
>>148557 (OP)
Have you checked Coomer.party for her shit? you fuckin donny
About that, it hasn't updated since November
She hasn't posted anything since November
According to her, she has an autoimmune disease and will have to lose weight.
lmao how many times have we heard that in the gaining scene. Bitches just be looking for sympathy and an easy out
Why is it that the ones that actually look good always end up going that route?

You realize that being that fat is not healthy?, right?
I mean she was never really a gainer in the first place, so I'm not surprised she put that out. She may actually have that or just looking for a way to quit. She was hot tho I give her that.
Might be another Alison/juneandcash situation in that case lol
Ykno donny ain’t an insult right?
shut the fuck up donny you're out of your element
I don't pay attention to RL fat contents that much, can you explain what you mean by that?
Juneandcash got little heavy like curvygothgf but wasn't exactly into the gaining thing that much
Shes pretty hot (June). Any idea why she retired?
My guess she lost interest in it? I don't think there's been like a real statement but on the bright side her fat fetish is still up on a clipstore (at the time of writing of this)
She finally posted a video today.
>She finally posted a video today.
What kind of bullshit PSA is this? Post or gtfo
She's finally back and posting again.
Only a compilation though. Seems like she's fully out and just trying to squeeze a few more $$$ out of fans
Lol I called her out for doing exactly that on Curvage and she immediately got defensive and acted entitled to our money because she's "providing content." Just another girl that wants to stop gaining weight but doesn't wanna stop making bank. Tale as old as time.
Knew it was coming when she changed her name to curvygothgf instead of gaininggothgf
Damm she really is just like juneandcrash lol
It looks like she doesn't do fetish content anymore but focusses on tattooing with her husband. Recently appeared on Tiktok.
The cope from her is unreal. It's so transparent what she's doing and she hates that she got caught. Claiming that feedees who at a point where they just want to maintain their current weight or even LOSE weight when their entire "brand" identity centers around gaining don't owe it to their customers to be transparent and forthcoming with their intentions is ludicrous. If a feedee wants to stop and just quits uploading shit, with or without a farewell update, that's way more respectable than being greedy and attempting to mask their intentions so they can continue to extract profit from a premise that is no longer true. When these people commodify themselves and their body, it is their responsibility to properly inform their customers and prospective customers on what they will be receiving. They know that if they let people know that they're losing weight, to a potentially large portion of people, they will have immediately lost their appeal and will no longer be willing to pay for anything else. Refusing to inform your customers in this regard is blatant false advertising. You can't outwardly appear and insist that you're doing one thing and privately do the exact opposite when you have turned yourself into the product. That said, this compilation really doesn't fall under that particular category of behavior, but it's still unsavory, as it's essentially a vulture circling above hoping to scape up some more cash from an abandoned venture without having to actually put in any more real effort or work.
No y’all are crazy and coping. She can stop gaining whenever she wants. If she was claiming she was getting fatter and lying that’s one thing, but it’s stupid to expect perpetual weight gain. It’s an unfair expectation, and ultimately it’s objectification. Our hormones about her gaining is so inconsequential to her body. And you can pretend it’s way more important, if that makes you cum harder, but she’s just a human being living in that body every day. She could plateau without trying, even. Chill out.

You guys being like this drives models out of the scene. Congrats, you manage to even fuck up your parasocial relationships with women. Incel fucks
You clearly didn't actually read her comments, or even ours for that matter. Nobody here or their ever claimed that CGGF was lying about quitting or hiding her weight loss, nor did anyone ever claim that there's an expectation on feedees who actively gain to continuously gain in perpetuity. On Curvage, she said that most OTHER feedees who want to maintain or lose weight don't announce it and don't owe it to their audience to do so. That's not how this relationship works, that's just entitlement. She also pulled the classic bullshit of, "Why are you so pressed about other people's bodies, huh?" as if the entire point of Curvage and feederism accounts on other platforms isn't to put a focus onto either your own or someone else's body. You wouldn't watch a dog show or football game and ask why everyone has such intense opinions on the dogs or players. INB4 retard doesn't understand analogies and claims I'm saying feedees are the same as dogs and football players. If you post yourself online, you open yourself up to the opinions of others, as is their right. You don't get to control what other people think of you or how they express it. You don't want comments, don't post yourself.

