
Looking like a fat snacc
thanks... would you feed me and feel of my belly?
>>134679 (OP)
Nice stretchmarks! What's the weight diff between those two pics?
I actually don't know, I don't own a scale actually, but... I will say I think that I'm at least 300 pounds now, im 5'4 and every part of me, from my arms to be legs is covered in fat, and my belly is massive
the new strethcmarks are pretty jarring side by side
Do you have any videos? Loving the bod btw
(2.9 MB, 1440x1080, Untitled.webm)
I took this video just for this thread
cant go wrong with an oiled up belly can you
hope you like it
never posted vidoes...
>>134679 (OP)
Goddamn you are so fucking hot it is driving me wild!
thank you anon! replies or comments like that really turn me on, i like being desired, i'm glad
Have you ever tried popping buttons off with that massive belly?
Fatty isn’t the right term no. But gorgeously plump fits more for you
Half expected this thread to be a really terrible self promo scheme but goddamn these pics are great. The standing up shot really shows how fat you are, love to see more
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tried? ive succeeded, sometimes accidentally, so, I'm wearing a tight button up to accentuate my big belly, I bend over for a second, and a button flies off, kind of scary. I've also accidenatllu ripped through things.
hehe....ive always found the term plump to be very endaring and cute.. thank you! but I like the word fatty too because it feels... tease-y...
no,no self promo, I dont want to make money, or anything, I dont need anything like that, I just like praise, is all... gkad you like it...
more pics! ok!
tomorrow i will take more,
Thank you! I very like you. Do you have any socials so we can talk? I’m 19
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managed to get this video, two buttons had already been popped, there goes a third one, I guess.
hot, I don't mind at all.
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Amazing belly, hope ya keep such an amazing idol of gluttony stuffed for us, kind lass
>amazing idol of gluttony
is that in reference to my belly?
don't worry... I will...if i ever wanted to lose weight or stop myself from eating id need to be locked in a room with my hands tied behind my back
Like another person said, do you have any socials?
>>134679 (OP)
You may want to consider moving your content to stufferdb (or FF or Tumblr), since this site may be going down soon (if you plan to make showing off a habit 😉)
god i want to grab your belly from behind and just fondle it
Holy fuck those stretch marks are hot. Do you want to get bigger? Or are you just enjoying where you are now?
I'm just enjoying where I am now, I wouldn't mind getting bigger, though, and I most likely will unintentionally
That's awesome! Im excited to see how fat you get. You're definitely on the right track, you look great with a gut!
sexiest fatty I've seen in a long time
am i really or are you just saying that? what's sexiest about me?
yes, i was born to be 100 pounds overweigb if anyone wants i'll posts some more pics
Sexiest probably in part on how deep those stretchmarks, or how it looks like your panties have left a permanent impression between your thighs and your hips. You have a particular heavy shape, the way the weight distributes makes me want to feel you all over.

Do you even need to ask? Of course post some more!
Fuckin hell those stretch marks, how fast did you pile on the pounds.

If you can some short clips would be cool too
Definitely want to see some more pics of that fat ass. I think you may be a bit more than 100 pounds overweight...
I know right, its like, theyre a permanent and forever indicator to others that im a pig, you ONLY get those if you gain fast, so, I must have... seems like there is new one popping up every day, i used to think i was bad when I only had a few...
i probably feel nice and soft to the touch huh..
yes my stretchmarks are forever my defining feature, but, besides that, my whole entire body is jiggly and soft and plump
Ill take some pics and maybe a video clip in a bit <3
For sure, the way you jiggle in the oiled up video, you look so soft and grope-able 🤤
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heres a clip, I dont know if this is cute or sexy, I m new to recording videos like this
so, be honest, if you saw me wearing this, you wouldn't playfully tease me and poke my belly, would you? yeah... id HATE that...
Damn that's a wide load
Definitely cute, you look so shy, handling yourself like you don't know what to do with the weight lol. If I knew you and saw you gain this much weight, I'd probably tease you about your lack of self-control. Silly piggy.
hehe ty
> you look so shy, handling yourself like you don't know what to do with the weight lol.

something about that phrasing is so hot, I feel like I dont know what to do with the weight, i am shy, and i still havent come to terms with the fact that I am a fat piggy, and everyone can see it, I think to myself, no, im not that big, but, I clearly am...obviously.
if you teased me like that I'd get really embarrassed and blush, but I'd know you were right.

I might
You're welcome, glad I could be of service. If I may suggest a video idea: get a carton of ice cream, melt it down nice and creamy, and see how much you drink from it. Feel free to be a bit sloppy ;)
I think i could easily drink the whole thing...
>feel free to be a bit sloppy
sloppy like... having it run down my belly?
i think a video like that would be hot the only issue is i don't know if i could record such a video and not have my face show at all, and i'm not comfortable showing my face yet... we'll see, i might record some type of eating video though
Def would be sexy, though don't waste it! It should be possible to keep your face out, that's a fair concern. You do what's comfortable.
hey, would a video of me chugging soda be good too? i think i could do that easier
What about a tight clothes try on?
Could you do a 2 liter (or more)? You're already pretty round, imagine how bloated and pregnant you would look if you downed a 2 liter in a sitting. And the burps 🤤
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hi, well, I wanted to try on this tight skirt, but, It wouldn't button, no matter how hard i tried, ha, I guess thats part of the appeal tho? I still wanted to post another vid so heres me making myself jiggle by simple moving around a bit.
also sosme stretchmark pics better quality, t-they arent that noticable are they??
if any1 wants to tease me id love it, tit for tat, i post pics, u tease me, right?
ill take the 2 liter thing into consideration!
>if any1 wants to tease me id love it, tit for tat, i post pics, u tease me, right?
Seems like a fair transaction!

