
She has a of or coomer. She got WAY bigger than these. It's under a new name. I'll post if I remember.
Looks like it was called itsamedaisy but it appears to be gone now
fck i checked and she's gone and it's not on coomer, i hope some have her new content :(
Does any king know her commer name?
(6 KB, 240x240, 7b2275726c223a2268747470733a2f2f6963612e6e6c766f6f72656c6b6161722e6e6c2f75706c6f6164732f63616368652f70726f...96768745f6d6f757468223a5b3130302c39335d2c2265787069726554696d65223a313731333330343032373233302c22706f726e223a66616c73657d.webp) (6 KB, 240x190, 7b2275726c223a22687474703a2f2f626277617373706963732e636f6d2f626170736d2f7468756d62732f67616c6c65726965732f...2696768745f6d6f757468223a5b3237312c37335d2c2265787069726554696d65223a313731333330343032373233312c22706f726e223a747275657d.webp) (12 KB, 256x256, profileIcon_my0zdpab1hsa1.jpg)
I saw that she has a thread on curvage with some links. Maybe is possible to get some content with the wayback machine
re-up on the original we transfer link?
>>155044 (OP)
I have a few, but can you reup yours also to dedupe?
Are the same videos :(, but your drop have videos i didn't saw never, thanks a lot

np, the archive continues
Nope, that chick is fresh-floral, who first went by miss-stellaaa, then fattenened-floral all on tumblr before the nudity ban. I know bc I used to be super into her 6 years ago when she was last active. She dropped most of the weight now but absolutely blimped during it, does anyone have that gif of her sitting and dropping her gut? It was sooooo hot.
She still around somewhere?

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