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Found this girl on ig, her @ is feedeenamimi, unfortunately I don’t think she has an OF or curvage account but I guess she does videos and sends them through DMs on ig
She’s so hot, just discovered her recently as well
any vids of her?
>>135942 (OP)
Anyone have the live stuffing she did? She deleted/archived right before I could save
>>135942 (OP)
looks like a WAY prettier mochii. Thank god for that too, with mochii decade long delay I hope this girl could step up and be just as good content wise. Most likely not though.
Can the MVPs please screenshot her insta content? Her profile is private
> I don’t think she has an OF or curvage account but I guess she does videos and sends them through DMs on ig

It seems like every girl that does this is a scammer, watch out.
I think your best bet is to wait for her livestreams on sunday, since her customs are 150-200$ for 15-30 mins, and I doubt anyone on this board is paying these prices
isnt this that mongolian wagyu chick
yeah this doesn't seem legit
$200 for 30 minutes averages to less than $7 a minute which is competitive with OF customs from much more well-known creators.

I'm more concerned about >>135978 though
She is namimi on feabie
Thanks to the king sharing the pics.
She does live stuffings for free which you could probably record for free. I don’t think scammers would be bothered to do that.
Live on insta right now
anyone record the stream? i missed it
Bro she nearly puked at that live💀
I tried but phone fked up and wasnt getting any sound
Can't say she isn't pushing her limits, I suppose
Anyone have stuffing vids from her?
She could be The Mochii killer
free live stuffings holy shit shes gonna surpass mochi babii in no time, pretty scummy prices but for now we got great free content
gonna follow for the next live
What times does she go live? I read sunday but what time sunday?
Damn I missed the stream today. If not posting, can anyone summarize how it went down for us plebs?
moar from insta and feabie? she is literally fucking perfect
damn, I also recorded the first one but missed the 2nd stream. I wish she would announce them earlier.
Hey i’m curious - how did u manage to record IG live without any of the live comments?
not him, but you can use software like yt-dlp to download the stream instead of doing something like a screen recording.
Apparently she's seen thus thread and isn't happy about the sharing. Would be amazing if she made a curvage account or sth
god she's so sexy. you're my hero
She's badass hot. And, equally important at least for me, she has positive confidence in front of the cam. Without that recorded stream i wouldn't know.
yeah wow...holy shit she is hot....someone please slide in those DMs and tell her the fortune that she can make by producing regular videos like that lol
where did she post her videos? We need more!
I have a feeling she won't make an onlyfans, curvage, etc lol. She probably knows that her shit will get leaked and sent everywhere or something. Or maybe she doesn't know how much she can actually make off of it which would be huge. Either way she seems to be into it so she gotta be choosing not to.
She seems to be very submissive to black boyfriend who goes by "sadisticfeeder"
pretty sure she accidentally showed her feeder in the video someone posted and that man is NOT black lol
How long has she been posting? Seems like she’s been on feabie a while, but when did she start livestreaming? Hopefully this is her gateway to actually start making content, because that live stream was one of the best stuffings I’ve seen recently
Anyone have some vids?
dude forget the fetish shit. This girl is a Dime. 10/10. Shes Fucking gorgeous
100% goddess. Hope she doesnt quit
When did I say she wasn't?
I thought we were all here for fat fetish shit. Why would I forget it?
For real. Please for the love of god no one DM her and freak her out. Don't want her ditching the second some moron ask her about some creepy shit
Love how round her face is
Jesus christ, this is so autistic, but her fat distribution and density is god-like for an asian girl. Plus her face is still cute even though she's fat, hair & makeup is nice, and she's just hot in general. AKA what if Mochii was a 9 instead of a 6

