
(4.9 MB, 1920x1080, amdasnalkv.webm)
Her latest OF has her in a hospital next to an ultrasound machine....

Fingers crossed she's there for something else, otherwise see y'all in 9 months....

That video came out in August. She was clearly there for something else. I'm not sure why anyone wants to see her pregnant anyways. Creeps.
You fags need to stay out of here. Yes you’re a fag if you don’t want to see a woman with huge tits pregnant. Go check out the BHM section.
Why are u so triggered over people who are not into pregnancy porn. Relax dude it’s not that’s deep.
Jeez, calm your tits, dude. I bet you're a big hit at parties! Where did that come from? You seem a little defensive. Who hurt you?

She already has huge tits. I'm not trying to see her waddling around and leaking milk everywhere. Also I'm not into threesomes with a fetus
if she's pregnant then this thread should be in /preg/ not here
why would she even post a video of an ultrasound? I don't get why people do things like that. last I knew she was actively trying to lose weight and she hasn't logged on for a bit.
Does anyone have the cow set?
any1 got her latest cow video
doubt it when she was trying to lose weight.
Update the OF.
update coomer if possible
When did she say she was trying to lose weight?
She doesn't seem to be doing a good job.
to be fair that big belly is what put her on the map. I wouldn't be surprised to find that people are having her stuff herself in pvt. she may want to lose weight but if she does she's going to lose her fans and a large part of her income.
>to be fair that big belly is what put her on the map.

She's been a camgirl for over a decade and has only been fat since mid lockdown. You don't get 630k followers on Chaturbate alone just for having a belly.

Saying that her gaining weight is what put her on the map is a huge stretch.

>"huge stretch."

double-entendre much?

Not at all when this community only started to care about her just a couple years ago.
And she only gained weight after quitting smoking/vaping. If it wasn't for that, none of you would even bat an eye for her.
For all we know, for every person here who prefers her with the extra weight, she's losing 10 other fans.

If she wasn't a soft ball of lard I wouldn't give a shit about her? Got me there bud!

Because THIS community wasn't her core fanbase before, for obvious reasons

She always had big tits and has a very exotic look to her, she had plenty of fans in the past

She only started the OF because camming stopped being as lucrative as she was used to....

Believe it or not, people who like fat chicks are not the majority

Camming was never a lucrative unless you're Colombian, and even then Chaturbate/Livesly takes a 50% paycut.

She started the OF when she realized she could reupload the PVTs that she did on CB and charge dudes $15 a month for sloppy seconds.
her curvage thread was created in 2012...

The best big tits latin weight gain !!! And another films with big tits girls !

Posted November 14, 2012

so I'm not sure the timeline is the way people assume in terms of whatever you guys are saying

That's because she's a lot older than you think. She's almost in her late 30s.

Not to mention she's burned though a half dozen other usernames before sticking with her current one.
Does anyone have her newest stuff? Her last C00mer update was almost 2 months ago and it looks like shes been upping alot of belly content lately
Do you have a mega or mab?
she is used to be so fat, too bad she lost a little weight

I can't find it on her onlyfans. :(
just upload the full video dawg
pretty sure that's a gif she made herself for twitter
those are gifs that I made from her streams. All her old streams on recordbate. She was probably her biggest around early to mid 2022(I think)
Isn't she gaining more again?
Does she still charge like $400 for a custom?
could someone update her c00m3r
So anyone have any clips?
I think this is it
Wow love her body shape is a shame she is losing weight.the majority of fat chick have little tits
Wow super tits
Diamonds, my man.... amazing clip! Source?
From her latest OF post
I'd love to help out with posting if someone can help explain how to download her streams - or, if someone is willing to be the First HERO of 2024, I'd appreciate some uploads :)

Thank you in advance!
Is she still gaining weight ? Like IS she recording how much weight she gained ?
The only way to get her vids is recurbate...
Or coomer.

Nothing recent on the weight tracking front. I think there were weigh ins previously.

Coomer has been dry for a while. I wish people would stop bringing it up when her's hasn't been updated in 2 months.
She would be hotter if she didn't have that disgusting big belly
Did you forget where you are
Where the fuck do you think you are?
she would be hotter if she had an even bigger belly actually
Are you gay brother? In that case, there are sites for it too.
Previous comment said her vids were only on recordbate, I wanted to clarify. But sure, by all means go ahead and update coomer.
Not liking fat chicks doesn’t make you gay, brainlet
That's where your wrong, kiddo. this is her golden era.


While technically true, you do have to be clinically retarded to come to this board on bbw-chan and say girls shouldn't be fat. We literally have a channel called /tits/
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I already updated FeedestDani's coomer. How about help chipping in for once cheapskate.


>>this is her golden era.

Bullshit. Her golden era was the Spring/Summer of '22 when she was actively gaining weight after she stopped vaping.
I meant her golden era as in having a belly at any point.
Im big time. BOMBS AWAY.
Ok, but for normies like >>143248, any belly at all is disgusting no matter what. They make no distinction between summer '22 and "laundry bag" creo. All I was saying is that creo with a belly is still sexy. But yeah, I'd rather have creo with a plump and full belly than a deflated one. No argument from me there.
Omg so hot...she is gaining weight?? Love this girl hope she gets huge

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