
(165 KB, 1170x756, IMG_8303.jpeg)
Needs to be a thread for her, extremely underrated. Please can anyone share what they have, especially those subbed to her OF

https://we.tl/t-l3D4blK9oT It’s not much but it’s what I’ve got
Can this thread just get deleted, it won’t get anywhere
And just why is that? She's better looking than 90% of the drags that are found on this board & has gained 200 plus pounds since a skinny 115 pounder.
She's great, twerp (with one exception). Go harass somewhere else. As for OF, she is now using the optional DRM protected content so even subs cannot download her videos. No current coomer stuff, therefore, but there is plenty of earlier OF vids, newer c4s, curvage and several hundred from her original s31 and bbwnadya site. The DRM thing sucks, but I have most of her other stuff archived and willing to share a good portion, unless more dolts like you come on here.
How is the file expired already

>>She's better looking than 90% of the drags

Hell nah. Body is shaped like an airfryer and has a moon rock nose that can crack open a coconut in one hit.
She’s also just not that big.
She’s gotten a lot bigger, that’s kinda gotten old. She’s not shapely or good looking enough to coast on makeup and ~*vibes*~.
Get huge or gtfo, there’s an equally attractive new midsized feedee with an onlyfans every otherweek.
You don't have the money or the cock to take care of a huge woman who cares what you want faggot.
Dudes obsessed with cock calls other people gay.
(131 KB, 1088x942, N2.jpg)
".. just not that big." Please give us your def of big - 500 plus? 600 plus? Dude, there is an SSBBW here too that appears to be a better place to be spending your time.
Angles man. She looks half that size from the back.
She’s got a bugs girls belly on a chubby girls body.
Go to ssbbw then you degen blob loving faggot
>>141763 (OP)
Ha, extremely underrated in some minds, but also possessing a short fuse. I expressed some complaints and frustrations with her practices publicly that were valid imo. She then banned me from all her platforms. Perhaps I deserved it in some minds, but life without parole seems excessive to me.
Kafkabot is that you my lost, tortured love?
I don't know where your head is at, but this is big in this vid, imo. Already reached modest fatness in beginning 9 mins - then switch to 2023. That is rather fat.

Dude that’s not even fat for a California Walmart.
The slight amusement factor with your posts has run its course. The back n forth with your nonsense to get a rise back is old now. Just go away.
Seconded Ignore Once he realizes there's no response, his jollies here will be gone
(203 KB, 1290x1704, GBH9eCkWIAAIPyy.jpg)
*sigh* seeing what this thread has devolved to after only 24 hours of leaving.

Like I bought the clips I shared here >>141795, if you want to have some pointless argument, take it to /gen/.

Anyway, since I want content, here's an older Health Update from her for people who like either her somewhat older stuff or fat chat from her


Again boosting that request for her Stages of Bedbound Grief fantasy or Doctor's Visit Immobility stuff. Thanks.
Anyone have vids of Nadya and Casey?? Please and thanks
Yeah, it's amazing that there are those here, that somehow mange to find some time when not fapping to the blobs on their beloved ssbbw board, that will come over to the "small" girl board and spew their nonsense. Ignore, ignore, do not respond to their comments.

In any case, I have some c4s and curvage content I can share, hoping that others can help fill in some holes. I also have all her old s31 videost and much nadyabbw.com content, if there is any interest.

Here are newer ones with Empress at the doctors, and with Casey getting "friendly".

There's deinitely interest man, you're a real G i you upload all that
Oops. No Empress, but here is one with her and Nadya.

>>141763 (OP)

Is there a video associated with the first picture? Because goddamn
I don't have those (hopefully, someone comes through) but if you like Nadya eating, I have these two to offer. From 2022, bigger now.

(54 KB, 1080x591, IMG_8307.jpeg)
I know she isn’t related and I’m sorry but does anyone have Curvybaby’s weigh in? She’s super underrated IMO
Anyone have Max Capacity Stuffing? I have all her belly button videos if anyone wants them

Brooo please drop them
Anyone have her stuffing videos ?
Help a poor brother out
Not downloading this sus ass file. Can anyone tell me that its safe?
It's just one of those Nadya chairs vid.
Is it possible that you upload those as well, i never got the chance to see her from her skinnier days
(745 KB, 750x1624, IMG_1722.png)
anyone already have this video?😳
you're the best, thanks man <3
I had a problem unzipping the file
Her Coomer has some photosets of her and Empress. Both of them feature her drinking Pepsi, one she's in a black dress and the other she's in a pink top. I don't do OnlyFans but I've paid for her stuff on Curvage and other places and would again, I just can't find these videos anywhere. Are they OF exclusives? I'm really just wanting to know how to get my hands on those because I'm the sure the burps are insane
She uses DRM now on her OF which is a total piss off. You'll never see these vids unless you pay for a sub, or someone rips the encryption out with something like StreamLab and then shares - possible and we can hope, but don't hold your breath.

