
she's got that weird, uncanny, lobster looking, inhuman, "gorjess"-style/ facial expressions. Has she had botox or something?

Anyway, here's her and Candii from this summer aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXBSSXd6MktmRk4=
I think she’s had work done for sure. When she was really packing on the weight her face/chin were so bloated then seemingly seems she lost her double chin while maintaining/gaining weight.
She's one of those girls who really relies on having a feeder, I think; I know her weight tends to dip back down when she's single. She's absolutely adorable though and I'd love to see what she could do with a really dedicated feeder.
How can i check that link?
gorjess is fucking hideous and no one can convince me otherwise
I dated a chick that had boobs like that, they are awesome
Can't tell if her back is just ripped or if it's PCOS shoulders
Wtf does deli boobs mean?
Hey recent stuff is amazing because she's leveled up from gainer to full on bbw.

The amount of mass she's added to her gut in the last 6-9 months speaks the indulgence of her relationship with eating.

Really didn't expect her to blow up like this but it's pretty hot!
I would like to say it seems she’s lost weight recently. Not that it’s entirely a huge issue, but eyes don’t deceive people especially when a few months ago she was a total balloon and has “deflated” a bit, but still acting like she’s getting so big in her posts.
100% she has lost. She gains for a few months and then stops eating much for 4 months. In the four months of losing it’s all about hiding that fact.
This is true, but this past gain has been het best. Hopefully next one she goes even higher.
Yup. It’s her life she can do whatever she wants, it’s the “deception” or silence that annoys me. Almost like gaslighting to pretend it’s not happening 😂. I vote with my wallet so it’s no sweat off my sack, but annoying nonetheless.
She’s very upfront about her gaining status. She’s currently lost a few from her peak, but will get back to gaining soonish.
She states the reason why is due to a medical issue with her sinuses. She was being upfront and stated she lost weight until she completes a few months of medication and a surgery.
Models come up with total BS excuses to stop gaining all the time, but that takes the cake. Sinuses lol
Difficulty breathing from both sinus issues and morbid obesity are legitimate concerns lol. People love to complain over anything. At least she didn’t claim to be “the fattest she’s ever been” despite blatantly losing weight.
Can you entitled faggots just shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride?

You are such a whiny faggot
This 100% true honestly she pulled one over the whole community. She ain’t even get passed 260 let alone 300. (also keep in mind this isn’t the 1st time she pulls shit like this)
The most I remember this chick from was the troll that came on here and said her son killed himself because she stopped gaining
WTF? thot I knew it all...
OG since 2016
Can we just cancel this bitch on OF and social media? She doesn’t need any more attention…
You all sound like complete fags. I hope cancer kills your families
Haaaaaaa that’s hilarious. “Sinus problems” everybody that has those issues have it regardless of weight Lmao. I have horrible sinuses, and allergies while being a skinny dude. She acts like she was engulfed in fat enough she could hardly breathe. She was barely 250 😂😂
I don't even get what the stupid conspiracy here is supposed to be

Just a bunch of incoherent bitching & crying as always ig
I hate it here. The people of this fetish are pathetic
Oh yeah it was nuts. They said the whole family watched her together
I wasted so much money on her during the years she pretended to be gaining but was actually losing that it's left a bad taste in my mouth
She's the first and second and last time that I've ever paid for porn

Don't worry, the site's going to shut down at the end of the year due to lack of funding and understaffed mods. So you gladly find another site to white knight on.
Awesome, maybe you cryfags will finally rope 😎 👍

And hopefully you'll find your soulmate in prison chomo. They especially love guys who use emojis.
>>131847 (OP)
I'm surprised she doesn't always have a thread. She's a favorite of mine.