She's so perfect that you just know she's gonna get freaked out and stop making content. It's too perfect lmao
She’s a doctor if im not wrong. She doesnt need the onlyfans cash if that’s the case.
Right, she's a working professional with basically zero to gain by selling content (hence the free stuffing streams). If anything if she grows her audience too much by selling content, the chances of her getting outed at work increase. My point here being is to enjoy this while this lasts cause it ain't gonna be forever I bet, u less she is willing to deal with irl drama and bs
The girls who run their OFs like this claim they don't make any coin off it so they start paywalling their content
anyone know when she streaming?
Casey is also a doctor and doesn't have the issues y'all are mentioning. Maybe because she owns her practice or something idk.
Mongolians are by far the most attractive east Asians, bar none
anybody have the picture of her with the food stains on her panties? that shit was insanely sexy but it got taken down off ig
I can imagine how some of her meetings with patients go.

"Mrs. Smith, have you been following the diet plan we agreed on? Your blood pressure went up 8mmhg!

>hmm, I wonder what I should do for the next set? Ice cream chug? Nah, too boring.

"Look, you have to watch what you're eating, otherwise these things are just going to get worse!"

>Burger binge? Eh, done to death.

"You should stick to the diet plan we agreed on, I know it may not be as fun as eating junk, but it's what's best for you!"

>Maybe club sandwiches would work better, not as done to death, plus they're kinda fallic.

"Alright, just watch what you eat over the next few months, try eating some greens and get in some excercise, it doesn't have to be anything intense, maybe just some push ups or going on a walk a few times a week."

>Oh, my jeans are starting to get tight! I could make it a button pop set on top of it!
lol she’s not a doctor either. She has a masters and that’s it. She just enjoys letting people think she is
Right, something didn't add up with her being only 28 and a really fat doctor
Please, if someone shares the vid that goes with this pic then you are a god
Whoever has the vid for this would be a hero
I swear I've seen somewhere that she gained 80 lbs in 2 months when she met her feeder... Her goal weight is 500 lbs.
That’s literally impossible. lol retards here will believe literally anything
Mochii gained 50 in one month. It's not "literally impossible," asshole.
It is. You’re just one of the retards who will believe anything lol
She said within the first 6 months 80 lbs
YES it is. and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
It takes approximately 3,500 extra calories above your maintenence to gain 1lb of fat.

40×3500=140000 extra calories per month

140000÷30 days in a month = 4666.66 extra calories a day

Let's say her basal metabolic state requires 2400 calories a day, that means she would need to consume just over 7000 calories a day to gain 80lbs in 2 months

It's not an easy thing to do, but it's obviously possible. I ate 5000-7000 calories every day for several weeks and it was lit as hell. With the help of a feeder it wouldn't even be a challenge for me to gain that fast.

Get wrecked noob
She definitely said 80lbs in 2 months - read her Feabie feed
Do you think her medical background help with her weight gain? Like she knew exactly how to push her body, and with what to help things along?
no. she is lying. use your head
lying or not is not an issue, keep sharing pictures and videos!
I've just finished also to record and wanted to share. Thank you my brother in sin! She's doing some high level stuffing
Yeah because that definitely makes it true and not just made up horny fantasy writing to get her fans riled up. You retards will believe anything your dicks want you to

She appeared in the community already fat. She could’ve claimed it was all in one day and some of you dumbasses would still believe her.
No it is not possible. It is not a one for one thing, your body cannot digest every calorie if you eat an insane amount. Nobody is impressed by your bullshit math based off a thumb rule.
Anyone have the first stream where she allegedly almost went to the point of puking? That would be a nice to see
See above. Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it impossible. Everyone's body is different and some people gain way more easily than others. If you don't believe it, whatever, just say that and stop acting like your word is law. You're no better than the rest of us. You come here to jerk off to fat bitches just like everyone else. If two of us were put in a room, no normie would see the difference and would think you were just as much of a degenerate freak as they would me.
is there no laura fatty thread anymore?
I suspect there are some vagueries to her claim. Did she closely monitor start weight or was it an approximate? Did she carefully measure the two months ? Or was it a case of I think that I weighed x in Feb and now it's April so I've put on y there's potential for lots of ambiguity.
I know I personally put on 26lbs during a single 2 week holiday to the USA.

