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Pretty new on the scene, started her curvage in January. Sounds like she has pretty genuine plans to gain some and talks about loving her curves and has just posted her second weigh-in.
Share any videos you might have, I’ve got one to start us off:
She’s only gained like 6lbs and when it became noticeable she wasn’t really gaining she randomly had before pics that were skinnier then her initial before pics…her intro story also makes no sense. Won’t be surprised when she ghosts.
(627 KB, 1920x1080, DOAGG Funnel chugging weight gain shake.00_04_41_29.Standbild004.jpg) (619 KB, 1920x1080, DOAGG Funnel chugging weight gain shake.00_08_27_12.Standbild006.jpg)
To be honest, I don't care if she gains a lot of weight or not. She's beautiful the way she is and her videos are awesome. It's entirely her decision whether she wants to gain weight or not and how fast she does it. Personally, I think her body is perfect the way it is now and I don't think she needs to put on a lot of weight.

Here is another video of her: https://we.tl/t-BezAD23aOo
She’s definitely got potential, she’s giving kittypiggy vibes
Anyone got her weigh in?
How unoriginal to steal someone else’s name
u seriously getting mad about some actual hot chick over that land whale?
That’s fine if you think that but she shouldn’t be taking advantage of this community
Wtf?? If you like skinny girls this isn’t the place for you
Hot? She looks like the stereotypical British girl bad tan and lots of work done.
I respect your opnion but I think she is gorgeous British version of Candi Karyn but tall and curvy
Alright there was no need to insult Candi like that. Please do tell where you see a resemblance.
Felt the need to give a quick opinion here. Obviously she's very slim atm. Ideally this would be a Goddess Shar scenario, who started out very slim, and ended up quite big. These are in my opinion the hottest gainers. Since eventually you can compare their early videos - the ones in which they're slim - to the new ones - the ones in which they're fat.
Besides this, yes she is pretty, and yes she is a typical British tacky girl. I don't really care about her alleged tackiness. I care for her gain in the end. She's quite pretty if she actually ends up gaining as much as Shar. She would be definitely one of my faves.
So fuck the haters. Let's hope for the best. And SO to the comrades who shared the videos. I haven't purchased one myself yet. But was eyeing her because of her common attractiveness. So mucho thank you comrade.
margot's got the best ass / thighs in the game, this chick has nothing on her
anyone got the newest vid I have the measurements vid
Can we try and not scare this one off. She could be the next big hit. Let try and not creep her out.
There’s always gona be some loser incel that’s gotta fuck it up for everyone
>stuffed princess , LMBB, alexisgains, softiebb, etc etc
Her content is ok
really cute face, better than the hogs im seeing here
has potential but knowing this site and muhammed or whatever the fuck his name is from the alexisgains thread, cant be too sure as incels or him might ruin it for us.
We'll see if she sticks around 20+ pounds or so (fingers crossed)
heres the sprite vid
small and pathetic burps, ok video i guess

This whole thread will already scare her off if she ever sees it because yall fucks like to trash on others who isn't up to yall standards and make them insecure. Like some said many have started out real skinny and plumped up real good (shar & candii). And she's new too so give it fucking time and stop jumping to conclusions.

