
>>140195 (OP)
Oh wow those stretchmarks look like a rapid gain
Fuck, how can anyone forget a belly like that...? Chugging vid still on the table??
>>140195 (OP)
Can I ask a genuine question? Are you trans? You may have mentioned it before, I thought it was merely jest. It doesn’t bother me at all if you are, actually kind of makes it hotter tbh
no i was joking
i am very manly though, broad shoulders and hair all over my body, and i am bisexual with a heavy leaning towards women
>>140195 (OP)
You're fatass is definitely not forgotten, those stretch marks live rent free in my head. Do you find it hot that I saved photos of you from last thread?
>>140195 (OP)
Can’t wait to see you billow out into 350+ lbs
it's me
i don't have any moniker as i don't post on any accounts
thank you, of course i find it hot
wow you seem very confident that i will
i don't know about pushing 400 pounds
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No no thank you! For giving in to your own appetite and sharing it, it's very hot. My favorite is the one with oil, love watching your flab squish and slide around.

I wish it was my hands on that gut! (picrel)
i wish it were your hands too, just like how you can't really tickle yourself when you grab your own belly it wouldn't feel the same as if somebody else did. I bet it'd feel nice.
I would make sure it felt nice, especially after stuffing you to the brim. I so badly want to massage your soft fat.

You mentioned you drank, do you prefer beer or harder alcohol? IDK why, but I feel like you would be the kind of person to be really good at shotgunning beer lmao. It also gives you that cute ass bloated look
I like beer, but it's not what i prefer, i like hard liquor because it gets you drunk quicker, straight to the point, drinking a bunch of beers requires you to consume so much liquid, and i don't like how that feels
as for now i'm sober though
side note does my rambling come off as cute and endearing or annoying :)
I see, you're after the inebriated feeling. Does drinking usually make you eat afterwards or is it whatever happens first.

Cute and endearing, I wouldn't even consider that rambling though. You just responded, if anything I'm the one rambling about your chubby body lol

What's you're go to hard liquor? Do you have a preference or is it just whatever gets you drunk?
it depends sometimes i get drunk and want to binge eat but i try to avoid eating after drinking because i've found that it makes me feel sick. :)
i like vodka and whiskey
how different of me
i suppose i just feel it's like, wow i'm talking so much, and the people who read it are like can this bitch just shut up already?
>i like vodka and whiskey
>how different of me
At least you know what you enjoy! I'm a 420 man and don't really drink at all myself but I enjoy a woman that orders way too many drinks during dinner.

Sort of a weird future fantasy of mine save up enough to afford a wine wife with a wine barrel for a belly. One can dream!

>just feel it's like, wow i'm talking so much
I feel the same way, I'm honestly worried I ask too many questions lmfao. I guess I'm just trying to keep the butterball babbling!

If you really feel like you talk too much you could always drop another picture, fatty
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>I feel the same way, I'm honestly worried I ask too many questions lmfao.
not at all, i like talking about myself
maybe your fantasy is a little weird but it's not any weirder than mine
i was going to post another pic this probably isn't very sexy but i wanted to show what angle fagging and sucking in can do xD granted to most people i still look extremely fat but compared to how big i look in other pictures it's a big difference
i think i should stop shaving my belly forever
i wun 2 fed u so fat u cant moove just under brieave but not 2 death jus 2 2 fat 2 moove
H o t

Glad I can keep you talking!
I'm having fun.

What are some more feedism related fantasies you have? You've probably already said, but I like hearing regardless.

Also I meant it when I said your belly's tiger stripes live in my head rent free. I want to gently run my fingers along them like a guitarist would fret a string. Do they sting? Or is it just sensitive?
no they don't sting, they're not like cuts,if they did it'd be really uncomfortable to lie on my belly or to wear clothes that rub up against them, hard to say if they're sensitive or not because my whole belly really is.
you wanna hear about my fantasies? i can go on and on.
so i want a pretty fat girl to take control of me and make me her slave. i want her to shame me for the way i look and i want her to make sure that i know i'm lesser than her and she'll always be better. i want her to make me wear clothes that don't fit or are just provocative in public even though i'd beg her to not make me and tell her she's embarrassing me.
other than that i'd just like someone who would caress my belly andbe really gentle with me and comfort and cuddle me, maybe if i started to go on about how i'm insecure or i feel ugly or something they'd go ahead and stuff something in my mouth so i'd stop dead in my tracks.
oh, and the one that's weird is that i have a fantasy about every girl ever in the world being fattened up, to 200 pounds or so, depending on their height, and i'd want it to be mandatory, they have to. a fat new world order if you will.
As one of the very few ffa lurkers on here I’d loooove to make that fantasy a reality. 😉
god fucking take me now mommy i want you to step on me or do anything you want with me.
i'm going to be thinking about this comment for the rest of my life...
A girl finds me cute ....
i guess i'm a ffa myself, i find other fat girls really hot.
You want to be my slave that badly huh? Idk. I already have so many pathetic little worshippers. Why should I want you and your hairy ass?
I do really do. you shouldn't want me, i know, but I would outdo all of the people you already have, i would appreciate you more and do more for you. i would retire from my neetdom and work a 9-5 minimum wage job that i hate just to make money so that i could buy you things in the hope that if i did, you'd maybe let me touch you or even just praise me for how good i've been.
(lmfao i sound like such a faggot but i'm jumping at the opportunity to air out my girl on girl fantasies on the off chance that you actually are beautiful dominant fat woman)
First one is reeaalllly hot!
I do love the dom aspect of controlling calories and what you wear and stuff, but the icing on the cake is the care! I like being wholesome 24/7 and then going berserk every now and then. When it counts!

