
hell yeah ty
Something new?
She's 100% not into feederism in fact she hates it. Yeah she's got a hot body but personally I only did girls who share the fetish
Cool we get it you have problems achieving erections. Some of us do not snd don't care if she likes it or not cuz she's gotten huge and will clearly continue to keep getting huge and eventually will have to like it when she's a human bean bag. Stop being a pussy and help make her fatter and enjoy plumping up a snobby stuck up hot girl with a goddess body snd stop being such a pussy limp dick faggot ok bitch? Just cus your wang can't hang don't mean us gorilla niggas can't bang.
Most sane terminally online coomer I’ve seen so far
Honestly don't give a shit because in the videos I've seen of her, she does a better job of sounding into it than most other feedees, and by the looks of it, her recent content caters more to feederism anyways
Seriously underrated.
re-up appreciated
She's completely not into this fetish in fact she hates FAs as they're promoting unhealthy lifestyles - she's anti weight gain in all forms
Kinda contradicting herself by showing off her belly and shit. Idk if she even likes her body if that statement holds true, and she is basically forced to make videos for money or not.
can you reup?
reup pls

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