What im convinced is she did put on a lot of weight in a short period regardless of whether it's exactly 80lbs in 60 days or not.
The evidence of damage done is visible for all to see
Except you’re retarded. Believing it or not won’t make it true. She’s lying. It is impossible. She won’t see this and fuck you for simping for her lol.
Who cares about her weight gain story. She is 350 yall that is massive. The question really is whether or not she is willing to collab with others on the scene. Idk she seems very submissive and into that boyfriend led feederism.
Hopefully. Collabs are for when they are officially out of ideas. Just keep making stuffing videos of actually eating a ton and it’s perfect
Why tf should she collab. She's literally the sexiest I've seen in years. Amazing face and body. A video of her with some of these other MID chicks would be a waste of time.
We need to send her tons of money and get her to start realizing this feederism/content creation is a genuine source of full time income.
I agree with that. I forgot that she doesn't think of this type of thing as a credible source of income.
Kill yourself for being such an obnoxious faggot. You're going to die alone.
If that's the case it unironically sems she'd be better off on a site like Curvage than front and center on Instagram where it's be far easier to be found out
Not the anon you talking to but i feel you. The only people I’ve shared it with are two girlfriends and two super old hs buddies that both have their own kinks. It’s nice when you can let it out to what we perceive as a normie and not be judged. Also one girlfriend was into it and put on like 50 pounds and posted in the community for like a month and the other called me disgusting. Can really make or break the relationship.
Did you see a significant gain over that time? I'm trying to do that myself
Considering this is your reaction to someone just saying facts. I’d say you’re more likely to. Unhinged incel
Learn the difference between facts and opinions.
Yall arguing about this are such faggots fr.
can you guys reupload the sunday live stream? I've missed it...
For real, I come here to see the models and enjoy content drops. I do not give a single fuck about anyone on here's opinions or arguments
>>135942 (OP)
For the love of Christ please tell me someone has that Sprite Chugging video

this bitch is fine as hell
You commenting and not posting any content is just as bad and literally the same thing. As is this comment
>>135942 (OP)

Anyone re-up the recording of her KFC stuffing?
Any update?
Does she have a button pop vid. Does she in that sprite vid screenshot?
(50 KB, 1745x755, 103-j2o0NWr.webp)

Thanks mate

Just discovering this thread... and this girl

I'm baffled.

First time i'm thinking "i could pay for more."
This girl tends to do lives on sunday.

What time in New York City time/EST?
If this is from something someone has to post it. It looks incredibly hot.
could anyone reup anything? I saw the kfc stuffing already, was that it? Did she make anything else?
first time hearing about her and i'm so in love 🥵 that kfc stuffing is definitely one of the best i've seen in a while now
Wow and she still works as a doctor
Mochii was pretty cute thin, her curse is that her fat distribution isn't the greatest to say the least
Mochi looked cute when she was chubby, she started looking like shit why it started warping hare face...well that and the fact fact she clearly didn't pace herself and the gaining destroyed her health and destroyed it quick
oh wow autocorrect completely fucked me here
I'm not the greatest mochii fan, but there's nothing wrong with how she's gained. You're just not into it. For others, it ticks all there boxes. Just the way it goes.
mochii turned into an uninhibited slob that genuinely destroyed her body and conventional attractiveness and there a few things as viscerally sexy as that
it's funny too because there are plenty of models larger than her that are in nowhere near as bad of shape as she is, like she kinda burned it out hard
anyone gonna reup please?
She [Mochi] was ugly af to begin with; then again I still agree
can someone reup kfc plz?

You're so stupid lmao, she got her MD years ago *and* just finished the dissertation for her PhD. Both are doctorates.