I've cancelled a couple subs for models who have turned DRM on. I don't need to see their content bad enough to be unable to download a vid with a paid sub, and only being able to watch when logged in with the horrendous OF player that freezes repeatedly.
Drm dcma still get all her content.
Huh? Stupid, perhaps, but don't get your point.
I see why u cant make profit lol
I can see why they call you a coprophagic
I was afraid of that. Bummer. Oh well
Error with the file unfortunately. The others on we.tl are fine
Any videos of her fat as fuck
I'm not interrupting anything and what impatience? I just asked if there was any videos of her fat as fuck. Anyway thanks
Just being a snotty twerp. Your're good. Should I continue with the fit to fat progression, or have I outlived my welcome here?
Late on the 12/30 batches. Thanks if they come around again. Thanks just because.
Naw some people love that shit personally I'm interested in hercurrent state. Continue posting man. The more the merrier
I like her current state too, but not convinced she's that dedicated to significant further gains. She talks the talk, but has been around this big for a couple years now. Her friend Ivy Davenport needs to convince her to get aboard the serious gain train like she did.
please do. i love the fit to fat progression. comparing old and new videos and knowing how many times they had to stuff their face to get to that state. thanks for the vids

i wonder btw if you have the video of her wearing scrubs drinking beer? it was back when she was still eatme i think. i saw it once years ago and have been looking for it ever since
Love me some weight gain progression. Keep going, man.
Hmm. There's an EatMe from 2018 in scrubs, but no beer. Still want to see it?
Lmao what the heck
Anyone have her woke up fat ft skinny nadya?
Another coprophagic joins us
where do you keep finding these vids? i wouldn't mind editing together a thorough weight gain progression video of her
I've had these for years, but you can still get her complete library of S31 and bbwnadya.com content (over 500 hundred videos, over 15,000 pics) on the old site for the ridiculous price of $25. I heard she had a bad breakup with S31 and she has no rights to this content, nor gets a dime from the sales. It seems like the S31 dude is out to get her back. It amuses me that she has some of these older vids and has posted individual vids on c4s for nearly the cost of the full 500+ at her old site.
She must have some ownership of it because she's been dumping really old S31 vids on her C4S the last month
No, she can get the same library as you or I with $25.
sure that would be great, that might be it. i seem to remember her being drunk in it but it was a few years ago so might be misremembering. thank you.
There was at least one video of her when she was drunk and in scrubs. I remember it being kind of crappy
When I had a sub and watched some lives, she was asked about her old S31 vids. She mentioned then that she had had a falling out with them and had no rights or access to those vids anymore. She went on to say that she did still have a "few" of the oldies in her possession and those were a possibility to re-distribute.

Upon seeing some of these on c4s and portions on curvage, I have assumed that these are the vids that she had retained, OR she just went out and purchased the library from S31 likely using an alias name. No different from what any of us can do.

Certainly, I may have made a wrong assumption, or she could be nothing but BS with her story.

So Einstein, what is your theory?
She has made about 700 or so vids over the years. I have many or know of most. I'll look again, but a timeframe would be helpful to make it less of a chore.
Why don’t any of you dumbasses just ask her instead of playing a guessing game
You seem to be an expert. Can you name all the vids she farts in???? That Scrubs vid has a couple if its the one I'm thinking of. Anymore you know about? If you search feedee fart on bang spank one of hers comes up. I threw it up years ago.
yes! thank you so much ive been looking for this for years, i always thought she was so cute in it. it says its from feb 15th, is that feb 2018? guessing from the size but i like to stay organized. thanks again.
Yes, 2018. She weighed-in at 209 lbs two weeks before, if that is of interest to you.
So what does one think this bitch weighs now? As far as I know she hasn't done a weigh-in since late 2022. She alleged then she was near 400, then has continued to say all through 2023 that she was "growing, growing", yet no weigh-in. Even when asked, "I like to space them out no more than once a year or so". BS, since she used to do them several times a year. She's big and tall so able to carry significant weight, but why the evasiveness?
She begged and begged for a leaking grace period assholes never listened when she said it would kill the sales instantly. No shit she doesnt post them anymore
So lame an excuse it defies any sliver of believability. She makes plenty, and it she didn't, she wouldn't have quit her day job.
To my knowledge she still has the vanilla job she talked about getting when she moved to Fl. Where has she spoken about making content full time? Wild assumptions
Idc ill still watch the pirated content but im also not going to pretend like it doesn’t effect models earnings what a cope
I noticed She used to be pretty chill with the sharing of her content on here and coomer until she started doing collabs and chilling with reiina that's when she started making videos more expensive and being more secure about piracy bitch probably said some shit
Sure, piracy has an impact on your earnings. If you're good & successful, though, it won't drive you to the welfare lines. Ask Candii, or Amouranth how much they're hurting.

She did have an outside job when she first moved, and occasionally mentioned it, including making a big deal of it looking for a good dressy dress for her first work Xmas party (with a good video, I'll add). Since I don't follow as much as before (I dropped her when she turned on DRM) I could be wrong about current job status, but from what I have seen, I suspected it to be in the past.
Well, she can't get upset about coomer anymore. She took care of that with DRM. And yeah, she knew about the former thread here, and came on to express her thoughts a few times. I also expect she knows, or will soon know, about this new thread. She had spies here that would get back to her. As pointed out, she's gone big-time (with big content prices) since those days. Not sure what she's thinking now. Maybe we'll find out.
She is gaining right now or she reached her goal?
She has no goal, other than "growing, growing". Look where she was two January's ago (claiming 390) to now. Little visible difference, nor will she get on the scale. She's a big girl who will remain big, but spend wisely if you're into gainers
It's far more likely that Ivy, since Nadya has been working with her a lot. She's a known bitch, especially when it comes to "protecting" her content.
Huge booty. Incoming text
Yeah, when Nadya first began working with Ivy, I thought Ivy would be a great influence, as in motivation to get massive. However, the only influence I see is Nadya making her vids more expensive and more protected.

