
Anybody got the new vid?!
Anybody got the new video?!
Does anyone have Daddy’s Favourite?

Here's fat for christmas aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWtmd01oOUxhbFY=
Her vids are getting kind of lazy for how infrequent they are, but fuck if she isn’t hot
Yeah that's the only thing really going for her, and she hasn't got much bigger at all since 2022. If so it's barely noticeable.

It's sad too because she used to be my all time favorite. But the 1 video every few months + the fact that her videos are becoming more and more boring and lazy, she fell off hard.

First you guys complain about her over editing her videos and now you're complaining about her videos being lazy. Y'all wanted her to just sit there and eat and now you're whining about that


Apologies for those whiny garden snakes, I for one would like to say thank you for your contribution.
>>138245 <- This

Totally agree. People complained when videos were whole productions with dramatic camera angles, lighting changes, and role played plot lines and now they say they are boring for just being sitting and eating. Some of her recent videos seem like they might have started with a concept and just became a simple eating video. I’d love for more frequent updates and whatever gets us those is good by me.
I don't really have much to complain about. My only thing is I wish she'd stop talking about/teasing reaching 300 pounds, and actually just fucking do it already lol
Awesome! Thanks.

Going back a year ago to now she looks bigger. It might not be a lot, but it doesn’t seem like she’s really in a rush. I think it’s not as obvious because she is gaining slower now and the weight is settling across the rest of her body. Plus it looks like she might have had some work done to keep her face thinner. After she got to around 250 it seemed like it started taking more effort to gain at the same rate, which is to be expected. Her videos focus more on how the weight looks on her and enjoying food so not sure that she cares about rushing to a number. I’m sure that pisses off half the people who want to see her force herself to gain faster, but the other half would be pissed if she started Hyatt shooting videos where she just eats to near vomiting every day to reach 300 faster and then quits in a few months due to her health.
If she looked bigger a year ago and now looks smaller and has a thinner face right now, then the obvious logical answer would be that she has/is losing weight, not gaining lol.

She was an interest gainer a long while ago, now I get the distinct impression she just posts vids when she wants holiday money. She never engages with the community otherwise to any notable degree, we are literally just a cash farm to her.

She definitely looks smaller than she did a year ago, but I think it's exaggerated by the work she's had done on her face and chin. She said in a recent video she'd been doing chin exercises to get rid of her double chin but obviously that isn't a thing, so she's most likely had lipo or something. It's a real shame she isn't into it as much as before but at least she's still fat and making the occasional video for us.
Cry about it you little bitch
Why this stupid bith don't start to make nsfw contents and of?
If her face is thinner and it’s been pretty much established that she had work done to thin her face then the obvious logical answer isn’t that she is thinner overall, just that her face is thinner because of that.

Dudes are just a cash farm for most of the models. She milks simps less than most when she could be putting out a video eating a sandwich or trying on an old outfit and charging for it. People are complaining that she isn’t posting enough like that? Fools want to be taken for their cash. And seeing half of the community, can’t blame her for not wanting to engage.

>>139322 Anyway, a hero walks among us.
video was pretty good, she actually makes a dent in the food and not just a couple cookie “stuffings” like a lot of curvage “gainers” do. She might not have gained much but I can’t help but be a Shar fan, just so fucking hot and I never thought she’d even get fat in the first place. She def likes her face tho, I bet she’d gain continuously if she could somehow keep a slim and conventionally hot face. I know nobody asked lol. Thanks for the video
What I find proper funny about your posts is that the underlying frustration and stress you guys are carrying around, that causes you to go to the effort of typing out comments so needlessly aggressive and ultimately impotent, is that that stress and frustration is also the thing that’s going to cause you to die young.

Like one day someone’s going to overtake you on a road or something inanely mundane and you’ll lose your shit for no reason and die at the wheel because the stress will just scour out the last healthy tissue in your heart.
I dont know, I counted her videos and she has released 12 vids this year, but last year only 9 or 10. I think she has the similar weight than one year ago. I think she doesnt want to have some serious health issues and she wants to be abble to move.
Btw do you think she is rich?
Thanks for the uplode
I just want her to make an OF and start showing tits more than she's already been

Why when she can make money being clothed? Y'all end up moaning about her titties being saggy anyways.
>website for fat fetishists
>moaning about saggy tits

you're a newfag grifter
Oh yeah. You get really hard?

