
because she hasn't posted anything in a year
Yeah but she's comming back soon
>>152863 (OP)
Isn't ALL her stuff on Coomer at this point?
Yeah, but most people on this site are stupid and need things spoon fed to them.
she said she's coming back the first week of april according to reddit.
U think she’s bigger, the same or smaller?
Balloon that semen slow release over the years
Saw her in a ShopRite on Sunday, she was using an immobility scooter, looked so much bigger
Shaina hiest
Lol, maybe it's for April fool's
I got kayla oreg her mom kixked heroutfoe abortion.
You will recieve a work email about some random tomorrow from captain.
What videos the one in the picture
She will be back next friday. Check her onlyfans.
(133 KB, 480x360, full.png)
In 40 minutes maybe !
Im off from trolling today.see you monday.
She's just getting poptarts from the store she'll be back I swear
> 152892

i dont believe you, but ill be rooting for it
Any predictions on this tub of lard? I reckon she couldn’t control herself and gained even more
she lots weight due to health issues 100%
I think health issues were a cover for just content creation burnout. She's still probably pretty fat.
"Probably" means youre assuming. Pick better choices of words.
I'm gonna say she's probably slimmed down, but not by TOO much. If she shrunk too much I think she'd probably just pick up her ball and go home, the fact she's coming back at all probably means she's about the same size as when she left.
also she might be the same weight but the fat could've went to other places also
Cannabis mother we spotted you on reddit
I assume she'll still be fatbbut she one hundred percent slim down a bit since it's been so long
What video is the first pic from anyway?
Just because nobody has guessed it yet, I'm gonna say she gained a lot more weight over the last year and is now immobile
cool cope but there's a september clip of her on tiktok where she looks at most exactly the same from some angles and deflated from other ones
Bit of a long shot but does anybody have any of the videos she sent out privately, thanks if possible
Tbh I think she’ll be around the same weight than when she left.
But let’s be honest boys, if she keeps stuffing herself like she was during her indulgence serie, she’ll be ballooning very quickly and probably be 420 lbs in a few months.
Mi vieja we 😍😍😍 ya regresa Mochii
honestly I expect her to:
- be noticeably smaller (-30 pounds minimum)
- announce she's changing her content. Far less insane stuffing videos outside of extremely rare circumstances
- to be more health-conscious (related to the above point). Her heath issues got her spooked and she's not going to be so reckless anymore.
- no more active gaining

Don't be surprised if it's not "back to business" as usual this time. I think many will be disappointed, even if she's completely justified in making these changes for her own sake.
(15 KB, 680x383, 5a5.jpg)
Agree. Would be nice to see her come back and wreck her body again. She’s disgusting in a hot way
Wasn’t there one video where she gets fucked while eating like bent over? Thought I saw it advertised as a private thing
Regrettably, Mochii's binging plus catching COVID ruined her cardiovascular system, and she had less than a year left to live. The video releasing this Friday will feature a feeding hose shoved down her esophagus, plus a balloon blocking it so no food can regurgitate. She used it to fill her stomach with ground-up food until reaching the point of gastric rupture. This happened yesterday, so she's already fed and dead, and the video itself will release on Friday. I know this from my friend on [that one chatting software which is filtered on here] who is friends with Mochii. The video was not seen, but, my friend says Mochii before the rupture filled up so large that her stomach grew over 50cm, and she continued filling afterward due to the spillage into her abdominal cavity. Mochii tried multiple times to stop the machine halfway through when having moments of clarity due to the pain, but she had tied herself down to prevent herself from deactivating it during this momentary realization.
How many find this hot? Raise your hands please. This is just brilliantly sick! You made my day. LOL Can this become a meme?
Never got to find her attractive.

IMO shes overrated and ugly...
Just messy and an extremist, thats it.
Totally agree with your opinion - she's fugly - but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Each to his own. I'll offer my opinion, but I won't criticize another's opinion
I want to know who you think is hot if you think mochii is ugly. and don't cop out and say Candi Kayn lol, but literally who at her size is hot.
>>153440 depends of What are you looking for.
"Hot" is a bit relative, either with bbws or Ssbbws.
I think mochii was starting to get really hot in the months before she last quit. Felt like was less slob and started putting effort into makeup - between that and the weight gain, it was great
I don't think she's ugly and you're entitled to your opinion, but holy fucking shit she's not overrated, unless you are some new fag she had one of the most rapid documented gains. That alone cements her spot, went from regular skinny/mildly chubby asian chick to practically a ball in under a year

>>but holy fucking shit she's not overrated

She's had 4 threads in /bbw and 2 fucking threads in /gen where both are filled with speculation and shit posting over the woman.

Stop acting like she isn't overrated when dudes are literally camping out for her return. It hasn't been this bad for any other woman for a long time.
Do you even know what overrated means? She's one of the most serious and progressive gainers I've seen on the BBW spectrum. She gained more that CandiiMidKayn ever could hope to get to be bc she actually takes the fetish career seriously. Now stop talking and go shove your dick in a Sickle Bar Mower instead of using words you don't understand.
What vid is this? She’s already back?
No. Like I said, 3 days remain. Idk what vid I stole the pic from Tumblr
big fucking king move
huge thanks for that 🙏

Appreciate that brother! Do you have any others she sent out over DMs there was an aftermath one? Think from the nuggets challenge
Prepare for disappointment.
Got early access.
Any further details? Also I don't believe you. Not because of cope, I am prepared to be underwhelmed
Why don’t you say how you got early access. I believe you to be liar and fraud to get attention. I’m not suspecting her to be huge or small, because I don’t n know what expect either does you that’s the excitement
You’re a legend, do you have any of the bonus nude shorts after the weekly compilations?
lol excitement. 2 days will come and go and she won’t be back. There will be radio silence or another delay, depending on whether people resub or not.

There is also literally 0% chance she is bigger. If she was the same or bigger she would’ve put out content. The MIA is because she’s lost weight and doesn’t want fans to know, because easier to let them imagine
Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised or much bothered if she came back smaller after being out ill or whatever for this long. Part of me would also love to see her blow up all over again if so, regardless of the likelihood.
Lost weight due to health issues. Down 40-50lbs from peak, still fat, hoping to regain and does eventually.

Would love to be wrong and be blown away by a 400lb Mochii though.
I'm just glad she didn't butcher her hair like every other woman who gets fat.
she's definitely lost a bit. I really want to be wrong but if she genuinely took this time off for "health", and was working with doctors, they definitely got her to lose some weight. I'd love to see her keep gaining, but tbh I reckon she's pretty much done, its likely she'll hang around 40-80lb under her heaviest and just make content but not actually gain anymore. Again, would love to be wrong.
Imagine she didn't lose too much weight but it just moved around?

as they get fatter they become lazier, and keeping long hair like that is a lot of work
Finally she came back, I hope she feels very good, she really wants to gain weight and delight us with burping farts and her belly is getting bigger, I always liked how inflated and round it looks when she eats to the maximum.
Nah, it sounds like a more educated Joel C lol
since everything is on coomer party, which is the video where she's at her heaviest?
I wonder whatever happened to Joel C? Used to see his trademark acoustic writing style in the comment section of virtually every feederism YT video but I haven’t noticed the fella in years
Long have I awaited the return of the queen
He's definitely still around, he just goes by "JoelCamosse-zc5xu" now. Clearly still him with the level of comments left.
13 minutes left
Bbwchan welcomes all. I can read your voice.
Give me your best troll im coming for that ass on your birthday. Begin 😈
So much for the big day.
was anything sent yet or we have to wait?
Probably happening at night
Yeah right.
The earthquake in NYC was mochii getting up to film her return video

You joke, but she'd be the one to use that as an excuse to delay her return. They had two plane crashes 23 years ago and all of a sudden New Yorkers act like they don't know how to manage a disaster.
Is see her post number went from320 to 321. I'm not subbed on only fans but something must have posted
Hey loves,

I’m really happy to share that after needing most of the last year to recover from severe post-covid issues, I’m FINALLY able to start being a feedee again!

I’ll be releasing my first video back tonight which will include my current weight and my first real stuffing in nearly a year!

I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to share much while I’ve been away but I want to use this update to give more details about what happened and what my plans are moving forward 🥰


For the majority of the last year I was dealing with “long covid” which was giving me AWFUL inflammation problems that caused so many different health issues…

Chronic fatigue, breathing issues, irregular heart rate, bad headaches, loss of taste and smell, terrible stomach/digestive problems, it was a MESS!

I went from stuffing myself to the max whenever I wanted, to barely being able to eat without pain and that sadly caused me to lose weight over this past year 😓


It took nearly 10 MONTHS but my issues started fully clearing up towards the end of January and now that I'm sure I can eat like a feedee again without problems it's time for me to come back to doing what I love!

While I definitely still plan on stuffing and gaining again, this time around my goal is to try and find a better balance between my health and my feedee desires

I feel like things only got as bad as they did with long covid because I had been really neglecting my health for a while leading up to getting it

If I want to keep indulging and hopefully grow even BIGGER than before, I definitely need to do a MUCH better job at keeping my health in check this time 😅


Finally, I just want to truly thank all of you for showing me so much love and support during this awful year

So many of you sent me such kind messages and I'm STILL trying to respond to them all!

I appreciate all of you that care so much about my well being and I look forward to sharing my fantasies with you all for as long as possible 💕


To my OnlyFans subs specifically, I am now FULLY back and will be posting new content regularly again starting my with video tonight!

