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Maria seems to have gotten on the chubby train the last few months.

Here is a few recent OF vids from her. Would love for other to share what they got too.


How i download or watch???
I get a message saying the download limit has been reached on the file….
(3 KB, tools.txt)
>>149877 >>149859 (OP)
normal for wetransfail shares. they die quickly these days.
you can always try some file host alternatives.
Download limite over :(
Ok thanks men, now works perfectly!
Thanks allot for reupping !

After watching this girl do inflation content for years, it's so great to see that she's finally won the battle with her metabolism and has legitimately grown a gut.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
thought she gain weight some weight but always goes to being tone months later?

Yeah she always does that lol not sure why.

Wish she had more content though. She barely makes new content anymore it seems like
She never gains, she just pushes her stomach out
Lol the reason she gains a little and goes right back to being toned a few months later is because she’s not a gainer. She never was. She’s just selling a fantasy like most models in this niche fetish. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Good. Die then. We dont give a fuck.
What is wrong with you people? Got the emotional intelligence of a middle schooler lol
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Call me a fool, but it seems like she's serious this time. Would love a coomer update if anyone is able to provide.
Contributing two older videos of hers so this isn't a pointless bump:
I hope so. Maria's body is built to get fat. She'd look so fucking good with another 75+ pounds
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Anyone hace this master piece? (Eating your best friend)
>call me a fool but it seems like she’s serious this time.

You’re a fool. Literally “fool me twice” shame on you
Was it the 1st for her when she posted it?
you retard, it says march 30th

People are still giving this woman attention after she literally went on a podcast and trashed her own fans?
Of course this is an L either way
i remember she told me, she’d never blob up. makes sense why she hated raiina so much.. I wanted to visit her 🥹

Nah Reiina was and still is two faced and fairweather to a lot of models. Just like how one day she was bffs with GGG and then all of a sudden deleted all of their collabs.
She won’t end up fat. She stopped using feabie after she got a ban for comparing feeders and feedees to drug dealers and drug users. Said they should stop before the feedee gets too fat
What was the situation between reiina and ggg?
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Just to clear thing's up.

No, not in it for the money - or I'd post way more frequently. I have a daytime job and am very proud whenever someone asks me for an interview, as it is for my awkward sexual self. I keep conversations vanilla since it's a commercial platform. My tv debut hit 300k people for example, on that night only. NO WAY I'm going to openly tell them about MY fetish. You wouldn't either. It’s normies watching those shows. The reason I go on the interviews is to overcome anxiety and simply be proud.
Like hey… I’m being freaky and weird online, and I’m willing to explain TO a certain degree.

If I didn't have some of the fetishes portrait, I'd be a regular online model, just masturbating and sucking the D. But sadly my 16 year old self found vore and a boyfriend who was into fat girls. ( That and I always hated being stick thin, with no hips. )

As for me blobbing up. I'm determent to go for the 100 kilo's this year (not sure where my goals would go from there), especially with my burnout. My daytime job is on hold for the rest of the year - recommended to me by my doctor. I’m usually very out and about, active, it’s simply who I am.. and now I have something holding me back.
Lastly, Reiina is weird and I worry about her physical health, and more. I honestly check up on some models once in a while because I worry, even though it’s none of my business. Same goes for Feabie. I feel like having a fetish which is somewhat kinky due to “destroying your health”... should only go so far. I love eating, I love it when someone compliments my curves, how soft I am, how much my thighs and lower gut has grown... with the occasional weekly overfeeding.

Other then that, I don't find it hot when someone says, man I love that club-foot of yours which causes you to be immobile -by choice. I love taking total control over you, feeding you more and more…eventually causing you a rise in your demise. - I've seen too many people pass away due to disability, health and also by being overweight. More then I can count.

I totally understand if THIS is your part of the kink. I’m into BDSM in private, so I get that you want to have and give total control – it’s a way we all express trust and love within the bedroom.It’s a test if your relationship is still compatible. But simply always know that you have one body to live in in this lifetime, you can’t buy a new one and neither one for your partner… (or even favorite online model.) Just my two cents,

I know I can be quite strict in that, as nobody should have the power over me to determine my kink. Not in a relationship, not as a fellow fetish connoisseur.

My preference is, tie me up to the bed and give me a good feeding session plus, shove your cock in my mouth. The play goes on outside of the bedroom with rp, lot’s of love and lot’s of snacks… but never till death do us part!

Feel free to think as you please, or enjoy this picture of me and my kitty, as I’m trying to accept my new lifestyle.

Anyhow. End of rant, enjoy your Saturday folks.

>>No, not in it for the money - or I'd post way more frequently. I have a daytime job

In that case you would be gaining for free or not be going on so many interviews.

