
(37 KB, 750x546, 69ec3b6cde576bbd6f2819095e936e7a14c8c0fdcee3cd316e08aa7b5b1f9af1.jpg)
Hey fellow fucked-up fetishists, how you going?

So not dissimilar to likely many of you, I enjoy this couple's content, it ticks a lot of boxes for me sexually in terms of feedism, what can I say.

But does anybody else have a weird feeling in the back of their head like something is off? Every so often I just get the vibe for whatever reason that it isn't all what it's cracked up to be, personally.

yeah yeah i'm a jealous incel who can't handle someone else getting my dream hot mess gf, whatever; but I genuinely don't have any other cases, that I can think of at least, of models where the partner posting content or being heavily involved in it has creeped me out or made feel uneasy on more than one ocassion.

& for the record, I am not asking for 'proof' that she herself *is* into this and it's all consensual, the vast majority of the time I do believe that it's all good in the hood, just curious if any others get this weird feeling from time to time
I mean. Yeah. Its a hot fetish but I'll get that feeling that I really shouldn't be into it and its more glorified then it actually is. Like its hot but I'll get a small voice saying its also wrong.
You need proof the woman in the photo is at least consenting to fat fetish play?
lmao bro you're just not used to a true dom/sub dynamic. In most feedee "sub" content, the girl is clearly just roleplaying a sub but she's still in charge of what's going on most of the time. Either she's just playing it up for the camera (as "our" sub) or she's ordering her man to dominate her--again, for the camera.

They have an actual dom/sub relationship. That doesn't mean it's not consensual.
Who gives a shit dude? She hot and clearly getting fatter. If you want to take the moral high route for whatever reason go ahead, but either do that while sharing content or do it alone
>>142158 (OP)
i thought i was the only one who felt this way, something's always felt off about them, though she is certainly very hot. i mean, i don't know, i know it's part of the fetish but every single post title was him degrading her.
also hard to explain but their pictures have a dirty grittty unpleasant vibe, no filters or soft lightings
Well of course he's degrading her that's part of the fetish, to call her a pig. It's just that we never know what are her thoughts about it and does she like it/comfortable with it? It's not easy to say that she isn't and question why they still posting. We don't know that he's abusive/controlling and she feels trapped, or she genuine likes the fetish and the whole tumbler thing wasn't her trying to get away.

We also could be wrong about the boyfriend. Hell he didn't post anything besides that one Thanksgiving post in 2 months and he seems to actually have some care. He doesn't post anything that both don't get off by and he took a break per her request. But it's obvious that we all see that something is a little off and you can tell in the videos that she seems uncomfortable. We also know that the whole onlyfans is just acting and satire, it's not how they act irl and it's just fantasy.

I just wish that they become more real with us. Like how feedees normally talk about what's going on in their lives, family reactions and concerns, Q&A type shit. She is hot yes and grown a lot these 2.5 years, but after what happened to Mochii with her fast gain it's getting a little worrisome, to me at least.
>>142158 (OP)
my only issue with her is that atrocious forced double chin, especially now that she's fat enough where it should be extremely visible without trying to fake it
Looks like the usual Walmart customer, ugly stinker

I also doubt she is 300lbs
come on though, you have to admit she has a unique look, sort of. the double belly and all. you see that less than the big round single belly.
Lmao good one she dont have a come back
The wise anon is right. Has a good point. I would also strongly advise against masturbation without seeing her written and signed letter of consent.
This guy is correct. I suspect a lot of feedees have a dom. Introducing feederism from a dom/sub perspective is probably one of the best ways to get a partner to try feederism.
They are back and she is now fatter than ever
Can someone kindly update her coomer ?
They had like 3 posts man they probably all on reddit.
She’s pretty mid tbh
thank you all for the insight, was just curious to others opinions is all

just to clarify i am into most of the content that they put out, i know how feedism and D/s works, it's not like that gave me the creeps.

nor did i say i wanted proof of anykind, i actually said the opposite.

regardless, thanks again
You guys are missing the point. OP is right. There's something viscerally offputting about their content that's hard to put a pin on. I think it's the total anonymity (never see her face or learn anything about their lives) the absolute dedication to the fetish (never once do we even catch a hint that these two have any real lives outside of a fat fetish scenario) and the absolute ruination, for lack of a better term, that this girl went through from conventionally attractive to literal slop-pig.
The thing is, this is also what makes it so hot and why their stuff has scratched a particular itch no one else has. But that folds back into the issue. For me it's a sense of self-guilt (yes yes I know I'm a moralizing faggot you don't need to reply to tell me it). Like, seeing this girl basically stripped of identity and autonomy, so much that their content and posts aren't even from HER perspective... it makes me shudder in more ways the one. And the fact that I'm so attracted to it, that something within my libido considers this a dream scenario? Well it goes from being a dream to a nightmare.
Luckily I'm very certain that this isn't what's happening behind screen. It's too exaggerated and I'm sure all that visceral Dom stuff is just a part of the narrative. But if I did what he's doing to her to a girl (within that narrative, not irl) and strip her of identity, it would be hot in the moment but I don't think I could live with myself.
I suspect a lot of it is played up for the content and its probably why there is zero non-fetish stuff on the OF because if there was it kills the illusion of her just being a complete and utter mindless slob. I doubt she's like that off camera and its played up for the content.

you got it spot on dude! but in words better than I could
Absolutely. They definitely have jobs and lives outside of OF and I guarantee their break/leaving was just them getting tired of making content.
That whole people stealing our shit and making fake profiles was a shitty reason to leave especially since they were back within a couple of months.
I mean if people were getting scammed and they get flack for it, that would leave a bad taste in my mouth too. Think about this: You have people who trust you enough to pay you money, but then those people get ripped off by someone PRETENDING to be you and you have to deal with that.
The content is hot. But it lacks any kind of personal connection or even played up showmanship. The acting is just so weird.

But what really kills it for me is the God awful looping music.
They're lucky that wasn't them getting doxxed. If that ever happens they're toast for good.
their content had been slowing down beforehand anyways, just weeks and weeks of maybe a couple extra pics from previous photoshoots, the pic stealing might have upset them, but it gave them an easy out to scale back activity that they were already clearly searching for
Any recent?
I want this to be true so bad
If you read the OF captions he talks about her bowel movements and how he loves how she can fill up the bowl multiple times. It’s fucked up
Surely he isn't really into checking out her dumps and has to be messing around.
God what a Chad. He’s literally living my life dream.
Considering the fact that he's always imagining her as a mindless slob, it's just another part of his fetish, even if it's the most disgusting, stomach wrenching one besides y'know what.
The further we delve into them the weirder it gets.
>besides y’know what

no i don’t know what
> stomach wrenching one besides y'know what.

I mean she's already sort of puked in one of those gluttony videos so she's already done puking. So what's worse than him talking about her pooping.
i like the analysis on this topic about feederism, it’s always something i think about but in this community i feel like everyone just ignores it and enjoys what they like. She is super hot but i also get that uneasy feeling about it, and whenever i see her content i have saved i always think about how i wish i didn’t have this fetish. like other models i don’t really care, but for some reason she makes me wish otherwise.
CP is the worst. Scat is 2nd in my opinion or gore. It's unrelated to feedism or whatever gets him off, I just didn't want to mention it.

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