And you're a edgelord it a fragile ego. Tell me how hard life is being whit knight to an online pornstar because you lack basic house training and every woman within a 5 mile radius of you has one hand on the pepper spray and the other on their rape whistle.
You both smell terrible.
Can you upload this video?
I just didn't have time to download it.
source for this clip? Love the suit
Once a year Santa comes down the chimney, to ...drink all your vodka

That's her Christmas outfit this year? Showing more skin wouldn't hurt. It's better than dress up in spandex jumpsuits.
The source for every of her clips is curvage you faggot
Have a lovely Christmas
I love her Christmas stuff. It’s always been some of her best content. Her outfits are so festive and hot.
Are you fucking stupid? U can’t see a damn thing
Why do we always start arguing in these threads instead of sharing?
She’s already done her Christmas video. This is next years Halloween costume 👀
Someone who have her last vid?
Could someone please reup mirror talk
Does anyone have any of these videos? Much appreciated

Eleanor’s Rapid Growth
Birthday Workout
They told me I gotta lose weight
Mega Fat Day
A Day in Public
The big 200
its literally in posts above you chimp
I don't care if he post her or not I just wanna know who has the video
(612 KB, 1117x627, Shar Nude 2.png)
It's about time she started to show some more skin
What video is that from?
probabily a fake

It's fake. Shar's nipples are pierced and if you see when she does have a nip slip, her areolas are bigger than that.
Do anybody have her video Christmas with red latex video and her new one y'all do can y'all please put it on WeTransfer If y'all don't It's fine
Anybody got Ice Cream Belly Expansion?

I'm guessing AI edit? Still crazy how they were able to get the tan line around her tits.
Naw but do anybody have it on WeTransfer or anything
Do anybody have the chugging Santa video

Few clips (cheat day, wild thoughts, waffles). Looking for when the devil takes over, comparing Sophie, 3 day gainer shake, a guy from tinder.
Did anyone have difficulty downloading the Shar video among the messy eating vids? I can't seem to download it. Could someone re-upload it?
What a fucking geek. Say thank you and move on, nerd
Why don’t you say thank you nerd.
People in glass houses…
Just did. Also not very into Shar's content. Was just browsing the board when I saw your ungrateful ass whining like a bitch

a raw file would've been like 400GB :P

if you're gonna nerd, nerd correctly, you just wish it was re-encoded with x264 or x265
I didn’t hear you say thank you.
anyone know what happened to the mega folder with all the early videos in order?
>>143336 I don't know but imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade
Why does everyone on this site have the humour of an autistic 12 year old
Because most of them probably are 12-14
Hey hey Autistic kids are smarter then that
You absolute legend, thank you so much!
The ZIP seams to be faulty :/
thats the one thank you bruv
Open it with the unarchiver or another utility, i had the same issue until I used another app to do it.
Wow the mega folder is mega
all the wetransfer links seem to have expired, how long do they last?
Who's the babe with Shar in Cake addict 2 double stuffed?
This is A Christmas Special from the broken Zip, I extracted it and converted to MP3. Link expires in a week.

Why she is less active lately?
I expect she is negotiating a lower commission with the admins. She does it every year or so. I think it’s one of the reasons so many models don’t sell on that site anymore.

She needs to move to OF already. These constant dry spells from her are annoying.


I noticed the pattern that everytime she dyes her hair blonde, she gets lazier and her content is worse than when she has her natural color.
Are you saying the hair dye is making her lazy and stupid? Or are you saying because shes blonde then thats making her stupid because blondes are stupid? Both are really good theories i hadnt thought about that

Hope she doesnt assplode like others have
Does anyone have those Clips ? Lingerie, Gaining Shake N Belly Play ,Cake, Milkshake N Belly Play, A Christmas Special ?
Obviously a Lil smaller than her peak, but still hot.
Not VP material. Joe could do better.
What was her peak tho?

About 5 years ago.

(Saying that and realizing 2019 was that long ago is crazy)
She has not peaked lmao she is still making easily top 5 model content currently right now

She’s definitely bigger than 2019, but did plateau a couple of years ago. She could be a little more or a little less than her peak weight, but not a huge difference.

If she didn’t post one pic every month and a video every 2 months she could definitely be higher. It’s too bad her content has gotten less frequent and more seem like the same video idea over and over.

She's been in the scene longer than most of them there and barely has 300 videos. Meanwhile LaurenLush has 10 times the amount of content while showing up 4 years after her.

There's no doubt that Shar's half-assing at this point. She doesn't eat a full plate of food anymore. Just spends half the time playing in it.
That list in inaccurate she doesn’t upload but when she posts she gets a lot more attention. Sorry but the #1 on that list don’t want to mention her name. She put herself there becoming a mod rigging the site to make sure she’s #1 and her content is overrated and she is no where close to Shar. There’s a reason why her clips are the most sold on the site.

Certain of those models on that list play those games where they post the same video on their page, and a page about themselves, and re-post it a couple days so the same video is liked over and over vs Shar dropping a video once and walking away for a month. Wish she was just more clearly into it as much as when she started.
they are clearly sorted by e-rep points not clip sales you fucking retarded gay babies
Chanel hag pussy and booty meat belongs to me since forever. Never letting you go

>>"The site is rigged against her"

Yet Shar has been getting away with showing her titties while the other models haven't?

>>Those models reupload the same clips multiple times

Nah, they're just more active than Shar. I doubt someone's uploaded the same clip 23 times.

>>They're sorted by e-points not clip sales

And clips sales are inaccessible to you, so you have no idea how many videos were sold. Just because her POP 2 video page has been viewed over 600,000 times doesn't mean that clip has sold that many times.

The great lengths you people will go to defend this lazy broad is sad.
>so you have no idea how many videos were sold

Never said I did, just addressing the narratives above. There's no "rigging" if there's no actual sales published. She hasn't "fallen off" for the same reason. I don't give a shit about her popularity or whatever it's just funny how y'all can't get basic facts straight.