You're barely even jumping around and you can see how all that fat jiggles, you've really let yourself go. Especially with those angry red stretchmarks, I can't get enough of them 🤤

Seems like those nets are a little loose though, ideally you'd want every hole holding back a bulging of fat, especially when you stuff yourself on some calories.
god, I know, I want fishnets that squeeze every part of me to the point of fat bulging out , maybe if i gained another 50 pounds they would?
>You're barely even jumping around and you can see how all that fat jiggles
indeed, does it need to be said that I was panting after that, such a workout,,,,lol..
Yeah, maybe another 50 lbs. Good thing you seem to be heading that way already 😉. Better not jump around too much, you can practically see the calories being sweat off. Best to relax and regain your energy on some Halloween sweets.
haha, If I keep moving around too much I might lose 100 pounds and become skinny, gross.
I like my thickness
guess I should get back to just eating and laying on my bed?
im drinking rn, alcohol has like a million calories, right?
That's right, just relax and snack along. Usually the alcohol with sugar has more calories, like wine. But apparently alcohol lowers your metabolism. Just what a growing pig needs, drunk, stuffed, and happy.
Such a fat girl. Someone just couldn't stop eating. Wonder how much you weigh fatty?
pink lemonade vodka, gonna drink the whole bottle....
yes, a piggy like me should just be dumbed down and happy, all i should be thinking about is food and how good it makes me feel ~
if it really lowers your metabolism that's great, i drink most days, have been for a couple years
i really can't, in the past i've thought i should lose weight and eat healthier, longest its lasted has been maybe a day. i love food so much, i'd never pass up on an opportunity to eat, it makes me so happy. i'd be eating fatty fast food 24/7 if i could.
Judging by the fat gut we all know you're not losing weight anytime soon. Might as well add some more stretch marks to that gut and cellulite to that ass. Aren't you embarrassed by how big you've gotten?
well!!! i only really get stretch marks on my belly and on my arms, not my ass, but my thighs do have cellulite, as does my ass.
yes, i'm very embarrassed, irl i wear clothes bigger than my size, and when i sit down i hide my body by holding a pillow, i sometimes wear shapewear to contain my fatness and stop the jiggling a bit, i feel very self conscious when i feel like people are looking at my jiggly gut or tits, or any part of me really. i would say there's no hiding my size, might as well just go out wearing a bikini huh
losing weight would be torture...
recommend making a tumblr, a lot easier to post there and they'd love you over there
You in a bikini would be quite the site. Do they make bikinis that big? People at the beach would be horrified. I'm sure that wouldn't stop you from eating everything in site, piggy
God i bet that if you were to put on lingerie it would look so tight making you look even more like a bloated fat piggy
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maybe, Idont know, i mean, im not sure if this is something I want to take seriously, I just like posting pictures for fun anonymously, a tumblr feels too formal and I feel its too hard to get a following on there
>_> horrified!? why would they be? they never seen a thick girl before, but, Id probably feel really judged, Id need to go eat my feelings,,, nothing, not even fatshaming, can stop me. ive been fatshamed before and i brush it off, fatty doesnt care, only love food dont care enough about others opinions to stop!
heres my arm stretch marks by the way most of them have faded! new ones recently came in
(599 KB, 1920x1072, VS--YouTube-BellyPlayinWhiteLaceLingerie-0’06” (1).jpg)
I dont have any but it probably would, id like a harness like picrel, that really squeezes my belly... fat popping out of every hole... hot.. I might be a little bigger than her though. maybe thigh highs that squeeze my large thighs and have fat spilling oout at the top too..
Lol thick, seriously? You're a bit more than thick, piggy. Obviously fat-shaming hasn't slowed you down. Just how wide has that ass gotten?
>>134679 (OP)
Such a fatty, not at all dissimilar from the woman of my dreams with such a gorgeously overfed figure so laden with pretty stretchmarks... Man, also a class act to not just be selling stuff. Wishing you much happiness you pretty thing. (:
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thank you! overfed and covered in stretch marks is right...
yes, i'm not ever gonna sell anything, i don't need money or anything like that, really all i want is the validation and the teasing, which i've been receiving, that's it.
it's... it's not that wide!
Don't mention it, so cute to see you shared yourself on the ssbbw board also- such big aspirations from this piggy lol. Total lardass by the way, love how all that formless flab piled around your legs has left it totally shapeless.
well, I dont think im supersized, thatwas actually an accident , i tried to delete it butit wouldnt let me, I dont care, though, I like the attention,,, wwwahhhhhhhhhhh\ c
>_< yesmy ass isnt my strong suit.
Oh well, we at least have the thread ready for when you inevitably glut yourself to reaching enormity. :3 >>134831
Far from it actually, you're huge even by American standards silly.
>Far from it actually, you're huge even by American standards silly.
really? are you sure? isnt fat for an american like super mega cant walk obese? ughhhhh,,, i really am fat arent I...
Maybe so, by that same logic you're also dwarfed in comparison to a hippo right? Lmao. But for a young woman like yourself to be so obese, most people must clock you as the fattest in the room more often than not- you sure stick out enough.
youre probably right, its not even helping to wear loose clothes when they can see im fat anwyays, is it? should I just flaunt my size to the world and wear tight clothes instead?
Sure, why not... your pics kinda made me coom everywhere so I'm going now, hope anons give you much praise- you're so damn hot lol.
LOL glad I could help
see you laterldld
question, has anyone saved anything I posted? I love that. kind of voyeuristic knowing that my photos will forever exist on the internet ...
Yes I have and have already cummed to them a couple times. I would recommend posting more of your fat ass for me to save
I've saved all of it, I love your hairy pits and belly!
(4.1 MB, 1542x2048, IMG_2596.PNG)
I will! soon! this piggy is tired tonight, though, I dont feel like getting up....
>he noticed the hairy armpits
yes, I dont shave, I thought my hairy pits were werent noticable, did u also notice my happy trail?
heres a better pic of those hairy pits...
I saw both and I want to lick both! is your pussy also that hairy?
I want to sniff! SNIFF! amazing, wonderful, beautiful
Can you take another vid oiled up
What's it like knowing strangers are jerking off to your fat body?
I like it, it makes me feel special i guess
how would you feel?
Guess you're into the teasing, pleasing others, being an object of desire. This place might have an effect on your figure then 😅