>i guess i'm a ffa myself, i find other fat girls really hot.
Fr why women gotta be so hot
I’m actually not fat, but maybe we can change that.

Do you have a collar you could try on for me? I’d like to see a preview before we commit to anything just yet
a collar? well, no... not right now... i'd wear one for you though, of course, i feel that a collar is something they should be special and have meaning, maybe have your initials engraved on it so if i ever get lost they'll know where to return me to.
I Like Pink.
they have no right to be as hot as they are it's insane i'm going crazy
Dang, that sucking in is ridiculously hot.
I'm not sure if it's that niche but I've always loved seeing it done. When girls suck their gut in then let it all surge forward refilling their their lap or hanging over their waist band so suddenly like BWOOMPH.
Nothing better lol.
can we see your spread ass
How much do you weigh currently ?
i've always found that hot too.
i really don't know... i don't own a scale! definitely in the high 200s though, i have to be.
dammit, she (i hope) left me hanging. i just want a dommy mommy to Roleplay with, is that so much to ask?.
Bro, you're so defeated that just someone else claiming to be a ffa is getting you off.
So over lol.
defeated? is it really over for me? i'm a simp
i guess so, i know in my heart of hearts that person probably isn't what they say they are. but you have to understand that a girl being into me is all i want. very hard to find. i like imagining fantasies in my head, and someone LARPing as a girl and talking to me is really all i need for that.
Literally no different for guys so I meant it more like you're one of us rather than judging lmao.
She could be the real deal, shame male attention doesn't do it as much for you since they're so much more abundant online with greatly lowered standards oof.
it's just that i'm more into women romantically and sexually is all. i don't view anyone as less than for their gender. and besides that girl doesn't even want to interact with me anymore, so, oh well. getting attention from a female is rare, whether you're a man or you're a woman yourself, or at least that's my experience. i have wrote detailed simp posts under women's posts before, and i have gotten no attention or a reply, because i don't mention my gender, and even if i did it'd likely still be ignored.
tldr female attention is a rare special gem if you're a guy or you're someone who likes the same sex
>female attention is a rare special gem if you're a guy or you're someone who likes the same sex
Can't argue with that as it's why I'm literally lurking your threads. xD
Along with the pic of you sucking in, I don't know how I missed that pov pic. Bruh, being obese looks so odd from that perspective- hawt though to see what I wanna inflict of people or something like that.
i imagine it does look odd to someone who has never had a belly like that to look down at , humans weren't meant to be fat
(maybe they were )
I’m not >>140379 but I’d love to RP with you. About anything really. I will admit I am a guy, but I can pretend not to be of that helps you.
Well, women though not in all cases should have something extra but we have definitely passed what is natural.
I do wonder if having a fat fetish is the result of left over caveman instincts couple with the consequences of the industrial revolution...

Either way, you're so hot. Really deserve to have a cute girl to help enable you until the rest of your lap is obscured so she has to lean over your overfed gut to reach your mouth when she fills it for you- practically has to lay on you just to get in close enough past so much useless flab to makeout between the helpings of heavy cream. (:
kayfabe fail smh, why did you not just roll with it? lol
I mean, you could try saying something that a beautiful fat dominant woman would say to somebody like me..
thank you
forever dreaming of a beautiful girl in my lap and to lay on me and to-
i will find me a girl if it's the last thing i do
>i will find me a girl
I think it's as certain as you doubling your weight in the future, hopefully thanks to that special lady.
post moar pics to lure her in.
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>Darker shadows under your hanging gut
>Higher density of stretch marks
>Larger side rolls/love handles
>Deeper belly button

Wonderful progress, but you're pretty body is far from finished growing. Enjoy a glimpse into your future, pig. This is the smallest you will ever be again.
Is she gaining.
Keep posting please you are great
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I'm fed up with being me I would do anything to be her
i want to be her and be with her
why is she allowed to be so perfect
the horniness is hard to bear
Cute top, it's so 2000s.
You fill it out wonderfully, or well overfill more like. :3
You're on your way to getting a juicy double belly like her. If you spend all day everyday eating and admiring her and you will naturally get there. Can't wait til you can lift your gut and drop it like she can

>i feel like they are getting repetitive, aren't they?
I don't think anyone here will ever tire of fat belly pictures lmao
More content? I love double bellies
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of aliss in specific or double-bellies in general? I have a few pictures.
me too they're just so hot and aesthetically pleasing. lol.
thank you, i appreciate the support from you always 2d6686
maybe if a fairy asked me to make a wish and i wished for a double-belly it would but i dont think its in my genes, but who knows...
>I don't think anyone here will ever tire of fat belly pictures lmao
I feel like I've seen people complain that a model is doing lazy or boring or repetitive content though, (but I'm not a model...)
God you're cute
I want to pinch that belly so much
a-am i really?
go ahead... but be gentle...
>>141110 not a larp but it's a troon
>Responding within the hour
Actual women can't do this ever, right?

apart from the delusion I do find them very cute but its odd certainly lol
Would you be down to RP somewhere?
who is this girl and why do we have to remember her?
Hope you ate well this christmas, piggy

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