
happens once in a while LOL glad I'm not alone
literally who?
That non baby lover bitch not died yet. The fuck
So what is this an rp or something?
I mean, I wasn't intending it to be, I just wanted to show off panties or whatever but I guess that's weird around here.
Why do fat girls wear their underwear over their belly?
Oooh ok I was confused by all the weird coments. In that case looking good
I don't want all the negativity to scare you off, so I'll say I like how much your inner ass cheeks hangs. Looks really succulent.
It's not that you're not hot. It's just this site is less simpy because it's anonymous. How did you even find this place?
Pornhub. Comment section I opened the link rest was history lol
Well welcome. Nice ass and belly would love to see more someday
Which one. Im trying to plump up a few of these "old" women. And I know they all reading this. Thats the best part about this site. Learning who is who. Because its all accusations lol you know I was staring at your ass when we last met. Idk why we didnt fuck. But I hope we do with my thick 5" cock you know it me. U little nasty woman
Skin is about as thick as I am so insults and all that jazz don't really bother me lol, people are gonna be dicks no matter where you go. And how I found this place, I was doomscrolling one day and found the term BBW, so I kept looking into that and I eventually found myself here. Finally got the courage to show off those cute panties I got too.
ok, bu why do fat chicks wear it over their bellies.
I don't think fat guys wear their underwear like that.
Cause if I don't my apron will hide the panties lmao
Figured it out. Using eyeliner to conceal identity smh. Come fuck some huge cock hoe
I'm not sure what most of that meant but to answer your question both ha
Although I'm getting people mixed up here >>151697
Nice pics
we'd rather see the apron lol
You can make $160/hr with a 25k trading account. So easy. I might punch the president in the face before I quit real shit
Don't bother, that guy is our resident schizophrenic. And not in a funny, joke kind of schizo
You are pretty cute. Would you mind taking more photos for us over here? There’s dickheads and then their are people who really aren’t that bad in this community.
Same lol sound like you make more then 300k per year hahaha
How much do you weigh rn
these are hot, love a nice soft apron. the way it moves is great too. Best place for hands
>>151740 Around...270? Idk. I haven't weighed myself in a long time. No reason to if I don't plan on losing weight lol
Beautiful shape, chef's kiss
Have you always been this size?
I often see obese females in public and want to ask them if I can touch their belly fat.
That feel when you know they will say no.
That feel when I tried once and she said no.
wow, amazing body and so soft curves. do you have some socials where you share more stuff? would love to see more!
Hey man, crazy idea here. Do not do that
>That feel when I tried once and she said no.
Are you retarded?
You should keep track for us - especially as you're nearing the magic 300
>all that jazz
Tits and then gtfo you redditing land whale.
lmao. Calling me a landwhale when you're literally on a site where everyone jerks off to fat chicks doesn't exactly have the stopping power you were hoping for my guy.
Tits incoming soon though. You little baby man.
Well, a wonderful figure all-round really gorgeous.
not sure about the thumb
Have you never seen short people hands? xD
Ah, so there's at least one thing about you that's small lol. :((((

Short-stacks make the best fatties, though. Sure, you can't cart around as much as the ones from Planet Amazonia, but the proportions tend to be more scintillating.
Only haitans burn down their own country then blame the white man. LOL

Very nice. Can we see them uncovered please?

Please let us know if you want to post anywhere more respectable than here. Bbwchan has a REPORT MY POST where we keep out the schizos and rude idiots.

You are very sexy. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely body.
Wait why is the word dis cord being censored and reported? I don't understand. Bbwchan literally has an official one. Am I seriously getting reported over that?
Definitely glad you bought those $10 panties and shared the look with us!
I'd still love to see you on a scale - for our sake if not yours
>no matching image search results

You should post more elsewhere too
Really can't wait to see more content from ya

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