I suppose if I went out of my way to post pictures to an anon forum, I would enjoy the attention too. A bit liberating to do things without the repercussions of having your personal identity attached.
(1.7 MB, 1440x1080, tub.webm)
indeed, im eager to please and get praised, with that, i did the video you suggested, I know its not super flashy but you can tell I was drinking ice cream because of it running down my chest and belly, I was only able to drink about half before feeling too full to continue, but I have eaten and drank two sodas today...genuinely hope you enjoy
idk why the aspect ratio islikethat
Very good piggy. You'll have to chug the whole carton next time, but we all start somewhere, and you've clearly done good so far 😄. I really like how you timidly touch your belly, as if either your camera shy or its sensitive to play with.

What did you eat today? Plan on eating more?
its more like i'm rubbing my belly in an attempt to soothe myself, feeling so full and all.
today i ate six slices of pizza, that's it , actually. i don't know, i don't have much of appetite right now, i'll probably drink more though, alcohol is high calorie, it makes up for it
I'm shocked you're posting naked pictures of yourself. I'd be way too ashamed if I looked like you...
:( i don't like teasing like that
well, i mean, i'm not ashamed. the site is dedicated to fat women
no worries... can you say something nice to me..
You're hot as fuck. That body is to die for
thank u... thank u for staying in my thread and actually replying, too 💞💖ur great
no wonder youre stretch marks are so red. Eating like this everyday will soon have your belly hanging over your pants and out of your shirts. those pudgy arms will soon have fat hanging over your elbows
I know, i can make all the excuses I want, like, oh, stretch marks are genetic! its not from me being a piggy! but it is, it is undeniable.
drinking ice cream and soda probably won't help me lose weight,,,2
I think my arms are the perfect amount of pudgy.
How much do you actually weigh rn ?
anon I whole heartedly wish I knew, but, if it helps, im 5'4, I reckon i must be inching towards 300 pounds? i dont know I dont have a scale! weird for a fatty, right? i dont have money to spend on that, I used to have one, last time i weighed in mustve been 2020 or 2021 and i was 230 pounds, so!
spare more attention?I made a reddit, can u find it>?>!
You'll have to provide a name 😁
youre smart, do you like my pics? I mean, its all reuploads of the stuff here, but, you know,
Of course, piggy. Too bad the videos are in gif form instead 😭
stupid site wont let me upload actual videos? do you like the sounds in the webms? the sounds of my shorts creaking as I pull them over my belly? idk if ill stick with this reddit thing, but, if you like it... maybe I will.
100 replies ! 25 unique posters
thats a lot for this site, right? Im a piggy deserving of praise...
Those thighs really are incredible. They look so soft and jiggly
Yeah, that's why reddit sucks 😕. But it serves a good purpose sometimes, looking putting good piggies on display.

Yeah, this site doesn't get much traction, since it's mostly used for file sharing. Someone like you showing up is few and far inbetween, and always welcome.
thank you!!!! i thick my thighs have always been the second most fat part of me
am i really always welcome? i feel like some might get annoyed with me for being attention whore-ish, but thank you. i'm never going to actually SELL content, it'll always be free
reddits nice though, a lot more users, but , i'll tell you, none of them have been able to tease me like you have. i LOVED your "dont know how to handle the weight comment" so much.
(399 KB, 750x552, pig.png)
also, i posted this on reddit but then deleted it, because I felt like it was dumb, also one person downvoted it and I got insecure, But I thought itd be cute, for halloween or whatever
Perhaps my "always welcome" might be wrong, anonymous users are always going to find a way to hate something, but I'd say as long as you relegate it to a thread and aren't too overbearing, you should be good.

