
(46 KB, 750x797, v16b0p51olub1.jpg)
Restarted the thread for this beauty with her hottest (non-stuffing) video

Prove me wrong

idk, she seems too fat for /bbw
I hate how horny that statement made me lmao
Shes not even 400lbs, of course she's BBW
Hi sorry does sombody have the newest goddess shar?
Eh, I feel like BMI is the best indicator rather than number. I’ve seen plenty of girls in mid/high 300s that look more SSBBW than BBW. The way Aliss has been looking lately, she’s definitely pushing her welcome on this side of the forum.
It in her thread you dumbass.
Have a lovely day.
Thanks bro I know it is in that thread but I cant reach the thread so that is why im askin
That’s clearly a morph.
Here’s a simple solution: get off the fuckin thread nerd
(1.5 MB, 1284x1945, IMG_6618.jpeg)
Was watching one of her videos of outgrown jeans and loved how chubby her face looks here.
Why post a non Aliss video in this thread?
it's clearly a screenshot from a video that can be found on her coomer
This is the most beautiful woman in this space. Amazing.

Wow thanks! Any idea what the date is on that pasta stuffing with the pink dress? Trying to compare her growth, she’s always doing different angles so it’s tough to tell how big she’s actually getting.
You don’t some retard is just spamming threads with virus links
9xbuddy. xyz
Put those links here, download the videos. Don't even open the ds2play-site with your browser.
Works with almost every video-content..
you’ve heard of bob and vegene, now get ready to meet niple
Believe she is newly single - go for it. She travels too.
I know we all loved her belly and tits but fuck her double chin kills me
She weighs over 350 lbs
And you're turned off by her double chin ????
I think you're on the wrong boards
I think he was suggesting the opposite actually. I personally find the double chin a real turn-on, particular when I remember her defined face before gaining.
Can someone reupload this. It would be greatly appreciated
Thats why I fucked her friends. Stuid bitch
Her gain is insane. Sk hot thinking she completely destroyed and threw away her conventionally attractive body solely because she was horny
i honestly don't think it was entirely intentional. even when she was smaller she has the indicators of a girl who'd get fat if she just decided to stop starving herself and making herself eat food she doesn't want and forcing herself to work out. good for her. breaks my heart to think she was once living like that, for what, the approval of others? she's beautiful and she deserves to eat whatever she wants whenever she wants to.
Yeah, you're a fantastic person for challenging society or whatever
it's a shit site in comparison to all other choices, even with an adblocker, but with an adblocker it is absolutely possible to use
Anyone have her new video?
Do anyone have her new video
Do anybody have her video
her new one on onlyfans
does she realize she's not a beauty blogger and that all people like her for is her body?
She's in Texas at the moment. That results in inevitable gains.
can someone update her coomer?
Unless something has changed, the uploader is still busted.
I don't know what you are looking at, but there are updates occurring each and every minute. No Aliss yet, though.
Got any images from her most recent content?

Instagram got nothing worthwhile.
I don’t now what you are looking at, but the comment referred to „the uploader is busted“
I don't know where your brain is, but the comment IS referring to the uploader/updater/importer - whatever you want to call it. It began working again on the 24th.
lol read all comments and replies again faggot xD
I made several of the comments - I know their intent - idiot!
Do anybody have any videos of her new old or update her coomer. If anyone don't have any of her new ones that fine
Do anybody have any of her videos
New video
Can anyone update her coomer?
Can someone update her coomer
She do great burps in her stuffing videos. Do you know why she never mention her burp ?
You can download from the link but video doesn’t work.
Here's Allis and KP eating competition, one of my fav stuffing vids


I'm a sucker for fat chat stuff, so if someone has Aliss and KittyPiggy's Q&A videos, I'd be very happy.
Can y'all please update her Coomer please
Can y’all please stop begging please
Begging got removed. Looks like the mods are doing their job again. Praise Emrakul.
Fucking globalist scum policing this places free speech. It’s disgusting how out of control these Zionist mods are.
Can you stop begging for people to stop begging
Can you stop begging for people who want people to stop begging to stop begging
>Can you stop begging, for people who want people to stop begging, to stop begging all the other beggars to stop begging?
the acting and interactions are so awkward. almost unbearably so. I know they don't actually know each other and it's gonna be awkward but still.
Deadass stop begging
could someone update c
Do anybody have any videos of her old or new
Can someone update her coomer
Can someone update her coomer
Can someone update her coomer
Can someone update her coomer
Shut the fuck up and update it yourself
Shut the Fuck Up and Just Update so this Mothafucka can stop talking
Has she post anything new or Naw
Anything new or Naw
I reckon if you ask again someone will definitely answer.
Gentlemen, the you-know-what has been you-know-what.

She has an OF, so I'm sure
Has she done any stuffings recently? I am missing her moans and burps
That red lingerie vid where she drops down hard to make her belly jiggle only to shake the room enough to knock the phone/camera over... so so hot
which one is that my guy
Both ways extremely beautifull. BUT i like the right more :)
anyone got her latest weigh in?
Anyone has her videos with Kitty Piggy?
YOU HAVE DEFEATED A NARCISSIST WHEN THEY MOVE ON FROM YOU. I feel so free you have no idea havent been this happy in 6 years lmao
there's a guy going around every thread pretending be to schizo for a crumb of attention
Will someone please ban this guy? He keeps spouting random bullshit to no one in particular and it's crapping up all the threads.

He's like one of those weird homeboy's who spout's out a random song lyric or incoherent sentence at random... drawing everyone's attention while simultaneously being directed at no one whatsoever.

