
Yeah trying to annoying, agitate, irritate you youre not going crazy anyone reading this today.
I’m fairly certain her OF is just zombie posting now. Most of the belly content came through on Chatabox which is also dead as a dodo now. Shame, as in her recent lingerie shots she’s looking as curvy as ever.
I'm willing to bet those are all old shoots
It's 99% old stuff BUT she is doing like monthly body/weight gain updates that are new, she mentions the year & month in them so they're legit

I'll put some up later
so she is gaining now?
Very interested to see if she is actually ‘gaining’ - I doubt that she is into the fetish at all and is just capitalising on her chubby body. Think she peaked at about 90kg during lockdown - would love to see her top 100kg but probably a pipe dream
(1.3 MB, 681x916, Screenshot 2024-04-15 215213.png)
She said in her latest "body update" video from March that she wanted to put on a little bit more weight. In the previous update from January she said her belly was the biggest it had been in a couple of years so read into that what you will.

I don't think she's all that into this but she does like being bigger and if that makes her money then she'll make content for it. I do think that so far this year and last year she has put out more 'fat' content than ever, along with her usual style.

I reckon she would probably make more money though if she didn't turn people away with the endless reposts of shit, while the actual content gets lost inbetween. Seems to be an OF manager Aliss style.

I have a bit of a collection uploading as we speak.
(965 KB, 685x912, Screenshot 2024-04-15 215722.png)
As Promised here is a somewhat comprehensive collection (as far as I can see) from Mid 2022 to Now of her Belly focused content. Take some of the dates on the files with a grain of salt but I have organised them as accurately as I can given her spam.

Mainly Belly/eating content with a couple of other videos thrown in.

Would love to see some other stuff that I've missed.


Absolute king stuff, my man. Some great videos here and seems like she may be leaning back into gaining. Will be interesting to see her April weigh in - she used to be pretty responsive on ChataBox if you ever floated the idea of a paid stuffing, assume when you are talking to her AI manager you just gotta take what’s presented to you?
Anyone having problems downloading these
Any chance these can get uploaded to another service? All the links don't play or download for me.
I would but I’m not even sure she reads her own messages. She outsources her DMs and only posts a new short “body update” once a month.
I don't think she's ever been into making the weight gain style content but she knows there is a large chunk of her audience who are into it so she makes it knowing people will buy it. Either way its nice she's pretty much regained all the weight she lost in 2021

Both her accounts are run by a 3rd party and its pretty obvious she doesn't actually run either of them. I suppose there are enough rubes who do follow the accounts who do think they are interacting with her.
That video would drop the day after my sub went up
It’s a PPV she sent through her DMs. It goes out to all subs, current and former
Other than saying I'm a chunky monkey she never actually references her weight has she EVER said what she actually weighs ?
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Anybody got the video on the right, always see the picture and never the video.
Holy shit, she really is looking genuinely fat.
Bro I did my sub again and she want 40 dollars ouch
Cheers lad.

Actings in the past happen because of words said in the future. - GOD

It can't really be called a stuffing video. She eats a few squares of chocolate over the whole thing.

But it is really hot seeing her look this big (her biggest?) and she clearly doesn't know how to feel about it. She looks at herself in the mirror and says "so this is my life now." She also says she'll make another video eating crisps too.

As bot infested as her OF is she does seem to post these particular vids herself because they don't get spammed constantly like all the others and they get sent on the "Nothingbutcurves" page a long time before her regular page, if they get sent on there at all.
The fact that she's made so many fat focused videos this year says to me that while she may not be 100% onboard with it, it brings in the cash.
Im struggling to convert it with base64. Is there any chance to repost the link pleas. Thank yoh
she must've realised that only fatfags were giving her money, i too think that doing this niche content is what pays her bills. i never post here so forgive me if this has been said a million times before in previous threads
remove the brackets bro
I’ll forgive you if you get the fuck out and never come back, “newfag”
ive lurked "here" 10 years without making a post and will lurk for another 10 years before my next post, say thank you
(115 KB, 750x1363, IMG_1150.jpeg)
Whoever this faggot is with the curvage account needs to delete their post and their life
One more just for you
They posted the gofile link in case the pic is unclear
Bum ass mods lmao keep hating your mom want to ride for free
(83 KB, 474x632, th.jpeg)