Where did you get that from? I'm just wondering. Honestly I dont care if it shuts down but I never heard that
really? what's the source on that?
Lovely that the owner hasn't felt the need to say anything till now and not even make a new thread
Daycares are underfunded. I can’t blame the shutdown.
Ha they deleted all the talk about how the owner said the site was shutting down. Clearly trying to hide it
Bruh. For real? Every fat site is hitting the shitter. First the egotistical owner on stufferdb.com and now this too?
Is it the nature of the times?
1. quit curvage and OF too many people trying to make a buck and stupid content
2. what happened to sizable.us anyone follow ggg's enterpise? was it abandoned?
3. add this crazy lovable place to the list of dead places to discus things? i hope not
4. it takes a lot of work --- thanks boss! but what to do? hope free FA speech can stay alive.
literally just go on /gen/. all your blabber gets deleted because these boards are for sharing content. threads have a maximum number of messages before they are autolocked, so all the talking goes on /gen/. it's in the rules it's not a secret
So your asking for content that we buy and we can't talk unless it's in the gen section of this site you can fuck right off
Sizable was the most pointless site ever and obvious cash grab by her for commission. Like it was literally just an adspace for everyone’s pay sites? They already spam their clips and promos on the sites their on, why do they need another for it lol
what did xen do that was so bad? we used to be buddies? did something happen to stufferdb?
Best I can tell he stopped allowing uploads and the site sort of died?
How much does she weigh now?
Her pussy makes me feel sick
she is currently gaining or she reached her goal?
Gaining. She is fatter than ever and looks fucking hot. Her gut and tits are ballooning
lmao, even
Last time I saw an update a few weeks back she had been sick or something and had lost some weight…

Although knowing the history, I’m guessing we’ll see her hit another growth spurt sooner or later and she’ll be at a new high weight again, for a while at least.
Compared to her first stint, yeah I agree. But she is definitely fatter than ever. Past months not week to week. Going to be a little fluctuating.
Hope.she is gonna get even fatter
I subbed to her last month and was very disappointed in her content. Not really any feeder, stuffing weight gain content, and hardly any videos! Just looks of pictures really! Not recommended unless it is on discount
She sure yo-yo's a lot.

Jan 25: 230
Feb 5: 234
Feb 28 240
April 13 233
July 2 247
Sept 12 238
I know, it's spam, but every once in awhile one of the links actually runs. I can't figure out the trick. Anybody know? thanks
yeah its called an adblocker you fucking retard. they all work
The fuck are you talking about?
(92 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_2980.webp)
Well, you see, the notion that fluctuating within a range of 10 pounds can be characterized as "yo-yo dieting" simply doesn't align with any sensible understanding. I find myself questioning whether she truly falls within the realm of plus-sized; she seems to have plateaued around the midpoint without offering any indication of potential further expansion.
any roleplay/pov types of vids? those are my favorites of hers
>"Daddy, what was GGG's 2020 run like?"
What’s her biggest weight in a picture or video??
Does anyone have one of her recent stuffing videos?
Damn Paul Dano got thicc AF
Yo-yo’ing implies that she gained weight
Restarting this thread with a boost chug


She's such a hot gainer (shame it yo-yos so much) does anyone have any good content?
Who are you, Buffalo Bill?
heres Football Party 5-Layer Dip Fail, might be my new favourite video of 'it'

by "it", I would assume he's just referring to her weight

That makes no fucking sense either
Probably just ESL, fuckin relax
Gotta say I love her sexy udders, they really do the trick. Thanks for the drops lads
Did she recently move in with a new feeder? Just noticed she has someone else filming
The way she says "Cause I'm a cunt" near the end LMAO. It's like she meant it for real.
New videos anyone?
Can we get a reup?
Can someone update coomer?
Why, is she back to her peak weight yet?
If someone could please reup the 5 layer dip vid, that would be most appreciated.

Could you reup this please when you get the chance?
Could you reup this please?

Also I'm not sure who keeps deleting my posts but kindly knock it off.

It has no effect on you.

Please reup when able, thanks.

Go ahead and keep deleting my post whoever, I'll just keep posting ;)
Reup please and thank you.
Damn, she looks like a whole new person now. Definitely an improvement.
heres a reup of Football Party 5-Layer Dip Fail
also added POV Stuff n Bounce
forgot the link

Any updates for her coomer?
Also if anyone has her early stuff I'd love to see. She was REALLY into it back then
I 2nd that her coomer hasn’t been updated in months!
Has she said when she’s going back to active gaining?
Here are some of my favourite clips of her. I also uploaded sth to CouchQueen thread so go grab that as well. Enjoy.

