
Is there more of her talking about it? Loved that last one in there
>>152258 (OP)
Still getting used to the fact that twitch is like 30% porn now
Please can you upload to wetransfer or gofile or something as mega wont let me download thanks

Shes so big now its insane
Buyer beware, she's a tease, an expensive one

get it while it's hot lads and lasses, it's one of the only ones i got from simply being at the right place at the right time.
Thanks lad! very much appreciate it! she looks so soft and chubby and bloated in all of these
It doesn’t look like she’s into it and just doing it for the moolah
Ibr i'll take whatever we get fam, she's hot and the more she leans towards this fetish the better
+1 for “she’s hot”
A recent comment from her curvage thread. Sums it up good, imo. Agree - she's hot and taking what's given, but keeping my expctations in check

" Agree. She's pretty savvy, especially when it comes to social media. She is well aware of this fetish element of her larger community of followers. She is also aware of its limits and limitations to her big picture. She is going to tease just enough to attract attention from the feedism community and bring in some additional income, but she will not go so far as to jeopardize her "mainstream".

Only way I see this changing is if she does lose control of her eating habits against her will to stay mainstream. Possible, but I don't see any evidence that we are close to that point yet."
Ngl this is gonna be tough to recover from for me…how do I go back to these butterfaces when this girl has it all?
She's been her current size for about a year. I'll shit a brick if she puts on another 10 lbs. Hot but don't expect any more weight
She's very slowly but very steadily leaning into a lazier lifestyle as of late, really helps keep the pounds on her as well as add some here and there and i might as well add the fact that she's been alot more comfortable with her physique which is a massive +. Only downside atm is the steep asking price she's asking for that type of content which is kind of unfortunate but understandable, if we're gonna make her big we gonna need to be able to put more food on her table to help her grow
lol keep telling yourself that, wishful thinking of straight up delusion. Her asking price isn’t to support her gain it’s to cash in from gullible simps like you lol
I’m not taking my chances on someone who’s clearly just teasing us and not into it at all and just in it to make money off simps who think she’s gona gain 100 pounds next year. Wake up. Yea she’s got looks but I highly doubt she’s gona go full throttle with this.
she has over a million twitch followers, tf
Has anyone with such a large following ever gotten into feederism-type content at all before? that’s wild to me
Who cares if she's into the fetish or not? She's a gorgeous girl with big tits and a big belly. She doesn't need aspirations of becoming a 500lbs mess to be hot
Never fully believed that she was gonna be into the fetish lmao i'm just saying overall it's looking good. Ain't no way you're catching me pay 50 dabloons for shit like this when you can find something better for free. All i'm saying is she's super hot and it's looking good thus far. Wishful thinking? Maybe a little bit but was never convinced that she was gonna be into this fully lmao, just enjoying the moment that's about it really
2024 and that union STILL DOESNT HAVE DISPATCH. CORRUPTION. They want to control every fucking move. Put a bullet in their head. I tired of all you ppl suffering at the hall. I swear to fucking god
If you wanna pay $50 for mid, fake content, you do you.
You literally said if we want to see her grow we need to put more food on her table. I.e. pay her. Nah fuck that. She’s not even that hot, there’s a ton of actual gainers out there that blow her out of the water.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not spending any money on her but you freaks are missing the forest for the trees here.

She’s making content, she’s hot as fuck, she’s gained a considerable amount of weight….what else do you want? This is gold.
She doesn't need to really be in into it, but it would help if she was a better actor. The feeding roleplay videos where she clearly thinks that the fetish is a joke are a huge turn off for me. Maybe there is some level of autism where some of you guys can't tell the difference? Not sure.
Show her your dick. You know she is waiting. Then jerk off cum on her tities & glasses
"... not even that hot," Your definition of what is hot is something I'd surely like to see.
Fucking faggit eating all her food. How could she ever gain enough to bust out her clothes. She misses me and wants to show me her phat bootie gains. Lol
for 50 dollars you could get 10 videos of blondiee.18 instead of one boring video of this blonde fake girl
So true dude, you guys are wasting time on some streamer scamming you when a beautiful blonde is gaining right under your noses
I sent this vid straight to the trash bin where it belongs
anon is right about blondie
either her or cakedupkayyla, 6.99 for 16-20 mins of content thats actually worth? yes please
Has she ever said that she is going to embrace feedism and intentionally gain? Answer - no. She's a tease who is also chubby hot by most definitions, and presents nothing more in either her content, or her own stated intentions. Each can make their own decision to spend, or not spend.
Is there any chance for a reup of this?
Has she done any belly/burping stuff recently?
I think she might be into this shit
is she still gaining/posting fat content?
Has never intentionally gained and 99% certain she never will. She's chubby because of her streaming lifestyle of drinking, smoking, cooking, and over snacking. She knows of this community and knows how to bloat and create food babies in order to tease and entice those here to spend money on such content. She's also hot, so if that is what you attracts you, and you understand the score, go for it. There are several others who are also hot (blondiee and Candii come to mind) who are active gainers to consider.
She’s not. She will never give up being conventionally attractive for a niche community who will shell out cash if she just pretends by pushing out her stomach and playing along with saying the right words.
I thought she walked up to me to stare into my phone. Come to realize she walked on over to fart then walk out the room.
Any whales got any of the latest belly vids? Appreciation in advance
Her most recent videos are equally overpriced as her old stuff.
The video that goes with OP's pic is 1:24 Long and $20.
Very true. That's why I was hoping there's a fat wallet operator in here
No, she is just pushing it out
I wish I knew
Huge tits? Wtf? You mean below average tits?
jfc, r u serious? if you think nicole's tits are small, you are on the wrong board. there is a /tits board here that you need to spend your time on
When is something new going to arrive here? Does she still even do these types of things anymore?
spotted the delusional coombrain
Wont be beacuae all you do is watch. I control what you say on here
I have all ypur sextapes though
Does anyone have her burping videos please?
Does anyone have anything of her rn?
Anyone got anything new?
I pay myself. Market is up actually.

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