Plus you incels call every model lazy. Why not just work harder at your job (if you even have one) so you can get paid more? Then you wouldn't have to come here to beg for content or bitch about not getting any pussy. Weird how this supposed laziness only goes one way!
Bro the clips are like ten bucks either get your money up or shut your ass up

Lol, no one's begged for her content since last night. Imagine being such a blind night for a lazy broad that you show your ignorance by not being able to read more than one comment.

>> I don't give a shit about her popularity or whatever

Yet you're having a sperg episode over it. Otherwise you'd wouldn't have said anything at all.

Also what are you even doing here besides being what you're complaining about? Ya broke bitch.

Nah you can not care about sales and still be amused by retarded incels that can't even comprehend the thing they screenshotted.

I have all clips I ever need. Used to upload them here on the regular until every single thread devolved into anons shitting themselves over people like me (a job haver) for buying content and rewarding women for being "lazy". Now I just come here to troll some morons occasionally :)
Think that way y’all aren’t looking at the bigger picture. She uploads a video and it has 5 reviews in less than 24 hours and over a few thousand views. She makes bank! It’s not some donut on the website watching it a couple times. She’s the goat
Here I leave you some videos of Shar from 2017 to 2019. I would appreciate if someone can send more old videos of her❤️
Is it just me or is her profile gone/private?
Not just you. Hopefully she's making some changes.
She's done it before and it came back, hopefully it's more of the same
Her profile is still there, you prob got blocked for being autistic
chill out dude, she privated it for a bit but it's back now. Must be hard for you always going through life angry.
something new?
(104 KB, 824x1100, IMG-20230420-WA0031.jpeg.11c089ecbd1f275c62bde3432c5d3948.jpg) (121 KB, 825x1100, IMG_20220726_120603.jpg.f5f946bd51b0d0fb9ac2a88c70d15e3b.jpg) (101 KB, 825x1100, IMG_20220726_120618.jpg.22d8a5f8d0bd66cb6eb80b0d9a223f66.jpg) (163 KB, 1920x888, 00E1378D-7FD0-4AC2-AE85-025EF6D49B76.jpeg.abe5ee96bc35ddd410060f1b771d85c7.jpg)
I don’t think they look alike personally but who knows

Hard to tell what they look like naturally
that is the closet from her videos
Has se posted any more photos with Shar?
They clearly are! Look at the backgrounds they are the same as Shar’s.
Smooth & fluent thats why he is the boss.
I was texting her in REPORT MY POST, and yes they are sisters.

Really? Thought maybe they were just two models in the same city. Maybe they got together to work the camera or something. Also when Shar has mentioned family it has either been how she’s the fat one or several years ago when she almost vanished because her family found out about her gaining on purpose online.

a story about her family, I think she made up. :/
Or more likely: anon is making it up
Although Shar and Bbwvalentino appeared on Curvage.org at the same time. (April 2017)

They may be sisters or close friends.
I’m going with close friends. It’s a story trope, but being tied up and stuffed by your kinky sister hits weirder than tied up and stuffed by your fat friend.
(4.2 MB, 551x960, ezgif.com-overlay.gif)

Sure was neat of Shar to eat herself into becoming her fat friend's body double. Must've been nuts to be the skinny one and then gain into the same weight class.

Hope she gets back to that point and then some fr.
an amazing animation, totally worth the 7MB storage space ;-)
Anybody got the new video?!
Legend, thanks! Is this true? I mean, if its true, than she'll be more active coz she needs money.

Thanks! No way it’s true though unless he hasn’t been paying attention for the past few years since she has been at about the same weight for awhile. I’m happy to go along with a story that she gained that extra couple points recently that put her over the imaginary bf’s limit if it means she goes full hog for the rest of the year.

Wish she didn’t use the face filter. It looks like it mostly just makes her face a little smoother and made-up, but there is definitely a slimming effect too. The couple moments where the beer can or pizza interrupt the filter show her face round out more and it would be great to see her natural shape more. Still, any Shar is good.

I second that, anyone has Squashing Santa?

ngl im not feeling the filters she used in that video. I hope she isn't having insecurities
Even then, she always uses a ton of makeup, filter her not. She's not at her peak weight and she produces content less now. More than likely she does but I hope she stays in the scene.

anyone has Squashing Santa?
Am I the only person who wants to know her story? You can't find anything about her.

Back when she started she shared more and responded to followers publicly. The story she told was she was a skinny foot fetish model and a dominatrix that moved to fat modeling. She claimed she was a healthy weight, dated a guy who pressured her to work out a lot and slim down, dropped down to something like 120 or less, dropped him, let herself start to gain some back, liked it and started to purposefully gain.