Yeah I feel you. I've noticed that some "gainers" have been using ambiguous way of speaking when talking about their weight gain.
Their content focuses on their weight and how much they eat. They use terms and phrases that insinuate gaining weight on purpose like, “I'm getting so big”, “I'm so fat” “I'm always hungry”, and “do you think I should get bigger” and play out weight gain scenarios. This way of talking confuses me and other people into not being 100% sure that we will get what we are paying for. These “gainers” I feel, use this speech to keep their weights a mystery and the only way we can tell the difference is though pictures and the very rare weigh in. This creates a buffer between legitimate criticism and poor speculation causing the person making the criticism to get jumped in the comments or thread. The irritating part is that they don't gain anything really. Some of these gainers will gain and lose the same weight for years and even promise to gain, gain it and then lose it. Any feeder or guy who loves a gain knows that feeling. I feel like it's just a way to deceptively keep subs and content sales up. I think this trend is ruining the fetish a bit. Thats why whenever I notice anything funny, I take my money somewhere else. If anyone has bills to pay and money to make, then they have a reason to lie.


That would explain the sudden increase of collabs across the board within the past few years. Ivy's definitely the ring leader within the circle. Everytime a new girl collabs with her, she ends up with a different attitude and starts with these BS practices.
Ivy has been in this scene for a long time. She owns the HFG enterprise in the Tampa area, has the cameras & sets, and the access to several models in the area, including Nadya. Also has the marketing prowess to make it profitable to attract visiting models to collab with the locals. She knows all the business ropes extremely well at this point. Unfortunately, I have to agree, she also shows these gals how to maximize income over content and they are never the same.
Honestly the rise in collabs has to be one of the most irritating trends in the scene since covid. Let's be honest, the "acting" and themes of collabs have almost always been dogshit, but at least they used to be rare enough to neither consume the models' schedules nor feel hackneyed. Now models who used to put out weekly videos are doing mediocre monthly collabs while using the time and expenses of the collabs to justify delayed content and increased prices.

I'm not even sure who's driving the market for all of these — collabs tend to get good reviews on curvage, but not markedly more or better than solo vids, and I hear pretty much unilaterally negative statements about them on the chan. Is there just a silent majority who goes for this shit, or have models made them so frequent that they're artificial demand for them because it's all people can get?
Kisame here: Crossover episodes are always the worst. The characters each apply their won’t-do lists until it’s bland and boring, even compared to these women’s already snooze fest regulars.

These drops are made for her digital stalker boyfriends, it’s just some weird parasocial paid-to-play social media fan base models cultivate with their most mentally ill fanboys.

Theres legitimately no new pornography to be made—just log onto 20 years of achieved prime beef. I’m cranking my hog right now to some classic content and reliving the days when feedees actually ate enough to outweigh smaller ponies.
Can you share a few "classics"?

I'm so glad someone else sees this. Reiina was actually sexy when it was 'girl eats like a maniac'. When it became 'Reiina and another girl half-hearedly paw each other and you're supposed to be interested because crossover', it stopped being good.

It's a bit like the Marvel movies.

As long as the movie's about something, you can follow that story and be interested. Once it's obviously just brands building other brands, who the fuck cares?
Another with the skinny Empress of the North


It would be appreciated if someone can update coomer. I know the DRM'd vids won't come over, but her pics and any gifs would be great.
anyone have anything recent?
someone have a mega?
Anyone has her capacity stuffings from curvage …its priced way too high !!!
Is it worth it ? I feel like mochibabii and juicy junt stuffs way more than her nirmally …but honestly 15 tacos 15 cinnamons …is a god tier stuffing if she finished it in one sitting
She has a new curvage stuffing vid (pasta). At her current size it is more difficult for a model to gain more weight, and more difficult to tell if they have gained any measurable poundage, but Nadya looks big in it, biggest yet, imo. Unfortunately, her longer vids are expensive, She has a new, shorter, cheaper recent vid on C4S that looks like it was filmed at the same time. Not a stuffing vid, however.
Here's this new c4s vid. Finally gained a little more weight, I'd say.



Ffs, make posting d00d links an instant pernaban mods. Tf yall doing?
Warnings don’t work with these guys ban him please!!!! The reason I say this is they already know people hate the links so they encode them so you have to waste your time decoding to find out they are dood. So this shows that they already know people hate them.
Pornography website where content is stolen u begging for someone to be banned. Kill yourself migrant
this will not become a lynch mob. the guy is still a contributor, even if you don't like the file host.

you can share your own content and proudly show how it's done.
They also make the mods look bad because they are sneaking around posting 50% of the links. They ruining the site. It’s possible mods can’t block them because the spammers have revolving internet code so it’s ineffective. But if this is not the case please perma band guys. This is because the thrill for them is to aggravate people.
wow thanks. her belly is really taking on an amazing shape
So what? It's one of her best and she has actually has gained some more weight. It's wise dolts like you that discourage one from sharing here.
I'm sure it will overtake mochiibabii phenomenally quickly before June-mid July
They are also the ones that make you think nah fuck it these cunts on here don't deserve people buying shit and sharing it lol

The ones shouting out slurs and derail threads are the same ones who'll suck dick and call you a king for sharing a video. I say fuck em.