I'm glad my teasing has had an effect. All it takes is a little observation 😉. Plus, it does seem like your just cozying up to these places (growing pains, if you will 😆).

It's certainly fitting into the halloween spirit, I wouldn't worry about downdoots too much.
yes, the encouragement inspired me to post more....<3 getting more comfortable
Enjoy while it lasts lol since the site will die soon
I know, ive read about it, i saw that after i posted my pics, its ok, a couple more months is emough
Would you be willing to message on reddit? I can’t get enough of your fat, stretchmark covered belly
it depends,are you nice? what letter does ur user start with
Also, anon who shared my reddit name, im not mad, but I maybe didnt want it to beshared here
ik u cant delete tho
We NEED more posts of your ass. It is so fucking fine and sexy.
Yeah I am nice. Username starts with F
If you want it gone just reply to it for me and I'll delete
it would be even hotter if you could play with your belly from behind and hand feed you with my other hand. definitely a dream come true for me
Body paint on fat chicks is always so hot
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that guy posted my reddit, and these are on there, but if anyone on here is still interested here's some more pics
your sagging stomach is amazing~~! I want to suckle it, is your asshole hairy too?
I hope we can gaze upon the holy sight one day! I want to sniff it and clean it!
Dang you're a big fat blob. Do you post anywhere else?
>>1350 (Dead)
Some serious muffin top there, I'd love to squeeze and worship you all over
I hope some guy is able to watch you just laze around at home in an "outfit" like this one day
God, i just discovered this thread and you really are just such a fat glutton. Look at how much you’re spilling out of your clothes, every single roll of fat is proof of your constant gorging
Damn, I didn't even realize how fat your arms and hands were, you might actually be close to 300 I think.

Damn, that looks fuckable.
You are very beautiful Hope you keep posting
Such a cute piggy...
Hope you keep showing us more, tubbo~
hit with an extreme wave of insecurity and started feeling bad about myself, my body.
I might not post again. maybe I will.
Aw that's a shame. Your figure is incredible and you gain weight in all the right places.
Well, it's your decision, you should do what makes you happier...
But i do hope u post more, youre rlly rlly hot n soft lookin and id love to see more of u....
Dude scared her off by calling her "tubbo" 💀
On one hand, that is hella autistic since he was trying to compliment, but on the other hand this is a chan she could've been insulted ruthlessly. Like maybe dont post lewd on the internet for randos to jerk to if you're gonna be thin skinned
It just seems like she has a fair amount of body image issues. She was called a lot of little names and she didn't seem to have a problem, I doubt "tubbo" of all things scared her off. She liked the attention, but you're bound to get diminishing returns quickly, happens a lot in these circles.
just found this thread and hoping this little piggy comes back to post more. i'd love to see all those hairy bits especially
hairniggers are truly irredeemable
absolutely disgusting
Why are your arms hairy, are you trans?

PCOS is a common hormone problem in women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS may not ovulate, and have abnormal hormone levels.


Women are capable of growing hair too. A fucking concept.
wow you need to post more I love your hairy fat body.
Hope youre doing well
these are absolutely insane, wow, just wow! Such gorgeous curves and body you have, pure joy!
Love those stretchmarks and the way your belly hands over those sweatpants, sorry that you're not doing well
Is it still body issue stuff that's got you down?
Hope you can feel better soon. (:

P.S. You're so cute.
I mean, it's less actuallly feeling insecure about my body, i am though, and more of i feel like i'm like a whore for posting my body? i know that's opening the door for people to call me a whore but it's how i feel. i'm literally a virgin in real life, though.
thank u for calling me cute :)
That's quite understandable, so far you've just fooled around a little and it's perfectly normal as a woman to enjoy attention lol- by my definition you're far from a whore.

Though it's harder to objectify you now I'm just hoping you can cheer yourself up. (:
is it normal? I am completely attention-starved, and I mean that NOBODY every gives me attention except for people on imageboards,
thank you
im glad people on here liked my photos though
Unfortunately "normal" by today's standards yes lol, women are much less suited to loneliness and you probably wouldn't be doing this if you could just date someone and get hugs or whatever- hence why I can't blame you. xD
i'm glad you get it. Nobody has, but i don't get how anyone could get mad at me for this seeing as how im not a scammer not charging any money and just posting myself on a site dedicated to this stuff, right? i think i have an aspect that stands out too, my stretch marks
Most people in this thread just think you're gorgeous and are glad you took the time to share, I wouldn't overthink it if you're enjoying yourself. (:

Also you're quite right about your stretch marks + being a nice landwhale femanon makes quite the standout cutie- I love terminally online girls lol.
>a nice landwhale femanon
that descriptor turned me on for some reason
(what, are you surprised I'm watching this thread like a hawk?)
Am I actually land-whale tier?
what you are feeling is usually legit, i think you should leave for your own sake
Lol, because being a big ol' NEET who snacks and stares at the screen all day is hot...

Teasing but would say you're kinda approaching land whale territory, unless you're in America you can't get away with being that damn chunky lol. <3
you could guess i was a NEET just by my appearance? wow. you were right
It was my first impression yes, I think you're neat. :D
>>134679 (OP)
i DONT even eat that much.... believe it or not. or at least stuff I enjoy. I wish I could stuff my face full of fattening fast food everyday
If I may ask, what specifically about me screams NEET
Quick replies, virgin, fluffy unshaved body, dat physique and you haven't posted a single post in clothes that fit you like you don't really go out lol.