I've reported the mongoloid post, let's hope the retard hasn't given the game away
You smell rats because you ratted your whole life. Right? Old guy.
Her tits have always been fucking awesome. Even with weight on her they still stay just as good but bigger.
She just mentioned on Instagram story, that she ate 30 chicken nuggets and post this on OF. Also mentioned, that she isn’t full after eating this 😊
Good. Soon her journey towards the dark side will be complete.
anyone have the chocolate vid?
Bro throw the bitch in the trash she a fucking waste of air
Why she always out away from her kids? Does she not know how to plan her responsiblilites. Tough ass lesbian
She not ready for all this money. She new to it. All of them not used to big money. Never had it before
What you make every 2 weeks I make in 3 days 😈🏁
anyone save it? It doesn't appear to be a current story? (stories only last 24hours tho)
'ere you go:


Bonus: an eating vid that hasn't been posted yet


She's close to her fattest yet, so fucking hot good lord.

I guess we'll find out the amount of time between recording and uploading one of her vids...
She released her 30 nuggets video the other day. It's 20 minutes and she does get through them all easily but it's just her talking about various things topless, no belly to be seen. She mentions a few times that she's keen to make more eating content so a good sign perhaps?
Where? I do not see it posted on her page or in messages.
Something new about the nuggets video or any news about a May Body update? Thank you.
Any news on her body update videos (may)?

And does anybody has this nugget video please? :-)
I commented two times, both deleted :-( why?

Was asking, if anybody has the May body update video and if anybody has the Nuggets video :-)
Anybody knows why i can't see any of her content if i've just suscribed monthly to her OF?
Because its all sent out via DM and is all PPV.
Be wary of all models who have low monthly OF sub fees, and/or those that have attractive "limited time" promotion offers. Very likely just bait to get you to their expensive PPV content. I hate this practice and will ignore these models for that reason.
She's really spamming the hell out of the belly content now. Which on the one hand is good because she must have got the hint that it sells and will make more but on the other is a cunt because now it's even harder to sift out the new stuff from the reposts!
Serious thanks for uploading this .... But I'd have been so disappointed if I'd bought a video with that title that dosent even show her belly
Any update on her body (body update video)? Does she gained further as she promised?
Does she ever mentioned her weight?
Any chance of a re-up? I crave
Damn! Do you have that video? Looks amazing.
Love this but can we use go file so much easier
She's looking old, that mole on her head is gaining weight more than her belly and her content just plain sucks
You're getting older too, if you haven't noticed. Entitled to your opinion, however, but no need to return to this thread and especially making any further comments
Seriously? She has the most beautiful face I have ever seen.
White Knight to the rescue
That mole has it's own face it's so big
Has she posted any new belly Play video's since the chocolate eating one?
No this is where that poorly shopped screenshot came from where she looks like she has massive love handles.
Dude you're awesome!!! Thanks so much :)
Thank you 😊.

Really hoping, that she jumps on the scale as promised. Would be the first time in a video?
I’m getting a 502 Bad Gateway error
I'm still dying to see this
She’s doing a campaign on her OF page for the August update, she is the fattest she has ever been
Just dropped some $$$ on that. God I hope it's legit
any screenshots or does anyone have the july update
I thought she did more belly content on her nothingbutcurves is that not true anymore
It was done as a “campaign”. So you have to be an active subscriber, then donate towards the “goal”. She set the goal at 5,000 dollars which is like, never happening (it’s at 600 currently). She says she will post it after a few days guaranteed so we’ll see I guess. I’ll probably wait a good while to upload it here. It’s only fair 🤷
I chucked 20 bucks at her, she said she's going to gain to over 200lbs.....I thought she was well over that when she was fat a few years ago
I (politely) nudged her into uploading the video yesterday.. she said she’s still working on it.