After she got arrested at oil conference in London she hasn’t been able to gain or update regularly.
what? Is there a story on this?
story is that he's making shit up
lmao, there is no way you bought it
Anyone got any of her newer curvage videos
it really sucks, she looks great filled out but it's obvious she wasn't meant to be fat. according to her it takes an unreal amount just to maintain 200's let alone gain
(923 KB, 2481x3361, GGGscreen1.jpg)
Christmas and New Year meals have an effect on her
that image is clearly stretched
Stretching the images is way better for the environment. Less CO2 you greedy boomer.
She really has no excuse when you have girls like reiinapop at 5 feet weighing at 300 lbs. she just lying at this point.
I just assumed the ‘casually grazing’ line in her OF bio was her marker that she’s not currently trying to gain weight.

Shame, because when she’s in the gaining groove she can really pack it on, but it’s always a cycle with GGG, so I don’t think we’ll ever see a time when she just straight up packs on 50-100 lbs in like 6-12 months and blasts through that 300lb barrier. Can always dream and maybe she’ll cycle up there over time otherwise, but I’m doubtful we’ll see any pandemic mega-gains again for a while like RP and Mochii.
I really wish she would cause back in July/August which I think was her peak she looked fucking swollen. Deep stretchmarks and heavy boobs. I loved it.
beautiful charismatic and complex woman who has told some interesting stories and for sure is part of the beautiful complex provider community --- the best gains have always been fueled by possible romantic situations === and yes she definitely does better getting fat for somebody special --- and comes to her senses when alone and can't push and is waiting on that ideal situation --- can't blame anyone for that --- and I think it's a delicate balance to try to retain loyal fans --- would like to see her meet the love of her life who wants to help her make content and then we will all be happy --- but it starts with the woman first. My two cents. I am still endlessly fascinated by her. It was fabulous last year to watch her sleep and eat and sleep and eat and get real big, I agree. So send the ideal guy to her please. : )
She’s really one in a million. Few women will stop global warming thru protest then gain hundreds of pounds off fat.
is this real? her having a "radical activist" backstory would be totally hot, even if i can't see any obvious connection between eating to excess and environmentalism
Someone earlier in the thread had photos and details.
She led a series of school strikes that single handedly brought CO2 emissions in Europe to its knees.
It was me ill fucking do it again
Better resign this year because im warming up on the doxing & exposure. Shotgun loaded bring rifle pussy
Not this doxxing shit again.

This site should have been left to die.
Its when the doxing and exposing for ten straight hours starts.
Thanks for the laughs all girls on the spectrum look alike or feedees are neurodiverse and their admirers are totally aspergers, thanks for the divergence! Normals please stay away, there's never enough fat to go around.
add poppers for strongest cum session watching people eat --- everyone in the world will be doxxed and replace by AI by the end of 2024 machines will be watching robots eat
learn to read stupid dumb faggot no one is doxxing anyone now go drunk molten hot cum
Pretty sure she's already living with a feeder, it's just better for sales if people think she's still single. Especially when it comes to donations for stuffings. You can see someone filming her in many of her clips.
Can someone update her coomer, pls? She is looking bigger than ever.
She looked like a man when she was skinny and somehow she looked better then. Her face has gotten fucked up as she gets fatter and her belly has grown weird too
Nah, I like her belly. Love how belly dominant she is with a side helping of tits, waddling around - she basically turned her tight old self into being 13 months pregnant with lard.
In LA had different people help --- it's pretty common some guys in the community (or even girls) help with this sort of thing --- if there was a feeder, there would be gains
Update coomer
Can someone update her coomer please
Obvious shop and a bad one at that
Anyone got her full versions of her of videos only previews are on coomer
Candii is so much fatter now
(1.0 MB, 2316x3088, 8FC2BB82-CA38-4F94-9ADC-51D94377839D.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 2316x3088, 99530A7F-3FAF-407A-AF0F-8C6C5A413A02.jpeg) (1.4 MB, 2316x3088, 61C58EBA-0925-43F5-B473-B2605E53E7FB.jpeg) (1.3 MB, 2316x3088, E7C4E809-39D8-4905-AD9B-5EA112CB8703.jpeg)
Permanently full-term pregnant-looking pot-bellied pig. I wonder how often she’s asked when she’s due?

