
those pictures are about a year old
wow hot great tits she is still modeling?
Some rumors says that she quite her boyfriend??
Is she still releasing content?
I think all of her b/g content has been deleted, which would explain the extended absence since November

Honestly couldn’t care less if she came back unless she was at least 240 and started intentionally gaining
Yeah she went from amazing to average, I understand if she doesn't want to be fat but that was the entire draw for most of her career.

She had an amazing hourglass shape with a cute little pot belly and was only like 240 at her max weight. If she had just plateaued and stayed at that weight most of her fans would have been happy.

She does have at least one kid so maybe she wanted to loose weight in order to be a more active mom? There's still hope that she'll regain at least some of her former weight but who knows if or when that might happen.
No she's just bipolar and has had big weight swings.

She's never gained or lost intentionally (according to her).

The OP's pics are at the exact end of the golden era, we will never get that back no matter how many times she "returns"...
She's had a history of flakiness. After that stunt on Patreon where she was doing daily weigh ins for a couple weeks then nothing made me feel tricked as a customer and it's for the last time until she can earn back our trust.
How big does she look recently?
I'm not subscribing to find out, but seeing as it has more content than her onlyfans I'd say it's someone reposting her stuff, or other people's stuff being passed off as hers.
Word on the street is Mal dropped 4 new photos today....
She fell off. Who agrees? Also wtf happened to her face sitting video?
No one is anon on here. Ppl walking by n shit today lol
There should be a Flag represent our Bbw Community !

Vote Poll for flag design:

( suggestion, Flag Description :
( Three Horizontal colors. 1. Strawberry pink ice cream texture. 2. Frosty Vanilla texture. 3. Minty Green texture ) ( Flag centr: Heart of gold, sitting on lace dollie.) Also decorative Cream puffs ,
cookies, pudding ? )

Collaborate with Curvage, Stuffer 31, Fa acceptance.

We need to be more organized.

Offical Mascot ?

1. The Great Grizzly Mammoths
2. Hippo Stampeders
3. Friendly Frisky Otter

4. Big Rhino Knights
5. Rampaging Bisons ?

6. Blizzard Walrus
7. Cyborg Lancer Narwhals

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shut the fuck up you retarded faggot
take that autism shit back to the park. maybe the squirrels will care you backwoods retard
Tf does that have to do with that previous comment about Mal?
Does she do request videos or meet ups?
What other bbw models do you guys follow that hit similar to mal?
Why women with no ass harassing me go away lmao
Where did you find the information that she's gaining?
she's prob gonna get another fat transfer

sorry it's just not the same as a natural woman
16 pages of mostly "tip for full vid" posts, sure. Or are you referring to something else?
Yeah there but it also has lots of pics & short clips
London’s content is so photoshopped it might as well be AI though.
Then watch her videos. Lots of belly.
Shame she lost weight too
She lost a ton of weight when you compare to her old stuff
Agreed. Some of her toy videos and a few she does with her husband are decent quality. No issues with hiding her figure there.
Why are we talking about everyone but Mal?
Imma get him to come beat you up shut up
does she have a thread already?
I don't think so. Feel free to make one if you have any of her rare content to kick off her own thread.
Does anyone else think she doesn’t focus on her ass enough in videos yet it also got too flat?
she just posted on her IG and onlyfans

Big tits still, but looks like she lost a lot of weight otherwise.

I miss fat Mal.
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Yep, her breasts are still enormous, at least a J/M cup, but I’d guess she’s about 210lbs now, so still 40lbs lighter than her heaviest.
As amazing as her body is I can’t help but naïvely hope she gets back into gaining and/or breeding kinks again to grow to a 300lbs fertility goddess.
as amazin as it is isnt the first pic a morph
still crazy lookin like kp but without the rants in her own thred

Yeah, I dream of that, too. Unfortunately I think it’s pretty safe to say that ship has sailed. It’s been almost a year since she posted anything gaining related. I think if it was going to happen it would have been during her heavy period, where she just kept going instead of disappearing.

Sucks but it is what it is. Still one of if not my favorite gain.
Only dana & pessimist piss me off on this fucking website. Lol sound of the police
Can someone update her coomer?
coomer isn't updating onlyfans right now, could take weeks before they fix it.
Again??? Oh well I guess beggars really can't be choosers.
I pray she stay away from the ozempy
Is she posting with an Iphone 3GS? The quality is bad.
That ass is so deflated. Feel gross looking at it
she looks similar to how she did when she just started doing patreon, except her tits are bigger
perhaps i just havent seen her in a long time but can i get a side by side comparison . I don't see the difference myself
For real? She just seem different to me
well she aged + deflated = bad look
either she gains back to her max or shes lost
no chance those tits are bigger they way smallr
She still looks good to me
Not as fat as before but still good
How to force my way into people life. 101
Jabroni marks think that saggier=bigger


She's lost weight especially in her iconic outer thighs (saddlebags), now giving her a weird squarish shape. Still has some curvature for sure but she's like 10 more dropped lbs away from needing to do some lipo to maintain a halfway decent silhouette.

She's never had the juiciest ass/glutes on the planet but the weight loss has made that flatter than a 2x4.