You can find her practice if you really try

To be clear this comment was talking about Casey, not this asian chick. It seems believable that this asian chick isn't a "real" doctor, but Casey is. Specializing in extremely early child development issues.
Can someone re-upload their videos? I would be really grateful
lol simp harder. She def doesn’t have her MD. She is full of shit and just likes letting people think she does. Same way she *totally* has an ex professor fuck buddy who turned out to be a feeder and all the secret IRL feeders she runs into in the wild lmao. Keep buying that shit tho, totally not weird at all how she talks about how horny she gets at work taking her gut out and fondling herself in her office when she works around kids…
Any reups?

She's talked about her practice so much and it's public where she lives, it's really not hard. I've never VISITED her practice but it's real lmao.


This guy is just delusional lol
dude does any of this matter or can we go back to talking about fat woman hot
What do we think her MCAT score was
Considering the autism, rather high
Y'all niggas are crazy. She was cute thin.
Fat she looks like a wild experiment by a mandrin who wanted to see how fat he could make his favourite concubine.
It's wild guys.
Tell me, Mister Stark.
I am dating this beautiful Filipina girl.
She has eccentric tastes that mirror mine.
I have decided to see how fat I can make her.
(645 KB, 680x674, b62.png)
Fat gluttonous Mongol chaddette MOGs stickpilled Chinesecels
Channeling the spirit of the great CHINGGIS KHAN consuming foreign feifdoms (KFC) and growing into a great globe spanning empire (big globular fatass)
May the sky lords bless you so to make your herds plentiful and your raids fruitful
what is it before we download 2.38 gigs?
kfc stuffing upscale
unrelated but what software did you use to upscale the video? I want to do something similar with some 480p stuffing clips from s31
thank you so much, but please use gofile in future because myairbridge's download speeds for large files is horrible. thanks for the drop anon!
topaz video AI
Any updates?
Any more vids of her? Holy shit I'm impressed how much she pushes herself. How can she keep that much food in and even consume more after almost puking? That kfc stuffing was insane, she almost pukes then starts chugging that stuff more and then doesn't even get the puke reflex for 7 minutes or so. How??? And that huge capacity, wtf. This is Mochii on steroids
any reups? i wish this chick just had an of

She’s incredible. True hog. Cracking up at the ending though, she’s so stuffed she’s dizzy and she accidentally shows a black gentleman sitting next to her that’s none too pleased.

help her work the camera next time, mate!
damn that bald black guy with the beard is so lucky he was right there next to the fat chinese girl getting fat
Anyone got the original stream where she nearly pukes?
How often she do a live on her instagram? She has a paysite too?
After seeing that kfc stuffing video, how did she not gain until now? how could she keep herself thin?

I'm so happy I found out about her today, she looks incredible

also, any reups of the other videos?
Anyone managed to record another live stuffing?
Re-up the buffet stuffing videos?
Anyone have her latest stuffing video?
Please reup as many videos as possible. This girl is amazing!
Call it a schizopost or not, but I think the whole issue of her health problems is overblown. Like she is playing it up to string people along while her "hiatus" keeps getting longer and longer. It's this long because they are busy editing stuff they have already filmed and it's taking longer than they anticipated. I mean, do you seriously think they were able to film and edit some of the earlier stuff in that kind of quality at the rapid pace they released it?
I'd like to get this thread back on track. I'm looking for anything and everything from @feedeenamimi except the KFC stuffing because I already have that. As tribute, here is an assortment https://mab.to/t/Ygvnvwium6O/us2