It's awkward and disturbing in person and irritatingly annoying reading the same nonsense in text.
(38 KB, 1019x576, abface.jpg)
fat faces are so fucking hot

I honestly love how much of it went to her double chin and neck, and less of her cheeks. They've filled out a bit too but the sheer size of that double chin is crazy
She's on the verge of a triple chin. A wonder of the world!
its actually still crazy to me how she managed to ruin herself
Thank you
Anyone have stuffing vid from her?
I think passed kitty in size I definitely didn’t see that coming
I didn’t think she would pass kitty. Kinda crazy when you think about it
Can someone post this as a wetransfer?
Same, MAB is easily the worst way to share files unfortunately.
Just download it and stop crying
You a big "dood" fan?
Do anybody have new videos
I think it’s probably both. I think the idea of getting/being fat turned her on, when she was horny she would eat, when she ate she’d be horny. I mean this is a girl who’d boast about eating 2 large takeaway pizzas for fun.

I think she was in control of this fetish/feedback loop, maintaining a chubby plus-size model body, but then covid hit and she just exploded. Like, she must’ve gained 100lbs+ in 6-12 months, like all she did for months is sit at home shovelling thousands of calories non-stop into her body and masturbating.

The complete lack of control and wilfully ruining your body because of how horny you are and you can’t stop eating, is so hot. She’s like a living erotic fiction.
You don't find her attractive any longer? What are you doing here?
for you that she is the most beautiful girl (face and build) when she was thin ? I'm quite curious to see if we all have roughly the same opinion. let's give a Top 3 at the limit. for my part I would say: goddess, skylar and aliss. and for me even when she gained weight remains the top 3.

You probably wanted to say this UNattractive?
i find her attractive still

its entirely possible to be attracted to both sizes i just find each one a different kind of attractiveness

thanks for the drop, but both links have the same video
Shut the fuck about dood links. Don't like em, don't click em. All it does is shit up threads
Weird creep. No need to put a video thats available on Coomer on Dood and cover it in cancerous pop ups
Why you upload to that trash site when wetransfer mab and gofile already exist?
Two crimes here and according to >>146800 a third one:
1. dood links. You should be shot
2. encoding. You should be whipped
3. Same video uploaded twice.
Chicago Called seize fire in Manhattan. You boys in new york better get your shit together in those offices before Illinois send some bullies to come shape you up. Bitch. I know you pussy trolls are here.
Anyone have that 30 minute stuffing video she did?
Anyone have that 30 minute stuffing she did a whole back?
I don’t think dood guys should threatened, but they are not great either. On my Ipad I cannot stop the pop ups. What is the reason they use this difficult way to show a video? When I ask this question before I get a lot of deflection…example “ Dude, you just need to get Pop up blocker.” That’s not answering my question, why
use this method and not a better one?
Maybe he should stop hiding them behind encoding then. Post the links raw so we can ignore them instead of making us go through the trouble of decoding.
(12 KB, 780x275, 9xbuddy.png)
true, on a PC you can use Adblock Plus or something to have a clean experience.

if you feel you absolutely must have that file, and you have to use an iPad, you could try pasting the dood link in 9xbuddy or another online download helper.

i agree that the idiocy with that doodoo is unnecessary, but at the moment it's still within the site policy.

so, doodoo uploaders: if you're really about sharing and not just annoying other anons, consider
1. using gofile (or another popular host)
2. avoiding encrypted links. encryption is not required.

if you're simply using doodoo and encrypted links because you think it's funny teasing fellow anons, you're steering this ship to unpleasant waters.
There are 2 reasons why they could be using doodstream. First is that for for free users, videos are only deleted after 60 days of inactivity, and stay up permanently for premium users (they offer free premium accounts for "genuine" uploaders and webmasters). Second is that they can make money from ads based on views, so that could be there motive assuming they have a premium account.

If dood links are still being filtered, then that's why they are encrypting the links.
There had to be a reason why dickheads won't stop using them
Curious how she hides her double chin on her Instagram posts..
Shes said before she doesn't like it and has considered surgery to reduce it. Which is a shame, because it's one of thr best parts of her gain imo
I hope she doesn't. Models who use face thinners always look so weird looking after
What the heck is with Aliss and her majorly over priced PPV content recently?! I’ve only just re-subbed to her a week or so back and every day,
maybe even a few times a day I’m being bombarded with messages from her with pricing as hell PPV content which is literally like between 50 secs and a minute and a half long videos and the caption is watch me shake my belly. Her latest one is $80 (without the added tax) of her showing her ass while showing her belly. Fuck off!!! We’ve seen it all before on your wall and not had to pay anymore than your monthly sub price to see it all. She’s taking the piss all of a sudden!!! Is she desperate now?! If she’s gonna start all this bombarding of PPV, show more than you’ve ever shown before. Get that pussy out. Bend over and spread your butt cheeks or something. Until then, I ain’t purchasing shit from her. Rant over 😅
she has like 2-3 whales that are throwing fuck tons of cash at her. one guy was giving her 12k to gain 10 lbs. See if it happens, who knows.
Yeah she just sent me a $80 ppv that’s under 2 mins lmfao. I just subbed for the first time, bad timing
that's one way to combat piracy...