A different person should do it today. Not everyone at once though, post something here saying you already messaged her.
Still no word on when the new body update and associated videos are coming out, she's dragging it out a bit.
She says end of the month.. I def won’t be participating in the next “campaign”. She has another fundraiser for a stuffing party which hasn’t been released and started like a day after the first one. I was going to wait like a month before dropping them here so she could make her money but now I’ll just upload it as soon as she posts it.. fuck it 🤷‍♂️
Her content fuckin blows, she's not gaining she's just accepted the fact she has a belly n can make money off of it
All of this is true. + The fact she's a borderline scammer.
The trouble is of course, in my humble opinion, that she's probably one of the hottest people even slightly associated with this scene.

Anyway I've added 2x more videos to this folder.
1 is from March this year and she eats some biscuits. For some reason it was released way later? (You can tell by her nails)

The other was sent out on chatabox ages ago before she lost weight so at a guess 2020-21.
Yea but she has this giant brown growing wart or mole the size of a nipple near her eye. It bothers me if I have pimple near my eye. I get the cellulite and imperfections but warts and moles and bad teeth are things that are not my thing. Like when they get all these red bites crusted over pimples on their legs and ass. Like plump prin doesn’t have that. Are the other fat girls dirty or something?

I paid for the stuffing one but it wasn't even acknowledged so I'm assuming it won't happen.

Pretty sure she has absolutely no involvement in her OF pages, seems like she just films random videos or customs and the person running her page just makes up a narrative that vaguely suits the videos.

It's always like "OMG my HOTTEST sex tape!" and the video is her fully clothed just kind of wiggling in front of the camera.

Add in the generally boring content and all the scummy message spamming ("unsending in 5 minutes!" "you've won a daily draw!" "I'm only sending this to 5 people" "Oops that was supposed to be priced $50 but OF made it $5!") and all of her pages are super off-putting.
I think she’ll definitely film something at some point, it’s not like she’s suddenly retiring. Whether they’ll be good or not remains to be seen
I didn't get the latest update because she said I was subbed but I was then she told me to subscription for 3m to get it lol
Which “latest update”? The August one?
it simply burned
anyone got her onlyfans video titled FML I got so fat my clothes dont fit?
Has anyone tried to get a custom video from her and got it ? Seeing if maybe I can get one from her
(3.1 MB, 1080x1920, 8.webm)
would really appreciate if someone could share a new one, here's an old vid from her biggest that I don't think has been shared
I asked
I asked when she would be doing the weigh in, after giving 30 bucks for if, she blocked me. She spams you messages all day, her content sucks, all she wants is a quick buck.

There is also no chance she's bigger than ever
fucking obviously, she's like Jessie Minx she's fat because she's too lazy to make any real improvements to her life and not because she went out of her way to get fat and doesn't have any real interest or desire to be in the fetish other than an opportunity to make a quick buck
Now that’s she’s on curvage it’ll be funny once the discontent really starts spilling over into her thread where she can’t control the conversation. It’s a shame that so many women could just coast by doing the bare minimum effort by delivering on reasonable promises. Instead they have to pull the rug out from under themselves the moment they see an opportunity. So dumb and shortsighted. In the end it will only be her and the simp with the toyota supra.
Also if anyone blocks you after you paid you should always chargeback as much as you can
It won’t. 90% of Curvage model thread commenters are white knights
90% of curvage users also post on here lol

Love how people act like this is some cool underground den of iniquity that no one has ever heard of
There's a new dm from her nothingbutcurves OF with allegedly her August weight update. No sign of anything on her main OF which I've tipped on and no sign of the "takeaway feast" on the NBC one either.
She claimed a week and the end of the month which is today/tomorrow so we'll see.
What, nobody is saying that. What I’m saying is one is completely anonymous, the other will get your account/post attacked by legions of white knights if you comment anything they that simping.
How are you afraid to post opinions on a message board? Who cares bro just say it & quit being a whiny faggot
He's talking about Curvage.
Don't buy her shit she just sends re uploads even if she says new don't pay no 100$ she sent me video's I already had lol
You guys know she clearly isn't running those accounts right and that they have always been run by a 3rd party. I'm not defending it because its scummy as fuck but she clearly isn't posting any of the content or sending those awful messages about how horny she is. It is a very misleading account with how the company or person running her pages tries to sell content to people with blatant misleading descriptions of content.
some good words of wisdom.

