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These are the first images I’ve posted of myself I was gonna post some of my before and afters but I’m a lot nervous should I post more I’m so much bigger? Look how small and slender I was :)
There’s plenty of photos of me and big round jiggly belly out but I’m not even sure if people wanna see it my bf said people are out there but idk I’ve been insecure about it but he loves it
We would loveee to see your transformation. And especially see your big, huge body hehe
>>145728 (OP)
Bigger is better, I and most everyone on this site would love to see the after pics
Very cool that you and your guy can enjoy you getting fatter. Be aware that this forum can be harsh. But yeah, eat that food
Hi me again :3
Wow, I can’t believe he was right. He has always said that I looked sexy when I tighter things or clothes that were more formfitting, and he always would be practically drooling when I would wear low-cut pants and crop tops but I never really understood why. And at the beginning of last year I had lost a ton of weight And I didn’t know why it kind of made him sad a little bit fast-forward he tells me that he has a weight gain finish and a belly fetish. He has always loved my rounder, curvy shape but I never knew why. When he first told me about all this and explained this to me, I couldn’t believe it. He was the first person that I had ever met and openly admitted to liking heavier women. I mean it goes against everything that we’re taught in society, even if they don’t openly say it, it’s widely believed by many people that the fatter you are the uglier you are. And I can say it feels good not having to worry about my weight, or if my hips are too big or my thighs, and my butt have too much cellulite or how my belly jiggles and bounces when I walk these are things for years I was insecure about and thought nobody would like or wanted to see. But anyway, I have slowly but steadily been gaining weight ever since (but just not as fast as I would like to), anyone have any tips or methods that can help me grow? I’m very new to this and open to pretty much anything I just don’t know where to start or what works and what doesn’t work all I know is that I’m super happy that I don’t have to worry about my weight and how much I eat and that I can finally let myself go and give into my greedy glutinous desires and pig out!! I’m at work right now but when I get off I’m gonna post more pictures ;) is there anything specific that I should post or that y’all would want to see? And can people really make money from this?
funnel feeding would be cool
“Can people really make money off of this”. Bruh lol. Get your grifting self out of here. Money girls are shame on here. We can give you attention and stuff but go get a job if you need money
Eat more empty calories, like soda, ice cream, heavy cream, or just things that are high in calories in general. Avoid filling things, usually foods high in fiber or protein (though weight this with how you want to maintain your health). Make snacking a habit so you feel more inclined to eat more. Eating more will also increase your appetite, I've heard countless girls say they're constantly hungry because they eat all the time.
Tip: Only allow yourself to be played with as you're getting full. Only allow yourself to cum when you're stuffed.
You're welcome
I wasn’t trying to say to just make money I was talking about maybe one day in the future if/when I get good enough. I was just saying if I could it’d be cool if I can’t oh well it doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop I just figured I’d share my thoughts sorry >>145835
Welcome to bbw-chan, you may or may not get used to how abrasive can be :)
YESSSSSS he’s been telling me about this and I think it could super hot and work wonders. It’s just pretty intimidating lol
Yeah you weren’t kidding about the harshness
I would LOVE to see what you look like now. Real bbwchan gainers are the best part about this site. I hope you decide to share!
Okay okay thanks I’ll try and keep this in mind and abide by it best I can
Oh shit this is lowkey hot as hell and I can have my bf/feeder feed me as I do too!!
Oh I will when I get home I’m so excited to show yall now I’m still nowhere near as big as I want to be, but especially compared to the beginning of last year, I like to think I’ve made SUBSTANTIAL progress last year and I can’t wait to make even more this year ;) and I’m only 5 foot 2 and I carry pretty much all of my weight in my hips, thighs, butt, and belly. I’m very much pear shaped lol
You have to post before and after pics.
Track your calories on myfitnesspal and get a food scale if you’re serious about gaining. 3,500 calories is 1lb of fat. So, if you want to gain a pound a week, or ~50 in a year, you’d need a daily calorie surplus of about 500. To calculate your caloric needs, I recommend this site: https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/tools-calculators/daily-caloric-needs-estimate-calculator/