seems like you'd make less money though overall but maybe I'm wrong
She’s very clearly outsourced her OF messaging to some guy to manage her DMs. It’s SUPER obvious it’s not her. That or OF has some soft of automated chatbot that’s she’s opted into. Regardless, it’s pretty offputting lol.
I wouldn't be shocked if she has a 3rd party running it now. It's very similar to the Lucy Collett OF which is pretty much the same DM nonsense with a lot of automated txt messages and a bunch of PPV.
when was she at her biggest?
That looks great. Nice job.
Yeah her OF is definitely being run by someone else now. It is very similar to Lucy Vixen’s one. Just constant bombardment of PPV messages and even just messages in general like hey sexy, I forgot your name, what is it again. Got that one this morning. So fucking cringe… So aye it’s clearly not her anymore, which is indeed a shame. She clearly thinks she’s the big stuff now and can have someone else run her OF. Poor show. I won’t be subbing again if she’s gonna keep this crap up.
Im jibbing it off as well. I dealt with Lucy Vixen's OF for long enough to know how scammy OF gets when its run by a 3rd party.
She’s constantly doing different angles, hard to tell if she’s any bigger
one of the funniest developments in feedee porn ever
Yeah, That's clearly not her and anyone with any decent amount of common sense could tell it isn't.
the ppv I was responding to got removed within two hours lmao and another one has been sent for 45
I blocked her and hid the posts from the main feed. Don't need to be getting multiple scammy PPV messages a day and old rehashed content on the main feed I already have.
bro bro actually employed the microsoft indian team for her of pms
A bag she wants to buy? even if that was her she can't/shouldn't just increase the price of her content just because there's some new fancy item she has her eye on. That's the worst excuse for a price increase I've ever seen.

She's selling a product at an average set price, not just deciding she wants expensive shit and jacking the price up in order to buy it.

That really has to be some foreigner that speaks english as a second language and doesn't have a clue in general.
Helo sir i em alis wud u like me to opem bobs
Dude, you don't understand basic economics.

Let me put it this way (let's just assume for a crazy moment that this is actually her saying this): do you really think a single one of her diehard fans will unsubscribe because she's said this?

The one complaining about the price increase certainly might
Eh, the feedism community is pretty small… maybe this shit is rampant outside the feedism community but.. yeah, this is the weirdest timeline for sure.

Also, someone should probably reach out to Aliss elsewhere bc this is kinda embarrassing. These dudes working for her are clearly working on commission.
She wants to buy a new bag… aw fuck right off!!! There is no way on gods green earth that’s her!!! SERIOUSLY?! What an absolute fricken joke!!!
Well done for taking the plunge and messaging her privately though. That took guts to question her or it I guess.
Raising the price of her of for a bag is a horrible lie. She could of just put it on her wish list or ask for more tips. There's definitely someone else behind the screen. That type of shit happens when they gain a lot of followers. Only-fans pimps ("managers") is a crazy concept. Hopefully she is making the decision of raising her prices and not some money hungry loser taking advantage of the situation.
I hope she reads all this…
Its sad to seethis evolution from someone who is so loved in the community, A increase of ppv prices, a decrease of subscription included updates plus a probably outsorced management of her account.
For me she is the prettiest in the game but I can’t support things like that.
Thats fine ill do it by myself. I can handle it.

I'm almost certain she's outsourced her DMs and management and likely (hopefully) doesn't realize how shitty it's being run (since this just started). Possibly was suckered in by a 'We'll increase your revenue by 30%' bs thing, bc whoever these weirdos are, they're trying to cash in hard. Literally had to mute my DMs

But also kinda sucks that she'd outsource to such a shit and predatory group. Guess she doesn't care and just really wants to cash out. So I guess... at that rate, get your bag girl, but I'm out.
Being run like shit since 2012 I always tell you the truth
New account manager is on crack. 95$ for one minute thirty. Are you high. She has a donut stuffing video from Valentine's Day but wants $60 for 20mins. I don't think I can justify that.
christ that’s some Boberry type pricing
It’s simple you guys just need to DM her on Insta and let her know this is bs
You’re assuming she hasn’t just offloaded her entire socials presence to some ‘company’ to manage, in which case you’ll still be messaging the same people.
The best/only way you’d be guaranteed to get her attention is if the community at large ceased buying any content or subs. Nothing grabs the attention like having your income stream wiped out and a bill from a company due.
any stuffing vid from her over the past six months or so?
here you go

FYI because it is managers you can haggle the shit out of them and get there prices down. They're also confused about me wanting stuffing or burping in videos. Lol
So haggled her down from 60$ to 30$ for her recent Valentine's Day stuffing. Which is still to expensive imo. It wasn't recent, it was from years ago. So she just straight up lied to me. Called her out on it. Vague back and fourth. Fuck this chick and her account manager. Never giving her money again. Only stealing and resharing from now on.
Well, admittedly, if you feel like resharing already, this old valentine's day stuffing still interests me
Absolutely share it, fuck her. She’s clearly not hard up for money, it’s just greed plain and simple
some of yall gotta go touch some grass fr fr jerk off or don't man she doesn't really care
Does she have any new videos
There are some new 30 s – 1 min vids. Her coomer is pretty up to date.
I think she doesn’t do longer vids anymore, especially feedee related content like stuffings etc.
She does, but as ppv's on her message feed. Not a fan of this practice
You would shit a brick if you knew what people are paying for her special stuff.
What’s the “special” stuff?
It's just a retarded 3rd worlder ESL, I'm 99.9% sure you could talk him down to $10 if you have the patience and will
I'm already out. Plenty of other fat bitches to wank to.
It's a game of supply and demand - if it's too expensive, don't moan - just don't buy
Does it look like anyone here is buying?
Why would they? She ain't running the account anymore and whoever is running is out of their minds with the prices for what are very short clips.
Nah. You supporters are always against others having opnions for some reason lol
Did anyone look at the spelling of the name in that screenshot?
I thought this was a sharing site? !!!