Finally, someone on Curvage who knows how to record on an iPhone without recording in portrait mode or having the file be 2GBs.
Holy shit. Thank you. Thank you so much… anyone have more of her mutual stuff?
She's been at this since 2017 so she should be good at the tech aspects by now. She also continues to show more creativity in her content than 95% of the rest of the community.

Now glad to see that she has perhaps decided to go beyond her 3 year or so weight plateau and gain some serious weight again.
No question. Packing on some more weight, finally. Here's an OF vid from one year ago.

Her coomer hasn't been update for 3 months now. Hopefully, a good soul can come through for us.

Ha, realize i added nothing. anyone can pull a coomer vid. Here's the not so common, longer (better) companion. coomer update please

It looks like she's pregnant. Her stomach looks huge.
She does . But I doubt she is though she has said in OF lives she decided ages ago raising kids isn't for her
Not pregnant. Just fatter than ever as she's finally added more pounds after a plateau of like 3 years. Much still goes to the belly, but now bigger all over.
She's not pregnant. If she was, her belly button would be huge and noticeably popped out. Also, pregnant bellies have a pretty distinctive appearance. Hers just looks like a big ball of fat.
You guys are idiots she is 100% concealing a pregnancy
So she's been pregnant for three years now? You're the biggest imbecilic muttonhead on the planet.
Do you have any proof of that? Because if not, then, for Nadya's sake, you shouldn't say things like that. Mind you, that kind of talk is why we now have a bunch of whackjobs walking around claiming that LMBB was "100% concealing a pregnancy" even though there is absolutely no proof of that. It's ridiculous and it makes this community look even more deranged than it already is.
Yeah, and it's a bit concerning how many people in this community seriously can't differentiate between a pregnant belly and a fat, bloated belly. These people seem to equate a woman having a big, round belly with her being pregnant when that's not always the case.
Love the masturbation community.
She's... clearly about six months pregnant.

Her belly is jutting out much more than it ever has and is only getting bigger.

How much more proof do you need??
Whatever she is, I love her big tummy!
You're right. We don't need anymore proof that you're a total idiot.
Clearly she began gaining weight in 2017. Clearly she has talked from the beginning her goal is 600lbs plus. Clearly she has been over 300lbs since 2020. Clearly she continues to have the appetite of 3 grown adults and continues to eat as such and thus gains weight. Clearly anyone who disputes these facts has no idea of her history and has not, does not follow her.

Clearly you are a dimwitted ignoramus who has no idea what you are talking.
You've literally provided no proof whatsoever that would suggest pregnancy. So I'm going to say we'd need at least 1 piece of generally conclusive evidence. You know like Nadya's conformation or something.

On the flip side, she recently posted a vid chugging sticks of butter, so I'm guessing she's not, as I doubt she'd be that wildly careless about the life of an unborn child lol.
Imagine the shits after. If she was pregnant that baby just had the best waterpark tier abortion.
How about unambiguous proof that she is expecting? Either produce evidence to that effect or do everybody a favor and stop peddling this nonsense.
you remember? videos, pictures,...? endless pointless cackling does not belong here.
You have never seen a fat pregnant woman and it shows lmao
I hate you autists so much.
Hello community, does anyone have Nadya de Cuevage's new video or a recent video.
Does anyone have the video called bedtime burps or something like that? She’s wearing hello kitty pj’s in it
I have nearly all her vids, but she's done several hundred over the years. Can you be more specific to narrow it down? Time period, or laughingly her size - skinny, plump, fat, obese, morbidly obese?
Anything recent and fat you’d enjoy sharing?
No, I want her to get her moneys, but here's a decent one from last year (still quite fat) - skip to 5th minute if a thinner Nadya (Eatme) is not for you.

Here's a little of what I have. Anyone have her most recent cheerleader vid? this is the donuts one and I splurged and got the office pig one.

Bro acting like she's struggling
I know that Nadya also has some step-sister vids, if any kind soul was able to share I would be give many thanks
Hey it’s the guy who initially asked for the vid, I’m so sorry I found it on coomer lol, I checked before and I swore I couldn’t find it but I did, thank you anyway though
sorry if this is off topic but... people really think LMBB was preggo?
At some point yes, unfortunately.
It was a "rumor" on another site cause people somehow don't know the different between a fat and pregnant body. They tried to say casey was pregnant too lmao
Yeah, and it's the same shit you see in this thread: She had a big belly so she must have been pregnant.

It's complete bullshit.
Back to Nadya, does anyone have some of her more recent stuff? My hard drive recently failed and I lost everything I had.
She was getting pretty big before she got doxxed. Is that, maybe, how the "rumor" got started?
Girl im buying my outfits when I get to vegas lmao these hoes man im going expose every single one of them then burn it down
Because we have to keep it quiet remember hahahaha what happened trip cancled now for summer?
Someone should do a thread debunking that shit.
Anyone got anything recent from her at all ?
can someone update please
Anyone know her origin story? Or if she has any videos on it and where to find them?
Anyone have her mutual gain videos?
Does anyone know her origin/backstory?

Does she have any vids talking about it?
Lmfao what is this a Marvel or Dc comic
She's a girl who was skinny and decided to start gaining there's your origin
Ever since I came back around. Keep gaining. Got juice to bust.