I would take you on McDonald's dates daily, care to give us a rundown of what you mostly eat? lol
let's see, I probably drink 5 shots of vodka or a 4loko every day or every day, i also consume 3+ sodas everyday, sometimes i eat 2 or 3 packs of sodium filled ramen in a day, i also drink juice filled to the brim with sugar, and i love chips, sometimes i eat whole bag, some days i eat little though. on the rare chance i get to eat fast food i'll get 10 nuggets a large fry and a large coke. also if i ever get pizza i'll eat 8+ slices in total (not all at once)
that help?
i have loose clothes, by the way, i just feel that's not as hot as tight clothes that accentuate my body.
i figure if nobody IRL will ever see my body, why shave?
Oh no, femanon is an alchy lol. xD
Typical sloppa binging diet does explain your lack of a metabolism.

Honestly better you don't shave, it's pretty cute.
As for your clothes we'll see how long they stay loose hehe...
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i don't know if i would call myself a alcoholic it's not like a drink a whole bottle of vodka a day.. i shaved my belly a couple days ago because i felt unfeminine. no worries though, i didn't shave anywhere else, and by belly hair grows quite fast.
plz don't bully. praise
Aww... this is such a nice close-up, you remind me of a plump and hairy peach. Tummy so big it'd be a waste of time to shave it all over anyhow. You can't look 'unfeminine' when your whole body is covered with plush and cute curves like yours. <3
sexy belly and a cute, deep belly button
Thats kinda sad.
You seem really nice and cute. Maybe a bit bratty, but thats part of the cuteness too lmao
Also wow you look so soft in these pics
Really want to just squish my hands into that belly
Holy shit. That's a lot more hang and jiggle than I expected.

Why are you posting here instead of feabie?
thank you sm ...<3
seriously I appreciate it
Bratty? Really? I thought I was super sweet on here. truth be told I am sort of a brat though.
indeed my belly has always hung out pretty far.
>Why are you posting here instead of feabie?
oh I've always thought that site was like a dating site and while I would not be opposed to talking to feeders or anything it kind of intimidates me and it feels too formal.
Youve been sweet! Theres just a layer of brattiness to it, like you want to be praised and pampered all day
And again, its very cute!
are you implying i shouldn't be? lolll i get it i do kind of come off like that... i love praise and i wish someone would pamper me like im a princess
are you a 4channer?
this place is kind of obscure

When you find that someone, you'll balloon up so quickly ...

... Be post lots of pics here :3
Nah, I think its fine
A cutie like you deserves to be pampered and spoiled
i lurk on there, yeah
I wouldn't be caught dead posting a "fembot here!!!" type thread though.
You an Eminem fan?
what boards do you lurk?
What racy are you?
You're hairy.
I know, and i'm uh, white. or at least mostly.
/co/ /tv/ /lgbt/
the video game one i forgot the letters
/v/ is great when the fat threads pop off lol.
yeah definitely i like when people post pictures of like a fat anime girl or game character with a pretty vague description attached to avoid getting deleted ... i'm into other fat girls myself
Vaguely vidya related image of chubby girl on a Thursday... 'Is this the thread?' Haha.

That's pretty cute, you'd be looking for a relationship with another big gal?
sure! id love to date another big girl. no girls or guys ever seek me out though, wish they would. i think cuddling with a big girl would be nice, and we'd touch our bellies together and keep eachother warm and feed eachother... and tease and encourage eachother... :( would probably help with my confidence
Aww, that's awfully sweet- like other NEETs it probably is a case of having to put yourself out there if it's something you want, hope you complete your lovequest homie.

I'd smile like an idiot if I ever saw a couple who were both huge like that btw, imagining you squished together with another girl is overwhelming lol.
thanks... if i ever obtain a fat gf i'll take pictures with her with my arms wrapped around her. in a girl on girl relationship there's usually a dominant one and i think that'd be me. id hold hands with her in public and wouldn't care about what anyone was thinking.,:
think it's easier to find a fat gf as a girl than as a man?
maybe you could be squished between us? that would be fun. are you a skinny guy?
If you catch anyone staring they might not be judging, simply admiring you both waddling by lol.

I'd say it really depends since both women have to know what they want for any size related confidence issues to not get in the way, whereas a guy can struggle just as easily if he's all in his head feeling bad about himself or what he likes yknow
Very skinny, I would totally fit buuut it's kinda close to polyamory which is icky. Another anon would gladly do it. xD
(66 KB, 827x724, cute.jpg)
anons... I wish I looked like this.(picrel) hair makeup clothes SIZE and all.
Understandable, I wouldn't want to be in a poly relationship. I wouldn't mind being admired by onlookers
Luckily you already don't leave your bed much, you'd make a perfect bed-filling blobl- so cute to boot, I'd dedicate myself to pampering a woman if that kinda size was feasible. (:

Yeah, poly or even casual stuff is too weird when more people are involved. It'd be cool to date someone who likes looking at art like this together lol.
you're so right, being a neet, most of my time is spent lying in bed. i'm sure that it's obvious i don't get a whole lot of exercise lol.
> i don't get a whole lot of exercise
As if you could remember the last time you broke a sweat on purpose, let's call it zero exercise lol.