There hasn't been a share in over a month. The last share was a Candii vid. lol. Some discussion is all fine, but that's not why we all come here, is it?

Guessing we're all too cheap to buy her overpriced ppv content.
Share something then and quit whining
I'm one of the cheapskates like you, twerp.
>>150699 >>150714 >>150734

only one correct answer:


if your answer is not b), you're on the wrong site.
Thank you so much, you are a fucking legend!

How recent is this?
Is she down? Her peak was just over 350 in the fall right?
I think she'll be heavier now - just imagine how many Christmas sweets and treats she snuffled up - she's as turned on by being fat and enormous as we all are - it's inevitable that she's heading into 400lb territory probably this year. She's surrounded by modern culture pushing healthy eating and mental health and gym culture etc all the time - you can see her acknowledging that in her Instagram posts and yet - her onlyfans is making her a huge salary - and she continues to grow despite the pressure. She's always been sexually motivated by it - and when you look at her now at her current size she's sexier than ever - she will know this and that's too powerful to resist - I bet she only needs to look at herself in the mirror and it makes her wet.
touch some grass buddy
All facts
The broken English gives it away
>the reason why my prices went high because there's this bag I want to buy
It's weirdly worded, and it's missing an "is" between "high" and "because"
>and I hope that you will support me but I guess not everyone
Where is the ending to that sentence?
A poojeet wrote this, 100%
Now 80% off sale. All of her content seems old as well. I'm guessing she's phoned it in and set up a manager while on a weight loss thing or something like that.
She knows she’s on the way out at this point lol, probs just trying to milk simps
Coomer update?
80% off her OF currently. but beware, could still be a rip-off leading only to more ppv ripoffs.
She needs to gain another 50 lbs quickly, or the has-been label will stick permanently
Curious to see if still reposting old photos.
Bro go play your videos games you like 20 years old
Ha, so funny, you missed it dolt
(40 KB, 500x374, qwe_12345.gif)
Between her flagrantly using bots/agency to run her OF, overcharging insane rates (more than usual), purging her entire insta past a certain point (there's nothing past the last few months now besides a single post from 2018, nothing from her fattest 2022-2023) I do Hand-on-heart believe she's not going to persue active weight gain ever again. it is what it is.

Let's not pretend she didn't become an absolute fucking WHALE in her peak, well into SSBBW territory. This shit isn't sustainable for literally anyone, especially not someone who's already struggling to balance a profitable "body positivity" PR with an obvious kink (CurvyGainer anyone)

I want to be pleasantly surprised but i think this is officially RIP
Regrettably or not, your assessment is spot on, and prediction for the future is more likely to be the truth than the fantasies that continue to present themselves here from her fading numbers of simps
(1.5 MB, 702x1227, Capture.PNG)
Doesn't look like she's lost much. When was her biggest?
(137 KB, 1342x789, IMG_2666.jpeg)
End of quarantine during her frequent stuffing events and at the end of the collabs with kitty piggy…
Nah - heaviest at that time was about 320 - towards the end of last year she was 355
Was messaging her on OF and legit got this message

“I'm not deeply into feederism. I just make little eating videos for those folks who have been so nice to me and are spoiling me here on OF”

Take advantage while we still have her
Your assessment is correct. But there is one flaw in it.

You're thinking like a man. Women don't think that way. More spontaneous, more driven by emotion, less rational etc.

She will be back to gaining whenever the fancy takes her. Just wait.
Except she didn't write that. I don't know why people still think she is still using the OF when its been obvious for weeks she cashed out.

"Little Eating Videos" anyone who has followed her for years knows she was way into it
Yea. Unfortunately it’s very clear it’s not her. I’ve conversed with her to buy stuff in the past. The communication is significantly different now. The tone is weird. They’re super quick to respond. And the ppv videos are no longer priced in advance. They basically ask you to start a negotiation. Last night they wanted $50 for a 20 minute stuffing video. As much as I enjoy those I just couldn’t stomach that price. I doubt there is any good way to do this but I wish we could figure some way to work together and get her now wildly priced ppvs.
which video is the thread picture from?

You were not speaking with her, you were likely speaking with some random dude in India. Someone else has been running (ruining?) her account for at least a month.

She started out skinny and was posting on feederism forums like a decade ago, and has gained hundreds of pounds since then. She is into it.
So whats the running theory as to why she gave up and left at what seemed to be her peak popularity?

I'm just guessing obviously but maybe she's attempting to lose some weight and didn't want to deal with a community that loved her being fat and would encourage/bribe her to gain even more weight?
From an .mp4 or .MOV video probably
Wrong. It’s obvious from a .wmv
She was friendly with kitty piggy, then kitty's relationship hit the dirt. I don't know about timings but it appears they both decided to stop around the same time. Probably to do with whatever kitty piggy's partner said/did.

Maybe I don't know obviously, just looking at timings.
I don’t think this makes sense. Kitty piggy left the scene years ago. Aliss started using an OF manager/agency in the last month or so. The timing does not line up.

That’s possible. But it’s also possible she’s not bailing on the community (and hopefully not trying to lose weight) and this is just a good business decision. For all we know with the amount she is making off of OF it’s worth it for her to pay someone to run it, spend less time herself running it, and still walk away with a nice profit. She might lose some customers who don’t want to pay the high prices but if she has enough that stick around it might be worth it.
Doesnt make sense it was missing already
She had a legendary run. Legit one of the best gains that we’ve seen.

