
>Not sure how she doesn’t have a thread

Because paupers like you don’t share content when making threads, so they get deleted for begging (like you’re doing now).
the average fem body looks like that, /bbw is such a joke
still a joke but beats half the ugly hogs on this site, rare to find an attractive gainer
anyone with her OF know if it's worth it? Or better to just buy her individual vids?
95% of her OF is just previews of her curvage clips with the occasional nude pic
I just subscribed last night. I wish I saw this yesterday. I can confirm it's nothing but PPV and mid pictures. Shame.
Unsubbed myself a while back because of this. Some of the vids from curvage have been posted months later but not all. I worked out it’d likely be cheaper month on month to just buy the vids off curvage.

Her OF would be great if she just posted the vids she sticks up on curvage on her main OF feed at the same time, alongside the explicit general pics/short clips she’s been sticking up, at least then you have the back catalogue of vids plus the explicit stuff as a sweetener on the price. If she wanted to farm more cash, she could then do longer more explicit content you can’t chuck up on Curvage and sell that through DM/PPV.
any re-ups?
If you haven't noticed by now that >80% of these girls have either been anorexic or self-harming before gaining you're clueless.
(105 KB, 576x879, ba.jpg)
yep exactly. mental disorders are rampant in gainers especially skinny gainers. a lot seem to start gaining as a coping mechanism for body dismorphia or depression or trauma or whatever. my guess is alexas is doing is because her boyfriend finds it hot and it makes her feel hot too. either way i dont give a shit, chick has already clearly gained and its hot af
Better than pooning and trooning. Like the Nashville Kiddie Killer.
^You fit the profile of the other 99% of amerikkkan mass shooters
Dude I wish. Take me to the universe you reside in.
wow thanks dude, I did not expect her to actually be that bigger despite it being 2 months since the last one. Instantly noticeable compared to her old vids shared, she deserves to be on here for sure. Some parts in the vid it looked like she actually is sad/unsure how to feel about how much she gained, Ik most of it was teasing and acting but still. Def a new favourite and want her to keep going but hope it's okay for her health and that she's into it and she does whats best for her
I normally hate e-begging. But please for the love of god, I would bark like a dog to see more of this girl. The way she talks is exactly the shit I love man. Please reup.
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first of all fuck thisvid and all the cringy coomers there that post shit publicly but keep it private like some kind of exhibitionist porn goblin
but if this is really a vid of a once skinny hot chick getting railed and showing her fat gut after gaining 30 lbs in four months then this shit is as rare as gold and an insta sub from me. Nobody makes good feeder feedee x rated porn and there is literally none with a hot skinny girl getting fat in real time. Possible goat material here
Does anyone have the mcdonalds video?
Hi, could pleade anyone upload macdonalds and cowgirl videos of alexasgains.
Would anyone be so kind as the re-upload any clips you guys have? Thanks!
Is she gaining?
idk how hard she's trying to gain, but she def give's off the vibes. Also she did put on like 15 pounds in the 2 months between her last weigh in and new one, so I'd say so
This is not BBW
We only have SSBBW and BBW

BBW is anything less than SSBBW on this chan

We can turn her into a real Bbw though
anyone have new content?
I know these boards are basically the home of retards but you are huffing buckets of glue
Re-up pls
give her time man, I'd like to see her while she's getting big, not just when she's already huge
Holy fuck i need this vid!
They do it for trading videos. You upload something that's private aswell and they usually let follow you back. At least that's how it was done when pornhub was still a valid place for trading and stuff.
Why you can't trade on Pornhub anymore?
What happened to her?
Any reups
PH requires verified accounts for uploading so no one uses it for that anymore. The reason for that decision was well publicised at the time as they nuked basically 90% of content in the process
She’s been dark on socials/OF for like 3 weeks now and her curvage acct at least is private. Guessing she’s got private stuff going on (she’d intimated as much in the preceding weeks) and is on an indefinite timeout. She’s not made any posts I’m aware of to say otherwise.
>she clearly had mental issues
true. her firing from all (woke-)cannons certainly sounds very immature at least. better stay away.
Show us what you said to warrant that response.
Ahmed out here smashing the cultural stereotypes about entitled men lol.
Wtf dude she was so hot
If he can't have her, NO ONE will have her. That's how achmad the smooth brain rolls
you're a fool if you think she was the only one with issues and you had to fix her. I reckon 99% of all bbw models have mental issues. Some people can't just leave well enough alone. I hope she takes some time and does come back when she's ready or does what's best for her or whatever she wants cause it did seem like she wasn't sure about all this but at least felt good eating. I probably wouldn't wanna continue posting if I was her and had people saying whatever it is you said to her and finished it with a "Take care, name" signature either.
It's a shame but oh well. She was actually attractive and had tons of potential, but whatever's best for her in the end I guess
Show what you wrote Ahmed
bien joué, espèce d'imbécile total
take as old as time. some psycho has to drive all the best away. thanks a lot asshole
You know she was on pace to be around 170ish as of today (hypothetically speaking). And that would’ve been so fucking hot. Fuck you dude.
what did your clown ass say
I seriously doubt she left because one weirdo sent her a stupid message. She probably has other shit going on that got in the way. I'm sure these models receive way more braindead messages than that
her leaving sucks but regardless how big of an incel do you have to be to get that kind of response from her? idk what you thought you were tryna achieve by messaging her like that but whatever your goal is, being an asshole isn’t gonna achieve it. i know we shouldn’t expect more from people on a site like this but it’s crazy to me that people like this ahmed guy exist
What kind of retard puts a salutation at the end of a dm like that she’s just some chick selling content. I know ur incel ass said some stupid shit especially with that ending
All hope may not be lost. She just unprivated her account on Curvage. I saw a notification for a status update from her but it seems like she deleted it shortly after posting, but her profile is public again. It seems like she also posted something new to her onlyfans. Not sure if it's content or just an update or what, but her post count went up. I'm not about to pay $15 just to see whether or not it's worth seeing tho lol
Not to stir the pot or create false hope but she posted in early January about taking a short break due to “health issues” on her IG story. Maybe these events are somehow correlated, I for sure would love to see more content, she gained a significant amount in a short time
I guess I was still subbed to her OF, new post was her saying she reactivated her Curvage and she isn't sure why it was privated.