1000%. She may be an unathletic couch bound gamer and that did more damage to her Covid recovery than being ~300lb or whatever her top weight actually was.
Seriously, I’ve gone on hikes with short women who’ve done similar to their bodies getting a PhD in compsci.
Please save your discussions about mochi for another thread thank you
Please reup. Pretty please…
Am also begging especially for a reup of the kfc one 🙏🙏🙏
Check stuffer db my dude.
Anybody got picks from her private folder on feabie?
Nothing related to the subject of the thread whatsoever
I thought there were other videos besides the KFC video. I was just trying to share something. I didn't realize that people would rather someone post and share nothing than something not related to the thread. If I had anything else related to the thread I wouldn't be asking.
Reup but in Mab pls?
AFAIK she has other videos but you know how this place is and her way of pushing content...kinda fucking sucks, she'd be better off selling from an actual clipstore
Yeah, she charges $75-$150 through cashapp for one video and doesn't respond to DMs on insta. Here's hoping she and her feeder open a clip store or at least an onlyfans.
When is this bitch live on insta? Been on the lookout for a little while but never caaught her when online
I don't know if it's just me, but this is basically unwatchable for me. It won't load and buffers every 3 seconds. Anyone else have this issue?
I have the same problem.
Its an amazing stuffing though …did anyone else manage to record ?
why on mega tho. Cant download more than 2 GB
if you use Microsoft Edge it should download without issue
I think it depends on the region you're in and the server activity. For example, usually I can only download up to 1,5 GB, and that's only if I'm using the MEGA app. From the browser it's even less
Does anyone have any other recordings of her stuffing ?
That’s a fucking scam
Dammit I missed the initial upload of that last stuffing. Can someone reup please?
Good looking Asian feedees are almost non-existent, she knows her worth.
I would gladly pay the price tbh, she's great, she just hasn't gotten back to me on insta. I messaged her twice and waited 2 weeks between them, made sure not to message during the holiday season, and she left me on seen. I'm not about to cashapp her without making sure I'm gonna get something for it. wcyd
I think she should set a store at this point. Take a lot of the day to day dealing off her shoulders. Plus she'd make a killing.
did she stream this Sunday? did anyone manage to get it?
probably fucking not again as multiple people have pointed out her set up fucking sucks the idea of using Instagram as the only place for your content is bad optics
I mean she doesn't even send out a post with a time or anything. I don't want to have to check an app to see if she is streaming. Just a simple post with "Streaming 12:00 EST, be there or be square" something!
Scared of huge black dick. Rather deal with low testosterone belly small dick shrimp for dinner
I really wish she'd release content anywhere else or at least respond to IG/Snap Requests. I would love to buy her vids but I can't even do that. A shame bc she's one of the hottest bbws i've seen in a while and seems to be really into this
Reup on kfc?
She’s like a smaller version of ma girl kassouffle/burgerking. She used to have an only fans and there was a thread on her…she’s continued to get fatter since dropping out of OF and is probably nearing 400 by now but she has the same kind of hot asian features that this chick has.
do you have any content on her? i can't find any socials, coomer is empty, and her of is nonexistent

I used to have the whole collection but alas…not any more. you can find a few pics of her in the fat Asian thread. And some others have her content.
This video has been slutted tf out 😂😂😂
I swear to god 😂😂😂
Christ this entire thread is basically based on one video (albeit a good one) that's reposted occasionally
Its the only thing of hers that's leaked so its the only thing that going to get posted over and over again.
Since no one has said it thank you.
Hopefully you don't mind recording more stuffings.
why she gotta be so gross, I don't wanna jerk off to bitches who get food all over themselves like a toddler. Like just do some belly content like a normal person
Shit just missed it, re up pretty please?
No way bro. This is hot as hell. We already have enough boring belly content from others.
>>144683 She's not a toddler you fuckng weirdo, I personally don't like slob, but whatever.
How many videos of her are there other than the KFC and Pasta/Cake ones?
Don’t want to be a bother but can we get a re-up?
I mean I kinda agree with this dude tbh. Food goes IN the mouth lol. They're either mentally handicapped or missing their mouth on purpose. how is that arousing lol
86 million shiiiiiiiiit appeal that bitch

*dude sees people into messy eating at a bbw/feedism related fetish board*
*dude doesnt understand why people on this fetish board can get aroused by slob/pig/messy eating*
*dude calls messy eating feedees mentally handicapped*