Good for her that she’s cashing out.

We know she’s legit into this, but she’s also dabbled in mainstream modeling too. My guess is she has other priorities right now.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see her take over the account again at a later date.
We make the highest wages. So running to the internet to pop shit is their own power. Enjoy the circus.
Who said she's quit ? I've not seen any evidence of that - she's potentially outsourced her OF Comms to a boy in India - it dosent mean shes left the scene - I imagine that running a popular OF account is hard work - she has hundreds or maybe thousands of subs - responding to them is a full time job - I bet there are offshore groups offering engagement with fans and also offering to increase revenue - which they do by charging obscene prices. They probably work great for the top mainstream models but they won't have a clue how to deal with fat chat. It will hurt her income long term and she will realise sooner or later
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Any king have one of these? Or her recents stuffing vids, i appreciate and thx in advance
reupload please
Or can someone update her coomer?
Has she released any new videos lately? Because I haven't seen a new one anywhere in close to a month now. It might just be the morons running her OF charging 2-3 fold for every vid resulting in almost no one buying anything... but this just seems like the end of new content, only time will tell but if things don't change relatively quickly then this might be the beginning of the end.
Well she has a new video and it looks nice. Its a yoga video.
Any hero here to share it?

I know she’s recently released a stuffing video. Whoever I am speaking to says it’s 20 minutes. She eats 3 burgers and tiramisu. It sounds awesome and I would love to buy and share but I can’t get the price low enough. They’re setting the price around $50. I was able to get it to $45 but I still wasn’t going to spend that. I keep striking up new conversations to see if I can get it lower but no luck yet. If someone can get it lower we should let each other know.
^^ that 3 burg stuffing from like 6months ago
Yeah she said that she is not doing feedee and weight gain content anymore… get what you can before she leaves
Did she say that on OnlyFans or Instagram? If it's from OnlyFans take it with a massive grain of salt.

Are you sure it’s from 6 months ago? Do you have a screenshot of the video you’re talking about? I’ve tried my best to stay on top of her stuffing videos and I haven’t heard of it or seen it. The last one I have where she eats a burger is from almost a year ago and she definitely doesn’t eat 3. Whoever I’m talking to is claiming it’s from 2 weeks ago.

Wow. How did I miss that? It looks incredible. They’ must be claiming it’s from 2 weeks ago so they can charge their recent crazy prices. How much did it go for when it was released? Maybe I can try to use that price to bargain.
Its the 3 burger stuffing vid. She posted it several months ago. NGL, probably the most boring stuffing vid from her.
Can someone send a new link from the folder with videos and pics from aliss? thanks
Im going to walmart right now lets see how many weirdos follow me. Lets take them on a wild ride
Was this supposed to be funny?
Has she ever done any belly button focused videos? In not, are there any videos in which she briefly focuses on her belly button?
I’ve messaged “her” (the agency running her account) about this recently and they couldn’t locate it. Keep trying. Maybe you’ll be luckier than me. And if you find it let us know how you got them to find it so perhaps the rest of us can buy it as well.

If you bought the 3 burger stuffing, how much did you buy it for? Knowing that might help get the current price down
I have some videos to share that I don’t think have been shared here before. Is there anything I should do to anonymize videos before sharing them?
Na bro dw about it if you upload them to Mab or Gofile or any of those. But if you’re really worried about privacy just use http://bunkr.sk/ (or any of the other bunkr sites). Simpcity uses it constantly and it’s a good filehost.
which one of you shmucks keeps taking my comments down?
Fr she allright but calm your simp nuts
anyone got any recent stuffings?
Who’s got more masturbation vids?
If you are subscribed to her OF, it is fun to try to get her bots to fat chat with you, if they’re not offering videos starting ar $100

But after chatting with the bots, take it with a grain of salt, there may be some collaborations in the near future!
Will probably just rehash the KittyPiggy collabs and charge $90
Kittypiggy should just come back, she was way hotter and fatter
You catching my breeze. Or should I slow down for you idiots. Including your lawyer. Dressing like that I see why he is intimidated by me ha.
On BBW wiki her weight is now 400 lbs. Can anyone confirm that?
She’s losing weight. It was nice whilst it lasted
It's obvious isn't it. If she just come out and said that in January it would be fine. But instead she gets a OF manager to run her account like shit and burn her reputation. Fuck I can't stand this chick.
I just got a message from “her” on onlyfans that she has a new 18 minute Taco Bell stuffing. I’m sure they will ask for some crazy price. If you’re able to get it low let us know.
The collab is with candii and being posted tomorrow. Candii looks shockingly close to her size in the preview picture
Don't forget the power of angles, gents. We shall see tomorrow.
candii and aliss collabe date??
Aliss is many, many pounds heavier than Candii (even with some recent loss, if true). There is a significant height difference which is likely contributing to the near closeness of apparent size when sitting together.

The new collab vids will be telling.
Was just offered to buy the collab with candii. They want $65 for a 21 minute video.
She uploaded a vid of her kneading dough, has to be taking the piss
I really wonder hwhat happened and why she is doing this…I can only hope people stop paying for this joke…
Any other stuffing videos would be incredible. I half remember one in a blue dress but not got it saved anywhere
If you have it the hooters one would be amazing?

well damn the last 3 links are already dead. any chance of reup?

i have some vids from last year too ill try to post this weekend but gotta hunt them down and find them on my hard drive first

I know I have this one somewhere! Just gotta try and find it wish me luck
Talk about alligator arms. Her arms and legs can’t grow

Every pound has gone to her chin and belly

At least it’s a double belly
>>152438 What video is this? How do I get it?
Can anyone reup last 3?
Has anyone bought either of the new vids with Candii (on aliss’s OF or candii’s curvage) and confirmed they are worth it?

