
She doesn't do anything for me and I don't know why... there's just something about her
For me, I think it's the fact she's got like that firm ball belly thing going on and I prefer the really doughy soft fat.
Probably because she kind of annoying and so full of shit with her “experiences”. Her prof who just turned out to be a feeder after seeing her, or all these waiters who were TotAlLy FeEdErs. Yeah right.
>>134568 (OP)
She’s just a preppy girl that was athletic/was a ice skater who became a nurse or some shit after school who probably gained a little weight when she stopped and found out oh I can get money if I get fat and then proceeded to get fat slowly after years and make herself look like she’s got a fat man beer gut. Her preppy attitude even carries on to her content.

TLDR: Preppy girl gets fat beer gut for money.
>all the shitters in here that can’t appreciate ball guts
Bad taste
gross, hard gut. looks like compacted poop more than fat lmfao
Touch grass, since it's way more likely than you ever touching a woman
She is annoying and honestly thinks she's gods gift to the planet. A legend of her own mind, uses filters like carmen lafox to make herself bigger for certain pictures. Super hard hair belly but it's shaved. And good god the people that actually think she's eating 10k calories a day and more are delusional for somebody who has been sitting around 290 forever. Yet people fawn over the fakeness and it's unbelievable what morons will buy into. There's older weigh ins from curvage at around 270 something from a few years ago, but don't mind me. If you think she's eating 10k plus a day to gain twenty pounds in a few years I have a bridge to sell you as well

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