Dude it depends on the writer/storyline. Her original 50s backstory was that she was bit by a radioactive cow and developed mad gaining powers, but when the character was reconsidered in the 1970s the writer decided that she had been hypnotized into gaining weight over many years.
I liked the 90s reboot, where she was a fashion model who fell into a vat of mutagenic lard
I like jay and beyonce
Kindly requesting any of her feeder videos
god dam she got huge
After a few years of hovering in the same range, she's now lost all control and blowing up past huge. I notice she's taken the bbw part out of nadyabbw. I figure we're witnessing the transition into nadyassbbw
That new video looks insane
Any chance of a reup pls?
Can anyone reupload the skinny stuff that was posted a while ago?
Shit. I bought this vid too. Thx anyway - many will appreciate.

I do not have either of the two requested vids, but I do have a couple other recant ones. I'm on travel currently, but will post next week, unless someone beats me to it. I also have ALL her skinny vids - I posted them here earlier. I can also post many of them next week. Any specific requests can likely be accommodated if you give me a close timeframe of issue (Eatme / Nadya was quite prolific in the day).
Are any of them mutual gain/feeder vids?

Thank you. 3,220 calories in one sitting is wild
No, all her earlier vids were solo, except for one vid where someone fed her off camera. She only began Collabs a couple years ago when she was already huge, and none are of the mutual gain/feeder variety that I can remember.

Her most recent stuffing vid is 5,130 calories. Insane
I seen her on the beach my dick got so fucking hard omg
5,000 in solid food or liquids? Both are impressive. It’s funny girls who can eat like that usually have the same beach ball shape

Enjoy your vacation friend, looking forward to seeing those recent videos you mentioned whenever you get around to uploading them
Does anyone have my daughters and I are out of control?
any reason my comment got deleted? I was seeing if anyone had her "Maximum Capacity Messy Ice Cream Cake Stuffing"
I think she might be 450 by now
Possible, but for some reason she won't do a new weigh-in. Perhaps she is waiting to hit her 600 goal. Also possible lol

Literal children should not be on the site.

You really think Nadia could be over 400 pounds? Go post her content to /ssbbw/ and get literally laughed off the channel

Her gain has been impressive for sure but she's still under 400 pounds
Shes 5ft 11in tall - she's heavier than she looks (and she looks heavy)
She looks 280. I think she’s 330-350
450? What are you smoking bro. Closor to 350 for sure if even that.
Oh god it's the she's this weight spastics again
nothing triggers me more than her fake stuffing vids....
She cuts every time she's supposed to swallow and even forgot some parts where we see her spit everything jeeeeez
(136 KB, 1262x1080, N.jpg)
Yup, it is. However, the real pathetic ones are those here that think a shorty with a certain look is going to look similar to one with height. Nadya is nearly 6 feet tall, for God's sake. She has also, without question, packed on considerable weight this year.

Whether you think she is 330, or 430, you are entitled to your opinion. I know where my mind lies. I wish she would just do a new weigh-in which hasn't happened in over a year, for some baffling reason.

what are you talking about ? one big burger is like 700kcal ? she only ate one lol
Ruined the fucking paint never agin
wtf are you taking about, Bub. As ALREADY stated here, her newest vid she ate 7 breakfast sandwiches, plus other shit for a total of 5,130 calories. The joker is you.
She’s not eating them she’s the AFAB Nick Avocado
Have you seen the vid? No, you don't make enough at McDonalds to afford her content. If you have it, post it, and let us judge for ourselves. lol more chance to win megabucks
this mf is bragging about wasting his money on porn, when it's literally free...
I bet this is one of the models. They can’t stop lording over us that sex work pays a living wage and we’re just basement dwelling fetish addicts who can’t afford education rent or medicine.
she's fake eating all her vids, drop your dick and open your fking eyes
yes she gained a lot a few years ago but now she's all fake
Put your dick where (in) your mouth is and show us the vid in question and let us make the fake/no fake judgement for ourselves. Ya that'll happen, cheap phony coward.
Even if she's faking it rn she deserves Ps just for insane gain in relatively short period of time

Not long ago she was slim EatMe on Stuffer31. She's clearly very much into it.
If anyone has the newest video or her older Maximum Capacity Stuffing vid, I’ll post all her belly button vids (I think I have like 4?)
Back from travel and a man of my word. Here are some Nadya (Eatme) from her 1st six months of gaining, including her two first vids ever. By the end of the six months, she was 180, a 60 lb gain. She is 5'10" btw

Thanks so much man! Would you be willing to share a couple more from May/June? If not I understand, thanks again.
Thanks for the drop! Anything more you have from May/June 2017 would be appreciated if you’re willing. I think there was one where she’s wearing black on her couch eating a bunch of individually wrapped stuff but I haven’t seen it in so long I don’t remember. Thanks again.
I believe the one you're referring to is the one of 5-1. It is interesting in that this is her first vid after taking a 2 month hiatus within her first six months of gaining where she questioned her intentions to go full bore feedee. It didn't stop her overeating in this period and she appears to have gained another 20 lbs or so and now looks legitimately chubby. Most obvious to current times,she then never looked back.

