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No, she's not back, not to my knowledge anyway. And she wasn't even around that long to begin with, but fuck me she's still my favorite gainer of all time. Most of her stuff is on SDB, but there's a folder floating around with some stuff that isn't, and I'm hoping someone has it.

There's a handful of more recent pics out there where she looks noticeably bigger, but they look like they're from a personal IG so we're probably outta luck on new content. But if she is (publically) active anywhere and somehow I missed it, please do share.

Here's some recent Jessie Minx: https://we.tl/t-y8zwAxFxlA
Man, I always wished she would have started making content instead of disappearing. As far as non-SSBBW's go, she's got one of the sexiest and jiggliest bellies. Really between her and Cherries for the top spot in that regard
This bitch is like 21 jump street the way she got me liking jews again
You might like her but she would think you are disgusting.
Bring on BBWs not political hate or making fun of blacks jews Muslims. Moderator ban this guy who thinks he is funny preaching hate.
khazar milkers uuunnnnhhhhh
I used to speak to her and met up a few times. She’s a very sweet person. I didn’t know she did bbw porn until weeks after we met.

She’s had a hard life really but is a very nice girl.
Good job bring up race and religion troll. Ban
>he doesn't know about mindofjson
They took down the divisive rant I was responding so it’s out of context.
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I mean she's from florida so I'm not suprised.

I thought she was hispanic but odds of her being a jewess should be just as high.

One of her user names alluded to this but I don't recall what it was

As a hispanic jew, she looks about 0% hispanic but is believably jewish.

The only thing hispanic about her is the way she does her makeup, which I'm sure she learned from the hispanic chicks in the area.
Guess i was blinded by the makeup and florida lol
bro this isn't pol, calm down you all
shut up goyims with bitchin around and please share some sexy content, shalom
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Here you go brother. The schizo ranting on here drives me fucking crazy, I thought we were here for fat girls.

Anyway these are all the recent pics I've seen. Saw them posted in a forum thread with no additional info and OP never provided more, so this is it. Assumed it's a personal ig.

Does anyone have the folder with older pics that aren't on sdb?
Any new content of her?

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