Go to the candii thread

Thanks. Now the question remains is the video from Aliss’s OF worth it.

Regarding the curvage video, did anyone else find it a little awkward, like neither of them were particularly comfortable filming with the other so they were more rigid? That’s always my concern with collabs, they don’t always feel as natural.
That's the one. Thanks so much. The others were the same you've posted before but don't think anyone here is complaining after all you've given us.

lol can anyone share any of the last 3 again, maybe not on we-T
Because WT keeps getting taken down, here's nearly my full stuffing collection, hopefully it stays up longer. Would have been a lot less inclined to do this if she didn't charge extortionate prices.

Has anyone her last weigh in?
Wait - unless I'm totally mistaken, the others are *not* the ones posted before?
wow bro thank you so much
Yeah Thanks for the upload and thanks for using Gofile, I really don't get why people keep using mab/wet/or even google drive given the different limitations of each. I've been using Gofile exclusively to upload content for the past month or so and so far everything I've uploaded is still up and I only use guest accounts. There really should be a sticky on the main page recommending gofile along with a post dissuading the posting of encoding links.
I am un able to download some of the videos, anyone have this issue or know how to fix it
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Anyone have this video/know where it is from? I've seen it as part of the burp compilation. I've looked and I haven't seen it on coomer. Thanks
This has to be old. In the newest vid with candii she looks a lot slimmer. Or it's the angle.
That's from 2023 from the clips that guy kindly shared, possible her biggest weight ever
She's dropped quite a bit
Yeah in her newest colab with Candi her lower belly and double chin are a lot smaller, looks like she lost a good 40-50 lbs. She'll gain it back eventually, her weight has fluctuated significantly over the years.

She seemed to be surprised by how big she was at the peak of her latest gain. Aliss is one of those girls that simply blows up when she isn't actively dieting, a natural fatty really. She'll get tired of depriving herself and gain it all back and more.
Could someone share the pizza videos or redo the link I can't download some of the videos for some reason
U can find it on spank

Btw anyone have vids from her at her highest?
I'm not able to watch that vid without instantly cumming
Could you kindly share a link or search terms, I'm coming up empty
Search bathing suit stuffing bbw, I can’t share the link here>>155627
That video is from August 2023, I think her biggest is closer to the end of the year, she was 354 in November
on the bbw wiki 400 pounds
Yes, because some retard falsely edited it.
Im unable to download these pizzas could someone please put them into a wetransfer, mab, or mega
Why can't you download it? both pizza vids and all the rest still work just fine. Gofile is the best option at this point because vids stay up 10 times longer than any other option.
she's the most beautiful woman in the world

and I've unsubbed from her OF because it's garbage now

did she only do the one masturbation video? no other sexual content? what a waste
Did she stop dropping new content?
didn't know she made a masturbation video at all, does anyone have it?
any videos of her burping?
anyone got her collab vid with goodgirlgrow from last year?
Jesus christ, that's real gold
Thx for the repost. I wonder how much this cost some poor guy
Does anyone have her video when she is trying on dresses? Pls
any video of her?
Judging by the prices she would charge for like 3 minutes of her wearing a shirt she just bought, I'm gonna say $600, Bob.
Probably the best thing she has posted in a while
haha, but likely not far from the truth. And not satisfied with quality/cost ratio to have posted to public domain either
She wants $600 for a fupa custom
Speculation, I'd say masturbation is more that a fupa show, but $600 is perhaps more truth than fiction
You think that’s bad you should see CKs VIP customs. Fuckin trash
You could pay a brass to stay with you all night for that much in the UK 🤣🤣🤣
This is why you have to hide cash. Ppl aint shit.
do you get a golden shower for that $ too?
Just dis cord trolls nothing to believe here guesstimating automations
She looked fucking huge in her last livestream must've surpassed her weigh goal of 350. Can anyone confirm?
>>157727 She already past it. She was 354.2 in the last weigh in (11-14-23)
That was 6 months ago. Lost after that. May have regained some. Question is where is she now? Doesn't look all-time high to me yet, but her repeated yo-yoing over the past few years often means for eventual total loss of weight control and up, up, and away.
>>157805 Since begining she lost at times but always go up in the total but don't know if she ever continue to gain over 350. Over 350 its not easy perform even the basic activities.
Coomer updated and she lost so much weight looks like she's at the same weight as when she started.
Do you know what she looked like? She is still very fat
Yeah i hate to say it but it’s a wrap for alissbonyt. She’s been hiking a lot on ig and she’s lost a shit ton of the weight is guess around 30-50 lbs. she’s done. :(.
She'll likely stay fat, once you put on this much weight loosing it is extremely unlikely. However it seems that she's done gaining, and we've probably already seen her at here maximum.
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bro, anyone have that video? i need to see she so fat, actually she lost so much💔
On top of losing weight she also made all of her socials private. Looks like she’s really trying to get out of the scene. The dream is over 😔
That's the definitive Aliss eating collection
Hi broo, could u reup them Pleasee🙏
Thick where? Lmao wtf im going back to new york
Nice work whoever put that together
Some heroes don’t wear capes.
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few days old posted in reddit anyone have the vid to go with it? if there is one
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Aliss looking huge wish I had this video