P.S. how old are you to be such a cute, defeated neet like this?
I am a grand 19 years old.
I honestly assumed a little older just because of your size like jeez, at least you have more time than you think for relationships and all that.
Just found this thread, you look smoking hot. You're beautiful body seems so plush and soft like a cloud!

Super cool when cute chubby girls are into fat art. I've always fantasized about having a relationship with someone where we message each other back-and-forth images and texts like this one. Perfect encouragement!

What about images like this gets you going? Do you ever dream of ballooning into one of your favorite art pieces? Id love to know!

Enjoy yourself and your body. And thanks for posting yourself! I know it's not an easy thing to deal with mentally sometimes, but hopefully you've had fun with it!
can we know whereabouts you're from?
the internet is both a blessing and a curse. the fact that i'll never be able to date a beauty like you is a shame
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If you wanna talk to another younger guy, add me on REPORT MY POST. "Biskitson" We can take some Vodka shooters together.

Yea, I have no shame. Life is too short for it.
Ok, there is a new filter. Add me on the messaging app with the purple logo. Biskitson
If you and your future partner are into bdsm and looking for a slave, I can be there in 12 hours, leash and cage in hand
This better be a case of wrong reply you fucking weirdo LMAO.

Too much of a boomer to even know which app that is lol, hope she hits you up bro.
how did you get into this fetish
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I thought to check back here for any developments and realised we might be retarded for not realising lol. Over on /ee/ if you wanna judge for yourself.
Obviously a dude
You're so fat I bet you don't need to wear panties to cover yourself, just that huge sexy belly
would you suck his cock?
I’m a bit mad cuz the videos are not loading and y’all are sayin it’s great, if someone could send a pdf here in the form of a link that would be great
then come and do it already, you fag
you should be submitting to me
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Hawt, they probably have a nice texture to 'em- especially once they age and turn that more glisteny pink colour becoming smooth to the touch.

Someone is missing u on /lgbt/ lol.
that's adorable
well, if that thread is still up, or they post again, tell them i am banned, for off topic posting.
and i'm banned for a while, so. there's not much i can do
and yes they are textured
i can tickle myself
if someone else were to touch my belly i'd kick them or push them off of me because i wouldn't be able to handle the sensation
omg u reply. The thread is up but they're a dummy for not checking here if all they do is lurk fatties lol.

If you could stop yourself from gaining for like a month your skin may have a chance to catch up with all the stretching and be less sensitive. xD
Though having to take it very slow with a touch-starved fatty who can't handle being fondled sounds kinda cute anyway...
+tigermoder is a cute name
I feel like I must be some kind of freak of nature.
I get off to other fat girls and I haven't been able to find any with stretchmarks as prominent as mine, I must be the only one
im a unique and special snowflake,
in regard to that 4chan post, yes , i think every girl ever should be fed up to my size, or bigger.
definitely I have thought about fasting for a month or something
teasing me for being touch starved is cruel
True, at a minimum all girls should have a waddle lol. I am 2f40e5 from before btw, idk why I'm green now.
Less teasing a more just from experience, or lack thereof- I'm ticklish too lol.
they should! I'd love to bump my belly together with another girls.
>Less teasing more just from experience, or lack thereof- I'm ticklish too lol.
then... I guess you wouldn't care if I tickled you, then?
are you implying you're touched-starved too or that you've had experiences with other girls?
Jeez those stripes are hot! You'd definitely be kicking me if I got to feel them.

How does it feel to know your probably going to be even fatter by the end of the month, after the holidays?
Ticklish due to lack of being touched, discovered by being with a girl only once or twice.

Though I haven't been with a big girl which sucks, I'd invite any attempts to tickle me if you're gonna pin me under that tummy at the same time lol.

> 'bump my belly together with another girls.'
cute as fudge.
I most likely would be
I guess im used to the prospect of gaining weight
but if the shirts I own now start to feel tight around my body I'll feel embarrassed. I'd think it's time to buy new clothes, I guess they must have shrunk.
>I'd invite any attempts to tickle me if you're gonna pin me under that tummy at the same time lol.
well how else would I go about tickling you
are you sure you can handle it?
Asking can I handle the tickling or the immense weight? I think I'd survive. x3
I meant the tickling, but now that you mention it, maybe my weight on you would feel a little heavy, but like you said it's nothing you can't handle. after all I'm not that heavy.
Until you're actually big enough to be delegated to the ssbbw board, I could handle much squish hehe.

Are you still only looking to use imageboards rather than chat anywhere out of curiosity?
I've always thought outgrown clothes shopping with someone would be a sexy feedism trope.

