
I bet you could sit on a quarter and squeeze a booger out of George Washington's nose.
You are as heavy as 505 big macs
you're only 21 and you've already destroyed your body, I'm sure your usual position is on all fours, stuffing your belly and it's only a matter of time before your belly reaches the floor
Show us your progression pictures. Show how you destroyed the perkiness of your boobs with the fat, how the stretchmarks started to rip your skin or how you fit in your old pants!
Nope guy that is the goofiest thing I’ve ever heard
>>153678 (OP)
Look at all those bright red stretch marks! Your belly must be expanding quickly because of what a greedy & lazy pig you've let yourself become.
>>153678 (OP)
Wow very plump… you’ve really been just letting yourself glut out and be pampered haven't you? I’m proud of you… I would be a lil more proud though if you would put on a lil more weight… maybe 25…50……100 more pounds?
ura fatty fat fat fat only reason y ur hot to me is cus i like faties just look at that hand those boobs are just fat ur just fat only 21 and so fatty look streches and fat fat fat y don u eat more or hook up to a machine like a good fatty fat fuck i came

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