Also you clearly said in that Vice interview that you went this route because your hours got cut at the supermarket you was working out. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be around had you had a better paying job.
Reasonable take tbh.
Maria I’m curious, what’s your taste in men in regards to physical appearance and personality?
She is totally correct most you retards get off to women ruining their health and want super fast gains. She is allowed to milk the cow and gain at a steady pace or even reluctantly. She is doing this right and the women who gain fast and won't like to see 40+ are doing it wrong. Most feeders have very little empathy for the women they are feeding. Most feeders should be ignored because they are extremely mentally damaged not to mention sadistic. You don't know how many times I have had women in this community tell me I'm the only feeder they have spoken to who actually cares about the woman. You guys are just straight lovers and I got 10 bitches for every 1 you have because none of you treat these women how you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed. This girl will get huge actually but not at the pace you want. She is taking care if her health first and all feedees should do that if you need someone to shorten their life to get off you are a bad person period.
Wow what a long winded weird way to say you’re still just in it for the money. I honestly don’t know why models come here, we don’t care, we just want to see people get fat. That’s literally it
Ur so real for this. We all just some degenerates trying to seek an outlet. Most of us got lives and boundaries and shit so can respect it but others just want to choke the chicken (preferably for free🤷‍♂️) so don’t gaf. Cute cat too
Reasonable. Keep up the good work.
I never seen someone so pathetic on this site lmao
must be new to this site haha

>reiina is weird
Lamo no shit. 100 kilos is a good goal sticking around for that
Anyone have a video of belly inflation when she loses the game?
Vice is absolute garbage, I'm sure they cut the whole thing in the most sensational and dishonest way possible.
but it does have some awesome HD belly shots and burps and the host gettin flustered/turned on(?) by the belching haha
>The fucking gall of this Hollander degenerate calling anyone else weird

Keep your health concern trolling to yourself, cunt.
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Looks like she is posting again on her OF.

This is a teaser image from her twitter. Some pretty good squish forming.
There's nothing wrong with Maria not wanting to go full blob. Reina is way too big now. She shouldn't have done that to herself
its called bbw-chan for a reason dumbass
It's not the size. It's really the over the top makeup and surgeries that make look bad objectively
do not engage with retards. just hide. c'me on people thought we knew this already.
why are you mixing up feederism and gaining with immobility and blobs. thats just dishonest. most of the girls have clear limits, same with feeders. sure we may act like unhinged lunatics in here but we are still real people with limits and self awareness. we are not detatched with reality. also you're just as weird if not more than most models. you have zero moral grounds lmao.
I have thickmandy ass nudes
She got a nose job and a boob job at the minimum, and she's using lip filler. Come on now, if you follow her you should now that.
>>149859 (OP)
Maria is nasty work.. ordered a custom, still hasn’t delivered but when i went to discuss it with her.. she said she didn’t know who i was and never interacted with me before. It’s a lie, seeing as we had a video call together for nearly 2 hours as she stuffed herself silly for me. Be on guard guys.
Just show her your sick faggot. Its only vagina
Android I said dick not sick. Dick!
god i hope she really does get as big as she is aiming for i have been watching her for mad long it will be so satisfying

I see no progress this year so I would not hold my breath
i can post screenshots, give the word and I will. supposedly she doesn’t use the wsapp anymore.
Anyone have anything new she’s done or released don’t seem to hear much from her on anything
bet, give me a couple of days. I’ll post everything on my end. including our vid call 👌🏾
Bro just resolve it with me, we had a fun sushi dinner on Skype. I can't recognize every freaking username all the time, stop being such a baby. We had fun times on Whatsapp and you also took month's to reply. Both can play that game.

So if you're suddenly on your menstruation, hit me up on REPORT MY POST.
She a thot. Stop covering up your big ass. Not our fault his dick is limp & small.
I meant to say D i s c 0 r d
Anyhow chat it open or do as you please
Why does it take you days to post this? Just post it now, you troglodyte tard
Give him time, he needs to fabricate the messages. Good photoshop doesn't happen instantly.
Threathen to put a lien on her house. Since she knows how court system work so good
Wait that old lady dont have a house. Its her limp dick wetback house
Well he is right, I am behind on customs. But I had a stalker to deal with. So it is what it is. He can post receipts
Stalker damn didnt know I was about to tell him where you lived good thing I didnt shiiiit
Thats what you get for fornicating with limp soft dicks
Tried, i reached out to you on OF and all. I dont want a refund, just figured I’d notify of my experience just incase. I’m cool with how it ended, just gave my two cents. I’ll shoot you a message on REPORT MY POST if you still want.
No gap up. Damn man you got to get away from those women my dude
I’m still gonna get to the simple customs, it’s just going to take a while longer then people are used to. And anyone who feels like reaching out to discuss, d i s c 0 r d is always open.
Keep doing great work, Maria.

we appreciate you growing your gut for the good of the community.
Stop hiding your ass. Not your fault his dick is mohito pinga. Jajajaja
Thinking of subbing her OF, does anyone might know if there is any recent updates on there that might be worth it ?