Swear people on this site are fucking neckbeards who stinks up their mom's basement..
ya’ll 🤠🤠🤠🤓🤓
100%. Any chance we can delete this tread. So she doesn't see it.
Pray that the mods lock it lol. Hopefully she doesnt search herself or is told about this website on Curv@ge
Do you guys realize women hate when you compare them to other women? 1000X in this fetish space. Y’all will forever chase attractive women out of this.
She's a gorgeous and wonderful young girl just beginning to explore this fetish - I agree this thread needs deleting please mods
incel behaviour comparing girls like that ngl.
anyone got anything new tho?
you do realise where you are lol
Or maybe I just don't care. It will stay up
Content is so mid she’s really milking it now. She made a of and a patreon and is charging as if she’s a big creator. $7 for written updates only is ridiculous. And $55 dollars for what most people would do for onlyfans.
Ofc she's going to make the most of it. All people on curvage aren't doing it for free. Yes they may like the fetish etc. But ultimately they are there to make money. It's not a charity. If you don't like somebodies content or think it's too pricy. Don't buy it. Can I afford her patreon, no. Am I annoyed no. If not enough people sign up, then she'll drop her prices. She'll find her balance and her price points might be lower or not. End of the day it's up to her to set the prices and if people want to pay that then fair enough. Its their money.
I wouldn’t pay for it if it was $3. Her content isn’t worth it and you can tell she’s not into it. My point was that everyone hyped her up so much and told her she was Candii and Shar that now she thinks she’s worth as much as them
Fair enough, who knows.Too early say which camp she will fall into. I'm going sit on the sidelines for a couple of months and then see whats what. She might of imporved most women do. She's only been around for 4 months. People have all found her at the same time, which is causing this hype train. All new creaters go through this.
thanks for the vid, and I was surprised she finished the whole bottle, that was good enough for me. She's doesn't seem as bad as a lot of other new creators with potential, I expected her to not haven have half the bottle by the way other girls post
I'm normally a watcher on these threads but what a weird af thread this is. Why are you all arguing lol. I thought this place was just for posting content tbf
fr. share or ask for content or don’t comment. nobody gives a fuck about your opinions on her
Does anyone have more videos of her?
Oj owes 30 million in settlement lawsuit. You think suing your job will get you paid ? LMFAO NOT A CHANCE even if the judge tell them to pay they will retire before paying you hahah put liens on their ownerships
She's actually gaining mad fast, could be 200 lbs by the end of year if she continues the path

Hot af ngl
We have different definitions of “mad fast” she’s gained like 10 maybe 15lbs since January. Stop thinking w your dick.
tbf more than 5lbs a month is a pretty decent gain especially considering she hasn’t said anything about how big she wants to get
I hacked your phone. Post your big booty content or I will. All of it
Has anyone seen her new video?
It's solid pace, also I personally prefer those slow burners. Instant hogs are not as hot because they fast forward the journey.
If she has gained 15 pounds since January she's on pace to put on nearly 50 pounds by the end of the year. How is 50 pounds in a year not fast?
Wtf are those faces in the first pic? Lmao
that someone pass a video of her please
Does anyone have a video of her??
Bro comeon, shes really cute

Normal faces that people make when people take selfies. Consider touching grass or making friends irl if possible
You realize the irony in telling someone to touch grass because they don't know retarded selfie faces?
can someone upload her patreon to kemono?
Kemono been unable to update for a week or more
Does anyone have videos of her?
yeah overpriced as fuck tho. she’s hot but to expect that much money off the bat is crazy.
anyone got any of her new curvage vids?
More grass touching, less autistic rage.
She's really hot, does anyone have her latest videos?
Praying for a kemono upload if it ever gets fixed
I will share some of here soon guys
What she going do when she cant leave the kids with you all the time? You will be back to it soon. Sorry we took so long
show some video
Hear ye hear ye, beggars and broke bois
New content for thee, get it while it's hot
Video from 4/21
She is one of the best new gainers, thanks for the upload
Here you go guy this is gonna be a candiiKayn and goddesshar 2.0 mark my words and support this woman as much as possible!