My goal is to release at least one full length video a week which will be sent through DM to ALL active subs

I have plans for other weekly content too but I'm going to be starting out slow while I readjust to my feedee lifestyle 🥰
Stop wasting lighter fluid.
Enjoying the goon sesh a little too much, huh? I doubt you even had time to read the post you mongoloid lol
(30 KB, 306x306, IMG_2795.jpeg)
“Sadly caused me to lose weight the past year”

“Weekly video sent out to DMs”
>My goal is to release at least one full length video a week which will be sent through DM to ALL active subs

come on, you guys knew the coomer dream was dead. she's not stupid.
So where's the sale she posted about?

I'm not going to ask for the vid, but is it decent/worth it at least?
>it’s been 0.4689 seconds since she posted on OF and coomer still isn’t updated
fuck this gay earth
She 338
there's always some fucking retard in these thread ruining the best part of these weigh in clips
Why would you get excited about it when she lost weight
What weight was she before?
She was 380 early March last year
Anybody wanna be the hero and share the new vid?
maybe you’re the hero we needed all along
can someone please share the vid??
Anyone know if she's doing a sale like she said she would?
>>153877 Matlybe the Hero was the friends we made along the way
how has no one posted this video yet cmon
She'd still be double her starting weight if true.
Hope she blows up to 400+ this time
people are prob gonna wait a bit before sharing so it doesn't scare her away,
Update her coomer
Anybody got a screenshot of how she looks now so I know if it’s worth to buy and I’ll ducking share it
Raychiel & galbriea loves anal sex
She looks good
Well shit I thought she would've fully deflated. I'm shocked, but I am also worried since her health is really bad. This is most likely her last drive before leaving for good or worse..

The weight has settled well. She looks healthier. I bet with a measured pace, she can reach new heights. Keeping the inflammation under control helps with long term gains.
Only lost abpyt 40lbs, 330s so definetly more stable
Yeah she looks great. Still got that classic fat-packed look about her. It makes sense honestly. 330 lbs is still very heavy lol. Hopefully she'll be able to gain it all back and more soon.
King Shit

Se really one of the goats, should be in SSBBW tbh
she still can stuff herself until her belly is so full that it’s hard. I’ll bet she can out stuff EllaEats. Incredible.
Not quite 350 yet, pal. And some people even start ssbbw's at 400+lbs

Delete the tracking frames brother. The DM content is identifiable.
Tracking frames? Never heard of this.
They tried to bury it. Mac and choo choo train and garage sales over there Fuck em
Hope they get shot down this week. Fucking pussies
She's looking fantastic, despite the loss.Could have been worse. I like that she dropped the obnoxious, constant burping. I did not expect her to be intent on gaining again, but I wont complain. Kind of a boring video by her standards, but a nice start.

she doesn't look smaller because she had been faking her weight since the beginning

and now it's the real one
Im going to troll all of you so hard this week in your conference.
gotta admit the same thought crossed my mind
I own all u faggits. In the head.
Are they twitch streaming again as well?
Take the tinfoil hat off.
The biggest appeal of Mochii is definitely how her gut looks like it's so bloated, like her intestines are filled with waste. I would love to run a knife over her gut and see if it's just bloated organs or actual visceral fat. Imagine doing this and then the hog's shit-filled intestines just flop out onto the floor and leave a mix of feces and viscera. God I want to punish her this hog.
I mean like, I feel that most of the women that claim to be into weight gain and fat fetish elongate the truth.

Seek professional help.
Dont click on threads they have view counts they use against time
Can’t say the same thought didn’t cross my mind too
No bots on bbwchan. Need to fill captcha real people talking shit to each other
U dropped this, king 👑

Kind of a mid video tbh. I agree with the other guy who said she was lying about her weight previously.
bro we know. Vid has alr been leaked lol
That demon wanted you from beginning. Come here woman all the semen for you foam dick
Trying to figure out why and how exactly these girls fake their gain numbers in their scale weigh in videos. Kayla bear openly admitted to the same thing. I was a fool to support her by purchasing all her weigh in videos only to learn the numbers were fake. These constant weigh in videos seemed to be too good to be true yet can’t figure out how to distinguish between real ones and fake ones. If anyone has an explanation or observation.
Fuck that unhealthy gaining is the hottest part I get an instant boner when her face and fingers would swell
Burping and farting is the best part brother
He never even mentioned farting, get the fuck outta here fart fucker.
She definitely does look smaller. She's still pretty massive, so it's not as visible as a chubster losing the same amount, but the weigh in matches where she was before at that weight.

Don't get why you feel the need to shit on an actual gainer. Probs the same type of person who whines about none of the models sticking around for any length of time anymore too.

Most scales can be recalibrated, to show a higher or lower number.

Her measurement in the latest video (~60") and height (5' 2" irrc) don't really match the stated weight (336?). The tape wasn't quite snug either. I'd guess she's sub-300, closer to the mid two's.

But, they all do it. Tragedy of the commons. She gained a bunch and is still real fat. IMO the prior peak was similarly overstated.

It's good, in that she has more runway than the numbers might suggest. Approaching 400lbs at 5' 2" is entering into mobility scooter territory. That's more than triple a normal weight.

Hopefully she eats a little cleaner this time around. There was a lot of crumpled food left in that pizza box. If she gets better at grazing and moves a little more, there could be a few years of steady gains available.
Why? Bigger number makes brain go brrrrr, which leads to more purchases. They're selling a fantasy, y'know. I think once you get a firm grasp on proportions you'll get more of an idea of who's faking and who isn't, but obviously there's a wide margin for error. However, i PERSONALLY don't think she was ever that close to 400. She's 5'2-3, with little muscle mass, and looked to be about 340-60 at her peak imo.

She just doesn't look bloated. I don't think anyone's shitting on her as much as they're critiquing her.
Does anyone have Luna hellborn stuffing videos?
mid-200s, even at her height, is a stretch. could see her being around 300 but honestly, given her build, 330 doesn't seem absurd to me. I've dated girls in that weight range but taller than her, and they look thinner in pictures than she does

My wife's more of a pear, but at 5' 7" and 325 - her hips were taping at 66". She was active at the time too. Could walk a couple miles, swim for an hour, take a yoga class, etc. So there was muscle getting her weight up.

I'm just not seeing mochii even close to that size. Back when was claiming 380 - those stats were very close to dankiidoll's peak size. The two aren't even comparable on video.

I could be convinced in the current video, she is as heavy as 280. Maybe the visceral fat from her quick gain causes a dense build. But 336? No chance.

Still hot though. At 280, she'd be at almost a 60% body far. That's huge.
Pix or didn’t happen.
What videos does she look her absolute biggest?

I might have some in my library.

Hah, no chance. Buncha degenerates. Build was very similar to supathickmami at peak weights, who iirc, posted similar stats. My wife explored the paysite idea about 20 years ago, back when dimensions was the place to be. It didn't take though, too socially expensive. Especially back then.

Point being, I feel for the young guys getting unrealistic expectations from faked weigh ins. It's easy to get caught up in the numbers and miss a good thing.
If you can't provide it then shut up. We don't wanna hear about fantasies about a wife you don't have

I think you're genuinely just completely blind. My wife is currently 315 pounds--and wants to LOSE weight, she has no motivation to lie--and Mochii is visibly fatter lol
Also dankii is like 4'11", idk why you'd even bring her up unless you're completely roleplaying having a tall wife and have no idea what impact height has on weight (i'll give you a hint, there's a reason that BMI divides *quadratically* by height)
Mochi man oh man. I had some conversations with that one about sex. Mochi remembers lol
They fake weigh-ins by putting weights on their bra or somewhere on their backs where you can't see, or cut away to the scale and hold heavy stuff, etc.

I've noticed some gainer content they'll do a semi-turnaround and then go down to the scale without cutting and/or the scale will talk.

Messing with calibration also works around the above but it's not that hard to add 10/15 lbs. Hey, even bloating with water can do the trick a bit.

I'm fine with it, it's a fantasy, and if it seems real its hot as hell.
are you the same conspiracy theorist from a while back who was claiming someone wore a backpack full of water bottles while weighing themself?
The 500k one yup. (Here now) to tickle youe butthole until you transfer or retire


This says 5' 2" 370. There used to be a video floating around, where she weighs in at a hotel gym with a few other women. I think the stats are legit.
Stop this endless pitiful arguing and judging her it’s enough of already. Just enjoy her stuffing videos that are great.
Mods banned aloha browser asn lol weak flex
Yeah, enjoy them while she's still around for the next six weeks and then "disappears" again. PUMP EM AND DUMP EM.
I think she will be okay! She just didn't use common sense and choice to no wear a mask during her cuisine city journey. I'm glad to hear she's back and okay.
If her issues were as real as she hammed them up to be she will for sure have another inflammation flare up. We'll see, I guess.
How are you even getting any blood flow to your brain with that Tinfoil hat bound tight around your head?
Is in her fate to fill up on slop and overdo it for explosion
I'm not sure why that's such a crazy notion. If someone has an autoimmune inflammatory response it's not like those responses go away. They get triggered by certain foods and lifestyle choices.

Ah yes, because autoimmune disorders are the literal only source of inflammation
Stop talking about this. Just be glad she is back and hope she doesn't end up in the er again.
I'm confused. Did she not have COVID/ fuck her body up from food that CAUSED AN INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE?