If you want to sell your body on the Internet and turn yourself into a product, it is no longer an entertainer/audience interaction, it is a business interaction. If they were just posting themselves on Instagram or Reddit or whatever and not making any money off this fetish, that would be different. It wouldn't preclude them from the unsolicited comments and criticism that is inherent in being a public figure and voluntarily choosing to not only put themselves online, but direct the focus of their online persona specifically to their bodies, but they wouldn't owe anything to their followers. However, since they DO sell themselves and they DO rely on their online reputation and interactions to do so, it is ABSOLUTELY their obligation to share any and all information that would directly influence their customers' decisions on whether to spend their hard-earned money or not. To suggest otherwise is nothing more than greed and entitlement. You don't get to make money off people and also lie to them and do whatever you want just like McDonald's doesn't get to advertise that they sell cheeseburgers made of beef, then turn around and sell burgers made of rat meat and not tell anybody.

The expectation in buying videos of feedees that are outwardly claiming to be intentionally gaining weight is that the feedee is actually gaining fucking weight. They don't get to market a product, change the product, then continue marketing the different product as being the same as before. That's exploitative false advertising and tricking their customers into spending money that they otherwise might not have had they known the truth. So many women in this fetish don't fucking get that and it's infuriating. They want to just show up, do whatever they want and beg for money, and also be free from any and all responsibilities that come with treating their fetish like a business. If there's money changing hands, the responsibility goes both ways.

I see it on Instagram all the time. Accounts post on their stories daily begging for money, then complain when the people who are interested in doing so are being entitled when they aren't comfortable spending their money if the person they're sponsoring tries to attach a massive laundry list of caveats and stipulations that put all leverage in the feedee's hands and none of it in the hands of the person who is actually spending their money. Of course, there are also horny shitheads who will waste people's time claiming that they're going to be their feeder, then fail to deliver on any of the things they said they were going to do. Every transaction is a contract, and that means both parties have to hold up their end. You don't get to ask people to spend their money on you, then assume no responsibility when it's discovered that you aren't holding up your end of the deal and potentially haven't been for some time.

Side note, don't fucking say that people buying fetish videos from feedees are objectifying them by expecting them to do what they say they're doing and don't act like objectification such a morally reprehensible thing to do when THEY'RE the ones LITERALLY objectifying THEMSELVES. They are turning themselves and their bodies into commodities that can be bought and paid for. If they're not going to treat themselves with the self-respect of not making and selling porn of themselves, do not expect there to be any sort of expectation of the people who respond to these actions in the manner which is inherently invited by doing so to treat them as though they haven't just purchased a product. Making porn is objectifying by nature, so you don't get to accuse the people who consume it of some great wrong if you aren't ready to condemn the creators as well. They choose how the present themselves and treat themselves, and anything that comes along afterwards is nothing more than the consequences of their own actions. If they don't want to be looked at as nothing more than someone you can get off too, they shouldn't post and ask for money for videos that do exactly that. The onus is not on the consumer to acquiesce to every entitled whim and expectation of the person whose porn they buy. They don't post these videos in an attempt to establish deep interpersonal relationships that demand the respect one might give a friend or girlfriend, so why should a customer buying the video then be chastised when they don't afford that level of respect to the subject of the video? Everyone knows it's creepy and pathetic to treat a pornstar you've never met like your girlfriend or like they owe you anything more than what you paid for just because you watch their stuff, and everyone knows that pornstars aren't trying to be your girlfriend just by way of posting videos, so let's just cut the shit and just leave it at they get out what they put in. They want to objectify themselves, they're gonna get objectified by others.
Giving criticism on a women doesn't make you incel btw. Stop saying that whenever someone insults your "queen" lol
Lameeeee but expected ig
Everytime u get exposed u work from home write college thesis lower then an associate degree level
To say what >>152527 is talking about in a more succinct manner:

Lying about your intentions when you’re making a product and selling fake content is lame. It’s not cool and warning others about them doesn’t make you an incel.