Not much more. Once she started to take off in popularity and weight some fake accounts supposedly popped up and her pics also popped up in some memes. She claimed her family saw and she was going to leave. She didn’t but really pulled back on anything except dropping a picture or a video then walking away until the next drop.
I think she is at her fattest. Show me a pick where she is fatter.
She’s gotten wider and her chest and thighs have grown over the past year. People focus on how prominent her belly looked before her weight distributed more and think she lost weight.
long time Shar sceptic here, and honestly she's looking pretty smal right now
Does she ever show her tits?
>long time Shar sceptic here

Nobody cares
>Nobody cares
speak for yourself, you're not representing the forum.
If she’s small now show her bigger
Actually what happened to this thread. I thought this was supposed to be a place where we could share porn. It’s just arguing now. Holy shit if you’re upset that she got smaller than stop jacking off to her. And who cares that much anyway.
feel free to share. it's a sharing board.
i completely agree man so many people and not only on this what thread, it happens in other threads too just argue over the most pointless shit. Just stop being giant babies because you don’t like something, get over it and move on
Nah literally nobody cares what you think about a model dumbass, board isn’t for your opinions
I'd like to know what this jannie faggot thinks "censorship" is lol
>>148043 I'm like a wee peasant asking for alms, but any chance of a reupload?
Does anyone have Pasta, Pizza N Ice Cream from Goddess Shar
Sorry ti ask but i can't find It anywhere, does anibbody have New Year With me? Thanks so much in Advance
I think you have a porn addiction el gringo. But so do I, so thank you
What a saint, thank you good sir
Can I ask for a re upload? I missed a couple of videos above
Does anyone have Daddy’s Favourite?
Anyone got Shar's vid called: Daddy’s Favourite?
Can anyone upload Barbie got fatter video?
Anyone got Daddy’s Favourite?
Seems like she's getting more active. Nice sight to see.
That's what I said. If she doesnt have a bf than she'll be more active.
I don’t believe that you said that
Can anyone upload Squashing Santa video? (original, NOT compressed)
Thanks dude!
Such boring contents. We use to see better from her.
While you being innocent and taking him back he still fuxking both of you lol
(1.4 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2145.png) (2.2 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2146.png)
Could someone please upload these 2 if they have it, she’s so hot in the pink shirt
Anyone got her newest vid? Link is not worning anymore. Have a nice day
Is there any new vid?
has anyone got Sophie's dream
Could you upload the links to Pasta and ice cream, and New year with me please as the links don't work anymore.
Can anyone upload Squashing Santa video?
Anyone know if she does customs
She looks bigger :)
She dont have kids yet. Because she wanted it with you lol
anyone who have the last video pls update
now we need a hero
>>153740come on some one drop it
Can you send it again?
Why is weed still illegal in the east coast. Majority of domestic violence & murder cases is related to alcohol. How is a natural flower class 1 substance. Lol like how. Cut the crap. Push your 2024 acts & bills.
Bigger? Not sure
Anyone have the vid
Stop begging. There is a begging thread made for that. Mods will clear begging outside of it.
When was her last weigh in ? I believe she was around 245 about 2 years ago maybe more
does anyone have the video Lingerie, Gaining Shake N Belly Play
(2.1 MB, 1613x924, shar.png)
Why does she always have her TV on and tuned to the most random shit?
Content ID matching so youtube reuploads get automatically removed without her having to find them herself.
Looks thinner and is way too close to the camera… guess she will be leaving soon
We already knew she was thinner...
Kath stole everyones money so of course shen needs to eat oh she quit. Everyone there got a split. Feds is coming
watch the new video. the pic above is old.
I mean I dont know. I dont want to start this conversation, because it is pointless, but i think she isnt smaller. Could you show me a pic where she is bigger?

Couldn't you just blur out the image on the TV?

Also what's with her and these big ass video file sizes? No reason for a 9 minute video to be almost 2 gigs, especially when she still shoots in 1080p.
Looks like it's actually 4k or near it, it's listed as 3840x2160 and has a bitrate of 25,000.

If you run it through Handbrake or similar compression software the resulting file should be 1/10th the size with very little noticeable quality loss
Not everyone is watching these clips on a cheap ass display. Without meaning displays that cost 5K. If memory gets tight, you can buy an external. Doesn’t cost much.

Trust me, i’ve run lots of tests since i’m encoding video for many years now (paid work). The 1/10 the size “with very little noticeable quality loss” is an urban myth. Yes, i’m using Handbrake. Variable bitrate (constant quality factor), not at crazy settings. So a 1080p / 50fps clip usually ends up running at 12 - 13 Mb/s in average. Depending on the visual complexity of course. Outdoors content needs higher bitrates, also finer textures (outfits, hair etc). When you run 2 versions in parallel, layer them over each other and toggle between them (without cheating), you see the difference very noticeably. 25 Mb/s for near 4K? Easy.
Just wait a few days and the shitty Curvage compression will make it worse for you
this is why every video online thats more than a year old looks like complete shit. everyone compresses and reuploads then people download that and compress it again and before you know it, it looks garbage. you think if you make the file 10 times smaller its still gonna look the same? use your head, it's not magic.

dont compress. ever. you can get an 8TB hard drive for like a hundred dollars nowadays please stop compressing.

here's some shar burping and comparison vids. notice how the older videos look worse than then newer ones. this isn't because of camera quality, this is video compression.