And for the record, I talked with her in DMs about a month ago, sounds like irl stuff/health issues are the reason for her absence. Hope she's doing alright, she was nice.
somebody doxxed her on Instagram https://www,instagram,com/?youreanidiot
This kind of shit is not okay. Hopefully mods delete this.
If you look at her official reddit account her name is publicly available through her paypal (and has been since she made it) so it's not really doxxing. Her reddit bio also has a link to a youtube video featured by the instagram account spreading her name so I think it might have been an ex or someone with access to her reddit account.
Annnnnnd she's gone. So much for hope.
Onlyfans and curvage accounts both deleted.
God I hate this shit. It's always the cute ones that disappear right as they're about to enter fat girl territory, leaving us with all the uggos desperate for attention. Shit like this is why I appreciate Candii, Shar or other genuinely attractive feedee models. The odds of them sticking around past the first 30 pounds is so monumentally low it feels like a genuine miracle to see one last more than a few months.
Another lost to dumbass weirdo's doxxing girls on the internet...
Does anyone have the link to old Curvage or OnlyFans content?
FWIW, from my conversation with her it sounds like she had problems coming at her from all sides, money stuff, health stuff, OF taking her posts down without explanation, so I think for once the tards aren't to blame (although I'm sure people like Mr Smooth earlier in the thread didn't help.)

Like I said before, she was very friendly, made good stuff and was a real looker, so I hope she's able to overcome whatever bad shit she was dealing with.
Amen, man. Always sucks when we lose one. The optimist in me hopes she might come back after she's sorted out whatever was going on in her personal life. She did seem really into it and wanted to continue, so I wouldn't rule out a comeback at some point. At this point in time, it's not as definitively over as with like LMBB, where those new pics of her skinny came out and shit. Now THAT made me wanna kms.
Another weirdo went and made ‘fan’ account on insta a few days ago, uploaded a bunch of her content with her face in and was doxxing details on her (although she suggested these were incorrect).

She posted to thank people for bringing to her attention and helping to report it, warned other models to ensure they used alt-ID’s on their accounts and then deleted and disappeared.
bruh we really can't have shit here that is so stupid
her name is actually rylee mackenzie lol

I went to highschool with her, huge 304 she used to do a ton of blow and fuck random dudes

her bf tyson strandlund (runs for commie party of canada, lol) broke up with her and got butthurt and doxxed her

ig is femme.k.ultra
This is why we can't have nice things smh. Can any of ya'll be normal?
It's nearly always other web models who doxxx to get rid of the competition
Giving internet to third worlders was a mistake.
no it's not you schizo

reupload? Saw this video once ages ago and didn't save unfortunately.
she's dead Jim.
I don't get the purpose of the doxxing? is it part of the fetish? some form of crusades? If you want to remove porn from the series of tubes don't just punk out the little guys go for the industrial complex.
Doxxing is the best way to get rid of the competition
All the homies hate Ahmed
Frog or towelhead,you're fag
Glorious allah,bring this woman back to the internet's eye and ahve her grow even fatter while still looking pretty.>>149926
she’s insanely hot, any reups i beg
Reup of this video? I saw it long ago but didn't save. Crazy hot
reup not working?

Whoa thanks! But says to have hit the limit already? Looks like another user was having a problem too
Still so angry about this. She was on pace to be dangerously close to 200 by now (hypothetically speaking).

Any shot anyone has any leads on if she’s lost weight/open to returning one day?
Right there with ya. Easily one of the most upsetting departures from an up-and-coming model I've experienced. The fact she gave no reasoning for it and just tried to silently disappear makes it even worse.
Kaitlyn got moneeeeyyyyyyy
>The fact she gave no reasoning

ahmed the incel should be one good reason for her departure
Bitch got monneeeeeyyyy. Huge tits
Any reups
this bitch is an enormous scammer. once sent her money and she just responded with fake pics. nothing would give me greater joy than seeing her every file traded with no pay to her.
psych. student here.

Ahmed, this is not how you should interact with people if you want your message to be "heard" (your last message). Plus, given her reply and yours, it is very unlikely that she considered anything that you said. Her reply may give insights into what she is/was having trouble with, but from what I learned (psychology classes) and the little that you shared, you did not put yourself in a situation where she could possibly consider things that you've said.

Also, keep in mind that you cannot read the mind of others, so you cannot say "that she will think about it" or that "she heard" your message, but considering your last message, it is very unlikely that she considered or thought about anything that you said.

Your last message says a lot more than its content, and quite frankly, we don't need the rest of your messages to debunk what you said.

And Ahmed, in case that you want to reply, make sure that you're more knowledgeable than all of the psychologists that taught me classes. This is not my opinion and is my last message
This was very typical of her. She was a typical ukrainian credit card scammer. The classic bitch who posts and when you call them out for their dogshit content they have a nuclear meltdown. These dudes are just sad that their cum effigy left. This bitch was an dick and there are way better options than her fake eating money scamming slaving FRAUD ass
Sorry, I arrived late to the party, is it possible to get a re-up of these?

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