I'm waiting until the season ends and then watching all of the episodes.
We need a stricter banning system on this website. I know its a chan and the idea is let anyone post whatever but thats not effective on a bbs board sharing smut. Not only this thread but every thread. I am tired of people saying hateful things for no reason. We are here to share porn and jack off together... We need to remember our roots and just pirate porn... Lost weight gain weight come ON! Its all meaningless before the mockery of time...
¨jack off together¨ thats mad
It's literally impossible for a feedee not to have chronic low grade inflammation. The fat itself releases inflammatory chemicals, attracts inflammatory immune cells, causes insulin resistance, creates oxidative stress and cell damage and disrupts the healthy bacteria in the gut. Doesn't matter how healthy you eat, that's just how excess adipose tissue functions in the body.
Disgrace these old timers on their way out. Fuck up alot of families buddy.
link to study? otherwise im calling bs. cant be fat without eating shitty and eating shitty itself can cause all those things.
cant you in theory get fat by eating excess calories in healthy food? i know most fatties don't get fat off salad but still
He's talking about morbid obesity. (Generally) You won't have to deal with this unless you're morbidly obese

You can to some extent but we more or less saw the limits of that on the old days of stuffer31. Like occasionally they would have cake days or whatever, but the Thai girls would usually stuff with tons of healthy asian food (rice, chicken) and Sherly was the biggest they ever cultivated. Big round belly from all the stuffing but there wasn't enough fat to distribute to the rest of her body so her stomach was still disproportionately large just like Aileen's (of course, sherly was fatTER).

Cole was bigger but she was fat when the website was founded and we have no idea how she got there. It's not like you can't find unhealthy food in Thailand, her parents probably fed her a more unhealthy diet grrowing up.
That's not at all how fat cells work, lmao
Wake me up when she's 380 lbs again
Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
>>155525 god damn those sloshes. hope she does more of it
I swear I don't understand some of you guys, it's lie you can't be attracted to some of these models even the ones in like the 3-350 range unless they're a certain weight. It's like you're more attracted to the numbers on the scale then the person
Tbf with Mochii, her rapid weight gain and huge stuffings was what made her attractive. Her looks... not so much

Yeah, it's a fetish. Were objectifying the fat or weight gain. It's not about the woman.

This is why you don't lead with a fetish while dating. Women in the know, will nope out ASAP. A relationship built upon being objectified as fetish material, doesn't work well. If a dude hasn't figured that out, they want no part.

>>you can't be attracted to some of these models even the ones in like the 3-350 range unless they're a certain weight.

These idiots are too focused on arbitrary standards instead of accepting what they're given. Especially when it's easily to tamper a scale to display higher weight.
"Yeah, it's a fetish. Were objectifying the fat or weight gain. It's not about the woman"

That was kinda my point. I objectify the fat, so no matter the woman's weight on a scale if they that big belly Im still attracted. Somebody up the thread commented "wake me up when she's 380". IF BIG IF she gets there, she'll likely just have a bigger belly on an obese bod that I'n already attracted to. ANd if you're not attracted to the 330 version idk how the 50 lbs(which remember that the bigger they are the less the weight gain is noticeable) will make her suddenelly fap material

It's about the weight gain changing the woman's experience. If she's retreading old ground, the story is much less compelling. I want clothes outgrown, new stretch marks, developing rolls, unexpected struggles with stairs, etc.

IMO mochii could have cashed in, filming out of shape videos during her convalescence.

I don't know why she is so focused on stuffings. Maybe it's most fun for her, but to the viewer, it's just different food in the tray. And in the old content, she's doing the same stuffings, but bigger.

She was on the right track before, recording her public experience. That's an untapped wealth of content.
I hope she eats until she dies.
The other dude said it best, it's just old hat. We already saw her at 330 and under so I'm much less interested/ invested until she starts getting past what she says was her biggest. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts dropping new weigh-in videos with exaggerated angles/ implausible numbers in the next few weeks because i'm certain a sizable portion of her fan base feels the same way.

She made the mistake of marketing herself as a sideshow, so unfortunately she has to keep upping the ante. That's why she's back to eating garbage like a bowl of butter.
Tbh I get what folk mean. I'm the kind of person that does end up getting concerned for the model if the weight gain starts to cause issues that make them miserable, and mochii did look miserable before her first hiatus (before she came back at 380, pre COVID). When she came back bigger than ever and happy about it, whoa god that was insane. I always thought though that I'd rather see a feedee lose weight for her health then regain it once things are under control, and I think this is the first time I'm seeing that, and I've surprisingly found myself conflicted. In saying that, her last few videos have been a satisfying wank, BUT watching them I find myself more in the mindset of "oh I'm glad she's okay now- wait, that's a lot of butter, she's complaining about her stomach hurting, oh no" than being able to get fully into it. I hope she's able to fulfill her fantasies for a good while longer, but after everything I don't think I'd be upset if she quit sooner rather than later.

On the topic of rerunning the gain from 330-380, I think my main thing is just that the weight loss has made her stomach softer. It's not the same shape as a result + I think when I go into a Mochii vid I'm looking for that. I still think she's beautiful, I just found her stomach so unique before.

Overall, the return has been interesting so far. It's definitely given me some things to think about as for my relationship with this fetish, both in terms of what I like about it, but also what I feel is perhaps too far for me. Right now she seems happy, so I'm happy, and I hope she's able to strike a balance this time around.
You sound like the biggest oddball
So thats 7.3 cars in last four years. 2 hour job. One car per day. Lol fuck out of here
I like how people here think that they have any influence on Mochii's success. Only 3 of you even buy her videos to begin with, while everyone else freeloads.

So the guys who keep saying "she needs to up her game" and "wake me up when she's 400lbs" are delusional as usual when she still has paying customers on OF and Curvage who'll dump money no matter what she looks like.

Especially when this site is on the brink of deletion every other month from lack of funding.
I'm just a goofy boy

Idk man I *was* subscribed to her OF before she tapped out. I don't have any real interest in resubscribing because A) I don't think she has any longevity (I think she has about 6 months left in her) and B) I'm not interested unless she's bigger than she was or does something more interesting than her previous content. I would gather that some people feel the same way. Assuming she wasn't just living off of the cash pile she acrued prior to her "hiatus" she probably has some bullshit WFH job she can fall back on, or her weird twitch project.
Thank you for the vid

(33 min mark and 40 min mark, I know some guys will appreciate this)
real shit man i feel the same way
Wooo!! Mochi fart lets goooo
" I dont watch porn. "
She quite literally gave the reason why she was out of commission/on her hiatus y’all dumbasses just don’t listen and just out right hard headed as fuck
Your emotions got the best of you. So many ways to get millions.
Phone on loud. Pillow smell like gun powder. Sleep good.
That’s something MC Ride would say
Can someone repost the pumped full of ice cream video?
Mans is out here fighting for his LIFE for this video
Whatever helps you sleep at night lil bro
I don’t really care about anything besides watching her get fat enough to the point where she dies from heart disease at age 30
I don't believe her because sane human beings don't go from dying because of their food choices to going immediately back to the things that made them sick. Unless she's an addict, then I'm with the other weirdo death feedists. Let her kill herself with deep fried bullshit.
Looks like she rubbed her habits on her bf
Who's the mochii apologist simp who keeps deleting comments. You can't hide from the truth.
Black ppl always trolling. White ppl always opressing. Spanish people always inbetween. Indians always starting fires. Jews always controling it. Russia took it all. 5pm somewhere
This retard said Spanish in between like they didn't run the biggest slave empire in human history. Fucking moron. Spanish and Portuguese not only conquered everyone and colonized them before anyone else and gave Britain and Holland the same but they also killed so many natives to death in the America's they had to import black slaves just to work the mines and other labor. Spanish and Portuguese are why Brazil and Mexico are so fucked up. Only colonies that are even liveable for western people are the white Christian countries. Everywhere else is horrible unless you're a broke loser snd camp afford America.
Moron ? College thesis at associate level not even close. 🤡
Mans has never left his hometown
>killed so many to death
thanks professor. Im here to jerk off not listen to this crap
I am going to ask why tf this is happening in a thread about a feedee who makes fat porn. Everyonne get tf back to sharing content
Shut up morons you're historically retarded AF.
Mochi isn't even sexy anyways who cares shes gross.
Thank god wont bother me for rest of day.
Anyone have a reup of this?
Anyone have the other bonus nude shorts from indulgence week
I disagre, shes really pretty to me!
That mans living my dream life

The critics are stuck on a western standard that fetishes Nordic features. She's very attractive.
Oh my god the belly sloshing. Holy fuck. So fucking amazing.
Not a lot I wouldn’t do to gain with her
Fat asian women are my favorites and I would do anything to be with one.

Imagine how fat sex feels with Mochii, feeling a soft tummy sloshing into her jiggly blubbery mound.
Missionary would be fucking blissful. She looks freaky too. Like she’d chain you up and funnel you butter and melted ice cream
Sending your kids to different countries without going with them is child abuse with pure intent. Especially not flying with them to ensure their living condition isnt traumatizing to their mental health. And wonder why God is blessing your kid better then every single one of you with each breath you take.
> their living condition isnt traumatizing to their mental health. And wonder why God is blessing your kid better then every single one of you with each breath you take.
What the actual fuck are you on about?

