that want to pirate the content of their creators, and *oomer is likely their chief target. Unless some new weakness is found, the battle may be over.
She ate too much and asploded
one of the few gainers whose acting and overall vibe turns me off completely. i feel bad for this unhinged girl and i hate her disgusting greasy chins.
blame her deranged and dominating bf for turning a normal weight, but naive, blonde cutie into the slobbering beast she has become for his own sadistic display & enjoyment. harsh? yes, deservedly so
I swear some of you autists still think Santa is real. It's clearly part of the kink on their end to play in to the slob aspect. Getting fatter does not turn you in to a retard
Why the fuck are you on a porn board for fat slobs if you don’t like it? If you don’t like a model why are you even clicking this thread to bitch?
She exploded more than ever. The last photos are crazy!
anyone got that burp compilation of her?
ok I send this
She makes 3 shakes with 1500 calories per day. it's crazy
she said her goal was 400 for now, she'll see later. She is excited by food
Can someone share a new video?
Tf where she said that? Was that on an OF post?

She's way bigger now, if anyone could update this vid they would be the goat 2.0
Wow, if it really goes to 400 it's going to be amazing
Big to bigger maybe ok. Bigger to Biggest soon
All respect to her gaining abilities, but I wish she’d stop trying to accentuate her chin. She’s pretty fat enough to not even have to do that anymore.
I'd say the boyfriend likely has her do it since he clearly dictates the content.
bro. please re-up. It left 2 days in
Anyone could update her coomer?
Coomer been dead nigga
why is coomer dead now? haven't seen a single fat/feederist vid posted in months
I love her coomer because fuck having an OF charge. Anyway, I actually appreciate the length between updates because it means that more rubes and jeets will subscribe to them and give them buffet money to blow her up with.
why was my posted deleted
Can anyone share her latest gluttony video ?
Three whole cheesecakes …damn she can be a competitive eater at this point
It will have been "moderated"

lol I like her figure and sloppiness but if you believe her stuffings with the number of cuts they have, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

She overeats a lot and I believe she's serious about gaining weight, but she isn't mochii, she didn't literally eat 3 cheesecakes in 1 sitting.
Fr anyone would find it hard to do that. It's nice the fantasize tho...which is what their entire page is about.

This looks so horribly morphed
If only the 2 were combined. Mochii does better content but lowkey looks like a male sumo wrestler if we’re all being perfectly honest like the post nut clarity hits so hard from mochii. But the fat blonde has got such a hot body but her content is low key disturbing sometimes and she dosent show face/tits
Yeah, her shtick is like feedee bimbo but instead of cum brain she has food brain.

It's pretty entertaining and quite charming in a "god, I am a despicable person for fapping to this" kind of way.

In any case, I enjoy her work. There's a bit more /art/ in this entertainment than you typically find in this sort of content and I just feel lucky she's sharing it with us.

MFBG, if you're reading this; keep up the good work.
Does anyone have her onlyfans? I saw they put out a few new videos recently but with coomer down…
Hate begging but does someone have that burp comp of her? I used to have it but files got fucked on my pc
Any vid reup?
Can someone share a new video?
They posted a weigh in around the time they took that last Gluttony Unleashed video. It said she was 347 lbs, but she may be past 350 as of now. May officially be ssbbw status!