Most of my feedees are on a 750 calorie surplus, but some choose to go a lot higher. I have one girl who does ~1,500 daily, and my little femboy piggy does 3,000/day biweekly.
Sorry it took so much longer than planned okay so the first one is from December of 2022 then the next one is some time later I rlly don’t remember lol. Then the next one is when I started gaining weight and I think you can really tell by how tight my shorts are cutting into my thighs and can kinda see my belly starting to form and stick out. Then the next one is prolly about 20 ish pounds heavier and I think that is really where it starts to show and be more obvious and my cameltoe is showing unfortunately but everything was getting tight and my thighs rlly started plumping up. And then the last two are ones my bf took of me the other day while I was doing my homework with my belly out of course (he had just finished cooking and feeding me dinner so I was super stuffed and just wanted to lay there. Plz be nice I know it’s prolly not as perfect as you guys are used to and i know im no model but lmk what yall think and if you’d like to see more cuz id love to share more <3
Idk why but one of the ones I wanted to upload wouldn’t let me for some reason it kept saying limit exceeded or invalid for some unknown reason idk but someone knows how to fix it and can help me id be very appreciative and reward your hard work;)
Probably just need to make another reply to the thread, 4 images per reply.
Definitely made some progress, you used to be really lean and now you have noticeable pale stretch marks all over. Got any numbers between when you started and now?
Thank you for sharing. Camel toe, thickening thighs and stretchmarked growing belly are all on point. Keep it up
Yeah so unfortunately I haven’t weighed myself in a while but at my lightest I was 112 lbs and last time I checked I was 145 but it’s been a while and I’m absolutely sure I’m heavier than that now :)
Lookin good! Some standing pics and comparison pics would be awesome
you look amazing : ) can't wait to see more!
Thank you I’m really really trying 🤤
more coming today I’m going to try and sort of like edit the pictures to be side-by-side for some comparison photos today.more coming today I’m going to try and sort of like edit the pictures to be side-by-side for some comparison photos today
Catch all term for good or nice. In this case, fat and nice-looking
ever feel out of shape/get winded easier? whats it like?
How did you find this place? Is he a 4channer?
Im the feds we everywhere
What a lovely thread to encounter after I return to this site after months haha, this almost seems fake, welcome! I don't think you should frankly be a "camgirl"/model or what-have-you, but you look wonderful and your stretchmarks are so cute, I can tell already you'll b e gorgeous the chubbier you get.

Is that a Demon Slayer shirt???
Yeah whenever we walk around for not even that long periods of time I have to sit down and I live in a second floor apartment so I have to walk up stairs every day and everytime I walk in I have to sit on the couch for a little to regain my stamina lol fun fact it takes me like 20 minutes to bring in groceries if I do it by myself bc of all the back and forth
Idk how he found out about this but he told me about it and that this and something like Reddit or this one website called feedee I think it’s called I may be wrong but he said I could post stuff on these places and that there’s people out there who are super into it.
No I don’t think he is I really don’t know what that is or means though
May I ask how come? Is there something that I could/should do differently or improve on?
And yes it is a demon slayer shirt I haven’t worn it in forever and I’m curious if it even still fits but it’s definitely got to be tighter now.
I changed the name so it’s more than just a random number lol I know it may not look like it but believe it or not I’m Hawaiian 🌺:)
good name, good alliteration
We met at a church and I really liked him but I was so shy and he liked my best friend and never really saw me fast forward he hits me up years later randomly outta nowhere and we just hit it off I couldn’t believe that the guy I really liked and wanted from the beginning wanted me too. :)
And from now on I think I’m gonna let him manage this I don’t really have time to really put in the work for this and my Reddit account it’ll be still be me and I’ll okay everything he does but it’s so much and I’m so busy with college and work.
Wow this is a fucking schizo thread of some dude talking to himself pretending to be his girlfriend huh

Yeah, how are people dumb enough to think that they're talking to the girl here? All of these photos are creepshots taken from the guy's perspective. It's clearly not her posting.
Both of yall believe whatever you wanna believe it’s not worth the effort to sit here and try and argue and convince virgins who live with their parents who have nothing better than Paruse this site for free amateur porn. I’m just attention and interaction with interested parties if your not interested you can leave the thread never to return I nor the other people on here need nor want your negativity. And other than your foolish pride there’s no reason to act that way under the guise of white knighting when you can just leave. But hey there’s a reason I’ve got a man over here feeding me and fattening me up and making me happy while you’re over there spreading hate ruining shit for me and the others here just tryna talk. My advice fuck off and get some play, maybe if you have something to stick your dick in you won’t have to stick your nose in places you don’t belong. Reddit account will be linked and posted in here tn for those who would follow me and talk to me there definitely gonna be more active there :)
He has no source he’s projecting
okay dude. jfc i feel bad for your gf, this thread is creepy as hell on your part
You give yourself nightmares. Its your fault.>>148965
You getting defensive and emotional just prove their point btw. Nice job kid lmao
When your dead it doesnt matter. Dont leavexporn around for your kids to see
They think theyre the only ppl with money. Funny how fast lawsuits happens and everything gets liened.
You sound like such a loser tying that lol. Do better man
Typing* big booty irish red head my first and only investigator
We do not care about this or your grammar correction bot

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