
(136 KB, 574x856, 20191122094004-77775844-la.jpg) (160 KB, 1024x690, 20191122094051-be82c202-la.jpg)
She really is one of my favourite models, its a shame that she hasn't gotten more attention. She just recently came back to making videos/pics. She likes deleting a lot of her older pictures on her Instagram for some reason. I'm looking for this older picture of her in glasses (pic related) where she's holding her massive gut. Would really appreciate it if someone could share this pic or at least other videos.

got that vidwith the oiled belly and the lightbulb ?
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This is from her Curvage… she literally broke her scale… she needs much more attention.
>>131813 (OP)
Anyone got her shower hose chugging vids pls?
Before I let my imagination run wild with just how heavy she is, how is that even possible? Does that scale just stop supporting over 300?
as someone who has been over 700 pounds, scales are disappointingly durable (unless you drop them ig)
how much does she weight to broke a scale? O.O

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