Now if you get obsessive about it, that’s a different story.
I agree, it's a bait and switch, and when that happens people should be called out for it. I hate how curvage has become a haven for this type of behavior but when you have zero standards and let every skinny fat, fake feede, and pot belly hag model for your site this is naturally what happens.
I do think it is a waste of time arguing here, lots of model produced this kind of videos, just vote with you wallet or leave bad reviews, end of the story

chat gpt ahh response brother ☝️
William Shakespeare ova here
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

I think everyone agrees with voting with your wallet. My comment was more focused on the responses to negative feedback from the people who post these kinds of videos claiming that they don't owe anybody anything and that anyone who calls them out is being a loser for forming and posting an opinion on their body when their body is the product, even if the criticism has nothing to do with that.

Don't care. I'll write however much I deem necessary to fully flesh out the point I am trying to convey. Putting it all down in text helps me organize my thoughts and relate them more eloquently than I can if I have to do it out loud. I have as much time as I need to structure and fine-tune my argument and don't have to worry about struggling with diction or forgetting to say or explain something.
OP here, since you are clearly the most learned here, what is with the sudden influx of what I can only assume are either trolls hiding themselves poorly, or children with nothing better to do, in this thread?

Although, I will say that in their defense, it is tradition to add a tl;dr version if you are making a long post such as that, so that these attention deficit afflicted phone users can understand what you are talking about.

As for the subject at hand, a person loses their right to bitch about being objectified once they have sold themselves as a commodity, as they have objectified themselves first.

All this being said, anyone have any of the older Curvage videos of her's?
Heeard your big getting big. Let me see that.
I appreciate the genuine response. I can't say that I didn't expect the types of responses I got. I know that as soon as a text wall is posted on any chan site, the ratio of shitposts to serious, if retarded, replies is going to be around 6:1.

Personally, I tend to forgo TL;DRs because I prefer to put the ball in the reader's court. If they care enough about the subject at hand and they aren't an obliterated attention span zoomer, the length of an argument will not dissuade them from reading and replying. I like to think that the length of my posts is a byproduct of what it takes to develop and support a quality argument, but I am aware that I do have a tendency to ramble and repeat points when I think of another way to illustrate them.

Usually what happens is that in my mind, I'll think that an idea is distinct and meritorious enough to be included, then after some time has passed, I'll come back to look at the replies and realize that I'd already something similar. Other times I'll just think of an analogy or way of wording something that I like and include it just based off that haha.

I also avoid TL;DRs because it adds even more length to an already huge dissertation, which would make someone even more deterred from reading it. And, as I said before, I'm aware of my tendency to ramble, so I know that if I tried to condense my complex explanations down to a couple sentences, I would just end up reverting back to over-explaining out of fear that the reader would not be able to grasp enough of the nuances that I feel are important to understanding my position.
I work for the mob. I dont fuck with these niggas. I make more then all of them. Im their boss.
The problem is you type all of that and it could have been two sentences. You managed to fill paragraphs while saying very little. it’s less a sign of intelligence or nuance than it is a failure on your end to communicate effectively.

Fat bitches agree, you should be eating your words.
While I normally can't stand non-content bitching, bickering, and faggotry, I thoroughly enjoyed the read and felt you really nailed down the crux of the issue albeit an overwrought post.

Where as retarded shit like >>152518 reads like it was written by GGG herself and probably was. Yeah, it's fine if you want to take your body and brand in a different direction, but you have to be forthcoming with that and understand that it will have consequences regarding your consumer base/income. Thing is, these entitled twats want to figuratively (but unfortunately not literally) have their cake and eat it too, and simps like this idiot will just pay them to get lied to. I'll admit that it gets kind of ridiculous on our end of things when you have obsessive coomers scrutinizing 1 or 2 pounds up or down from month to month, but clearly making an active attempt to lose weight and pretending that's not the case is totally fucked as well.
It's been a whole day since I've seen something this autistic on this site.
Coomers are some of the most braindead retards on the face of this planet.
Well obviously, they're/we're thinking with our dicks. The moment of clarity only comes after said coom.
I had a whole response to this, but I accidentally reloaded the page and lost it all. I hate it when that shit happens. Stupid avoidable mistakes make me so mad at myself.
Wait, holy shit, Windows actually saved it in my clipboard. What a lifesaver. I didn't even have to manually do anything, it just saved automatically. Lemme see if I can post it.
(73 KB, 865x556, Screenshot (156).png)
It wouldn't let me post it as plain text for some reason; kept giving me an error message. Best I can do is a screenshot.
Mucho texto
you desperately need to get a hobby
Post any mutual gaining videos plz
Anyway, in an effort to get this thread back on track, here's a list of everything I managed to snag from NopeGuy's vault before it closed. If anyone wants a specific video, I'm happy to upload it. Hopefully, we can get some more actual content circulating around here.