Oh the irony.
(5 KB, 275x183, 1699609140770904.jpg)
Blacks are a third of world population in terms of quantity of people.
Whites are around 12% total quantity of people in world population.
Per capital (that is population size) whites have a larger penis, with the largest sizes being found within this population.
wtf is she drinking from that bottle? i've never seen this drink
I'm not calling them mentally handicapped, stupid. I'm saying mentally handicapped people have the issue of getting food on themselves, jfc. So purposely missing your own mouth feels silly as fuck. I don't "not understand why people would be turned on by mess/slob shit" I'm saying it's nasty and one step above the bathroom fetish people and all the models missing their mouths look like invalids. If you want to jack it hoarders knock yourself out my dude
This gotta be the gayest pro white shit ever. Did you really post a dudes dick and come up with some statistics to make yourself who’s probably white and have a tiny penis feel better? It’s so comical. It’s ok to just be white.
Did anyone record the new stuffing?
Late on this. Can someone reup?
I swear to god her way of doing things fucking sucks
Agreed, but just hoping to work within the limits of production and hoping some legends who knew about it recorded it!
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Info from instagram DM i got from her. Seems like she's using REPORT MY POST for some reason. Sadly I can't pay it because cashapp doesn't work in my country. I wouldn't complain if someone bit the bullett on this one...
That word is banned I guessed, but you can see from the screenshot what I meant
Does this mean she's gonna stream the stuffings on REPORT MY POST from now on? Wouldn't that make saving the streams impossible?
Seems like it. I don't know how d works when recording streams, there might be some copyright protection idk. But if not you can easily just screen record that window. But it also seems like she's going to upload some vids there aswell, hopefully that is a vod or something but I doubt it
Dude we will figure this out
Fbi first office was above a porno store. So im sure you will
Screen recording seems like the only option. I would just buy the videos if that was an option. She's definitely worth it imo. But she did this REPORT MY POST stuffing session that most didn't know about and even by the screenshot of the details didn't have a date or a time. Most people can't just sit around waiting for her to go live. Idk lol
She's feeling more and more like a scammer unfortunately. Her videos are some of the best I've seen but she doesn't seem to care about getting them to us, just taking our money.
Y'all use that word whenever a model is doing something that you don't like. It's kinda obvious that she doesn't want her shit out there. Having a private Instagram and a Bizcord (u know what that means) screams hey I don't want this shit ending up on a random porn website. Unless she's taking peoples money and not producing the videos they ask for she's not a scammer. Just a person who doesn't what their shit all over the Internet. It is a shame that she's making it hard to save her stuffings.
Yeah I don't think she's a scammer, I just want to be able to view her content. She needs to at least advertise when the stuffing to taking place.
M an someone reup this pasta and cake stuff?
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She just posted this, I assume it's about an onlyfans/clip store. On feabie it says she lives in Thailand, and apparently it's illegal to do onlyfans and similar pornographic content. So much for that I guess
I thought she was in the US as a doctor?

if she can't do OF then she could at least tell people when she's going to do a live stuffing on ig
As far as I remember, she posted a story telling people interested in a live to message her arranging payment. I assume she added them to a d iscord and only told the people who paid in advance
Anyone got the KFC studding vid? Been trying for hours

I mean there's plenty of Thai girls living in Thailand on OF so I don't think it's that big an issue.
Can someone re up this one please
its down already! can’t believe i missed it. re-up by any chance?
Bruh. How did this thread die
Because the only content she posts are instagram lives and nobody is there to screen recorded it/doesn't want to record at all?
She’s very similar to Kassouffle before she gained another hundred pounds.
Still waiting on that kassouffle reup. Her coomer is empty and there's nothing of her online but people keep bringing her up
(143 KB, 1078x1111, IMG_5992.jpeg) (140 KB, 1063x1060, IMG_5991.jpeg) (363 KB, 1049x1711, IMG_5990.jpeg)
Data Badeggie Kassouffle. Her highest recorded weight was 357 but she’s fatter than that now.
Anything new?