>after all I'm not that heavy.
Correct way of thinking
>I've always thought outgrown clothes shopping with someone would be a sexy feedism trope.
me too.
I find being embarrassed or embarrassing others very cute, but only if there is reassurance afterward, you know, saying stuff like "baby I was joking, you're not fat! you're perfect," I guess outgrown clothes don't have to be embarrassing but I feel like there is obviously an embarrassing aspect to it.
only still looking to use imageboards, i don't even use those much anymore. I still check this board though. Looking to see other hot fatties, really, but there's usually not anything I personally find hot, except for a couple models .
Why don’t the videos work? Also what’s her name ?
Fair enough as much as I'd like to get you on REPORT MY POST or something lol. Looking for models when you're the hottest girl being posted must make things tricky too. ;p
pisscord is such a bad site you can't even mention it ig.
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> Looking for models when you're the hottest girl being posted must make things tricky too. ;p
Lol you don't have to flatter me. I think my body is unqiue but the hottest girl?
couldn't be.
im a big fan of picrel.
absolutely perfect in my eyes. I wish I could wife her. she probably has a spouse though. Lol
Really are the hottest fatty here
Yeah, I like the idea of outgrowing clothes and then going out to look for stuff that fits as a reward! I prefer to do teasing followed by a compliment, I'm to nice to talk mean to others lmao

What is your favorite dish during the holidays/this time of year?
feabie isn't strictly for dating, but you seem hesitant towards any level of commitment, so that might be something to work on.
You have great taste too, if not the hottest then just mine and probably a few others personal fav. I mean look how active thread is getting now lol (:

She broke up with her American bf or smth I heard
> you seem hesitant towards any level of commitment, so that might be something to work on.
I know, I'm sorry. it's true. I am.
> I prefer to do teasing followed by a compliment, I'm to nice to talk mean to others lmao
I love that, I feel a lot of people just are super into rough mean degrading, I don't particularly like that. I like compliments.
oh, i forgot to answer the 2nd part, I don't really like any holiday foods that much, I just like the candy aspect of christmas. lol.
>She broke up with her American bf or smth I heard
I wonder why that is
ill wife her up
shell be mine
>shell be mine
Go get 'em tiger! ;D

Maybe you could learn the ways of britbong makeup if you wanna be pretty like her... hm
That's cute, I'm definitely more into lovey dovey stuff than sex is power stuff. Honestly I feel like that's what got me into bigger girls, in almost all cultures food is just a form of care.
i just think she's beautiful, i like her double chin and her, well, double belly, i guess that's what youd call it. she has such a sweet and innocent face. i don't mean that in a weird way. i feel if i teased her she'd get super embarrassed and i'd love that.
it is, isn't it?
I don't know anyone who doesn't appreciate/love food..
Cuuuute, you tryna tease anyone else for their size would be interesting to see for sure lol.
Double bellies are hella hot, but there's something about having a soft-ass ball of fun with tiger stripes climbing up the front!

So hot

>I don't know anyone who doesn't appreciate/love food..
Fr, kinda surprises me in some ways that it is so niche
didn't cross my mind once that I am also fat and it'd be ironic to tease someone for being bigger, my fantasies are my fantasies, my own size isn't part of it
fat fetishes are still niche but I think it's more mainstream now, or at least covert ways of it are. thick girls are in, and skinny girls are out. it's weird that fat fetishes are still taboo to some. most of america is fat so
That's for sure odd lol. Since I was imagining how she might respond by bumping her gut up against your own if you tried to tease her.

'Well, look who's talking big girl.~'
well... i'd hope she'd just shut her mouth and be obedient and compliment with me. if she said that to me i'd probably be like, hey, shut your mouth, bitch, and i'd shove a cookie or a cake into her mouth, too focused on what she's eating to bitch at me.
Definitely true hella people are just closeted. Big women are hot AF and have been for as long as people have fucked.

Ever seen Renaissance paintings and statues of naked fat women? I'd love to see the look on your face if some artist asked to capture your beauty into stone or another art from. Would you say yes or would you be too embarrassed?
loooool, guess you're free to daydream how you like. xD

I didn't imagine the overfed shy girl neet to be the one in charge of the model I guess.
if you want the truth, if someone asked me that, i assume you mean in public, i'd probably look at the ground and start stuttering and say quietly "oh, no, i'm- i'm sure you can find someone else though" but if i had confidence in myself i'd say wow i'd love that. and let them.
yes, destroying the societal roles. a neet dominating a model.
Chad virgin OWNS fatass stacy epically with snacks and logic.
beyond based
she's definitely a stacy in my eyes..
Billions must fatten, we'll get back at them all someday...
What other models do you like? Do you draw inspiration from any in particular? If gaining weight can be something inspired at all lmao
billions must balloon up and become food addicted
Global fattening has to be the most autistic fantasy ever but... shit, why is it so hot LOL.
i don't know if i would say i take any inspiration, it's more they turn me on you know. but i like the girls who have double-bellies, if i could i'd want to look like them. but that kind of thing is genetic. as far as i know. no point in chasing an impossible goal like getting a belly like that alyssa girl.
how's it autistic? i think it's just the natural progression of the world.. everyone is getting fat now anyway, like i said
.. it's very hot to me. always liked the idea.
Your American is showing if you really think EVERYONE is porking up as much as yourself xD

Though if it should happen, it would be neat.
it's hot because just imagine how perfect it'd be if every girl was beautiful and plump and round and curvaceous. so amazing to see them waddle around and watch them eat. or see them get embarrassed when they outgrow their clothes, and to see them stop feeling so embarrassed and start wearing revealing clothing like they did when they were then, pre-fattening.
it's probably more autistic to have this fantasy if you're a fatty yourself, isnt it?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you put it perfectly, I only used the descriptor of autistic as it makes me feel silly for thinking about it so much LOL.
Proof there is no god, that would be heaven. Id give so much for plump girls to all suddenly gain confidence and waddle around in whatever they wanted.

the society we live in is why they don't want to do that, they've had the idea that they're ugly or unworthy stuffed down their throats (no pun intended) maybe in 100 years it'll be normalized. i guess if you in a big cities you'll face less judgment, at least in america, i can't speak for other countries, i hear they are judgey of fatties though.

