
(50 KB, 510x680, F9tO54dWwAAsj3U.jpg) (59 KB, 680x680, F-CDmfJWQAAi9og.jpg)
Does anyone have any of her newer content or her of? her coomer was last updated like half a year ago.
Those prosthetic tits are fucking repulsive. I love big tits but I'll take small naturals over those fucking things any day. She's really fucking hot and makes good content but those things are just fucking disgusting.

Also, no fucking begging.
not her fault she had to get a double masectomy
>>135898 (OP)
Looks lovely Ke she's making some decent progress. Glad to see some pics that aren't using extreme angle trickery
Dawg that shit aint begging I was just simly asking

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