Seeing these first videos is super hot. Are there more videos from the latter half of the year that you have?
Don't think so. Appears to be the before and after weigh-in results for just the difference after a funnel feed, but it would be great for someone to buy and share for our eyes to see.
I’ve been looking for that shower vid of hers for forever thanks so much. If you have anything else from her around this size or bigger, your vids are much appreciated. She was beat imo from here and then the beginning of when she started going by Nadya. She leaned too much into the bimbo look after but maybe that’s just me
Anybody have her burping vids?
could someone update
If you're talking about the most recent clip, I got it for the burps and there's barely any.
If someone does have the new vid it does look great and I hope they can share
well still share it then, if nothing else it'll be an F U to her for not having enough burps for your liking
Any feeder Friday content?
In her defense the caption doesn’t mention burps nor do the tags I always ask prior to buying
Damn your family havent come see your kids yet. Its been what 2 years? Thats sad. New jersey is watching. Fuck them.
does anyone have “My Daughters And I Are Out Of Control”. Idk why but this one was very hot to me
(135 KB, 1184x1080, NadAr.jpg)
Recent w/friend Aria. Big girl next to petite Aria.
Most weight put on by a feeder this year. This is her year
Dude without enhancing the image I thought someone had mistakenly put a pic of Layla on this thread(whose 350), that should let you know how big she is. She's probably pushing belly out and arching back but lowkey they all do that
After not doing much the past couple years, it looks as if Nadya has decided to make 2024 the year of more gains.What do you think her weight is now? Remember she's 5'10", taller than Layla.
I admit I got lazy as fuck & spoiled. Maybe if I hear from my godfather ill get up & go LOL
I admit I got lazy as fuck & spoiled. Maybe if I hear from my godfather ill get up & go LOL
Our resident paranoid-schizoid(s) make their appearance. Luv it or bemoan it

I say 390
Nadya is proof that if you want to get fat as fuck, you can. These models who constantly go on like 'OMG I'm getting so FAT' Only to gain 5 lbs in a year need to cut the shit
Shiiit. Im waiting for you to get fat. Or put on more weight. Damnnit fart around me. Idc. I love you big booty bitches. Come over whenever you want.
You no butt bitches. Keep your distance & thank you. - management
anybody happen to have the Princess Leia vid?
Does anyone have any good burping video from nadya
can someone update coomer?
Has anyone bought the latest nadya forcefeeding video ? Is it worth buying and are there any burps ?
All her recent vids are worth price of admission.

Go to coomer and look at her live stream of 5-10-24. She has gotten fuckin massive this year. A big girl for a number of years now, but she has let it all go. She no longer uses bbw with her name now as I expect she'll begin using ssbbw sometime in the near future.
I hope that in the future Nadya will be the first to go from being a thin girl to a beautiful USSBBW
Do you know if she has more videos like this, and if so, anyone got them on hand?
What does SSBBW stand for? Super saiyan BBW?
well, there is a chance. she now has friend ussbbw Ivy Davenport to show her the way.
Comedy gold. It means "super size"
I thought it was United States Ship Big Beautiful Woman
50 years in the courts. Sorry woman that wont work on him. Tell your mom that.
just released a b/g vid with bj and fucking on c4s. worth it?
Find if hot how from the front she looks thinner but if she turns to the side you’ll see her big belly full of fat
Does anyone have Nadya's new video?
She certainly looks incredible in her latest videos.
Please upload
There she to flying for dick again. Thot
Anyone have the pie stuffing video?
If anyone gets that new sex video you’ll be a legend forever.
He has a nice cock. I’d let him fuck me too… especially w that cute little belly of his 🥰
first of all how tf are you more attracted to the guy then the woman getting railed. Second, now I can't look at that video without thinking of your comment, which completely ruins the experience bc I'm desparately trying not to look at this mans cock or stomach. I wish very bad things upon you
Well anon could be a woman.......or gay
Thank you so much you absolute legend
she's gotten so fucking huge
Down already, reup?
She's likely not happy about her first raunchy b/g vid being shared less than a week from release. c'est la vie Likely to be busy with dmca takedown requests Hopefully not too much to prevent new content Massive now, committed to getting more massive
(209 KB, 884x1940, IMG_1447.jpg)
Dude genuinely thank you so much. As a thank you, I have a collection of about 150 gigs, I'm gonna list off every model in there and whoever you want(no more than 2), I'll upload everything I have for them. And so this doesn't become a spamified begging thread, I'm going to emphasize that ONLY HE gets this oppurtunity.
breaking the golden rule of this whole site, no trading
No. He is showing appreciation for sharing
Not the guy who posted the link, but this is just a question.

Wouldn't sharing the Nadya content be pertinent since it's a thread about her?

He's not trading, he already got what he was looking for and is offering to share

He's not going to share all 150GB at once because that'd take WAY too long to upload, that's common sense


If you pick ashley garland I will love you forever, I've been waiting for her OF to show up on coomer but it seems like it never will. She's losing weight now but she has a ton of vids from when she was embracing being SSBBW-sized
thx, but since your offer appears to have stirred up some controversy, I'll pass. Feel free to share, or not, whatever you'd like
is this >>160124
the same as this >>160186
I grabbed the latter but the former was down not sure if that was a reup or just more content from the context...
Deleting comment mod arrived.
Can u reup the bj and fucking vid again looks insane.
Is there anyone who can share their first videos again? Please.
Fuck her belly almost touches the floor
Here is the first b/g. A curvage vid cannot be as bowdy as a c4s, so more subdued. Her second curvage release with this dude does appear better.
Anyone have?

anyone have her unhealthiest foods in america vid? would be much appreciated
She's probably the first (that I seen anyway) to do a sex video with guy that isn't muscular in anyway
Yeah, someone on here is turned on by him LOL maybe she is on to something
Dude got small feet & small hands talking shit on bbwchan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dude, fat on fat is the fucking best.