anons, please avoid her account, it's a scam and she's not at all into gaining. Just trying to make a quick and easy buck being a maturing lazy ass while paying some 3rd party for her account and community management.
I too foolishly dropped $100 and I've got nothing extra! She said "when the campaign ends" which I thought it had?
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ehhhh she's gone full slag and is getting funky in the face not...really something I'd have thrown money at to begin with...guess time will do that
As predicted several people have voiced their displeasure in her thread and no one is defending her honor. Even if they did who gives a fuck I can’t imagine being scared to say something because of white knights get a fucking grip lol

She’s seen the posts and is now doubling down in her DMs. I will upload the weight update and the new takeout video in a couple hours
Sucking in vs pushing out is all that is. Doesn’t even look like her biggest
It was always a dream that becomes true, I wonder what its purpose is
Where is this vid on the rhs coming from? Anybody got it?
Please share Lucy vixen videos
would anyone happen to have that one secretary vid from a couple years back?
If anyone can share something new I'll buy a clip to match
Outstanding! Def her biggest. Just wondering why no scale step-on to give us the number
Incredible drop
I'd like to take her to trading standards regarding releasing a clip called "weight update" where she does not even mention her weight let alone actually weigh in
But then I didn't actually pay for it ....
which is which? you said the one on the right is new and the right one is old. is she getting bigger or smaller idk what you're showing us here
got to see that august try on does anyone have it?
I paid for it and I'm pretty pissed! Won't be participating in the next campaign that's for damn sure
Me neither. Especially since I was stupid enough to drop $100 for the so called "exclusive videos" that are a bunch of old reposts
Well she has apologized for using “weigh-in on a scale” in her description. She had no idea that meant to record a video of you weighing yourself on a scale. She’s new to the community after all, honest mistake..
She never said "weigh-in on a scale." She said "weighing in the most in my life," meaning that she weighs more than she has previously. She did not know that folks in this community would interpret anything with the description "weighing in" (a common phrase, after all) as literally meaning stepping on a scale in front of a camera.
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Weigh-in means on a scale, Mike. She claimed her scale broke and that she was waiting to get a new one, only to halfass the video anyway despite putting it off the entire month. Also claimed that it would be her longest body update video yet lol…
Has she ever revealed her actual weight ? My guess is she's between 180 and 200
that's not the try on its just a small clip from it
Oop fuck my bad. I’ll fix it when I get a chance
She still acts like her tits are best feature. They are nice but let’s see that gut grow
Well she made a new vid and it looks alright… time to pay it forward anon
I don't get it. She's a renowned scammer yet people buy into her bullshit constantly
Most of the people in her Curvage thread are massive ass kissers and white knights, In their minds she can do no wrong. Whenever anyone calls her out for how scammy her OF is a bunch of her defenders won't have it.
Oh no did someone have a different opinion than you? Poor baby :(
Ok guys this is probably one of the best videos she has posted in my opinion for showing off her weight. If possible I would like to see her eat in the new video someone
Videos of lucy vixen
This is either schizo rambling or a shit attempt at attracting Trump cult. Probably both lol.
So has she actively become a feedee? How much is she trying to gain?
No she’s actively trying to cash in and drain as much money from simps with gaining as little as possible. And it’s working lol. Honestly curvage mods should just ban her that thread is so fucking cringe lmao

Ok that vid and her gut is pretty hot. Still, I doubt she gets bigger and is cashing in on accidental/lazy weight gain
I just bye some of the stuff I think are good I'm not buying her of anymore because it's a scam lol 24 dollars but she puts it on sale for like 7d dollars sometimes
I don't know why but can't play or download video :c

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