I've honestly been wondering if she's just using Covid (or long covid) as an excuse to relax a bit. For one thing, it seems like common sense for her to be vaccinated, particularly with her extremely sedentary unhealthy lifestyle, yet this supposed long Covid issue implies she hasn't been/wasn't. I'm not convinced she's not smart enough to understand how and why vaccinations are important.

Knowing she is educated at least to a BA (her posts are well thought out and such that I believe it), she also knows she is not gaining in any kind of sustainable fashion. Making videos of fast food stuffing and other guilty pleasure type foods is one thing and can be exaggerated easily enough. But when she managed to gain 50 pounds in one month (probably closer to 30, but still visibly A LOT), I really started to worry. First I was thinking, okay, so she's doing a short term thing to make money over the pandemic. Fair enough. But then after slowing down she kept going, and did constant videos of crazy portions and literal artery clogging content. There were so many in such rapid succession it had to at least be mostly real.

She started "getting sick" around 2 years in after countless videos of eating basically pure cholesterol and really dangerously oily foods. I suspect she had been having the obvious issues related to her lifestyle more than anything else. For anyone else it would be common sense, but with her we're supposed to believe it's only Covid. I believe she has had Covid, yes. But I don't believe Covid is the exclusive reason she has had such a long hiatus.>>155902

lmao you're literally the braindead idiot he's talking about. Covid was just the catalyst for her body to start complaining about the hell she was putting her body through. She has been very upfront about that. She hasn't claimed to have had covid for the last entire year lmao
Damn she looks huge
You fukkin chemical whore, the vaccine didn't work for shit
12 bucks for 42 mins? Like a fucking movie, and then these other nonamers drop 5 mins for 15 dollars. Unbelivlble value.
I love this woman so much, her boyfriend is the luckiest man on earth.
Glad to be helping out, i haven’t watched it myself yet, I just wanted to give to yall first, it’s probably top tier.
WOW. Thank you so much. Her pussy is still huge and fat
Never paid much attention to her before but holy shit, I am converted! She’s sexy as hell.
so much hype for Mochii rn and honestly it's incredibly deserved. And all of us are obviously happy bc we get everything she posts. Which is basically my way of saying keep it up fellas
>how to artificially extend subs 101
It's over before it even started
There she go forcing her way in people lives again. Royally fuck off bitch

You guys are insufferable. She said she didn’t like the video. God y’all sound so insane and entitled
y'all are ridiculous. Crap happens in life, and what caused her not to be able to post the video is likely not her fault. The funny thing is she gave you a nude as an apology which is more than 90% of the onlyfans bbws out there would do
>didn't like the last video exactly one month after return, trying to persuade people to stay subbed just before expiration

>throws ancient video as bone

I'm not even a conspiracy guy but godamn
insane that she used to be vegetarian and now she does this kinda shit
any farts in hotdog vid ?
How about you watch it yourself?
(273 KB, 1001x892, 1682867633955351.png)
Regrettably there should of been many farts but a large turd blocked her anus pathway. Instead, the hotdog gas built up inside her intestines and made her swell up spherically until it could not be contained, thus her body underwent detonacion and blew viscera and undigested hotdogs all up the walls of her apartment. The paramedics arrived before too long, and thankfully sewed her up and also managed the hotdogs back inside her! She's fine, please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I rest my case.
>>158031 Although to put that in perspective, people eat 3 to 4 times as many hot dogs with rolls in twelve minutes at the Nathan's hot dog eating contest each year.
Did she fall off? I've seen no one talk about her since her return

She just came back and is taking things slow so she won't end up sick again. Also she switched to releasing content in DMs so her coomer is useless now.
Wait she was in love.. didnt know my bad. Explains the weight lose
>>158031 To put things in perspective, people eat four to five dozen hot dogs with rolls in twelve minutes at the Nathan's hot dog eating contest each year.
Save that date. Save that date. I cant I wait for the next level omg
At this point in time it feels like phoning it in worse than when a band does a comeback tour. Poor quality of posts and zero posts on social just scream that its trying to catch a few whales to her lifestyle.
Agreed. Week prior to last she ran into "filming issues," and the content she has released hasn't been that great. Hopefully she didn't quit her day job.
This dumb bitch won't listen to her body..
Thats what I love to hear let her rip
Yup, bet she feels like shit most of the time, though. Sad
Go on, sicko! Have a great nut on your never ending voyage for pleasure
You''ve 1000% nutted to worse whether you'll admit it or not. She chose this life and you have no idea how she feels at all. Mfs like you will act holier than thou but still be here gooning with the rest of us
I remember when shecwas stoll new and dhe set up profiles on literally every porn and fetish platform in existence, and she was extremely aggressive about reporting any posts of her content. She went so far as to report screenshots, and even got some of the profiles associated deleted. I get that the wants to make money, and that's fine by itself. But she's delusional if she really believes she can prevent her porn from being free online somewhere. Only morons pay for porn, and she apparently missed that memo.
It’s not about 100% prevention, it’s about making it just hard enough that most people give up and pay up.

But also you’re exaggerating. I used to share her shit all the time and nothing ever really got taken down.
Goddamn I wish she would do something other than eat an insane amount of food on camera. I've seen Mochii do that before. I think the weightcels have made feedism too much about the numbers, making it easy for her to burn out.
I 100% agree and it burns out and ruins a lot of good potential content. I liked the balance that KittyPiggy had where she would cram herself full of food every other video but in-between were workout videos, soft core girl on girl stuff, cross overs with other models, Stair climbing, out of breath waddling, body exploration, and so on.

I would really love to see Mochii just do some plain ol' fupa play and some vibrator/hand stuff. Personally I think it's super hot when they start getting to fat to reach far enough to pleasure themselves by hand so I hope to see that kind of content at some point.

But beggers can't be choosers I guess.
I find the excessive fupa focus really off-putting.
You people are all fickle. This woman ruined her health and cut her life expectancy down significantly for this fetish and now you're complaining about her being boring and lazy. And this is after this place spent the last year speculating if she retired/died during her hiatus.
I totally agree, we should have more respect towards the women who ruin their lives for the fetish

I would also love more of that, but Mochii has always been one of the most plainly authentic models in the industry and to her the fetish is completely losing control and letting go to eat ungodly amounts of junk food. A workout "lol it's funny that I get exhausted so easily" video from her wouldn't be the kind of authenticity she goes for unless it ends with her giving up and completely stuffing her face, like the first video she made after her first big break.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Just a splash of variety followed by her gorging herself to the point that she can't stand up.

I really love comparison stuff too so old clothes, smaller model playing with her body and slight shaming, but overall just a bit more variety between stuffing videos would be amazing content especially coming from her.
Exactly. I wanted her to stay away after her hiatus last year and it's now starting to get really concerning. She's still almost as big as she was and this is likely the last drive before she's gone for good (retirement or worse). Can't do anything about the sweaty coomers here unfortunately; they already sold their souls so they can have infinite jack-offs in exchange for morals.
I wish she would do more content in public - ordering too much fast food, ordering too much dessert for herself - I want to see the horrified looks of the staff as she gorges herself and then asks them for more food while her gut is wedging her into the booth.
I find it hilarious that noone really knows what they want. I hate the in-public stuff I just wish she'd show her titties more. Here's what we all want though, content. So let's start a chain a forgo the extraneous arguing https://we.tl/t-gWP7fAAb54

Honestly it would be better if she went slower. Her body would adapt better and she'd be gaining more consistently. Her health problems wouldn't be so bad if she was more patient.

I honestly think part of it is that she knew it wouldn't last forever and wanted to milk every possible penny out of it. She spent a year loving off the proceeds, and probably ran out of money. I see her doing the classic thing where they get to a certian size and disappear. Before her there was Dankii, Desi Rose, Ms. Chunky, and even (the origional) Gaining Goddess, among many others. The difference here is that Mochii is a very literal one trick pony and has to do real porn to keep people interested. She clearly doesn't understand the variety and nuance of the community or how to be creative with it without completely sacrificing her dignity. All of her videos are basically the same, designed for a very narrow subset of the community. She doesn't have a lot of confidence in her content, and ending all of them with sex, masturbation, or some type of sex act proves it. I know other feedee models also do porn. But it usually isn't the main selling point of the video. I mean, "fucked in my filth?" Yeah there's a market for it. It's porn. But it wasn't just one or two videos. It's almost all of them. This is a fetish that doesn't always revolve around sex. Sex is part of it, but often not even the biggest part. That's how fetishes work. It's pretty obvious she doesn't understand that. I suspect she isn't going to be getting a regular a job anytime soon with "fetish porn star" as her last resume item. Had she just retired she could have faded out of the spotlight and moved on with her life. Instead she decided to do a gross out video drinking butter. Grossed me the hell out anyway. There's a reason Layla has had the longevity she has. Mochii just saw a market she could exploit and had her moment. Problem is she isn't willing to let that moment pass.
I am 97 percent certain she has a job outside of this. Some sort of WFH gig.

Idk man she and her boyfriend make stuff that make them horny and it works for them? I don't think there's anything wrong with the sex, it's not for me personally, but given the length of her videos I'll just turn it off before they start fucking.