Give me more super fats fucking other super fats.
Nadya is my absolute favourite, thank you for these amazing posts. I hope people are willing to share more especially her curvage and clips4sale vids.
Fuck those kids. She a bad mother who leaves them EVERYDAY NO MATTER WHAT! YOU HAD KIDS WITH THE WRONG FRIEND!
Damn someone needs to lay off the crack
That was really hot, Watching her struggle to get out of the chair and belching at the same time might be amongst the hottest Nadya content.
Ms piggy cant stop fucking with new dick
Any chance somebody has her old halloween witch's curse videos? She made a few of them.
Does anyone have attack of the burps? Thx,🙏🙏🙏
It seems like it. I don't know if she's empty or not but her belly hangs so low whole empty
Anyone have her Wendy's frosty chug?
any new of her ?
might have to move her to the ssbw board if 2nd half 2024 is like the first
reup on forcefeeding vid?
thanks, anyone got the ones she did with the skinny chick?
>>141763 (OP)
Anyone got her waking up fat video where se records herself skinny and the part where she wakes up is recorded with her already obese?
I wonder why we haven't got a weigh in for so long. She was "apparently" close to 400 ages ago and looks much bigger now
You're right. No weigh-in for at least 1-1/2 years, def bigger now, and has removed the "bbw" part of her model moniker. My guess is that she is waiting for the right moment to when she plans to reintroduce and spring something like "ssbbwnadya" on us. A guess, but seems to make sense from what I'm seeing
There's IO 2 very likely scenarios.
A: She's close to where she'll universally be considered a SSBBW and likely plans to hit tha(400 lb mark) and run from there

B: She lied about her weight and now is just now weighing in at where she said she was.
Anyone who posts about models "lying about their gains" should really consider hanging themsleves

And those who wish death on people for having an opinion about an aspect of a fetish should go outside and evaluate their lives. Fucking incel bozo.
(43 KB, 600x800, 634f1613e25c1c3b9681b0b40f8c45c4d5bb72699783b0c5190473476f259ca1.jpg)
Uploaded about four of Nadya's fantasy/roleplay clips: https://gofile.io/d/RrhA2K

I'm a sucker for clips of BBWs and SSBBW's with Empress of the North, so if anyone has any of Nadya's clips with Empress, maybe the ones shared here >>141898 >>141901 >>144938, particularly the one mentioned about the Doctor's (sorry I know other specific clips might be hard to remember here) I'd be extremely grateful.
I did consider it, but hanging myself over the opinion of a delusional retard who doesn't understand the feedee community just wouldn't be worth it
Does anyone have how the guide to make your gf a feedee or whatever it is
Thank you

Empress must be an Amazon if she can make Nadya look short.
(135 KB, 1184x1080, NadAr.jpg)
Interesting. Empress is listed on Curvage as 5'9" and Nadya has been listed at 5'9" elsewhere, but has admitted that she is 5'10" in comments. Empress is def taller. Here's a vid with shorty friend Aria showcasing their height difference. Both have gotten fatter this year.


Empress isn't standing up straight either in the photo, so she could be at least 6'1".
I think 50 lbs more. Without lying. she will be gracious. Don't you think that the bigger she gets and the better it suits her?
If you can believe her - we're looking at another 100 lbs minimum. She has local ssbbw friends Ivy and Olivia Jade to keep her motivated and on-track now. Her big belly dominates, but the rest of her body can carry substantial more weight.
She has a weird shape tbh and there for awhile she hit a kind of awkward stage. But I think she is passed it now and it will only get hotter if nothing else than just the sheer amount she has gained and comparison to where she started.
This. I love seeing fat people fuck, especially if they’re gainers
The irony of this comment when she literally looks like a dude in a wig
I don't have the $31 for this new C4S vid, but this preview clip is worth a download just for the 30 seconds to see how big she is on her feet these days.

In her new curvage video she mentions a health update anyone seen the video yet ?
anyone got her video colab with ivey?

bro you can embed compressed 30-second videos directly into bbw-chan, no need to link somewhere they can get nuked
$31 is absolutely ridiculous. PBC will literally give you 100s of videos for that same price, I know other models that will ive you their whole catalouge for that
It does look like a great vid and it is 43 minutes long. $31 is steep, but still tempting nonetheless
Is her OF worth the money?
One of the best.
Damn, I just bought it myself, but you're great to share
anybody got that reup?
Used to be, I wouldn't know now, Pissed off the sensitive bitch and she blocked me lol
100% percent chance you were being a retard and deserved it
haha, told her she had gotten lazy, content had become repetitive, weight hadn't changed much in years (2021 - 2023) yet kept boasting "growing, growing, etc.", began abruptly using drm, ppv's becoming more frequent and increasingly expensive, Which of these do you wish to dispute as untrue?
Proof that shagless cunts whose sole obsession is "lYiNg b0uT gAiNz" deserve to be pissed on in the street. seriously, you need to consider throwing yourself in front of a train
reup pls? was gone within hours the first time

Models do lie about their gains though. it's always been a thing in the fetish. You do know that women can lie too? Just because you want to fuck a chick doesn't mean she's an angel. Shes a person that has to pay the bills and maintain her lifestyle. even if it means advertising weight gain and not intending on gaining.

Also, some people are into gaining and you shouldn't be wishing death on them for it.

