
(58 KB, 853x1280, DHNsQaAV0AAOB6I.jpeg) (292 KB, 534x1280, 17024011878840.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2944x2208, 06b651fb2e2c192c73762d151243aa57fe66c7ed99366faf2b301c2a105abc12.jpg) (196 KB, 1365x2048, DHNuIEbUAAAjxvc.jpeg) (1.2 MB, 1248x818, e8848a0ea38af872d53f2195cf8252d412e9045141af4f25ec3483c2cbd9cfb8.png) (1.7 MB, 3024x4032, 0d4b27aa22d0969664ee304806eff83c0766675cc6f8458dfe5feac1d1198190.jpg)
Decided to make the thread specifically for real girls gaining weight pics
Besides all, would be espescially grateful for gen z (or around it) girls gaining weight from skinny to bbw+ pics
Eg. dicloni0us and other attatched two
though have heard the last one is a photoshop, but maybe someone still knows who's this
Shit, images in the head post got messed up
Also, has heard the second one is a fake, but still, does anyone knows who's her?
(171 KB, 1290x1131, 859799a571424ab2c9f0107d971ee912783a857fc9049e29e38aa9b60fa5be88.jpg) (127 KB, 1170x845, eda21bff3c2abd417534c8f09502fea9054cccf35fd204c04945a777b0b035fb.jpg) (142 KB, 1290x971, a2996fdfcb293a5d75eed3d3c71e6cf329bdaa902eeff5b8d0ee95e516daadca.jpg) (929 KB, 2316x3088, 8d0901fde0bca012524798d254c9b3d399de3fbde5a388a3f7b5842efe0ce97d.jpg) (1.5 MB, 3024x4032, a0e5260771030c17fc87b60f804613b0bcb74a43e1cb86def94a0bca9a24ea34.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2316x3088, 4b89fb4f7b1fd91217c9409315c00e0ecf2c16d0d70c07c228bb409fde1f33af.jpg)
This girl hits pretty hard in terms of pic posture and cuteness of facial features
(355 KB, 1709x2280, d5fea41a343e24ca2ebc0fcc623aac0bfd6b8412524972ef237f7445a8a7246a.jpg) (442 KB, 1920x1920, d3224bd9332d7aee8914b37a1aadf3978a4421e4fb154758dafe206902b8d159.jpg) (315 KB, 1786x2382, 2d0f17287b7368ef3ed8977982846dbd97bd9dce8169853e2e2f9e232ed40c9a.jpg) (371 KB, 1786x2382, a4bec06b6eceb73bd0d68b98cfa83cc790ab3a47bb15324244d1277712a8b58c.jpg) (372 KB, 1786x2382, 1f4c186e32662137b33a95d44fa73b5a863e08f5a18975367e18edce9691ec6c.jpg) (567 KB, 1920x1920, 4598b69e3766cfffd342a623d51f44a6172566c4bf873c73ce31b28667cc76d0.jpg)
Am considering this one as mid, but her expressions on some photosets is quite seducing
(91 KB, 821x710, 39de6e2b5189e73a5df51b18dadbac83609b26cfd56af4841cd48719ba874a09.jpg) (168 KB, 828x1792, 20171a212a95f8aba04dc0106379f412e1630b1e6cec8e9908e49f9b258c82bd.jpg) (613 KB, 1600x2400, e7f424e11ea0d18e32ec2c47b81ecfdde12e1e8306fc993d051a67745c6827ec.jpg) (339 KB, 1513x1738, 953aa39552a62b3d0e5156dcaf7bec42d03bbcf216c6df1e55e82f6c0feba329.jpg) (106 KB, 828x940, 923db2b50f1bd62ee3f97c2eb357b2e8dd3036d2a96057300365c33bc70113d9.jpg) (211 KB, 612x1014, 59f2c647a46b2d6abd999917ef50434f3623e2f3ea265c8e2a49365b07586e9b.jpg)
Have gaining pic of this asian one
Has slutty, though somewhat harmonious features
(80 KB, 680x680, GBTn4YXaIAAGLwK.jpg)
Other having gained cutie from asian twitter, which is really boundless
>>151459 (OP)
Correction to the head post
I'm asking about the second one, which i've Beard to be photoshopped, if anyone knows her?
Question: is she on the spectrum?
No shes just a funny woman
why not just crop that out lol
I think she's just a stoner, prob why she looks spaced out/slow in some of her vid's lol
do you watch streamers while jacking off??
what the fuck is wrong with zoomers man
I wasn’t jack off big dawg I was looking for reference pictures
Did you look at these pictures for like half a second? They are wearing a chest plate, lmao.

Are you implying it's not a real girl? She was well known back when she had real boobs. She needed a double mastectomy and was open on her OF about using those fake breasts afterwards.

She's a real gainer, just unfortunate what happened. I admittedly don't find her sexy anymore but she's definitely a real woman.
Moreso the problem with her is like so many women these days, her photos are too closely framed and with too many extreme angles.
Idk but she looks like she ls trying not to cry. I wonder the backstory
autumn hart! shes super oldschool--the second photo is from 2008
I don't think that's her in the before pic. I've seen it posted on its own all over the place.
Top pic looks like Grimes' goofy looking face and "after" pic is poorly shopped
if that other anon's right and the 2nd is from 2008 then it's impossible cause the first one has an arctic monkeys poster
(128 KB, 200x433, 3453246-dd6d1eb73ad4369ee21397ba05c9d68e.png) (56 KB, 640x853, lbx997305lj61.jpg)
That's because the first picture isn't her. That's an Instagram model who goes by "m0n1lu". The picture was taken recently and is supposed to look "retro."

I was actually around in 2008 when those pictures were posted here (back when this board was called "7898chan") and to me it is so painfully obvious that the "before" was not taken around then.

Anyway, she was on tumblr for a while under the name "Bianca Chiffon", and she's bigger now.
Nice try spelled her name wrong. Good luck selling homes now. Im putting an end to it.

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