
just give a fucking hint ffs
Ok her old name without the spaces is
f l o w 3 r _ k I t t 3 n
she has 2 old accounts uploaded to .su so take a look there for more or go find her Reddit profile with her new screen name.
interesting. Is there any material from in between when she gained her first pounds?
Some, check .su which has 2 of her former OFs archived.
Encrypt her current name then post it
The resting bitch face is strong in the second pic haha. Looks like she got really doughy, though.
She already has a coomer, but it's out of date
Two coomers but she may have a third account under her new username, I dunno
So his sister mom is still alive? He made it seem like she did something terrible. God weighed the hearts of the pure. Your sister is innocent. And your other sister is innocent. God dont like ugly.

the whole point of this website is to post links like to coomer, so just post em and stop arguing about nothing?
lol it's not that hard to find her on coomer, just give it a try instead of complaining
Bigger body with the shitty haircut seems to be standard these days
You're suppose to share stuff people DON'T know already know about lol
Dont forget way too many trashy tattoos/piercings
Just out of curiosity why did she choose to gain weight and be a bbw? On stufferdb the old photos of her looked like she was once a model or used to do onlyfans. I remember she used to be on reddit a long time ago. I wonder why she left.
some hero to upgrade your coomer
Damn she got Hella ugly went from a 5/10 to a 2/10, that hair and her face makes her look like a wannabe "dominant" lesbian, gross, she was cute when she was chubby what a waste
>>152599 (OP)
Holy mother of hanging guts. It is practically begging to be grabbed and played with. Sad state of affairs with her hair, though. I fail to understand why some women decide shaving everything off on top is a good idea.
Thanks for sharing.
Yeah seems like most of these girls go full lesbo at some point. Short hair is easier to deal with especially when fat and sweaty... It takes a really pretty face to still look feminine/attractive with a "butch" haircut. The smart ones wear wigs on camera but it still kinda ruins the fantasy tbh.
she deactivated the of again
(402 KB, 2048x2048, 7xcjskuimlyc1.jpg)
Are you sure? She posted this on her Reddit (which is still active) only 4 days ago
No way y'all are going to forefully withold the name of this woman. Who is she?
Nigga if you cover her sagging fat you can't tell whether it's a guy or a girl, bitch is repulsive built like a reddit mod
>bitch is
I've been noticing this kind of talk here a lot lately. Is BBW-Chan infested with dindus or zoomers or both?
leave, then. why are you on this thread at all if you think she's ugly you troglodyte
Her body is nice but I just saw recent pics of her and she straight up has that fucking broccoli haircut of a 16 year old tiktok boy
her big hair and face when thinner were beautiful. The gain is very hot however, but she ruined it with that hair
>>stop saying when you win the lotto youre going to help your friends & family. Fuck them they left you for dead remember
This shit is too funny. In a community where most everyone only finds obese chicks attractive some people can’t fathom others don’t like chicks that have men’s haircuts lmfao

Shame. Body is banging but the hair is a turn off. Hope she grows it back out.
I bet your husband was loving that cheating vagina LMAO
Agreed hair no go
I play chess. You thought you was going to see me. #checkmate
Damnit. My penis just can not get passed the haircut.
I'm glad people are in consensus that the short hair dyke look is terrible and not sexy, hopefully that goes out of style and women just start being normal again

fuck i miss 2011

I mean honestly there are some women's facial structures that the dyke-do looks really good on. Just not her.
She should dye it and go full danger hair
Cus she was pretty she went the same way that zissmiss and wood went, pretty cute chubby girls to fat disgusting dykes built like your dog ass, fat masculine beer guts with dainty legs, the again youre a faggot that jerks it be us leBooBA sOoOO BeeEEg retard

I think Beer bellies can be sexy on hot women, she just looks like a teenage boy who pisses in jars and had vitamin d deficiency
Has she posted anything new?

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