Is it me or does her weight seem to stay the same in every video of hers?
I think that might be the case. She was close to 400 at one point
>>161332 Wait, what? Ho wold is this?
it's the burger one.

it's insane. she has 3 burgers and says she's pretty full from already eating.
eats the first burger and then goes ugh that was so good, then goes for another.
after the second one she's visibly uncomfortably full, rubs her stomach for a while and looks at the camera... and then takes the third one and eats that too. absolute diamonds, it's a shame she's losing because the greed is insanely hot
someone got that recent taco bell clip? she deleted it from my dm´s and now she wants 100$ for it with a another short vid atached to it.... insane
Can a bredrin update the coomer i need a tidy tug tn xxx much love
Coomer is broken again - will only accept updates from fansly not OF
>it's insane. she has 3 burgers
you are the reason for low effort content
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Got a message on OF claiming to have a new stuffing video
Does anyone have her video titled "little update" from 2022-01-14
Some of the videos are able to be played or even downloaded on my end, anyone else having the same issue?
Yeah, I've been having the same issue with a bunch of go file links lately. I just turn on a VPN and that usually works.
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Anyone know where this image is from? Is it a recent post on OF? Is there an associated video?
The heaviest weight I know of is her November 2023 weigh in which was 354. Idk abt her since then, don't feel like taking the time to go back and compare. If anyone does and she looks bigger in this photo than in November then she is getting heavier.
Why the fuck is she not posting anymore, she looks huge still (potentially biggest ever)
She made a tumblr (shesreallygordita) where she posts. And it is actually her. She verified via video.
Reup masturbate vid?

Yeah I’m 100% sure that’s fake AF
Nah it's not, the loser who made it thought putting her ACTUAL username in brackets and adding the linktree wpuld help yet the linktree doesn't have the tumblr nor is it meantion on any other site she's on lol
Shut your big phat booty up lol
i mean, i was skeptical at first, but her exact words in the first post on the page are:

"I wanted to make a tumblr for forever, so i made one called "shesreallygordita," so it is actually me posting..."
that said, she is definitely writing posts and wrote her bio like someone clearly impersonating lol.

i mean you could theorize someone saw her video where she said the name and then took it upon themselves to make a page with that name, but those levels of conspiracy are for coomer-brains
Wow, I never met someone so easily convinced
Definitely vote "it's her". Plus her reasons to create that tumblr are legit (Instagram is fatphobic indeed, and most of her subscribers there aren't the audience you would promote your half-feedist onlyfans to)
oh, hello, one of those said coomer-brains i was talking about

listen, i described a scenario where it still might be a random impersonator, but to actually believe it requires a level of hoop-jumping i'm not interested in doing.
oh, you know what, now that you mention it, i think that video of her talking about her new tumblr is a deep-fake
She wore that thing before and if she didn't lose weight recently she is really that big
It’s real you absolute morons
Probably isn't real if you're getting so pressed when others don't agree lol
Hm i guess it is real. I was just being skeptical cause there's a wave of weird guys that pretend to be these girls for the past month or so lmao
>>162836 Does anyone have the video for this? I believe it was released a couple weeks ago…?
lol i was being sarcastic bc it seemed like the guy responding to me didn't watch the video where she clearly stated the username and her intentions to create the page.

again, totally possible a weirdo could've jumped the gun on her and done it himself, but that seemed more of a stretch than just believing it was actually her
That is not a deepfake be fucking real for a moment lmao. People have the weirdest conspiracy theories on here. You guys are more willing to believe this random only fans girl has access to the most seamless, undetectable deepfake technology in the world than you are to believe she’s just fat.
Wait no I realize you guys think someone else is deepfaking her, not her deepfaking herself to look fatter or whatever. Still. My point stands. Do you people really think it’s more likely that some random coomer out there has access to best deepfake technology known to man and they’re using it only on one random fat girl than it is that she just made a tumblr?
it's not when "others don't agree," it's when a single person who hadn't watched the video in question before commenting digs his heels in

but i see you're prolly trolling at this point
Nah buddy ain’t lying, the video link checks out, it’s legit Aliss. She even says the intent of the account is to promote her OF on tumblr instead of Instagram
She also has a new feabie under a new name for what it's worth, shes also openly tagged there as a feedee.

I think she's definitely diving back into the feederism game which is a little nuts considering how it was looking early this year. That said time will tell if she's gonna commit to it

What’s her username?

Also, I’m not sure but has anyone considered the possibility that’s she’s running her tumblr like her OF. It’s a real account (hence the video) but she might have hired a team to run it for her on the day to day. When you message her you might not actually be talking to her. Not sure, just a thought.


And before people start thinking it’s a bot or impersonator, I also assumed that but there are new photos there not posted anywhere else. I’m assuming it’s like her new tumblr, a place where she can just interact with feedee stuff on the down low
It's obviously her, we can stop talking about it now.
I have been a big fan of Aliss since well before she gained, and seeing her rub and grab her tiny belly when she wasn't even 150 tells me all I have ever needed to know. She loves fat. Watching her double in size has been one of the most impressive gains I’ve ever seen, and I don’t think her enthusiasm for gaining has diminished much at all. I think she takes it very casually though, not setting strict goals or pushing herself beyond where she’s comfortable. I respect that she doesn’t seem very audience captured and just wants to do her own thing.