Not to mention the belly is now gone, droopier boobs, no double chin & ozempic face. Shit's bleak man.. I thought the fact that her content is the absolute worst would make this turn of events less depressing but she keeps stabbing me in the heart and twisting the knife :(
She looks amazing y’all hating and tripping need to go out and touch grass quit acting like you even have a chance with a woman like her
Her ass looks flat. It has never been so flat.
Worse of both worlds. Would be better if she lost 50lbs+, regain her small waist, maybe some lipo or fat transfer, and cope with what would be hyper sagging tits, or if she gained 50lbs+ to fill her curves, ass and hips back out naturally imo. Still think she hot tho
Not unexpected, but still depressing.
Tbh I blame the feeders. Coulda, shoulda, kept her at a point where she didn't feel socially handicapped.
(58 KB, 640x480, 8tnipy.jpg)
She didn't go to school, didn't accomplish anything with her life, didn't build any meaningful relationships, put in the bare minimum as a stripper & is now middle aged but yes it's the feeders who socially handicapped her.
>put in the bare minimum as a stripper

Can you elaborate on this or provide a source? I wasn't aware that Mal worked as a stripper. I wouldn't have guessed but I guess I'm not surprised either. Thanks.
She'd be hot as hell if she would quit living IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER
An online stripper. She's not really a model. I wouldn't call most of what she's done porn explicitly.
a lot of people complaining and whining in here but here you go anyways

People have a right to complain and in this case are very justified in doing so.

This doesn’t extend to complaining about people who pay for content and take the time to share it with everyone else. So thank you anon, very much appreciated.
>>162161 Many thanks for the Mal .
Cheers. Hearing her lose it on the Sybian is some of the hottest shit she's put out. Don't see what people are bitching about.
Does anyone else hate the selfie stick porn?
yeah, I mean, her camera work has never been great to begin with, but I get what you mean. It's not ideal, but it's not like she's got a camera guy or lighting person. I'd prefer a tripod and a ring light, but beggars can't be choosers. I'm mainly just glad that the sybian video wasn't another boring video of a girl playing with a dildo or a plug up her ass. I've seen a dozen of the exact same videos over and over again from women like her and Randalin. This is something different and her reactions feel genuine. Kind of a breath of fresh air.
Amateur softcore porn star with some solo hardcore content
Anyone have that new onlyfans post?
can we get a reup of those videos? if the same guy reuploads ill even pay,post your paypal or crypto address
You're really not missi g anything, Brother. I'd been a fan since the beginning but didn't even bother to save these ones.
new updates please
Why do people post braindead things like this RIGHT AFTER somebody else has at least bothered to post an image connected to an update where they ask for content?
Any one have new content?
but seriously a reupload of this would be amazing. Does anyone have it
You are a god .
Anything new?
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While she still looks good here, I can't help but just want to click off this video and watch her 2020-22 stuff

My attraction towards that era isn't just about her being at her fattest (that's a large part of it tho), it's also about how her figure just flowed so well back then. When she was at her biggest, everything was in a golden ratio where the whole way exceeded the sum of the parts. She had the kind of figure when fully clothed could get me in diamonds just by how the clothes wrap around her bulbous curves
Who order a yappuccino
Any reups?
I agree, she was so much hotter in that period. hope to see her going back to her hottest self.

Agreed. There's this unfortunate side effect to full-figured women is that any gains seem to go in the right places, but drastic or yo/yo dieting weight loss makes everything...off. Plus there's also age, general diet, etc.. Still my favorite, tho.
I really wish more and more people would go and tell her to go back to her hotter self. maybe we could convince her to do it.
does anybody have videos of her at her biggest i really gotta see that in motion

I mean, she was presumably making a really good chunk of change with her $40 FA Patreon tier. If that wasn’t enough to convince her to keep the extra weight, then I don’t think anything is.
There was an attempt. Mal said on her OF that she would consider gaining again if she could get lipo on her face. She stopped because she hated her double chin 😒
So fans voted said they wouldn't mind and yet nothing from Mal.
I think that dream is over of her back at her hottest look ever.
>>143652 (OP)
She'd be really hot without the jungle muff
This bitch is just frustrating at this point. Half her fan base wants to see her blow up like a balloon yet all they're met with is unfulfilled promises and poor quality teases from her
She is really hot WITH the jungle muff. I wish it was bigger and thicker!
She was never gonna go into SSBBW territory, her pattern of alternating between periods of weight loss and weight gain should've made this obvious. She was always careful to never let her fat completely overwhelm her figure. Anyone who hoped she'd just let herself go were setting themselves up for disappointment.
Nigga most the ppl in her of poll she created told her she should gain weight. She should be upfront and straight, not blueballin us
you talking about the queen of blueballing, not blueballing people?
Her new insta video is hot, apparently uploaded a some new stuff to OF too.
Anyone have the new vids?
No, why would we? I can't fap to this anymore.
I can.
I could, but I don’t feel like it.
What color are her kids? Is she single now?
Anyone willing to upload her vids from when she was at or near her heaviest?
Why do you care so much, you obsessed cuck?
So it's over? She came on to the scene with an amazing pear shape thwn ate & drank and pumped out babies until she doubled in size and made her tits as enormous as her ass then lost at least half of her curves! Is there any hope???again???
It’s over. She might reappear once every 9 months for a quick paycheck, but it’s over.
there are lots of stupid ass niggas on reddit wanting her to lose weight and be skinny - isn't like there are ALREADY thousands of skinny chicks around ffs
(435 KB, 760x689, mmmmal.png)
she used to look so much better.
Many such cases
Can anyone put her new videos in a gofile.
She should probably have thread on the big tits board now. She more of a big boob attraction than BBW now.
Whomever in her life told her to lose weight was wrong. She looks old like a deflated balloon now. When she's ready to gain again hen my wallet will reopen. She doesn't care about anything beyond that so I hope she reads this.
Given her current weight/frame now, she needs to be moved to the tits or ass category. She is no longer a BBW
Anyone could post the new stuff please
She never was a bbw. Belly was too flat even at her biggest and almost always had the toned hourglass shape. She's always had thick thighs, boobs and butt, that's it
were there ever any vid when she was at her biggest? when was she her biggest anyway

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