It sucks so hard that she's so hot and so into gaining yet she barely posts any videos or pics.
can someone link me kassouffle's socials
(444 KB, 1170x1650, IMG_0772.jpeg) (850 KB, 1170x1698, IMG_0773.jpeg)
She is probably the best feedee right now and its borderline depressing that we cant watch her hot stuffings 🥹
It's incredibly depressing brother no need to hide your feelings
Its cool that she broadcasts these stuffing freely (as far as I'm aware), but the fact they don't get recorded and she doesn't upload anyway is seriously annoying.

Imagine if there was an archive of her stuffings, the more people who can see them, the more money she could make, the more she can gain. Win-win.

Just imagine her getting the kind of money and attention mochi got, think how huge she'd get.
How do we get her to start an onlyfans or curvage ?
She doesnt respond to dms
if the kind of money she could make off this was worth it, shed quit her job and make it. im gonna go out on a limb and guess she makes more as a doctor or whatever lmao
I don't want to be a dick but is very obvious she doesn't want all that attention that's why her account is private and why everything is done though Instagram dms. I just think more of yall gotta follow her account and screen record that shit yourself lol.
Yeah she probably makes more with whatever shes doing rn and doesn't want to change her lifestyle to be a full time fetish model.
How do we know she even streamed anything? Genuine question, because it seems like she just stuffs herself and intermittently updates her story with her progress. I never get any notifications of her going live.
I'm not sure if you did this, but Instagram does not notify you every time someone you follow goes live, only some of the time. Go to the profile, Notifications > Goes Live > Get all Notifications
How do you know she's fatter now? I thought she hasn't been active in a while.
One stream got uploaded here before so she does go live on Instagram
Sure, she does go live, but that doesn't mean she does it for every stuffing.
>>149439 Where is she live and when?
Her Instagram it's in the first post of the thread.
Account is private can you just download and upload it here?
Hey can someone clue me in? Like how do I see her content? She doesn't have an OF, her link tree doesn't take me to a clip store. How are you guys finding stuff? How do I send her money and set up customs?
Dude it's though her Instagram. It's private so just follow her and when you get accepted. Go from there.
Did that. Messaged her. Nothing. Zip. Is there some vetting process I'm not aware of?
How long has it been since you requested to follow
Vetting process? idk man be patient
I personally haven't followed her because I don't want to make a burner account for fat fetish shit on insta. I wouldn't be surprised that it takes her longer to accept followers cause the amount of lurkers on bbw real thread is inane.
I was accepted pretty much same day. I messaged once in jan, and second time in feb. Honestly I thought that maybe she just went inactive, until I saw her posting.
Any chance for a re-up?
Anyone have pasta?
Yes from barilla. Very tasty but kinda expensive though :/
You can get a ticket for that..... 10 feet.
Anything new? Video or photo?
A shame the comments take up half the screen unlike the other video of her
Bro how is everyone missing this shit, constantly asking for reups? Ik yall got a life outside of this but these videos been posted more than enough now...
She has such a nice belly button. It's a shame she insists on cramming food into and smearing shit all over it. The slob stuff is a real turn-off for me. Still a great body and gain, though.
Endless cycle of people trying to quit porn and then coming back most likely
or, even more likely, ppl drop in here few times a week like a normal mf and miss uploads lmao
Stormy daniels made that up. Hoax
pretty much, can't catch all the drops have a life to attend to, this has been an issue forever on this site. I thought it'd be solved by using gofile instead of wetransfer or mab but guess it has its issus also
People got bigger things in life to do than stalking a porn thread man
I literally said I knew people had a life outside of it. If you gonna keep asking for reups of the same 2 vids, check like once every 2-3 days cause nobody is paying to keep MAB open for more than 3 days.
It literally takes a minute or two to open up incognito tab and scroll past the first and second page of bbwreal on this website. I'm busy too but it doesn't take THAT long to check the website at night time to see if there's anything new. Also people are taking time out of their own day to upload porn for you. If you want to use a certain upload website do it yourself.
Thank you for being helpful instead of complaining about people doing other stuff like the others
ha i do complain a lot but i guess not this time anyway I added more files since go file last longer and i'm in a good mood.
can anyone reupload her cake stuffing video?
Hi guys ! There’s a cake stuffing video?
Did anyone screenshot her story from yesterday eating on all 4s? I didn't think to at the time because I was dead tired.
Much appreciated, big guy.
Did she ever reveal her weight ? She's clearly well into the 300s but how far is the question