Not sure I’ve ever seen such a round gut, probably could’ve acted out a living erotic fiction of successfully faking a pregnancy to get maternity leave with a body that totally belly dominated, complete with ruined gravid sagging udders out of perfect perky tits.

Slightly awkward coming back off maternity leave and still looking overdue with twins though…
When is she going back to active gaining?
anybody got anything from her heaviest?

Those eyes, man -- right in the uncanny valley. I guess she had plastic surgery or something.
(1.1 MB, 1305x380, icanseeya.png)
don't worry, she'll only eat you alive while you're sleeping ;-)
The first time I ever really looked into them became of the the closest times I came to quitting this for good even though her body and fat talk is so good
Never understood those takes. I’ll admit her face, eyes especially are unattractive but that kind of adds to the look I feel like. She’s just a helpless, mindless glutton sinking ever deeper into ruin. She doesn’t look like a regular person. And she’s only making that worse which I find pretty hot
when was she at her heaviest?
for guys who like fat women and women getting fat, some of you have the weirdest standards lmao.

then you wonder why you can't talk girs or convince them to be your feedee. womp
I actually think she looks way better fat facially. Her rounder chubby face suits her, not to be mean but her thin face was very tall and narrow. I think she actually looks rather pretty now.
100% look at her before, she looked like Greta thunberg.
Ugly at any weight is ugly bruh.
you can stop the thunberg / ugly routine now
I remember seeing her say one time that she regretted her nose job, which I think explains part of why she started looking different at some point
>>14784 (Dead)
Nose job? I didn't know that. Explaind alot tbh
Kill yourself lmao her eyes are incredibly sweet. You read like the missing link.
Anyone got her of videos that you have to pay for
She’s looking fatter. Is she back to active gaining again?
one of my faves from way back --- I want to believe she is looking bigger --- but the major gains seem to come when she's got a feeder she is enamored with ---
this was the case in her last move --- there is someone helping with the vids once in a while but those guys, gals do this for the cause and are in every port --- one can hope and dream as she may very well be doing herself
(80 KB, 1080x1440, 8 months ago.webp)
Her heaviest was July 2023 @ 247 lbs. She ran into some health issues though and ended up going back down to 238 lbs
What happend with her feeder friend?
She's single again according to a post on onlyfans
I'd love to be her next bf, she's the right kind of weird I could tolerate
If she’s single, does that make it more or less likely she goes back to active gaining? Seems like she’s been maintaining while with the bf?
I forget what the limit is but she had a very hard limit she said she wouldn't go pass unless somebody put a ring on it. Might've been 250 might've been 300
Yeah we limit them now. Dont want to them thinking they make more then us
What happened to her Instagram? Seems to have been hacked by a Muslim dude lol
any reups?
Anything New? Maybe i can trade c:
Does anyone have a video of her?
I would definitely date her if I could feed her to 320+
(1.4 MB, 2316x3088, C473A67E-9386-43C7-A01C-634E793125F4.jpeg) (1.4 MB, 2316x3088, D3E9097D-4C1F-40F2-BCF5-589839034CA0.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 2316x3088, 91416A7E-31CB-4859-A424-5B528359B7E0.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 2316x3088, 71C78C79-F9B1-46F0-879E-C92C7C78CAE6.jpeg)
Me too. She’s my favourite gainer atm, because I love how her body before was a archetype of society beauty standards - thin, medium perky breasts, etc. The perfect mainstream body, unlike a lot of gainers who only had an average or chubby body to begin with.

To go and ruin that body is so hot, because she doesn’t even gain in a “thicc” way that would to be accepted as a beauty standard like some gainers, who arguably fit more of a beauty standard the heavier they get. GGG just destroyed her tiny waist with a beachball of a gut that covers her pussy, and perfects tits now fat sagging udders.