I don't think we're fickle. I think people were rightly annoyed when she said she'd come back like three or four times, promised they were working on this EpIc BiGLy content only to be served half-hearted beige videos that she's still somehow behind schedule on despite "planning" for months. It's hard to take her seriously when she doesn't care about her own business.
She worked at UbreakIfix. now please post more content and stop with the babbling.
You post something you moocher
Fym she’s got a flabby mound and the low angles make her look so huge and swollen, I love them.
prude on the fetish board is absolutely crazy
>Instead she decided to do a gross out video drinking butter. Grossed me the hell out anyway.

Hey man, Sometimes I wonder if she's truly a fetishist. Her words don't really match her actions. Did you ever notice how she will say she is horny but her undies don't have wet spots herself like ever. Even her hand is dry at the end of the last one. With all the super closeups of her crotch you'd think there would be a few obvious ones by now. And she never has much to say about it. All she says is some version of, "look how much food there is," "my belly is so big/I'm getting fatter," "this tastes so good," and "I'm so stuffed," over and over and over, even during weigh ins. She's also generally unemotional about the food she eats. She doesn't have the sort of labored involuntary reactions to food, like the slight moaning and savoring, and noticing little subtleties in texture and taste that a fetishist would. She only ever makes superficial visual observations, not experiential ones. It's all a trite little act to her. Her only concern is quantity, like that's all that matters. Plus real fetishists are rarely so reckless as consistently as she is (drinking butter, massive quantities in every video every week or more, 50,000 calories a day for a month, etc). It rarely looks like she is genuinely enjoying herself at any point. It's like she prioritizes the outcome and despises the process. Her videos are usually just eat food, play with belly, have sex. No nuance or subtle fetish things. I can't be the only one who has noticed.
Why bitches hating on michelle not her fault she is built not bought

LMAO. There's no chance you've ever felt the touch of an actual woman.
>Did you ever notice how she will say she is horny but her undies don't have wet spots herself like ever.
Just because you are horny doesn't mean you are wet. You can be horny without a boner.
>Her only concern is quantity, like that's all that matters.
> It rarely looks like she is genuinely enjoying herself at any point.
Overstuffing herself to the point of discomfort seems to be her fetish. If she could pump fattening slop down her gullet, she probably would.

Happily married for 12 years. Consistent great sex, kink friendly, childfree, homeowner. Unlike you...
What curvage does to a mf
>Overstuffing herself to the point of discomfort seems to be her fetish. If she could pump fattening slop down her gullet, she probably would.

Which only emphasizes that it's just an act. She really looks like she's in work mode when she stuffs herself. It just seems like if she was just a mega stuffer she would be able to enjoy the actual stuffing part. If the discomfort really was the only goal she could branch out and do water bloating, mentos and coke, soda, milk, or any of the other classic (common) methods. The complete lack of creativity is a BIG tell. Look at Layla -- she's a megastuffer focused on size. But she has a wide variety of methods and settings in her videos. She even RPs from time to time. Mochii...well, I believe she's a gainer but she doesn't have the heart of a true feedee. It's not like she isn't established enough to try new things and take risks.

LMAO. I can tell just by your posts that you're a closeted loser. You're the type of dumbfuck that'd post pictures of "your wife's gain!" when she's like 160lbs lol.

She actually isn't overweight. Sounds like you think Mochii is the real deal. She's selling a fantasy and you fell for it. You call me a loser.
“She’s selling a fantasy” …Who’s gonna tell him?
Waiting for my godfather give me the green LOL
Y'all really seem to want this thread to get locked. Stop responding to Master Fattener, he has not contributed anything of use to this conversation
Sit on my face with all that ass man

I'm not debating anything. I'm just apparently not allowed to disagree with popular opinion. It's like reddit up in here.
Why u guys bullying ma piggy
You're a bit of a weirdo, huh.
>join a bbw debate forum

bbwchan debate league when?
Love that the need to meantion "I have great sex with my wife". So cringe

An opinion is like "I think mochii is uggo" or "I dislike that she has lost weight". Speculating on her internal motivations is not an opinion, as the internal motivations are a matter of fact. They're not facts that we can know with 100% certainty since we can't read minds, but nonetheless, the end results are facts, and as such, much like in science, we can come to logical conclusions given the huge availability of evidence in the world around us.

Thus, all of your absolute brainlet-tier speculation is the equivalent of the literal neanderthals who say they think climate change isn't real. "Oh, I guess I'm not allowed to have an OPINION, huh?" they whine. Yeah because it's not an opinion, you're just being fucking retarded.
gonna chuck an extra car battery ino the bay
just for you :3
Take ur kids and go everyone is sick of u. You avoid her she will comexbring her verbal abusive ass to where you are ok dee dee
To the fuck to work. For real you do nothing here

Amazing how protective people are of a fetish. Sexual desires aren't truths, and other people are allowed to have differing opinions about it. She can be a gainer without being a real feedee. Your personal fantasy doesn't apply to everyone else. Sorry, pal.
Tommy is here lets all let him know how we feel people time is now before he goes to some fucked up edomite bbq
differing opinions are allowed obviously, but often stating these differing opinions does nothing except incite argument and take the thread further away from what we all come here for. Content

Again: this is not an opinion, what her sexual desires are *is* a fact, and you're criminally retarded.

No one would've done this to themselves on purpose over 2 years from a state of relative fitness if they weren't a real feedee, you absolute imbecile.

Thank you, you're the best

You call me an imbecile yet you believe no one has ever gained weight for money, or at least with money as a primary motivation. I bet you also believe the models you have to pay to chat with also genuinely care about you and how you feel about them. Oh yeah, the feabie chicks really like your profile and want to get to know you, too. Pphhh...

They make content for money. The only people who gain weight for money are 3rd world chicks like the asians from stuffer31

Yes, you really are criminally retarded
she's just kinda stupid, that's how stupid people act
My dick got hard when I thought about when I first saw you lol
Is anyone else just kind of unimpressed with her new content (ty2theguywhokeepspostingverymuchappreciated)

It's lacking and just kind of boring? Has she always been like this and I was just wrapped up in the hype?
I do feel like she doesn't have the same desire in her eyes and hunger to get bigger. It just feels like she's doing what is expected of her, but the passion has waned. Hopefully, the magic comes back but idk.
Yep, it's pretty basic compared to her other vids.

I'd love to see more variety on her wardrobe, something like fitting/comfy clothes vs increasingly smaller sized clothes.

You...don't get out much, do you? You strike me as the type who lives on the internet and never sees sunlight. You're probably also a virgin/incel type who thinks a woman's only value is exclusively your personal entertainment. If you want proof of my statements just watch her most recent videos. She's reeking of desperation, entirely disingenuous, and very obviously NOT enjoying herself. Unlike you I possess the capacity for observation and don't tie my kinks up with my identity or the real world. All you know how do is hurl insults like this is a high school locker room. Look around you--no one cares. And no one here even agrees with you. I've been married quite a while; no woman is mentally ill enough to share space with you, let alone a bed. Please keep your delusions to yourself.
From one autistic piece of shit to another, shut up.
You're warping reality to fit your own narrative and being damn rude while doing it. Your wife needs to keep better tabs on your computer usage.
The wife doesn't exist.

He's just a delusional retard.

It sounds like literally everyone here agrees with me lmao. You're so pathetic.
Yeah, it just feels like she's clocking in. Oh, cool, a half hearted wing video. Maybe it's because she's (justifiably) lost weight and is still in recovery, but none of these really have the pizazz of even last year's videos.

I think she's trying to emphasize her lesser figure. I get it, she's selling an idea. I just don't like feeling like I'm being sold to (the irony isn't lost on me, don't come at me). The obvious Skims and Calvin Klein placements feel cheap. Real beige shit.

Ah well. Maybe the content will turn around in a few months.
Shut up already nigga
Shut up wetback no one cares about her first birthday
Far & near kid far & near

They're fetish videos of a lovely degenerate woman has has doubled her weight for the pleasure of we other degenerates Mr Ebbert. Its not up for Oscar nominations.
Trying get my phone she is in the way. Trying get through a door she is in the fucking way why are you so harassing???!!!!
Harassing nature must be in law.

Disagreement is not stupidity. Your lack of basic self awareness is pathetic. You have yet to explain how I'm an imbecile, a retard, pathetic, etc. You don't even know what those words mean. You're just showing off your own ignorance.

One doesn't have to be a feedee to be a gainer. The two are not identical. Amazing how no one even read enough to see that was my point. She's fake in the sense of only being in it for the money. She took a break to lose weight because she didn't really want to be fat, but needs money so she's just halfassing it to stay current. It is SO obvious. If you weren't so lost in the fantasy you'd see it, and you'd see that's really all I've been trying to say.
stop acting like a pathetic imbecile retard
That doesn't mean the product should suck.

Taking a single bite of a wing, throwing it away, then smearing ranch dressing on herself is kind of lame compared to the stuffing content people actually want.
If you guys didn't say anything I wouldn't have noticed anything. And now I think I'm just over thinking it.
It was still hot to me. But even if she is less excited, I mean, how long can you get excited about doing the same thing for years on end? She ate to capacity so I still respect it. But I can see what you're saying.

I imagine this is what it'd be like to have a feedee in real life. The "passionate" phase has to end eventually. I still like hearing from her though.