You're getting way too mad. Time for a break from porn maybe?
anyone gonna be a hero and reup the donut stuffing??
if they weren't retarded they would have just unsubbed. Nadya did them a favour
I knew the thread being bumped was just these retards still going on lmao sure enough
Yes, they do lie about gains. But they all do it, and mfs just waste breath being mad about it
can someone reup the donut stuffing vid?
Been trying to convince her to stop for years she won't and just blocks me on everything when I try. She is done for her mind has been consumed by gluttony and its pretty upsetting when I think about how small she used to be when we met.
Dawg fumbled as an early investor
someone who has gained hundreds of pounds for a fetish 100% takes it seriously enough not to give it up becomes some dude DM'd them on Twitter. It's also hilarious that you think your the first one to try
any chance someone can reup this pleasE?
Suggestion: Buy every piece of content she puts out from here on, and post it here. This "may" piss her off enough to stop
Has any1 got her cheerleader donut eating rp
Anyone have the new vid where she tells an embarrassing story about her with family while shoving a cake down her face ?
Does anyone have a burp compilation of her or some of her burp videos?
Shes massive. Good lord. Never thought she would get this big (what i also thought a year ago). Def need to keep an eye on her
her in ssbbw, not long, what a beauty !
Anyone have an upload of the latest Nadya immobility vid at all?
Here is her newest stuffing video. It might be her greatest ever. I couldn’t even make it to the second half of the video.

Whoever you are your a fucking legend
I need me a nadya wg comp asap she’s fuckin blown up since the last time I’ve seen her
No longer there can you re-up?
Nadya knows of this site and has informants here. I don't imagine she appreciated her brand new vid being posted, but c'est la vie in this business. I'm sure it will pop up again now.
pleeeease reup, would love you forever :)
saw some people mention something bout a burp/wg comp. This is the one from her curvage page. Enjoy and don’t forget to hydrate boys

Damn its already taken down. Any bros got a reupload by any chance?
You are the GOAT. Made my day man. Thank you!
>>170356 hell yeah brother thank you
Thanks a lot man!
it got taken down again fuck

Any chance of MAB? I know they're a much shittier service in general, but part of that shittiness is that they almost never respond to DMCA requests since they know the file expires in 3 days anyway.
There are Nadya moles on here reporting back to her. Sad. i
Whoever reuploads this is a God among men
Nadya is shit hot on her takedowns probably better than any other model - it's like whack-a-mole

First come first served. I rather camp out for an reupload than deal with that shitty site again.
Yup, she's a takedown pro. What else has she to do all day, other than eat?
Re up I beg
Damn, can we plz get a re-up?
you horny, fat chasing, savages are going to like this one. get it while you can. mab sucks, but less likely for takedown within your 3 day window. SHE BIG NOW

You guys fucking RULE!
Idk about her build though, its a bit disturbing tbh.
yeah, I hear you, interesting in that if you look at her early skinny vids, her chest was nicely in proportion to the rest of her thin bod. now everything has grown massively except her chest. I guess genetics and individual makeup control where your fat is added without your own personal control. if you're into big bellies, there should be no complaints
Mostly everything is going to her belly and fupa. Her hips aren't really wide and her ass a little flat. Not surprising some may find it gross but I like it so idrc.
Her shape is def interesting. her big fat, stretchmarked belly definitely works for my feedist fantasy.. I also think she still sort of has a pretty face.

But her lack of tits and ass would be a a big turnoff for me in real life. I find more well rounded shapes like ffafeeds, or kelliejellibelly, or tianas to be way sexier. I Probably wouldn’t want to actually date her.

And I think the oversized fupa is cringe. She prolly really could have stopped gaining a year or so ago and been at her peak fatty hotness.

It’s going to be semi hot but also probably really gross and unnecessary to watch her continue to force feed herself beyond this point.
Shut your mouth bro, stop saying stupid things.
Also looking for this one pretty please
she keeps putting this up saying the video is on curvage. is this the donut stuffing video?
lol, this must be pissing her off. too bad. find another job or put up with it
really appreciate the persistence from the re-upper(s)

with that said i would be surprised if she does these takedowns herself. she probably pays a company.

Paying a company isn't cheap and mab.to doesn't respond to anyone anymore if you're reporting their free 3-day links
I think I tore my butthole but the cucumber wasn’t even anal leakage poopboner 1949. Look it up. Don’t get all bent out of shape over it. Big whoop
This vore video is kinda lacking compared to that teacher one she did
Damn, she looks massive in this long live stream. and this was filmed over 3 month ago. I like her lives as it shows the natural Nadya and not staged or rehearsed action. This is the last live I'm aware of. Has there been any more recent?

Anyone got the new burp vid she released?
i dont with this b. she has the body of a pressure cooker
But you gotta admit her burps are one of the few that are actually decent though
Does anyone have the vodka chug video she chugs in this?
"actually decent", i'd say she's near the top of the list. wasn't into her at all initially but when i heard hers i was sold lol
been looking for this.
Nadya is the GOAT
Does anyone have a video of Nadya with Curvage Casey?
Sorry if this is a dumb question but how does Curvage appear on CashApp?
Sorry I don't have the vodka chug you're looking for, but here is an A & W chug from April. Hope this will suffice for now - looking rather big, but she may be a bit bigger now. Does anyone have her more recent curvage or c4s clips?


I just bought that pie video with Casey. Fucking hot. I love it so much when fat girls feed each other and make it hot. Like finger sucking, belly licking, and kiss after.....or during eating with bites of food in their mouths.

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