
>>153478 (OP)

she deleted all her posts, can anyone reup what they got here instead?
bwahaha knew this would happen
prolly that ahmed muhammed guy from the alexiesgains thread caught wind and said some incel shit in her dm causing her to leave
This is why we shouldn't post new people here the incels scare them off
Let’s be honest, Reddit fatties rarely last a full day before deleting and disappearing. I think most of the time it’s more to do with them than the viewers.
a mod deleted my post asking for someone to upload her content

despite the fact, that there is no content in this thread, and if no one ever uploads any it's a waste of a thread, should either have deleted the whole thread or left my post up

the "it's gone meme" isn't better than my deleted message saying "it's gone" :P
I agree. This whole thread should be deleted.
I got you by the balls as small as they are you son of a bitch.

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