
>>155546 (OP)
Nice and thanks. Her belly continues to stick out more and more without really hanging yet.

A couple years ago she was an emaciated, less than 100 lb, troubled young girl.. Hers is an anorexic rebound in the extreme who now seems happy and eager to continue to grow.
>>155546 (OP)
dang it i bought the same video i have one other though how do i upload it as you did?
Here you go.
Does anyone have new videos of her?
How much does she weigh now ?
Thx for the share! Love the outfit in this vid. She's making some serious progress.
>>155546 (OP)
She's amazing. Her OF and curvage videos are worth the price. She finished school recently so she's become much more active and she's clearly turned on by how fat she's making herself.
She weighed herself a couple months ago and she was ~220lbs. She's noticeably fattened up since then though so I'd guess about 230.
do you have the weighin video?
She's in the 240-250 range these days
I don't think she's anywhere near 250 yet
while she clearly has made some progress, I don't believe she is even over 220lbs. Her frame is way too small for that kind of weight. She also pushes her belly out a lot to make her look bigger. She has always been intresting yet a little bit flaky.
Max playbacks have been exceeded.
Any change for an upload to WeTransfer or something?
Not in this life time keep going maxxxxx
yes she is never over 220 lbs, idk how tall she is but she look not big only her belly is little small but the rest??
Got fired caught watching porn on company phone. And he got fired because he bashes his own daughter at work. This is a family company lol
Wtf is this sentence?
It's our resident schizo, we love him and this board would be boring without him
You dont even know how fucked up I could be.
I believe we are beginning to learn the extent. Enjoy, but don't hurt yourself
Anyone got her donut video?
Can anyone reup her videos please?
bruh Can't you afford such cheap movies?
No can u tho

Tell ppl your problems then watch for up ticks on bbwchan. I hacked your cell phones I see your face everytime you comment.
Poor beggar
coomer update or vids anyone?
Please update her coomee
If you followed, you'd know there have been no updates for anyone since 5/26, only Fansly, busted for OF, but as in the past, should eventually work again for OF. >>160257
Thank you! That is one big pot belly she's growing
Stop being a faggot this is bbwchan
>>162102 Can you re-up pls, link not working
If no one is sharing anything then no we don’t need a thread revival
you're always welcome to share, i sahred 2 vids already, you ?
her burps are amazing
can anyone share anything for her? even if old i just found out about her and i have no way to buy her stuff from where i live :)
thanks already
btw how can i use this?
You have to kind of keep staring at it closely and slowly zoom out and the link will emerge. Kind of like those magic eye posters.
ahhh its gone
thanks tho
i read what ur saying in british
hello guys
can someone share a stuffing video for her plz?
one where she burps maybe?
can we get a reupload of any stuffing she burps in?
Has she released any new videos
can anyone upload a stuffing vid where she burps plz ?
can we have a hero upload some stuffings plz?
ok bro u rly funny like u dont wish someone would upload shit on this thread or another
any way since no one wants to share ive got alot of vids not shared before from diffrent models and willing to trade for cutie vids
Nevermind lol I forgot her names CutieDonut
still looking for that hero
and my offer still stands
willing to share at ur request if i have it
and if u want to trade we can trade
i do
what do u have from cutie
The one where she’s in a blue dress and eats cookies at the end, do you have any recent Curvybaby?
plz send me the name of the video
and thats all u got from her?
i mean thanks for replying bro im not trying to be rude but mate is the vid u r talking about the same one that was shared here?
its ok mate uve tried atleast
where are the real ones ffs what a dude have to do to trade some vids a have a peacefull wank
ive searched alot for a trading thread or something like that and didnt see anything
could u send me a link plz?
ive searched but didnt find anything
I can’t think of any subs off the top of my head, but try to find just any subs of the fetish or a specific model and look for dudes in the comments trying to trade. Or comment that you’re trying to trade yourself. That’s what I do lmao.
ok ill try to do that but plz when ever u remember a sub name or link or anything plz let me know cuz im rly struggling to find them
Anyone got some of her new vids
I think she´s Amazing!
bumping for this amazing girl. is she posting on OF?
Yes she's posting and her last content is probably peak if it comes to quality.
Hello all! Someone has any update of her new content? I read that she is as fat as ever and I would love to see. Thank u !

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