I dont mind subbing for some nice content
Yep it's bad.

It could be great if she actually committed but she doesn't post consistently enough.

Every time she posts an update she always says that shes "working on a ton of videos/customs and other content" but doesn't post anything lmaoooo
All we want is consistency....
Re up
She’s back posting on OF and X
Back to posting, as in posting content that is worth it ?

Or just rambling about plans and gibberish?
Posting content, not just plans
Right Fucking perv
Hey BBW-chan, Maria here...

I have weird question. What do you guys think I'd look like around the 220 mark. I'd love to see some examples to if anyone has any interest.

Thus far my legs are expanding like crazy..and I finally gained a lower belly at my current weight. Just asking out of curiosity as I've seen no one similar built + I could use the encouragement.
live action role play
I think you’d look great. Get even bigger!
I could make a edit of you at roughly 220lbs if that cool with you of course?
You could just actually gain and find out, instead of claiming to gain and lose the same 10 lbs over 5 years
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My heaviest was 191lbs, but I simply wonder from there. How will it spill out, esp. with legs gaining the most mass + being a short torso girl. Genuine question, asking the experts. Like maybe some of you know models that have similair builds.

Assuming this isn't someone pulling a fake reiina like situation again and it is the actual person, I was wondering if you are going to do inflation content again in the future?

Do you guys really need a timestamp?

As for the other question. I'm thinking about it again. I am curious on how it would look at my current size/capacity. But the nagging part is... piracy on inflation was so hardcore that I simply left that part of the scene - end rant.
I honestly think you would look incredible at 220.You already looked great at 191
Well you did some great videos a few years ago doing inflation (The counter top chugging and air inflation vid is an all time favorite), though inflation might not be as impactful as back then with gaining weight. Might be different since you already had a great capacity but idk
Hello, Maria:

I share your opinion. I have never seen weight gain on another female body similar to yours before. I'm sure you would look amazing, as your body fat is distributed in a very balanced way: first on your thighs, then on your tummy and abdomen, and finally on your breasts. It would be fascinating to see how your body evolves as you gain weight.

Also, I have noticed that, as you put on weight and experience inflations, your belly takes the shape of a big balloon.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
>>17172 (Dead) Thanks your contribution to society has been noted a free head pat and milk is available to you have a nice day 😊
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morphs are not allowed on this board. please keep them in /alt/ only
The model herself literally asked for an edit??
These are the rules though goofy
read the rules you retard, no model is bigger than her thread
I wasn't necessarily looking for a morph, even tho it looks pretty rad. It's still very fantasy based lol.

I was looking for models ( even outside of our community) that maybe have a similair built to mine, so I know what I can sort of expect.

I might be more balanced then some. The only thing I could mention is that I can already no longer shop in regular stores with my current size, mostly because of my dang legs.

Anyways, thanks for all the replies thus far.
>The only thing I could mention is that I can already no longer shop in regular stores with my current size, mostly because of my dang legs.
Yeah I'm thinking you need to come to the US and shop there if you want pants off the rack lol
Old comment but ggg and Reina are still friends. both of them deleted the same video from Curvage (prob having to do w the guy bc all of their other videos together are still up) I think Maria is the weird one. reina publicly supported Maria everywhere after they met irl for a long time until Maria started trashing her out of nowhere. Maria being clearly anti fat yet gaining weight for money explains why she would turn on a friend in the community for getting too fat
You’re trying to sound impartial but you’re not, you’re a reiina simp. You’re referring to the time when Maria posted on here about her and reiina hanging out, and Maria basically said reina was acting crazy, crying, high on shrooms the whole time. And that comment about Maria being anti fat is funny, when reiinapop takes money made from FAs and uses it to fund her wls
never saw that, just saw the pics of them together. if you can show me a single moment of Reina saying anything negative about Maria anywhere you should, from what it seems Maria was kind of a judgemental cunt. Crying and high on shrooms, maybe Maria bullied her. a girl who gains 200 pounds and has a history of working with models way bigger than her and supporting them who clearly has a fat fetish vs someone who has never gained a substantial amount and fakes people our year after year? and the wls rumor is a load of shit, anyone who’s followed her saw how hard it was for her to gain. bet all she had to do was stop trying for the weight to come off
accurate, says she wouldn’t gain or get any bigger, while simultaneously talking about current gainers. Starts gaining 😭
The vid she just uploaded to Curvage looks looks really promising
This might be a hard ask but there’s a specific older video I can’t find of hers where she’s eating a popsicle, if anyone has it I would really appreciate it.

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