I used to work with a guy who if he saw a plate of half eaten wings like that, he'd finish them for you.
Lazy beyond human belief. Its unbearable.
Did she post a video this week?
Sound like $18 bigmac corporate weed
Anyone know exactly when she was at her fattest? Want to find vids around whatever time period that is.
>>161225 her 3 year anniversary weigh in. March 2023.


mochii: “I’m back and this time my gain is going to be healthier and sustainable”

Also mochii: “watch me deep fry this fast food and chug melted cheese and butter”

hope she can sustain this, I really do want to see her break new weight records and get up into that 400+ size
Not sustainable, bitch is going to retire again if she keeps doing so. Ffs shes dumb af.
she seems so self destructive and hating, i dont understand her at all. either that or she’s a dumb fuck which seems like a likely thing given how she talks and carries herself. lmao bro shes insnae but im still gonna herk off to that shit so

She can’t help it. This is her kink…she needs the unhealthy food angle to get off on it. I for one am all for it.
She's hot, but It's a shame how her videos are all distorted and fish eye'd now. Reminds me of when carmen came back after the breakup and feels like I'm watching some gopro stuff
I wish she would something else like trying on old clothes, doing errands in public with her gut hanging gut, fat chat etc
anyone got the burger vid?
I did ask her once what happened to her treadmill and she told me she sold it so guess her being "healthy" is really off the menu, and she seems to enjoy melted butter so honestly I think she likes being unhealthy
Y'all ever eaten something absolutely delicious, but so undoubtedly calorie filled and greasy that it gives you a nasty, heavy feeling? I 100% think she gets off on that feeling, and craves it even if her body desperately pleads with her to reconsider
I mean this is the woman who dipped a cheese burgers in a container of melted butter. I wouldn't be shocked if her body is fighting back lol
She really loves her butter, gonna expect her doing just like a butter dipping video one day

Lmao, I've seen ants strip a chicken wing better than this.


She needs to lay off the butter and learn to take human sized bites again.
She already did that just before her long hiatus
is this new? i can't tell anymore the videos are starting seem a bit samey... then again maybe this is a reup and i just can't find my old copy....
This is from their old apartment. I don't think she's uploaded a new one. Maybe the deep fryer made her sick.
Is she behind schedule or what
i hate to ask but do anyone got that burp comp gofile link
anyone got that gofile with the burp compa
Deep Fried Fast Food | 🔥 Intro Sale 🔥

In This Video: Belly Stuffing • Deep Fried • Messy Eating • Tight Clothes • Burping • Chugging • Fupa ~ 49 Minutes

So I recently got my very own deep fryer and I decided to have some fun and deep fry a TON of fast food 😈

I got burgers, pizza, burritos and more, drenched them in THICK batter, covered them in carb filled bread crumbs and then deep fried them in greasy oil until they were golden brown and PACKED with extra fat and calories 🥵

Eating deep fried fast food made me feel like an absolute glutton and I felt even more obese when I started dipping my double fried treats in cheese, gravy and butter 🤤

I'll be honest, it's been hard to try to stay healthy when it's unhealthy eating that turns me on this MOST! I just can't seem to help myself, it's so bad 🙈
Is there any way to watch her indulgence month videos without the annoying music in the background?
She had a video where she fell asleep and was snoring while her feeder made food, anyone got it?
She had a vid where she was snoring while her feeder made food, anyone got it?
Has she retired? She posted something new on onlyfans but got rid of her bio

This is what she dm.

“ Hey, I’m very sorry for not putting out a video this past week and for being away from my DM's the past few days but I sadly have some bad news to share

The digestive issues that I was dealing with last year have frustratingly come back over the past few weeks and have been making it hard to indulge and create new content

At first I was trying to push through them, hoping it was just a minor flare up but sadly the symptoms have only gotten worse and I’ve been feeling very unwell 😓

I went to my doctor earlier this week and was referred to a specialist I’ve never seen before. I see them on Friday so hopefully I will know more about my situation by early next week

Honestly, I feel devastated and completely embarrassed by all this. I really hoped these issues were behind me but it seems like getting back into my old habits these past few months may have made them flare back up despite me taking things slower this time around 😞

Because of the situation, I have decided to upload all my latest content directly to the feed, including some bonus videos that haven't been on the feed before

Please only remain subscribed if you want to keep access to these videos as I am currently unsure about future content. Of course, all videos I sent to you through DM are yours to keep, even if you unsubscribe

Once again I'm really very sorry about all this, all of your support has always meant the world to me and I absolutely hate letting you all down 😔

I will be responding to any DM's I missed as soon as possible and will update you all as soon as I know more about the state of my health and what I plan to do.”
Jumping on this before everyone starts dogpiling on her again
Sucks to see her pull away but we kinda foresaw this kinda thing happening. These problems rarely just “go away”. Hope she comes back again but I’m not holding out hope - it’s surprising she came back at all after her last break. If people start dunking on her for being flakey or a fake idk what to do to prove to these people that she’s really into destroying her body. Clearly one of the most invested models I’ve seen short of literally killing herself
Anyone dunking on her is just an asshole.
She can do what she wants with her life. But does anyone know what these "digestive problems" are?
lmao good
>she can do what she wants with her life
And people are free to shame her and call her out for her stupidity, lack of self-respect, lack of social integrity and greed-driven business model and style of life.

If I'm just an asshole, she's just an obese e-thot, and you are just a whiteknight simp. See how that goes both ways with the strawmen?

> Drinking melted butter and cheese and eating deep fried stuff non-stop

Well... I'm no doctor but something tells me matter how good your digestive system is, there will be a point when it reaches its limit.

I'm sorry for her, maybe she should stop being a bit less forcing her body through things it never was made for in the first place.
Her videos are hot af and I've never seen someone eat so much and so extremely unhealthy and gain as quick as she did (and I used to work as a dietician at a hospital), but I guess it's only natural that her body reached it's limits.
do you know what a strawman is? is your absurd stupidity what makes you get so fuming mad over porn?
Both of you are mad over porn so it doesn't matter
It's over guys. Her body can't handle this anymore.
I wonder if she'll even bring up her eating habits. Sucks to see we may never see her reach 400.
she WILL be 400+lbs so help me god

We knew her body couldn't handle what she's been doing to it months ago. When she came back she promised to slow down and track her health and exercise a bit to prevent the issues from flaring up.

Instead, every time this natural-born hog with no self control gets in front of a camera, she has to stuff the most ungodly amounts of the most unhealthy food on earth down her gullet until she can't move anymore

It's hot as fuck but this was the predictable outcome.
RIP, queen 🕊️🍔
Don’t be sad because it’s over. Be happy that it happened. 🫶🏻
Probably her entire system messed up from guzzling butter and eating 10s of thousands of calories of fatty food
Has she passed? Where does it say?
Yeah not surprising it ended like this. Of course the schizos here will start thinking something else has happened and she's lying (for no reason) et cetera.
babe wake up, new mochi lore dropped
It's over guy time to go home

Actually this has the potential to be good news.

Doctors sometimes disregard a lot of fat people issues as "just eat less 4Head". If a doctor thinks this is actually a solvable underlying medical concern, then the procedure (maybe gall bladder removal?) could actually save her life as a feedee (but just limit what TYPE of food she can eat, not the quantity)
The Mochii cycle: Be forced to stop gaining because of health issues, take a break, come back promising to eat healthier and take care of body, later disregard this and eat like your arteries don't existWe are here)
Yeah but then again, she gained an enormous amount of weight in a short amount of time. She had plenty of hiatuses before this and her last one. It doesn't help that she continues to eat a large portion of the most unhealthiest of foods and her body is destroyed.

I wished she stopped when she went on hiatus last year. I know it's hot to see her gorge on shit, but we gotta put the horny aside and focus on the bigger concern, and that's her life. That goes for her too fuck the money it's your life you're risking..
Idk man if she wants an express pass to the crematorium I say let her. She clearly can't say no to deep fried bullshit and would rather have cheeseburgers over a functioning GI tract.

I guarantee that she'll disappear again for a few months, come back, go even harder, and keep repeating the cycle until her heart gives out.
As hot as it was to see a 120lb cheerleader eat herself into a 380lb, degenerate tub of lard within just a few days: There was never a way she could keep going at that pace or stay at her massive size forever. There was just no way it could have ever been sustainable.She could probably keep producing content if she drops below 300 or even lower, but the size she is now is just absurd (in an incredibly hot way) and extremely taxing for her. She is just not build to handle 260lbs of excess fat. I will forever jerk off to her peak weight stuff and her gaining montages though. Those will forever remain some of the best gaining-related content to ever been produced.
So you really need to see some of Beauregard’s epic stuffings. The amount of food that girl could eat was just insane and she really blew up because of it. Sadly she stopped after eating herself up to 415 or so…she did have a five day gain as much as you can series of stuffings including crazy weight gain shakes. Definitely worth checking out.
I just wish she could have more regular binges of pizza or ice cream instead of lard dipped in butter. Surely even the greasiest pizzas or shakes loaded with extra syrups are more enjoyable than the actual garbage she eats half the time. Would be easier to maintain that way too, if not gain.
She never comes back harder though. She comes back so simps re-up or stay subbed and then bails because she’s lazy. And blames “muh health” because you can’t call her out on it without looking like an asshole
doubters in this thread clearly didn't follow CC's three years of stomach issues and hiatuses, she's bigger than ever now
Idk man I'd say chugging nothing but deep fried processed food is pretty hard, comparatively speaking.

See, I don't disagree. But on the other hand she eats like she's some sort of freak show. I wish she had been more transparent in the past, and just did simple cellphone sets during that time but whatever, she's lazy.

