
I refuse to let this thread die and be swallowed up by threads dedicated to far uglier models. Genuinely baffling seeing one of the few *actually attractive* models get so little attention on her thread while greaseball landwhales dominate the top of the threads. Y'all have no taste.

Mcdonald's stuffing and Nov weigh in

Thanks for sharing the stuffing, haven't seen that one here yet. And preach, haven't seen a girl this attractive with this much potential in forever, and her thead's just left to die
never heard of her, she looks very beautiful you're right. if she decides to fatten up she'll be more gorgeous. i like her already developing double-chin, so cute. thing about this girl though is that, i mean, really, she's not that fat. she just has a little belly is all. but she has potential for sure. the self harm scars make me sad,girls cutting up their beautiful bodies is awful. would caress and tell her she's beautiful.
Videos of her getting fucked

Does anybody have the photo sets she posted on curvage?
She does have a very small belly but she is very pretty and does seem serious about gaining, she put on about 15 pounds in a month or two based on the last two weigh ins. Very promising
How can I use this code?
Reup please
Yoooo reup I missed this thread
What is this girl's name?
anything new?
Any reups?
Albert Einstein I think
Does anybody have the photo sets she posted on curvage?
Is she gaining right now?
She started a break back in November which still hasn't really ended. She did post a video at the beginning of January but nothing else since. Her Onlyfans hasn't had any new content, just her posting old clips and photosets from her curvage ig to tide her subs over in the meantime. A little worried tho because she originally mentioned she'd be on break for about a month, however that was in mid november and she still hasn't fully returned. She seemed a little bigger in her video at the beginning of January, but otherwise no way of knowing because she just hasn't recorded anything new in like 4 weeks. I hope this hiatus doesn't turn into her quitting because she had insane potential and crazy production value on her videos. Fingers crossed she returns soon with more content.

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