Anyone have her new q&a like video
My aston will smoke that piece of shit volks lol
Does anyone even know how her kemono works? What's with the passwords and shit?! Am I stupid or am I just really horny, that I can't think for myself.
Theres a link at the bottom of the page listed as (No Title). Click that link and use the password to watch or download the video.
Password is to keep you ppl under 200k per year the fuck out.
>>158284 something has changed. I used the passwords that were there a few days ago and now they wont work
Have to be a member. You will never be us. Expect for joe. He is cool lmao
Bodied 100 women I will never beg for you for pussy. Fuck outta here.
Thanks, bro. Appreciate it.
What's the correct password for the weigh in, anyone know?
Feel like I'm being an idiot, but... Where do I find the link and the password?
Dont cuz I dont understand shit either
Do you have to be a sick fucking hacker to masturbate a little around here?
seems like it. She must have caught on and changed the passwords. Its 125 for the patreon, so she wants to keep all this shit locked down
Your name not on it. Dont pay for shit. Trying play you!!!!!!!
can we get some gofile reups pretty please? missed out on this whole thread ;-;
Anyone know if her OF is worth it?
Everyone is jealous of you & your brother in your family. Good that the both you dont speak to them they bring nothing but toxic sorrows.
Ehh this one I'd still let her cook for awhile.
She's cute, has gained some weight, but the prices are exorbitant and ya, she's like out of shape, closing in on chubby territory. If you're in for a long haul, it might be worth it to you if that's your thing
Some family. Id stay away from them
This woman is so hot. But like mentioned previously all her stuff is very locked down.
Did she go NATSOC too I take it?
she should choose a name that isn't already taken
Hey guys can anyone send videos of her because tha old links dont work anymore
I wonder what her next goal is
185. 200 will very likely be the long term goal. We'll see what happens after that, hope she goes to 250 at least

Here's her last Q&A / Weigh in:
Hey can you guys send whatever videos you have of her please i like her so much
sorry but re up please?
New vids please
Any hero’s out there?
Re up?
>>153487 (OP)
Does anyone have a link to her Patreon? I can't find her..
That’s not Margot
any reuploads pls?
could someone share a stuffing video of her?
where she burps or has belly gurgels?
even if its old just a reupload for her stuff if thats possible i just found out about her and im not able to buy her atuff from where i live
Anyone have her QnA vid?
i think i have it but i dont know how to share
also why my messages are getting deleted after a while?
If you have it use gofile it's really simple to upload and get a link
kk ill upload it now but i have potato internet so itll be up by evening or next day morning
u got any thing for her ?
her q&a and whats shared here is the only things i have so if u have anything for here like a stuffing maybe that would be great
50kb upload speed :D
there has been an error while uploading
sry but i have to lower the res then upload agian
I got the chocolate cake video thanks by the way, could anyone please re-up anything else
ay bro sry i didnt upload yet i live in a place that almost dosent have internet
i will upload tho bare with me (if i said that correctly)
She has a new video drinking 8000 cals wg shake
im trying to upload a stuffing video but it keeps crashing mid way throw
i have a really bad connection so sadly ive had to lower the res and im rly sry for that guys
now that i have lowerd the res it should be fine
here u go guys
again sry its not high quality but i think itll do just fine
btw guys plz share what u have for her
this thread shouldnt die so pls everyone share what u have

again ppl
sharing is caring
Wish i had more stuff to share thanks man
it ok mate just remeber the comunity if u got ur hands on something 😆
anyone can reupload any of the old stuff or add new is welcomed rly dont want this thread to die:(
guys anyone has some vids for trade?
Not really how this website works, my guy. Either post or don't
i know its not how it works but ive already posted And no one would post
like what am i supposed to do?
I'll post some of her vids, instead of trading can you just drop them here?
kk ill do but its gonna take a bit im the same guy with the 50 kb upload speed
what do u have for her?
FACE REVEAL 🙈🐷 - Funnel chugging weight gain shake 🥛 + aerial view POV 🤭

Your birthday wishes coming true by your chubby co-worker 🐷

DiaryOfAGrowingGirl’s greed takes over when baking a cake - she eats the cake mix!! 🐷
Plus two others I found, what about u
Doesn’t matter what either of you have. Either post it or shut the fuck up.
No need to be rude, your literally doing the same thing lol instead of posting your talking
Nah I wish I'll post them soon though I'm gonna enjoy the holiday.
bro i already shared a stuffing from her in order to keep the thread alive and motivate ppl to share and i did it with 50 kb upload speed bruh
but as u can see no one shared anything
ive got some clips left and im willing to share one of them if u uploaded the funnel one
but its as simple as no one is willing to rly share with the community so ur forced to keep like 2 vids to trade with the dicks so i still prefer to trade honestly
but like i said im willing to share as i did earlier
but it might take like a day or 2
u actually did deliver thats nice bro cheers
like i promised ill upload too
waiting for those 2 more clips btw