Yup. There's plenty of feedees in the high 300s and above who don't have to deal with all these issues...difference is they don't fucking dip everything they eat into a tub of melted butter.
Wyf are you talking about? Obesity is a health issue in itself and she got to that state in less than 3 years while it takes others forever to graze it. Of course she's going to have health issues because her body is never able to adapt to her weight, not to mention all the greasy, buttery shit she consumes.

It's very bad to rapidly gain weight, as well as to rapidly lose weight. You sir needs to learn basic health hazards and stop saying "tHeIr LaZy". Coomers like you is the reason why many regrets having this fetish.
They are lazy though, most fat people are. Nothing is stopping her from making videos of normal fat girl stuff. Not everything has to be massive binges or radio silence, especially when you’re dragging people along expecting them to pay for it. I get stuffings are kind of her schtick, but I’m sure people would be happy for try-one and weigh-ins and stuff.
This. She had a very short lived Snapchat that I was hella excited for and never did anything with it. Try-ons, walking, day-in-the-life stuff, like I feel like that's super easy to accomplish but W/e.
That's true, but then after a while people would beg her to do a massive stuffing again. Can't win either way unfortunately.
I mean if she was consistent with regular shit I don't think people would have a problem. She doesn't have to be a freak show, but I assume it's what gets her off/ pays the most. At this point she *could* rest on her laurels but if she's not making thousands of dollars I guess it isn't worth it lmao.
I understand what you're saying, but I think we've also got to consider that every BBW has a point at which their body simply can't take it anymore and starts to have problems.

Not many people remember this, but just before she got doxxed, LMBB was having health issues and she was at 235 at that point.

And, if you're a real OG, Cambria, from S31, got to about 205 (maybe 210?) back in the day before she had a "health scare" and had to quit.

Some women simply cannot double or triple their weight without their body going haywire.

In the light of that, it's really crazy that Mochii was even able to get *this* big.
I may be stating the obvious, I just don't understand why it is all or nothing. It seems like she could make more try on videos and photos at a large size. It doesn't have to be super painful stuffing content that ruin her digestive system
Anybody have a short list of vids at her highest weight?

Health scare? Is that the lie you bought? She was my favorite girl back in the day, I'm about her age, we connected on facebook and I helped her with college stuff. The real story is that her presence was TOO public and she freaked out and realized she couldn't keep friending FAs when her parents didn't even know she was basically a pornstar. She was actually into fat--her boyfriend at the time was like twice her size (though a pretty creepy neckbeard who she dumped within a few months) but ultimately lost the weight in order to make everyone on facebook lose interest in stalking her. Eventually she just quit social media altogether.
Her feeder needs to step it up - manage the fiber, probiotics, walks, seed oils, alcohol, etc. This is a solvable problem. Care and keeping of his feedee is part of the job.
He also has his own nebulous health problems, is pretty young, and doesn't like to cook. He's tech savvy but I think that's the only thing he has going for him.

Ultimately I think they're both just kind of stupid and short sighted, but smart enough to extract thousands of dollars from desperate gooners.

While I agree that there's a huge differenence between 300lb+ and 200lbs...unless there's some genetic disorder or some shit, there's no way a chick is having serious health issues at like 210lbs lol.
Respectfully, comparing Mochii with LMBB is not a fair comparison. Mochii is MUCH heavier than LMBB ever was and gained weight faster as well. Also, Mochii eats some of the most unhealthy food imaginable; LMBB, by contrast, ate mostly healthy stuff-but A LOT of it. These are two drastically different BBWs.Whatever issues LMBB was having towards the end, they probably didn't have much (if anything) to do with her weight gain. Mochii's, though, are directly attributable to her weight gain and all the disgusting slop that she regularly pours down her gullet.
I don't know why, but reading what you wrote right there made me realize how incredibly fucked up this whole thing is lmao
That and LMBB was actually hot and Mochii is more like a freak show we just want to see where it goes.
Yeah I mean, I feel like an asshole for saying this, but watching Mochii is like watching a slow motion car crash. You know it's going to end badly, but it's difficult to look away.
Frankly, calling it incredibly fucked up is probably understating it.
THIS! thats literally all we need. She honestly could’ve done that while she was recovering. Would've been a good way to keep the money flowing and the interest coming.
I'd call them horny, not stupid.
Maybe she just needs to find a feeder that can actually cook or care for mochii cause I think they only rely on uber eats and just melted butter. Like yeah, he has definitely helped her gain but also probably encourages these big binges back to back and theres no like break for a salad here or there. Like if they still had the treadmill, it would also have helped but since they moved, they had to sell it so her being more active was out of the question and just reverted to her gaining weight in 2020 which she just lounged in bed. A salad here or there wouldnt hurt but it just looks like she wants to drink melted butter at this point.
I mean, it is fucked up.

Yeah, tbh at this point I don't even get off on her. It's weird spiketv level entertainment to me tbh.

"Yeah, break up with your boyfriend you're financially tied to and have been with for four years." They're practically married at this point, without any of the marriage benefits. If he was smart they would have gotten married and he would have taken a heft life insurance policy out on her.
That fucking twisted shut up
Shes an idiot I warned her from day 1 he was gonna plump n dump her cuz real feeders lile slow gains. Psychopaths who don't appreciate life need rapid gains. She blocked me for saying that. Do not feel sorry for her.
Cambria and LMBB were both incredibly hot to me
damn i guess she rly should have listened 2 u, anonymous internet rando

It doesn't take a high IQ to predict a relationship that's solely reliant on a fetish wasn't going to last long. Reminds me when Natty The Fatty ended up homeless after her feeder dumped her. But at least she was able to bounce back and ended up living well post-retirement.


>> If he was smart they would have gotten married and he would have taken a heft life insurance policy out on her.

Which is more work than what it's worth. Better off just dumping her and dig himself out of debt.
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Jerry died last year. Maury was better anyways.
Clearly. I'm just saying why would she listen to a random internet stranger who isn't either stroking her ego or giving her money.

I doubt he's in much debt other than *maybe* student loans. He has a stable job and I'm sure she makes a ton of money whenever she resurfaces.
My fantasy feeder account had been over 15 years old with my face showing when I messaged her wasn't random. If you were gonna listen to any advice then it would be that of someone who has been around long enough to collect enough data like that.

Lets be real women do not listen to advice from men hardly ever.
Lmao I don’t think that quite gives you the qualifications you think it does.

lmao he pumped her but there's still no sign of him dumping her, dumbasses.

He liked her in college before she even gained weight, it's actually the world's greatest coincidence for all of us that they shared a weight gain fetish in the first place

Most of their free time is just spent coop gaming together, they don't need her to be gorging constantly to gain ungodly amounts of weight in order to stick together

Y'all are seriously chronically retarded
Respectfully old timer, you are a moron
she has beautiful features and her gain was hot. her latest content isn't though. she's just disgusting atp and not the hot kind of slobbish disgusting. just eww.
She looks like an over-inflated balloon.
I had high BP at 6'2 190 ~16% BF eating an extremely healthy diet outside of ~150% DV saturated fat. It actually blows my mind that no one I've dated has been hypertensive/how low the numbers in "doctor's appt." vids from Adeline and the like are. All this to say some of us have very fragile bodies without any disorders lol
Incel moment

Especially with that last comment lmao
I think she looks amazing. Would love to see her continue to inflate.
Also, nobody suspects Mochii of concealing a pregnancy lol
You being a porn addict for 15 years is not a something you should tell us lmao
If you’ve been fapping to fat porn for 15+ years you’re the last person Im taking advice on women from

That mf prob doesn’t even know what that means 😭
And, honestly, that's surprising considering that Mochii's belly is gigantic compared to LMBB's belly at the time that she was supposedly pregnant.
My dudes, she gets off on eating the most unheathly food, she will burn herself out. It be best if she snims down a bit leaves the porn industry marries her bf and have a some kids like Holly did. In this game
you either cash out and get a nice husband like Auroa and her husband Harold or Holly and her husband, or you end up like poor Jae.

Hell they're still trying to raise funds to move Kass's body back home to be buried. If her death wasn't a wake up call then nothing would be.
What are you talking about?

Some chick who used to make content died (don't mean to sound cold, just have no clue who she really is lol) and a good chunk of models were sharing around a crowdfund for her funeral.

Ironic for coomers to live under a rock. There's even been multiple threads of her and you dolts are still saying "who"?

Weirdly enough I connected to her back when I was finishing up school and was helping her with some of her classes too. I was tutoring her on math over Skype or one of those.

One day she went radio silence - ignored phone, deleted social media, etc. Seems like she made a clean break.

lmao was Audrey really just asking every FA under the sun for math homework help? To be fair you were probably more helpful than me, I'm good at math but a terrible teacher, she was struggling with precalc as a freshman while I was done with diffeqs and pretty much every single problem she gave me I would just do in my head in 3 seconds and give her the answer and badly attempt to explain how I got there. Which would only have been useful for homework, not if she was taking her exam studying seriously.

Anyway, she warned me it would happen at some point, but by the time she *actually* ghosted all of social media I had already drifted away from her because I found a college girlfriend, and talking to your favorite pornstar on facebook while you have a girlfriend would be pretty gross lol. So I was surprised when one day I realized she was no longer on FB but it's not like I was mid-conversation with her anymore.