That upclose angle makes this her best video honestly
My 2022 LG laptops maximum display is 2560x1600 so I can't get any real benefit from 4k anyway. From what I recall the human eye can barely discern any resolution higher than 1080p. Better FPS, color depth/contrast sure but the difference between a compressed vid and the original while noticeable is only ever so slightly different while using up 10 times the hard drive space.

I really don't need to clearly see every mole or hair on a models ass anyway. I understand that there are people that do obsess over high quality (I used to be one) so I always make sure to label the files I choose to compress as such.

If files were compressed over and over wouldn't all older files only be a few Mb's? I only bother to compress the massive 1.5-2+ gig files, there's really no reason to compress the few hundred MB ones.

I haven't been using handbrake long but it seems like there's a limit on the standard settings, it only lowers the bitrate down to roughly 1900-2000, it won't compress any more unless you intentionally reduce the quality further IE running it through twice won't do anything.
this is mostly total nonsense

one of the best features of 4k aka 2160p is that 2160p youtube videos or other internet media that likes to overly compress and save on bitrate beyond what is reasonable..... well 2160p youtube videos will look like 1440p videos :P this is why youtube has a new feature called 1080p premium, 1080p premium is 1080p, normal 1080p videos on youtube are in resolution 1080p but with the quality of bitrate that would be apropriate for 720p

on the flip side you're right, many amateur porn models don't properly compress their files at all and the files are 10times too big

That burp compilation video is amazing. Thanks

Shows her slow growth from fat to fatter. And comparing her last weigh in to how she looks now I do think she is bigger. If she ever posts a new weigh it a burping and growing compilation that picks up where that one left off would be incredible.
Well she's seems a little more active compared to last year, so maybe she'll get even bigger. Idk what it is about her burps, but it just sounds more sexy than most models.
Maybe I’m just being cynical, but I’m guessing she’s only around and posting so much content right now because shes farming the community for cash to pay for an extended summer Spain r somewhere, going by past experience.
Does anyone have the newest clip of shar? She look so good in this vid
Please, can you reup these videos?
Doubt it. She rarely posts. She more than likely wants to be skinny again
(1.1 MB, 1229x690, 78F08E07-6EAB-45E9-BAB9-A25E8E764505.png.9e47974a14b2a453c082b8228482b25d.png) (1.3 MB, 1284x714, 9A7AC885-1778-4D73-9AFD-B1DED76AD6BB.png.395d0e600186ab637bf2f095f7251672.png) (1.4 MB, 1284x706, 17084F80-0590-4B65-9DC1-267213C3B23A.png.d2f17d18db741c22d3012f769d1d8f7c.png) (1.4 MB, 1284x718, 4D0046EC-4B60-4016-A07F-3DAE07C05198.png.9c769f1e64df0275031cd6c2f5ab7644.png) (1.4 MB, 1284x719, D7FA89AC-7BA6-4626-A7F5-FCA1BEA7ACBD.png.218f87a1be6c7f7ced85a861264aae7b.png)
Looks like she's about to post a new video soon
god dam she's lookin good
Put camera on the tree stare at them LMAO
go away niggers

She's finally sexy!
She’s been sexy at any size you prick
Can someone reup her newest clip ?
People are allowed to have different standards, Shar.
Love her weight gain. Is it because of her husband betrayal? More dresses. Less underwear more huge cock. You deserve it
She is definitely bigger or maybe at her biggest
does is it really matters what size she is

I never took Shar to be the married type. A boyfriend yeah and possibly even bi.
Of course it matters
We aren't savages
anyone have the new video?
It matters. Why my gf won the lottery and never told me dont ask me how I know.
>>156879lad jt cam out an hour ago
Is she's more active than last year?
If somebody will post her new video, I will post any 5 videos of her in exchange, I have every video.
She has definitely been growing
To the guy requesting the newest video, I could definitely take you up on your offer. However it sounds too good to be true. If you post my requests first I could definitely grab her latest for you. If I’ve got to spend money on a video I otherwise wouldn’t I’d like to ensure I won’t be scammed. Here are my requests:

Daddy’s Favorite
Feed me Donuts
Beauty and the Force Feast
When the Devil Takes Over
Pasta and Gaining Shake

Mods please don’t take this down, I’m trying to get some content on this board for everyone. His original request breaks the rules but this counter does not, so long as he posts first. Thanks everybody.
These threads supposed to be some kind of subliminal madness? I see why I fuck more beautiful women then you clowns
Sure pal. Good for you.
Does anyone have the new video?
this is why trading is gay and grounds for deletion
relax, hasn't even been even 48hrs
brothers, apparently he deceived you, but we will wait for another glorious hero

Because this guy was generous enough to share the links, I am going to buy the video and upload it.