I never message this place but the retardation has been seemingly peaking here lately. Less sharing and more threads being turned into coomers bitching and complaining about being poor losers. As a feeder, I personally hate associating and interacting with any of my fellow feeders because of how off-putting and cringe many of you are.
Straight happen. We don't care
Straight yapping. We don't care man
Response is predictable and proves your point. Site is predominately dickheads who don't share
Anyone seen her recent stuffing video?
If you want something then share something instead being mad at something you,yourself don't do
amen brother
Worst OF prices of all time. $1500 for a custom 5mins long. What a dummy behind all this. Nobody will buy from her. Even if she pre made it $90 for 3 mins of action. Honestly 👋🏻 done supporting. If you see this Aliss just retire already
>>161332 Has anyone seen this video? I can’t find it and I want to buy it!
Re-upload last vids?
Lol, she's pulling like $100k or more a year from her onlyfans. It's not like she's selling a commodity. Why would she put hours into filming and editing a video for you for any less when she can post some half-assed belly picture and get like $1000 in tips?
If you play around with who ever runs her account, they’ll send you clips and screenshots of videos that she has sitting around 😉
She’s rich what do you expect
Any tips how? I usually lose them when it’s clear I’m not buying?
She's a proper grifter now, asked me to feed her for $150
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Anyone have this video or is it just a two second clip?
Even got the crinfey posts. Nice
>>159156 (Cross-thread)

Can we get a reup on this eating collection?

Also some weigh in bids would be legendary
Agree on the above, please re up
anyone have her collab with goodgirlgrow?
anyone have her masturbate video?
This should be a much better video than it is. 2 food freaks and all they do is slightly rubbish eachother
Would anyone have the hooters video by any chance or know how much it costs?
If anyone does have that eating collection
Does someone have something new?
this people who ask for free videos sucks, I haven't know that you guys created this account just to keep on complaining? sucks if you can't afford to support her you don't need to be bitch about it. LOSERS
as a Feeder I am ashamed that you guys made this just to ask for a free video, if you can't support her, stop making assumptions, damn! poor losers
Free videos is the reason a lot of people come to this website in the first place, the complaining is lame, but be real, nobody is here just to talk
Wow I don't think I've ever seen anything that hard-core from her.
Your're sure about that? I think there was once a masturbation video of her posted here...
>>139361 (OP)
Crazy how she wanted to be a Chemist when she was younger. Bet she never thought she'd be showing off her fatness for a living.
Mate I remember talking to her way back at the beginning, especially way before her OF was run by a 3rd party company, and she said she’d never show her vagina, let alone masterbate on camera, so we’ve all came a long way 🤣
Anyone has anything new from her?
Tbf I don't think I've seen that, i do remember she did like a softcore video once but apart from that the spiciest she gets is prolly posting in her bikini sets, or that time she massaged her belly for 5 minutes.
nice to see softshortnsweet, she's looking fat as fuck
Very much looking forward to any more hardcore videos she does, I did try talking to 'her' on OF but it was clear I wasn't going to get anywhere without spending megabucks
Well that was an interesting watch, it's like she enjoyed it, but maybe not the idea of filming it.

Does someone have this/these videos?
I requested a mastrabation struggle video from her a bit ago and she said she made it but was asking 800 for it lol, obv didn’t pay but I wonder if this is the vid
seconding this anons request
800?? That's in yen right?
lol and she was super pissed when I didn’t buy the vid because she said she put so much time and effort into making it,
It would be sweet to see it tho… if it ever got sent out after the fact
>so much time and effort into making it
fucking hell, these women think masturbating equates to actual work lmao
I don't know if it's a more recent change in the culture but I used to think people were sort of full of shit calling onlyfans models predatory. It's always seemed like a simple process where you make a request they give you a quote then you pay and get your content.

Has anyone noticed in recent years it seems that especially more sought after models have become downright manipulative? Lots of weird guilting, lying, etc.Just in general an insane amount of pressure to overpay on content to the point that it's just ridiculous. Like no I'm not paying $40 for a 2 minute video of you shaking your butt and rubbing your tummy especially when it isnt custom content?? Then they get super pissed about or try to pull a manipulation like "well I might not offer this if youre interested later"

Just feels bizarre. There was a time when I thought online sex workers were just chill and I guess a lot of them still are but I've seen how many lean into this weird domme financial abuse thing and it makes me feel like I only want to buy from people who treat customers like humans. I get its a degrading and stressful job with customers being shitty but I don't dig the weirdly entitled attitude when I've always been a respectful customer. Feels like a lot of models only want to deal with whales which is fine but they really do try guilting and pressuring people who clearly arent rich and that really does seem predatory.
It sort of is but it's definitely not $800 worth of work and it isn't like they can't just sell content they made in the first place. It's really predatory to make a video without quoting the customer a price first and then trying to bully them into paying after the fact. There are literal scams that work that way
should be some decent content coming out soon with the two of them
You’d be surprised…
lol i wonder if he knows about the insanely boring videos they first put out together, or is just aware of how bad 75% of these collabs between these girls generally are
She did a McDonalds stuffing a while ago, does anyone happen to have it?
Haha last message of the thread, yall wont get that video
>>139361 (OP)
Is anyone able to reup any of her weigh ins? especially the most recent one please
She charged me $1800 for a video that was sent out for $200 on shortnsweets profile
$1800 lol
What kind of video?
They ate some pizza and rubbed one another’s belies
seems like she is actively losing weight. posted two photos on her instagram story earlier and she looks a lot smaller than her heaviest :/ it was nice while it lasted ig
It's a shame, it seems to keep going down, it looks pretty bad

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