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Do her videos show her face? Curious before I buy if she just crops the thumbnails
>>134094 (OP)
Yes she does, and tbh it made me stop watching her content
Yeah her face wasn't what I was expecting. Her coomers updated regularly. Looks like even after showing her face her face is out of frame for most clips.
Someone a new video of her
Yeah and I think she looks perfectly fine tbh. Dunno what gripe anons have here
I think it's more from just seeing a belly for so long and the occasional glimpse of her face the face reveal just wasn't what I was expecting. Even though her fat chat is quite monotone and repetitive I was interested in seeing her facial expressions but was underwhelmed.
Not drop dead gorgeous, but better than many. It's her monotonous, repetitive, and boring content that I have more issue with.
Odd how beauty is objective like that. I think she's incredibly sexy in the face. To each their own
anyone got a full vid of any of her force-feeding videos?
Does anyone have her weigh in?

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