Belly Play in Tight Jeans
Big Booty Bikini Cutie
Cheerleader Massive Weight Gain Revenge
Fat Shego Gets Huge
Horny/Hungry Girlfriend GFE
Hot BBW GF Instructions for Satisfaction
I Woke Up Fat!
mASSive Goddess
My Sexy Spa Day
Pizza Party Piggy
Public Embarassment: Real Talk
Teacher’s Summer Gains
Teacher’s Treat
Teasing You With My Massive Belly
The Blueberry Blow-Up
The Mean Popular Girl from Your High School Got Fat
The Temptress Tutor
Thicc Big Booty GFE Roleplay, Pants Try-On, and Measurements
Trixie Tang: All Grown Up
Your BBW GF Video Calls You At Work
Your Friend’s Hot BBW Mom
Your High School Crush is Back in Town
Your Old Fling Got Massive
Your Greedy, Lazy Wife
The cheerleader one sounds interesting.
>>155837 Maybe make a mega folder? Idk just a suggestion.
Public embarassment and measurements would both be amazing if that's doable? Cheers!


Taken the liberty of uploading everything here. It won't stay up forever, so get it while you can. Hopefully, someone has some stuff that isn't included here that they'd be willing to upload.

I just figured I'd try and get this thread back on track in the hopes that we can get some actual content circulating.
Legend for this. She's so pretty and her acting is as well. I'm guessing she never did nudity?
genuine question: does this chick burp AT ALL? like are there any videos? Where can i find some?? Literally anything other than this roleplay bullshit i just want some burps :(
She's back and lost a bunch of weight. Made some ripples in the curvage comments on her videos. Kind of amusing. I honestly I feel bad for her really.

honestly don't get why people care as long as she plans on gaining weight again, rubber-banding is hot af and we get to see her pile it on all over again hopefully
I dont think shes gaining anymore. I may be mistaken, but she posted on her OF that she was going to stop gaining and lose some weight duo to health reasons, and also because she would like to be a mom in the near future (something like that)

Now for the autistic rant part, i really fucking hate her atitude thru all this, like yeah its your body and i dont got a problem with models like couchqueen or reina that go "ok this is my limit i dont want to gain anymore" but this cunt acted all high and mighty when asked if she stopped gaining a while back, ghosted for like 3 months, posted this OF disclaimer and now is back in curvage with no mention to any of that? Thats wack

That being said her ass is godly and imma a hypocrite so ill still watch her old stuff
Nah, everything went to shit when someone made an anti-fat/fat phobic meme featuring one of her pictures that actually gained traction on normie subreddits. It's been all bad/downhill since then. She's bitter, the fanbase is bitter. Not good.
she developed an autoimmune disease that made it difficult to gain because if she ate the wrong thing she would have to pay for doctor visits so after a few trips to the doctor she decided to sort of retire, i met her she pretty cool I got a tattoo from her

She doesn't have an auto-immune disorder you stupid fuck. She just doesn't want to be fat.

Christ, you idiots are fucking stupid. You see models like Adeline or Roxxie and then see some 200lb waif complain about "health issues"? Ya'll deserve to be milked for all the cash you dumbfucks have.
you know that there’s no set weight where you just magically start having health issues right? you could be 30 pounds overweight and that could be enough to fuck your body
Normies getting their hands on meme culture was the worst thing to happen.
Where is the meme that was posted
That shit was funny though. She unironically try to use her small fame to get people to mass report that sub reddit
It's probably still on her curvage.
That'll take a hot minute to find. She went on a crusade to get it taken down/dmca'd, but it was exposed to people in her personal life which is the real kicker.
Anyone mind updating her c00mer

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