Can't stand these broke con artists who play the trading game
2.33GB ? :)
Hahah ill teach you ju jitsu alright. Controlled aggression
Damn this is her hottest video in a while. She may be indeed back guys.
Link below for last two Shar vids. Looking for Barbie got Fatter. Have a few older clips that I can share in return.

any updates on her?
why does it say the files expired
does someone have mass gainer vid

At first I thought this blonde hair era of Shar would be on the boring/lazy side like the last one. But she's actually cutting back on the special effects this time around and isn't phoning it in as much.
Summer holiday season is coming up, gotta get them funds in lol
*woman reliably releases one long form video each month*

Midwits: hmmm yes the timing of this is very… “convenient”
can someone send vid when she was around 200 pounds
It’s a joke lol, maybe Sir Wanky of Fucknuts needs to calm down less he blows his load before Maid Shar can give him a blowy behind the bins of the local Lidl.
anyone remembers her last weight inm
Does anyone have "By The Pool", " Pasta, Pizza N Ice Cream" and "Vacation Belly Play"?
>>163060 I'm pretty sure it was january 2020, and im surprised no one else talks about it. Kinda bs that we've been waiting literally 4 years to see a new weight update. Last time she was 254 i believe. I'm guessing she might be around 285 now? Really hoping she updates us.
You'd figure if she's close to 300 she would be mentioning it and teasing a milestone weigh in coming in the near future
4 years? I did not realise that it was so long ago

She once mentionned that she stopped going to the gym in one of her stuffing videos

If it's true, she might weight less as she lost muscle

She's had 4 years to gain 46lbs. Literally one pound a month with 2 months to spare. And she stopped going to the gym? If she isn't at 300 then that's the biggest load of shit that I've heard in a while.
she's pretty fat now, so she might actually be 300
Some of y'all who complain abouut a model's lack of gaining need to actually try to gain yourself. When you hit that plateau, or just hit a certain point you'll realize it's more difficult then you think. And requires a ton of money/food
these are not new right?

She has to eat a lot of food to maintain her weight
If anyone has the devil takes over video please post it

>> When you hit that plateau, or just hit a certain point you'll realize it's more difficult then you think. And requires a ton of money/food

Nah fuck you. If you're charging people upwards of $20 and occasionally more for a single video, then gaining 1 pound a month is a reasonable expectation. Especially when it's been over 4 1/2 years since the previous measurement video and you simps have been claiming that she's well over 300 now. Well make up your fucking minds.
what he say fuck me for?
brother, you're on bbwchan talking about what people are owed for paying for content
Bruh she doesn't HAVE to make a measurement video just because you paid for it. You paid for the video to have the video, not expect her to share what her weight is if she never specified doing so.
Anyone have they told me I gotta lose weight
So is she actually still gaining or not?
yes she is lmao. She just gains slower than most I guess?
Once you hit your limit it's hard to keep gaining and any little thing can easily set you back. I think it's harder to gain for BBWs that got into this fetish that were skinny their whole lives or athletes. A lot of us have really good metabolism and we have to push ourselves hard to gain. If I get the flu I might end up losing 10 pounds. Or if I were to go to a festival or something like that where I'm out and active all day, I might lose 5 pounds without even trying, and it's not water weight because it doesn't all come right back on. I feel like my body is fighting me and it's trying to keep the weight off. Btw this isn't Shar I just wanted to put this out there.
(140 KB, 543x738, Schermafbeelding 2024-07-07 203857.png)
Does any one have any of the vids that you see in the picture? I believe that those are the last that I need to complete my sharr collection. If you have some, and you want something in return, I 'll upload a requested Shar vid (any of the ones that aren't in the picture), after you delivered on one of the requested pics. Thanks

I'm also down, to buy one or two vids, if somebody promises me that they'll buy one or two vids, and then we could exchange them, so we both have a nearly/completed collection
i've got 3 of this videos, but in exchange i need:
"9. chubby bunny"; "13. measurements & donuts"; "16. marshmallow mayhem"; "18. morning weigh-in"; "24. Gs takes on kyra kanes 3layer cake challenge""; "29. busted hotpants part.2"; "30. growing pains"; "34. supper & hot flushes"; "37. cake night"; "69. caught on camera"; "75. houses chores pt 2"; "79. mega fat day"; "83. they told me i gotta lose weight".
read the rules no trading. smfh
Take a hike dickhead. We be trading.

I'll upload your videos.. Ill start now. Be up in a bit
Ma guy. The links are being uploaded atm. I '' post when the're done. I did notice I am also lacking some of the vids you requested, namelijk:
69. caught on camera"; "75. houses chores pt 2"; "79. mega fat day.
So I'ld9e303l won't be uploading those. But since I'm uploading plenty of the vids you requested, I hope you're not going to be a dick about it, and still upload what you have that im lacking.
You just followed the rules. You know that right? You just asked for vids and then uploaded content in return. That's what your supposed to do. Your not supposed to claim that you have videos and not upload them unless you get what you want. It's anonymous so we are hoping that people follow in good faith lol. That's why we upload first then ask lol.
Mods wipe this trash trading bot allowed

This should be every Shar vid in chronological order EXCEPT:

1. Booty Rub Teaser
14. Cream Special
19. Chubby Moment
26. Shar gets funnel fed
31. Late night piggy
40. Kitchen pig
44. KFC Binge
47. Curvage Catwalk Remake
48. How do I look?
51. Shar hates salad
69. Caught On Camera
75. House Chores Part 2
79. Mega Fat Day
92. Bad Beauty Blogger
93. Fat Tutor
137. Embarrassing Moments & Gaining Talk
196. Vacation Belly Play
200. Fried Breakfast N Tight Corset 201. Fat For Life
202. Party Stuffer 2
203. Ice Cream Chug N Belly Play

That said, I’m hoping some of you folks can fill in the gaps.
Bro is him
My guy. You uploaded zero of the videos mentioned in the pic. Like, I already had everything you uploaded. Kinda disappointing this.
But I guess; lucky you, happy for your almost complete collection...
See this is EXACTLY why trading isn’t allowed.