I’d love to make her my fat 350lbs+ housewife endlessly pumping out kids to complete her transformation from head cheerleader.

heres her 5 most recent OF videos and another very recent one.

hoping others will be willing to share her content
yeah her tit gains are what drives me insane, I'd love to suck on them before bed
She was actively gaining in 2023 and the narrative was she would go to 300 but not beyond unless she got a ring and she would be open to 500

OG fan here and without a doubt I am at least attached strongly bc of history and all the streams and comments over the years that gave insight into a lot of moving parts in this person --- very humanizing --- her brilliance mentally, her imagination, her production and her longevity as a popular performer despite tremendous personal challenges ---are endearing --- plus (your taste may vary) her body is to die for and has fattened so nicely it's fair to say she will be beautiful at any weight --- spoited her in RL too and she is way more beautiful and charismatic than anything on line


Thanks for the memories! I am currently off OF bc of issues I have with the site --- o/w I have no problem supporting this creator

Thanks everybody --- bc the on line experience has been glutted with sex for sale --- I am here in what seems to be the last place on earth we can share our weirdness.
I think I have one pic from that time frame but. Dont ask me how I find it. I just do
did she make any vore videos?
I knew these black bitches knew each other blocked!
(59 KB, 600x800, IMG_8651.jpeg) (47 KB, 447x800, IMG_8649.jpeg)
She’s so hot. I think she was her biggest during the time these were taken before she got sick and lost some. Maybe it’s just the angle and outfits, but I hope she gets back there soon. Anyone have any of her POV riding vids?
I think Aug-Sep 2023 was her peak
She's got perfect cow tits.
A pair of fat saggy udders that droop on top of her bloated gut. They look heavy. I want to slap around her stupid bimbo udders.
I like her, She has a weird weight distribution but I find it hot. But her boob gains are unreal though. I do wish her video output was a bit better though.
I really don't know what it is about her, but I want to beat the shit out of her boobs.
I mean really speed bag those knockers.
I want to dress up like Saitama and one punch her stupid hooters into her stupid face.
Just round house kick her square in the tit.
Does anybody else feel that way or is it just me?
All that hugging how niggas get shot. Candy shop one time.
>>157500 someone uncle dont like niggas with all that hugging your life depends on ot nigger
Does she ever do food related or stuffing videos anymore? Seems to all be boring RP things
I do wish she’d stuff more, but she’s the queen of roleplay. I’d never get tired of her roleplays as long as she keeps getting fatter.
the fuck is wrong with you

this is a woman selling her body for cash on the internet, not your friend. stop with the weird parasocial relationship
Thank you tried telling that one.
Ooohhhh yeah she is trigged lmao
Lost my kia connect oh well. Or did I 😈
Lmao this ‘community’ in particular basically sustained by parasocial relationships. In my younger years I found myself getting dragged toward that but learned the hard way how pathetic that is.

I still have a couple of models who I chat with, occasionally send me a private pic or two but I don’t fool myself into thinking we have some sort of romance going, maybe if they lived locally I would pursue it more but after a few ladies come and go you start to get a bit jaded with it all.
Dude I fucked over 100 women. Now im settled to one. Who would of thought. I dont cheat.
Appreciating traits that providers me have or their pathologies or the sense of struggle in some cases is a human thing and sometimes a little compassion for someone in the sex for sale business is not an indicator of a "delusional relationship" also IMO "delusioal relationship" a big big money maker on the net and certainly has its enthusiasts throwing money away to have that experience. It isn't sick to be sensitive per se but it is sick to be suffering from addiction.
does anyone know if she does customs?
The question is, is she really getting fatter?
Because she looks the same for me for the last 2-3 years.
Yeah, she's been doing this since 2018.
Legit haven't checked on GGG in 4 years because it seemed obvious she wasn't really gaining much. I'm honestly shocked she put on roughly 50 lbs. from mid 2022 to mid 2023. Of course this was followed by a year of losing.

Best case scenario is she's like a thinner plump princess a decade later. If she ever breaks 300 in 5+ years I'll be very surprised, albeit pleasantly.
She is, it's just painfully slow

She's pretty open to requests on her onlyfans. if you want something scripted I'd expect to pay but if you ask her nicely for a theme or costume she'd probably be down.
It would be incredible if she recreated this wall-mounted dildo masturbation video when she was super skinny, now that she's an obese whale who probably cant see her feet any more.