honestly I think the comments and the attention one gets from feederism are so extreme that you have to have very thick skin to handle it.

Honestly she could have just simply just made an old fans as a non-gaining BBW asian model and it would have gotten traction. There just aren't enough BBW asians that show their faces.
How long until he disappear on his kids again. Just phase right now showing up.
She nuked her Instagram account too. It's so over.
Reqesting 350k+200k overfeedism to make other commit suicide for non believing
another one bites the dust
Fun while it lasted
Womp womp
Oh, believe me. Her skin is very thick.
>> tough ass lesbains
Why is she always trying to kiss you but wont fuck u. She need to off herself already
Not healthy to sleep in bed with someone not fucking you.
Damn blacks plumping n dumping everyone's women.
Fuck yeah thats what I do. Black power
Black? I always imagined her feeder was white because of how common and degenerative WMAF couples are.
there are plenty, you just need to learn Japanese
They block everyones attempt. Track patterns dont lie its all documented
Hi guys! Namimi here :) I came here to clarify some things . I did my ig stuffings just to have fun and enjoy feederism , not to make money. I just genuinely wanted to share my fun experiences. But because of my health issues and other life circumstances I am taking a hiatus. I hope yall understand.

I would love if people didn’t make photos with captions and make false acquisitions about my relationship, job or my nationality. Although I visit Mongolia several times I am actually Chinese and content selling of this sort to people outside of china is difficult. I was a doctor but I am also taking a break from that too. I just had a gallstone removal surgery and having some personal life hurdles too right now . So I’ve decided to take a break from my fetish related indulgences. Thank you for following me and supporting me. I will come back to doing feedist fun activities but making these photos and spreading false information about me around the internet is very discouraging for me . Love yall Namimi xoxo
Understandable. I hope you have a smooth recovery. Thanks for the phenomenal content by the way.
Just a heads up, the people on this site are generally mentally unstable, so don't be surprised if you see responses from schizos who reply to you in a castigating manner, say it's your fault for having surgery, tell you that you should be gaining to immobility no matter the circumstances etc
Stupid ppl argue & blame game. Call it how I see it lol I just want money to go away quietly
Why do yall just believe anyone that comes on here claiming to be whoever they want?
Am I missing something here? Is there proof that this is THE Nami?
Why your sister cock block women wanting to come over? Know damn well idc what woman show up. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What's wrong if jamal-kun turned you into an embarrassing hog for the internet? Did your family shun you for breaking family branch? You must have made at least a couple hundred dollars for selling your content? Alot more than a doctor's career, right? Was it worth it?

Don’t listen to anyone on here, they’re all kicked-in-the-head morons. Be well.
lol are you suggesting that 'pacing' yourself produces obesity that DOESN'T destroy your health? You guys are weird
We allowed to post that? Didint know
It's actually nuts how often guys on this site drive women out of the online community with their bullshit. There are so many girls I've come across who I'd love to share but won't because I know y'all will just bully them into dissappearing
Buddy gatekeepers porn lmao
We honestly should.

Some of you fuckers should never be close to a woman, online or off.
Same here man I hear ya

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