Also no I'm not sending any video I don't want them to quit. Respect my decision.
Youre on a piracy site fuck off. "Respect my decision" lmao. Fuck you
They will never quit this cash cow. Their first hiatus was just a threat/tantrum but there’s too much money snd this dude gets off too much on this to quit
And you're mad that I don't want to share any content? We don't even know if they know about c×××er or anything and I don't want to take chances. If someone else wants to idc. Just take the damn comment and move on.
What are you on about ? There tons of ways to express feedism. Not every feeder and feedee enjoy the degradation shit.
Any hero’s out there?
Feedeemii watches this threat don't post anything she will flag it then stop making content. She will do wme you pay her to shes legit as fuck. Says she wants to lose weight but is getting bombarded by feeders so much you can literally watch the stretch marks grow by the day. Great potential.
>she'll stop posting content
No she won't lol. Her bf is a degenerate who gets off on just the thought of uploading this porn. All of the talk he spouts is bluff. If they quit for a minute they'll inevitably come back. And even if they did quit I wouldn't mind because the content is weird as fuck and not very well made.
They probably are pulling a shit ton of money from this. Wouldn’t be surprised if they had a few thousand subs, I mean she is hot as hell and her gain is outrageous, already 300+ from like 150, clearly no intentions of stopping. She’ll continue to get fatter and threatening to stop making content just takes away their own income. That sweet OF money is what is making her get so fat
I wish they did nudes at the very least for that price point
They def live in some shithole midwestern/southern state where this can pay the rent for them. his plan is to feed her until she dies then rinse and repeat, its so obvious. hes obviously some sweaty no shower degenerate weirdo
Does anyone have some of her newer content like the cheesecake gluttony unleashed and weigh in videos or is coomer still down?
This bitch approaching behemoth status
I mean she's over 350 pounds now. Think she may qualify as an ssbbw what ya guys think?
How much does she weigh now?
She did a weigh in video recently.
389 now, look reddit. Crazy crazy crazy !
Can anyone share a recent video?
Damn she was far hotter before
Can someone update the coomer?
Dude, coomer has been busted since May. Please catch up with current times.
hate to say it but she was better before. look at that ass
Regardless it’s crazy hot to see how fat she’s gotten, completely ruined. Can’t wait to see her past 400
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I definitely agree. I also liked her much more before. She was such a pretty girl. Maybe if she had put on 20 to 40 pounds that would be enough and she would be perfect for me. But she completely overdid it and totally ruined her health.
I love the fat beast look she has
This girl looks much better slimed than fat, for some its the other way around. Maybe she has a pretty face but probably not.
unfortunately, yes, being slim she looked really hot already.

as >>170695 anon said, add 20-40 pounds more, damn, even 60, and curvy she would look hot af

anyway, each of us has an individual taste
Any hero's out here?
way hotter before.

i say this as a 100 percent fat fetishist. but i still have my mind lol.
She probably looks good normally but the boyfriend insists that she look retarded as humanly possible in everything.

They could cure most people’s fetish honestly. Her enabler jerks off to how repulsed we all are btw. He is cumming everywhere reading this rn.
Its contents suck, it's just a damn Sunday that will soon die from a clogged artery, that's the only truth.
Her ruination is super hot. One of the goat gainers, which makes it even hotter.
I imagine shes ridiculously turned on often, either from her wg or from her partner pointing out her change
How about talking about how other people are jacking off how about we post some content next time
It is most extraordinary to aspire to a SSBBW physique from the outset, for such a form is indeed rare. She progresses with remarkable swiftness, most astonishing! Yet the gravest matter is that this is but the beginning.
I've always felt a deep cynicism coming through their content, but could never quite put my finger on what it was until you explained it.

Her body was definitely more beautiful before, but the gain is still hot. No way that he can genuinely care about her, not any more than we do at least.
>She probably looks good normally but the boyfriend insists that she look retarded as humanly possible in everything.

This is it, Hell even in 2 of the photos here >>170695 She looks completely fine but in most other photos she's intentionally trying to push her chin for the exaggerated double chin and as a side effect, It makes her look terrible
I want to feed her more and more and more and more to get fatter and fatter and fatter and fatter! MORE! FATTER! NOW!!!
anyone gonna ever share new content of her or is this just a gossip board now
Go ahead. Be the change you want see
So uhh, moving on from this uncomfortable talk, here's an updated version of her burp comp. Whoever originally made this I thank you for making it easier haha.

anyone know what shes weighing now a days or her last know weight
Does this perchance mean you have the newer vids?
348 like a month ago
Anyone got any updates? Saw there were posts about a hospital stay
Anyone have that 3 cheese cake video?
I get that it's RP, but there's something about the commitment to those over-acted manerisms that makes it feel like I'd be jacking off to a Nikocado Avocado video.

I laughed so hard

Still hot tho. It's a shame the only way to purchase vids is OF.
Bet her BF already had a Nickocado maneuver in the works
Please, can you also share the 12 donuts and 50 nuggets ones?
Does anyone have her last weigh in?
dude I wanna like her but I cant get over that double chin it looks so forced lmao
anyone know which videos she shows her tits

Two steps ahead, I am always Two Steps Ahead
Her weight gain, the before/after is hot, its such a huge gain, tiny to huge.

But its weird she doesn't say anything in videos. No hello, no saying whats she's eating, no comments on the food, no saying how full she feels or how big she looks. The only word I've heard her say is "more" once.

It makes the videos a bit weird.
It's all theatrics and nothing more. The only exception being how morbid she's getting
is that the only video where she's fully nude? I cant think of any others

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