Maybe next time follow the rules.

You’re such a loser. You originally asked to trade and then you were told you weren’t allowed. If you had it your way and were able to “trade” you would’ve just picked up your toys and went home after he shared his entire collection because “MuH I aLrEaDy HaVe aLL tHoSe” when this is a board specifically designed to shar shit for free. Fuck off

Also Inb4 you come back with some garbage like “you guys are mean so now I’m not going to share XYZ stuff I have when I TOTALLY FOR SURE was going to do it before this” as a bluff.
Guy with is wrong with you people. Don't get so emotional. Take a mf xanny and calm down. It's not the end of the world, and I'm not whining. What's wrong with you people.
I shared shit for free moron, everything can open the links, and download the files I've uploaded. Why get so mental about it.

Nah the guy you’re responding to is right.

But to the point of the post of yours they were responding to. The guy who posted the shar content in crono order wasn’t necessarily doing it to give you the videos you wanted from that pic. They were just doing a solid to the board.

You on the other hand had to give the dumbass response of (paraphrasing) “bro you didn’t give me anything I wanted” when he legit posted almost an entire collection. If you think you’re not in the wrong here…yikes.

Yeah it had nothing to do with you sorry. Though, you may want to know Extreme Stuffing (which is a clip you asked for) is in there. If you have it, good for you.

Dude is just mad that your epic drop of Shars almost entire collection in chrono order is getting more praise than his after he was bullied out of looking for a trade first.

Guy is trying to act like NopeGuy with his “I have these vids to drop” but has absolutely none of the aura that NopeGuy had.
You got rightfully called out so shush
Excellent drop, many thanks!

Found 48 and 93 so I added those plus what others have shared here, thanks guys.

1. Booty Rub Teaser
19. Chubby Moment
26. Shar gets funnel fed
31. Late night piggy
44. KFC Binge
47. Curvage Catwalk Remake
51. Shar hates salad
69. Caught On Camera
75. House Chores Part 2
92. Bad Beauty Blogger
201. Fat For Life
My man I wasn't replying to the guy who did the entire shar drop. Which coincidentally I already had.
I was responding to the person who said that he had multiple of the videos I requested in the pic, and then came through with a bunch of vids that weren't in the pic I uploaded.
Nothing I said had anything to do with the person who did the entire drop.
And since the other guy literally said he had three of the vids I requested, and subsequently uploaded a complete different set of videos, non of which I asked for. I feel entitled to feel slightly disappointed. Like, it's not the end of the world. But it would have been nice to get some of the vids I requested and come a bit closer to completing the collection. As we would say in Dutch, 'ik ben niet boos, maar ben wel teleurgesteld' translation: I am not mad, but I am disappointed.

I mean, what I uploaded was for everyone to download. I said I would upload whatever someone wanted, in return for some of the vids I desired. I did this, not because I don't want to shar all of it. But because uploading everything will take ages, and most people have all the videos I have since those are constantly re-uploaded, in my eyes it made more sense to take request, and grand them, and ask for something in return. Every video which was 'exchanged' could be downloaded by everyone. So really, why are all you losers so absurdly outraged, as if I committed some great offense. While in reality I just wanted to get those vids, and didn't mind uploading whatever someone who could deliver them, would like to see being uploaded.
So take a hike.
>Tue) 16:06:42 Id:bba0f9 No. 165155

Bro you’re not mad but disappointed at what content you did/didn’t get on an anonymous bbw/feedee fat bitches fetish forum. Do some soul searching
Oh and also, those numbered videos, in chronological order. I initially uploaded those years ago. I recognize the mistakes I made while making them chronological; like making a 7. and a 7.5 since there was a vid between the vid I made 7 and the vid I made 8. I don't believe for a second that someone put the same effort as I did in making them chronological, and also coincidentally made the exact same errors. This of course also explains why I had all of them. Because they were my initial upload from years ago. So if you like the numbers/chronology, well much obliged cunt.
So all you simps are still enjoying the fruits of my labor. So again, fuck you, take a hike, why you're mad, you're whining about absolutely nothing.