Folder is not public
nice mate u rly did deliver
im uploading now but i think its gonna take while but it will get up eventually
and mate the gofile is private we cant open it
make the file public plz
can someone post what they have
ohh shoot i had to upload and forgot about it
here u guys
sry about the delay
btw anyone that has gingersbellywrld or saraxeniia or danibb plz say im sure we can do a glourios trade
btw guys if anyone has her latest 2 clips and share them ill upload more 3 clips least and if u wanted to trade sayso
(47 KB, 1290x705, IMG_6719.jpeg)
She’s looking thick in her new vid
I mean trading is forbidden tbh according to the ruldes, but I don't think a nigga can stop them, lmaooo. I mean maybe the mods, but only if they are paying attention and actually give a fuck. Pretty sure 90% of the mods on here don't care. They just want to touch their dicks to fat woman like the rest of us.
exactly and i wish the dude who said no trading shared something like we did>>166532
as promised ill add a couple of vids
Anyone got her new sprite chug?
She's gorgeous, just wish she would film 25 minute vids where she doesn't really move at all. Needs to show her expanding ass and bend over/waddle her fattening ass around.
New Sprite vid anyone?
(77 KB, 699x391, IMG_4258.jpeg)
Can someone send me this video?
thanks in advance for your help!
Except her face is MUCH better looking than Candii or Shar. Candii looks like an ultra-religious middle eastern mother of 5 with droopy ass eyes and Shar looks like a blown up, overly injected puffer fish in the face. I don’t get why people put Candii and Shar on such a pedestal, so many way prettier models out there
Maddest bump of all time
Man, why you gotta be such an asshole?
Thank u so much!!
Any of her newer weigh ins? Or know what she weighs in her newer and how much she has gained?
>>169149 That's what I'm talking about that's why he's the GOAT, THE GOAT!
Anyone got her latest sprite chug?
Does someone have Sprite 2.0 + updated weigh in ?
can someone upload new vid
can someone drop the newest ones
Does anyone have her weigh ins please?
>>153487 (OP)
I do have some of her weigh ins yeah. I’d be down to send more than just them in too if maybe there’s someone with vids I don’t have
Any vids you looking for?

Here is her most recent video. Haven't watched it yet so I'm not sure if it has a weigh in or not.
All hail the king right here!! Thanks dude!
thanks fot the files!
(100 KB, 1290x691, IMG_7637.jpeg)
Her arms are looking huge in the new video
Does anyone have her latest vid?
She just posted a new video..could someone so generously share it🥹
Anyone got the new one? Is it worth it?
Got fired so I won't have an income for a while which means I won't be able to buy and send clips for a while.
He masturbaited to fat bitches on the job
I was a package delivery driver and accidentally scraped a residents mailbox while turning. Pretty much got fired instantly after reporting the incident to my boss. Oh well.
can anyone update the kemono?
The kemono doesn't get you anywhere, just shows what's she's posted but links to download.unless I'm missing something?
Sorry brother, hope you land on your feet
Can anyone re-up her latest weigh in?

Don’t tell on yourself next time. Companies do not reward honesty or taking responsibility. You don’t owe them much.
At least her gain should be pretty noticeable by the time you get access again.
anyone got any new vids?
Does anyone have her donut stuffing in the office. The link was here but it expired 😔
Bless you, sir
We don't deserve thee!! Goat status
You are the homie. I bought that video, too, but I just didn't have time to share it. But for your gratitude. I bought two vids that I like from her, too. the 9k calorie one and the 3k calorie one. They are pretty recent.

9k: https://gofile.io/d/Xy21fE

3k: https://gofile.io/d/Eylbe4
People share your other vids as well
Thank you for the uploads but it looks like for the 3k video you uploaded the newest video that the other anon shared instead of the 3k cal vid

She should change her name to diary of a stagnant weight girl

You clearly don't understand how hard it is for skinny girls to overcome their high metabolisms. She is clearly fatter than she was months ago.
And their little appetites.
says little appetites, while the bigger girls struggle to eat a burger, fries and a drink.

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