Coomer fantasy aside I am fatphobic to a point lo, I wouldn't really want to see it.
I think it's more about keeping your private life to yourself. I'm not asking for the world to become a fat brothel, just for people to be confident in their own skin. Confidence is sexy, especially on fat girls.

If anything I wouldn't want it purely for the sake of diversity, if everyone is fat no one is y'know.
What the fuck hahahahahaha.

I came back to see if the cute girl is around, becomining an orbiter oof.
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Hi there. still daydreaming about her. i want her to step on my head and crush me. what a beautiful woman.

i don't think
is worthy of a "what the fuck"
you said you're fatphobic? that's valid
i don't think you're being an orbiter, true orbiters obsess over a girl every day and every hour, or something
checking a thread on a board you frequent a lot isn't orbiting dw
Heya, she's nice but the Tesco shopping bag on display in the background is the best part of that pic lol.

>every hour
Nah, just getting around the sleepy + horny hour and came to mind. Had a nice day NEETing around? (:
lol i noticed
she should get a nice backdrop or something
or maybe some people like it when it looks casual i don't know
yes, i did. like every day. i like relaxing and sleeping. i'd hate to have responsibilities and obligations to be honest
aww you remembered i'm a neet
Backdrops are such a meme haha, I don't like that overly produced look so a girl slobbing it up in a cosy bedroom is the way- but not like those like weird LED egirl dungeons.
And yeah, you have that neet charm- I too happily waste my days away. :D
>neet charm
i'm sort of embarrassed about it
so you're a neet too? that's super cool. i love and appreciate my fellow neet brothers and sisters. i don't think there's a think wrong with it
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Living life slow and enjoying it just annoys people who are equally indecisive yet fell for the trap of rushing to work any crappy job. I can't feel any shame for it hehe.
Of course the lifestyle ties into the kink also when it's a cute girl who lounges around being smelly and snacking... so cute. (picrel.)
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cute drawing
she looks like me if i was heavier maybe
id feel her up and cuddle with
(is there any point in posting new pics if nothing has changed, not really, but i'm doing it anyway, i like right things wrapped around my belly. i like the way the fat buldges out and gives me the double belly look i admire so much)
>nothing has changed
You're perfect all the time, so yes post away lol.
You suit a double belly wonderfully as well, how your stretch marks and treasure trail get eaten up is so cute for some reason. <3
Would lend you any of my belts to play with like that lol.
about that, i shaved my belly recently and yet it comes back so fast. oh well
in my opinion it's not even worth it i always accidentally cut my belly
thanks for saying i'm cute~
oof, I'd take a fuzzy tummy over a cut up one- must be like trying to shave a water balloon, too much give lol.
And don't mention it, cutie.~
it's sort of like that, there's more hair then it looks like, and it's easy to miss some and it doesn't even come all off. i think it's cute but i know a lot dont
i enjoy our back and forth s on here
It's cute to me which is why I brought it up. also remember your butt looking kinda hairy which besides not looking bad either must just be impossible to deal with LOL.
It's a pleasure chatting with you, likewise.
i honestly don't really care or mind it the only reason i would shave is if i was going to post a picture and wanted to make myself look good. nobody in real life will ever see me without a shirt on anyways you know
Understandable, if a chaser was close enough they could test how many mcdonalds dates it would take to get you to pop you top....
i'd get scared and run away
Speedily waddle away.
Apologies for such a dead convo, trying to not just go in circles of telling you that you're beautiful lol.
haha come on, i can run
i didn't think it felt dead i think everything you've said to me has been very cute and witty and fun
thank you
Hahaha. Okay, I did see a girl of a similar size to you recently who does a lot of running around on camera so I know it's possible- not that it still doesn't look totally ridiculous to have all that blubber wildly bouncing around when the need arises to do it though. (Cute to see actually.)
actually, for me, when i run it's mostly my boobs that bounce and move around.
i start panting though for sure
after this i'm probably going to go to sleep, goodnight 95anon
Sleep sweet, seeya 'round.
Jeezuz, the way your hips spill over your underwear is so hot. You've got love handles for days!
God I love seeing threads like this, not some belly model doing this all for cash but just a very pretty fat woman posting her gains. You have a beautifully fat figure - stretch mark adorned stomach, fat thighs, huge ass overflowing your panties and skirts, back rolls cascading onto massive hips, wow... Your belly Especially is really quite something, not often you see stretch marks like that, they would look really good with your belly stuffed to the brim (or inflated) to really show them off. God you've even got stretch marks on your back. You easily have a hotter belly then numerous fetish models you see on here. Stay confident girl because you deserve it, you're hot!
Lmfao plenty of tumblr girls so for free and also don't have a dick
Hii..are you gaining more weight? Thanks for your content

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