“I initially uploaded those years ago”

Ain’t no way you’re trying to take the moral high ground by saying you’ve been coming to this board for years. This store brand NopeGuy been cooming for years and trying to get a participation trophy for it. All while trying to pull the “I’m not mad! I’m not mad! Don’t say I’m mad!” card

Would some kind soul mind making a compilation vid of Shar's gain?
Get a fucking grip already. You're an adult losing your cool over the dumbest things and expect people to reward you lol
Reading appears to be difficult. Yes I made them in chronological order and by date. I didn't say this entitles me to anything. But I said previously, since the same videos always get shared, I assumed that most people have everything. Since I was willing to upload whatever I had, and hoped to get something I didn't have- presumably most people didn't have - everybody would benefit.
Like seriously, why are you all on my shit like this. Where do you get the time and energy from. Fucking hell. You act as if anything shared here is private if somebody asks for something specific, only that person can download it. And since most people don't have, what I uploaded a while ago - and gets the occasional re-upload - everybody would benefit from it.
Like, I honestly don't even know why I am still replying. You salty as people are just too irrational to talk too.
Upload something yourself, or take a hike.

“I’m not mad! I promise!”

The other person above said it best. You’re just a wannabe NopeGuy with much less aura on a bbw fetish board for YEARS (your words). I’d be embarrassed if I were you

This should be every Shar vid in chronological order EXCEPT:

44. KFC Binge
51. Shar hates salad
69. Caught On Camera
75. House Chores Part 2

Hope this helps!

Thanks man

>>165197 >>165098


I also found 51. Shar Hates Salad so here it is.


Seeing as we uploaded 4 out of the 5 vids you wanted, you should upload Caught on Camera and House Chores Pt 2 if you feel so inclined. That way we’d have every Shar vid but one on the board.

Just saying, would be cool
Do you have a job or anything? Please do something other than whine on threads lol
can someone them all in one link thatd be sick
I don't have those either. I overlooked them when I posted this. I found out that I missed them in my post when someone requested them with some other vids. I uploaded everything I had, which was requested. That, sadly, didn't include those vids.
And where did someone upload 4 out of five vids I requested? I only saw 2 vids I didn't have yet. Many thanks for those, whoever uploaded them. If you could point me to the others once I requested, I would appreciate it since apparently I'm blind. :)
neither of the recent gofiles work :(
thanks for all the vids

damn, I forget how small she was. Has she ever talked in depth about what got her into gaining?
after we get all the vids can someone send a file with everything that would be sick
She has said that she had an ex who was super into fitness and was underweight during the relationship so when the breakup happend she put on a little and found us weirdos and the gain train never stopped
Damn, where did the time go
does anyone know in wich video she is in her higest weight?

I think "House Chores Pt 2" is also still missing.
Fear not, as for I am here. I bestow upon you all with thy missing 2 video tapings thou have requested. Enjoy and may all thy be blessed.

holy fucking shit, goated
Probably the most GIGACHAD thing you can do on here. "I GIVE YOU ALL OF.." haha insane
This might be the peak bbw chan post ever, like I'm gonna share so much as a thank you to this man
215 GS + 2 KP + 2 AP + 1 FF videos = 220

>>uses Curvage verification photo on it's rival's site as a pfp.

But I doubt that's actually Shar. That pizza video is an early one she posted but later deleted. Some dude probably had a copy and decided to impersonate her.
Has she done any b/g content?
Can someone re-upload the go file whit all her vids please?
what is up with her having the tv or radio on in the background in so many videos? is she trying to trigger copyright or something to stop sharing? it's pretty distracting
What do you think of a little music? would that be okay? I'll try to change it for next time
Is she afk for good?

It's either to stop people from reuploading to YouTube or she just doesn't cares and knows people will buy her shit regardless on if the TVs on. Probably the latter.
thanks for the video, but its shit video.
Her face looks a lot thinner. She losing weight or did she have a buccal fat/double chin removal?
She looks as fat as ever, wtf
Thanks! She's actually looking kind of big here

Thanks. Seemed like her video rippled a couple of times. Hard to tell if she was using some kind of filter to make her belly look bigger or maybe a filter to make her face look thinner. She's definitely used face filter before to hide her fatter face.
Anyone have the shar milk and measurements video where she wore that pink shirt it’s not on the gofile. Thanks
I thought she looked her biggest ever in that last vid - I wonder how close to 300 she is these days. Her face does look slimmer but maybe that's just the contrast next to her massive body. She's completely ruined her perfect club girl body - there's no turning back for her from here - only bigger Shar - it's inevitable
Anyone got a link for her REPORT MY POST
I gotta agree with that unfortunately
definitely not her best but she's looking massive

just compare her hands to past videos of her. If hands look thinner it’s weight loss not surgery.

Anyone have a verdict? I don't watch her videos to look at her hands. Some of her face looking thinner might just be angles. Her face has looked fatter in some and then thinner and then fatter before so unless she is getting surgeries and then gaining it back without a huge change in the rest of her before getting her double chin removed again, it's probably just that or maybe that she was puffy from too much alcohol or salt.

It's all gonna be speculation based on just watching the video. Doesn't look like she lost weight, but the video does kinda suck. She doesn't use nearly as many good angles in this one as she has in the past. Doesn't look bigger or smaller in this one, but because of the angles, it's hard to tell.
watch the new video (chinese and pop chug) and look closely at her belly and thighs starting at 3:50. you can clearly see the image warp. idrk what this means but im guessing she's using some sort of filter to make her look bigger? idrk
I think she uses a filter for her face, but it’s probably facial ID and overlays the whole screen. Maybe that’s the reason.

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