Alright, it's been 2 weeks. We should finally get an update before the weekend.
It is, but you have to remember that Mochii, as big as she is, has never looked pregnant. Big, yes, pregggo, no.
Or, radio silence for the next three months.

"Hey guys sorry I've been soooo busy"

Yeah this girl is never on time. How she ever finished college is beyond me.
don't y'all get that she now only returns once a year to make some money, then takes a break over some lame excuses only to come back a year later ? she's been doing this for a while now
Yeah I don't buy her bullshit excuses. Sucks because in the beginning I was a huge fan, but now it's like why bother?
It's a bit of a shame that she keeps going on these hiatuses, though every time she does come back she tends to be good quality content for a cheap price. Regardless if it's an "excuse", it's not like, say, Shar, who just chugs a shake once in a while and jiggles her belly; Mochii is actually like gorging every new video.

Funny enough though, she said she wanted to start trying to be healthier. Inadvertently or not, she's getting what she wanted.

Why is it so hard to believe that the morbidly obese women who dips fatty foods in/drinks butter and takes multiple giant syringes of ice cream might make herself sick and get digestion issues lmao
mochii is currently dealing with the inevitable "well well well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions"

sucks to see but its kinda hot in its own way. if you thought someone who's been a petite short girl her whole life could blow up to a near 400 pound butterball in like 1000 days with no severe health issues, you're naive at best

Actually if she had done it steadily over 1000 days her health issues could've been managed a lot better, and would've been mild to moderate instead of "severe"

Instead she gained the vast majority of the weight over the first year and then rapidly yoyo'd from there

You know you're messed up when you make Shar's sporadic ass look more active than you.


Because this woman is lazy, has a horrible track record, and delays like a motherfucker lol. Making any short of update seems near impossible for her and the apologists use the same old "cut her some slack, she did just drink some butter" excuse for her.


>>Instead she gained the vast majority of the weight over the first year and then rapidly yoyo'd from there

Which is ironically how she got popular in the first place. A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
it’s not even about making excuses… it’s more like what exactly do u ppl want from her? even if u think she’s lying about her health (doubtful) it’s not like demanding money from anyone when she takes these breaks.

r u wanting her to simply go away? whats the solution here?
These guys don't care about anything going on here.

They just love to hate on women because they're lonely little incels.
> it’s more like what exactly do u ppl want from her?

A definitive answer. Fuck off with these silent periods waiting for her to take her sweet time with responses. Either she keeps going or she retires at this point.


>>They just love to hate on women because they're lonely little incels.

Shut your monkey ass up.
>A definitive answer.

to what? an answer for why she keeps leaving? she gave you one… u don’t believe it. now what?

the real answer here seems to be just find someone else to jerk off to idk
I struck a nerve it seems.
anyone who actually wants to see content in this thread better stop replying. If mods don't wake up we're an inch from this thread getting nuked with non bbw related debates
so is she dead
Idk why the mods nuked most of the thread
Too much bickering I imagine.
because there was nothing but arguments and no actual content sharing, lets change that gooners

>>so is she dead

Nope, just lazy and is always late with uploading.


Share what? All her old shit is on coomer and the little that she put out during her current run has already been shared. Nothing to do but wait until she finally makes an announcement.
You got the burger vid then? I'm missing it
its posted on here you retard srcoll up and look with your eyes
It still works retard click on it and look with your eyes
Has the bonus content mentioned here >>162841 been shared? May have already but idk what it is just checking
i just realizrd i forgot to crop it. FUCK. yo yall are cool right? or should i get mod?
if you have to ask...
Mods. please remove. thank you
Well it's about time she realized what she was doing was going to end horribly. She took the last stomach issue seriously and put an end to it. We can officially say that she's done, but what a run she had. Even if it lasted for about 4 years she grown to be one of many favorites quickly. Wishing her good luck on her future endeavors.
As they say, always leave them wanting more
Mochi must realize it's too late. Her organs have damaged, to the Maybe ten years of her life remaining. And it will all be agony.

She must complete a "death stuffing" where a hose is inserted down her esophagus and a baloon blocks it so food can't regurgitate. Her feeder will put slop directly inside her stomach until it ruptures, then she corpse will continue to fill until her skin gives out and spills on the floor for the feeder to bathe in. I would love to see her skull on his wall. Bloated burstiebitch fillhog.
Well fuck me, if that’s not one of the more abnormal lines of thought I’ve seen on here. Were you one of the fetal alcohol or dropped on your head kind of babies?
it's over y'all. pack up and go
Stop fucking bumping this thread you dipshits
She quit.
Farewell to the GOAT 🫡
until she gets without money again :/
This reminds me of what happened to Rae. She also gained a lot in an insanely short amount of time, then suddenly disappeared. About a month later, she briefly reappeared with two very crappy vids that seem to show she had an insulin pump or something similar. Then she just closed all her stuff and was never heard from again.
It's nice of Mochii to at least come out and say what's going on.
But yeah, godspeed Mochii. One of the greatest feedees this community has ever seen. I wish her all the best.
damn, hope for the best then. she's amazing.
I feel like she’s gonna upload even privately sent content on her page, does anyone have anything not on coomer when she was at a her biggest? I’ve got a couple of things!

If she’s uploading it all need a full upload on there
Bet you the guy dumps her now lol

Yikes the criminally retarded people are back

He had a crush on her before he even knew she was a feedee, my dude

>>or simply keep in touch as friends

I mean if she keeps some weight and resumes streaming on twitch then I might reconsider. Also not closing up shop would be nice too. I still have some clips to get that isn't on coomer.
Y'all are getting mad but she's such a real one for just coming out an saying it. So many would've just disappeared or faked gains to keep selling content despite maintaining/losing

>>Y'all are getting mad

Shut the fuck up. No one's getting mad that she's quitting. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knew she was done after her second hiatus.

IDK but you seem kinda mad right now.
Hey man don't get so mad, it's not good for your blood pressure

Hey now, we here encourage self-destructive behavior. Whether it's high blood pressure or chugging down melted butter. It's not a fulfilled fetish until someone dies and people act disgusted and sad until it happens again.

That being said Mochii's story is completed and there's still some time left before the thread gets locked. So what do y'all wanna discuss?
Disappointing. Had long been looking forward to the nut i'd have after reading she had died of a heart attack. What a coward

If she deflates, 100%. Can't build a relationship around a fetish lifestyle, then back out. It doesn't work. Really sucks for her. Dating post-feedee is going to be tough. Maybe if she works the female feeder market, but it's very niche.
Why would he dump his bangmaid in a high COL city. That seems like a dumb move. She's still fat, and the kind of gross he likes. I'm sure they'll do enough stuff privately to keep the flames going, just not enough to hurt her lmao
I think over time they will come back, they will find a way to make a little sidemoney by doing videos that cover this fetish without doing her any harm. Overeating is not everything. It will take some time until that happens but it would be wasted potential if they would not do that. There is a vocal minority wanting her to stuff herself to the brim permanently to see how fast she can gain, but there is also a silent majority who are okay also with just seeing how she enjoys her wobbling overfattened body. I am looking forward to that, hope dies last. Just my two cents before this thread closes. Enjoy the future and thanks for the four years long ride that has set new standards and changed the bounds, thanks for the mammoth work that was put in to create the story of Mochii, what an awesome episode!
This. I wanted her to go all the way and kill herself. Worthless now since she gave up way before her time

lmao she's being a true hedonist, not a coward. Hedonism is all about seeking personal pleasure. She didn't quit feedism because her blood pressure was getting high, she quit because it was putting her in more pain to keep going than the pleasure she was getting out of it.

If she had miraculously not had any pain through her medical issues, I fully believe she could've kept going until she croaked. But giving up due to the pain is a very "lazy spoiled princess feedee" thing to do. It sucks that it went down this way but calling it cowardice is just absolutely braindead.
damn well , ngl I think its time I drop this fetish all the goats are leaving man.. mochii was my last straw I told myself if she quit then Ill quit my fetish.. see you guys in about a week
The hypocrisy of this place never ceases to amaze me. Particularly the mods.

So, it's fine to support a woman eating until her intestines stop functioning normally and she permanently loses 30 years from her lifespan, but we can't even fantasize about feeding her until her stomach ruptures.

If you're into stuffing, you should be into stomach ruptures. The moment right before the perforation is always going to be as full as she gets. It's about finding your peak in this art form, even if you can only reach it once.

But people freak out and call me a "necrophile" and get the mods to ban me.
apples to fucking oranges my guy. Supporting a feedee even if it likely shortens their lifespan is one thing, openly fantasizing about a feedee's stomach rupturing is completely different. Especially when the second one is completely opposite what this sub is seemingly for
report this dude to authorities

Her health issues likely tie back to IBS, blood sugar, heart burn and sleep apnea. The treatment either causes weight loss, or the treatment may even be weight loss.

She's going to rapidly shrink, with the loose skin to show for it. As the feeder, it's a constant reminder of what was lost. Not fun.

With the fetish being a core part of their intimacy, it's unlikely the relationship survives. This is why women don't chill with guys who fetishize them. It's a losing deal.

Given their ages
Wtf is wrong with yall? Death feedists are the worse get help.
I'm fucking piss that she's quitting like wtf why can't she just exercise a bit and get fat? There's way fatter feedees like boberry roxxie and the new ginger girl but she's not even 400 lbs yet and suffer more? Why us life so cruel, I hope she doesn't get skinny like Kelly Kay;-;

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