According to her, she wants to get much bigger but wants an IRL feeder to do it with. Can’t say if this is true or not but it’s what she claimed
I’d say there is plenty of simps around that’d line op to just feed her IRL, so i dont know if thats en excuse..
She wants a serious relationship tho. Not just a one-off or casual/online thing. You’d think there’d still be a lot, but irl vs online is still a big jump for some. I imagine for a lot of fit and conventionally attractive people they still are scared to publically date fat girls. Shame because imagine getting to feed and fuck her and watch her gut and tits blow up even more.
A lot of models lie about their relationship status because they earn more money if their subscribers think they're single. She's already had her pick of every existing feeder on the planet so not sure why she'd still be single tbh.
This. She had stopped previously because her relationship ended. That guy came back supposedly and so the content returned.
I wouldn't doubt she is in a relationship and is just slowly going at this. She used to be a regular on Curvage and her thread has been long removed.
Still sells content on Curvage --- posts in a blue moon --- I can't blame anyone for not finding things there these days as hundreds and hundreds of "models" are trying to sell content and dozens of newbies show up daily "I gained ten pounds how do I look" LOL
I am OG from b4 2016 on Curvage when she was posting anonymously --- to make it short --- all the best gains were with IRL feeders that offered relationship --- but like so many folks these days --- people break up all the time --- I think the nature of the times makes relationships difficult ---- I would never fault for someone holding out for what they wish --- and I know we would be deliriously happy if she were happy and got ridiculously fat!
has anyone here subscribed to her onlyfans? Would you recommend it? Is the good stuff included or PPV?
I think her current setup is worth it imo. She DMs a clip every Friday, if you stay subbed then you get them for free. A lot of the clips that are on the feed are shorter, but they’re good too.
Did she ever have a name before GGG ??

I've signed up to a few onlyfans and she is one of the decent creators imo, regular vids and contact. Worth it to sub every now and again
She’s underrated and one of the GOATs as far as under the radar content creatures go. I’ve subbed a handful of times throughout the past few years and have never been dissatisfied. She takes the time to BS with you (or I assume so since she has with me) as well in DMs.

Gaining is the nature of the beast with this type of stuff and especially since it’s even in her name so there’s a lull when she isn’t. Seems she really packs it on when she’s got a personal feeder/boyfriend and she’s made that known.
Creators* lol
creatures is the better term
Evidence of an eating disorder and rebound if there ever was one. CutieDonut another
Are they’re any recent pics of her? Her Coomer is only from 2 months past. Is she gaining again? I feel like she died down once she stop gaining and started losing weight again : /
Coomer has been dead for about two months buddy. You gonna have to buy her onlyfans or follow her on instagram to know what she's doing with her life rn
anyone got some of her new videos
I unfortunately subbed for a whole year when she was pretending to gain was actually losing weight rather than gaining (which she confessed after the fact) which left a bad taste so I never resubbed
Anyone have the family reaction video where she wears a green dress. I accidentally lost it along with a few others.
The downfall of coomer is one of the greatest tragedies or our time. We are missing so much good content from all these girls. Sad.
She posted it on curvage recently, but I think has also been posting old OF vids so who’s to say when the actual filming was. Hoping she gets back to her biggest
I'm subscribed right now. She is probably 15-20 lbs smaller than this currently.
Can someone pls reup content of hers
so is coomer just down forever?
rip in piece coomer and kemono
I hope her belly reaches 50 inch one day
yeah but you need a vpn to access kemono now
why do you need a vpn for kemeno? I've just been using it like normal
Yeah, if she isn't posting weigh ins it means she's not currently gaining
It’s the same thing. Without that the site is useless. Nobody cares about fansly
Yeah what's wrong with kemono? I even live in one of the states that had the age restriction crackdowns and I haven't had any issues

why on earth would I pay for a vpn just to look at porn? ProtonVPN is free anyways.
but it's not safe my friend, you will have hundreds of problems with hackers, literally
Doesn't she have a weight gain compilation? If any of you have it, can you post it?
Is there anything new from her? Did she stop making content or is she just reposting old stuff like she’s doing on curvage? Bummer, she was getting big and love her shape
Anyone got the Milf Seduction JOI

You’re a real muhfuckin G for this, homie
This collaboration doesn't seem as awkward as the one with Mary imo

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