
(800 KB, 704x1166, 2.PNG) (1.8 MB, 1507x1167, 1.PNG)
Just found out this girl on StufferDB, but nothing else comes up when searching the name. Where does/did she post? Anyone got anything not on SDB?

I did find these two that weren't on SDB, so here's hoping there's more. https://we.tl/t-AeIxaGxch3
She had like 2 YouTube channels a couple years ago, but I'm assuming YouTube deleated them. All of her videos was from there I believe.
Any chance you remember those youtube account's names?
I do and I hate that I never saved her vids
she started off only mildly chubby before becoming a lardball
One was Fatal Leroy and the other was Fat Girl Leroy, both channels nuked with nothing to be found. Morale of the story if you find youtube chicks you like upload them to SDB or somewhere else before they inevitably nuke their shit
I have a bunch of videos I ripped from Youtube for someone named "Bad Girl is Fat Leroy"

Is that the same girl?
Actually I can confirm that it's the same girl. I randomly clicked on a video and it's of her in the same adidas sports bra in 1.png in the OP
Absolute legends, all of you
she has an insta but hasn’t been active since august
Yo I tried downloading this zip twice and it said it couldn't extract the file, is there something i'm doing wrong?
Can you please reup them? I followed her on youtube but never saved her videos. She is still active on another social site?
another transfer link would b greatly appreciated
Also bumping kindly requesting a reup. Now I know why I can't find her videos anymore.
Somebody mentioned her having an ig too. Anyone got a link?
does anyone have the link to her vids?

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