
Goddammit! Sorry. Like I said first time doing this. Let me see if I can figure out what I did wrong.'
common mistake, you simply didn't put anything in the folder
Still empty
>>131055 (OP)
just use bunkr its ridiculously easy to use and stays up for way longer
Can't get past the fugly face, so not holding my breadth.
I miss when she was fat :(
the folder is still empty
what do you mean? she's currently fat right now.
Last I checked, she'd post a bunch of weight and had sworn off anymore FA content. Did she regain it?
>>131055 (OP)

Any luck uploading?

I've got some of her stuff to share too, but don't want to step on your toes.

I've got a few of her lactating stuff if you guys like that. And also some of the stuff she did with Athena Blaze which is sooooo hot.
Hi buddy :), do you happen to have the voyeur shower vid with Athena and Jessie?

With a stone wall shower? No I didn't buy it. Camera was zoomed way out, lol. But I have a good one of them in the pool.
Anyone got them there vore vids
she has some of the hottest burps out there

At this rate, I'd probably say share what you have. It's been a few days and the folder's still empty so...yeah.

Here's one to tide us over until I can get home to access my Mega account and properly upload what I have.
(479 KB, 402x581, Screenshot_8.png)
Anyone have the Thick FIl A video? Specifically Part 2? Think that was her at her biggest.
swweet! Thank you!
Oncew again Nope comes in with the A-bomb of drops. He's s like " You're trying to help. That's adorable. I'll see your little collection and raise you...well, everything!" Seriously though, thanks!
Does anyone have a picture of her at her biggest?
>>131406 Probably her biggest is the Tickfila set she did. Video in the MAB link. She was like 215. Unless she's even bigger now, but I can't really tell.
anyone have preg stuff to upload? lost all mine of jminx
Nah she’s lost almost 30 pounds this year
Reup please. I missed it.
I know most of the people here are More on the stuffing scene but does someone know if she Made more vore vids and if so can someone share them?
anyone has more of her recent vids?
Never thought she would get this big, Jesus… thanks for the upload!
Thanks! keep them coming brothers
That kitchen video is the most quintessential JM video possible. Gorgeous body shot in the most lazy way possible
anyone able to reup ? I missed it
Why'd she have to ruin her beauty by getting that ugly ass neck tattoo? And I thought the weird turtle shell one on her shoulder was bad.
He's right. Body mods are gross.
her belly tho.. mannn i love that type of belly! does anybody know a similar model with a belly like jessie?

Jessie's not going to fuck you bro. She's into black dudes now. She's done with pasty ass white boys.
Reup? I was just too late. id be gratefull
RIP to the bozos still subbed to that OF. What a shame
Between this and the obvious shopping of her pictures to make her look smaller, beauty standards have claimed another one
She said this was happening months ago and has been asking for donations to fund it
Good for her and all the tit guys I guess, but she has one of the most underrated bellies out there. Her tits are already big enough and now she's planning to make it more unrealistic. It's her body she can do whatever she wants to it, just not my cup of tea.
good thing I've exclusively jerked to her preggo content
Anyone have more of her content?

Her peak was during her pregnancy and the few months afterwards. The retirement bundle was a dead giveaway that she was moving away from fat/preggo content

its all a matter of wether or not she can tame her appatite. She could very well get all this lipo suction and breast work done only to then continue being a fat ass and resort to making fat content
I'd laugh because way too many people seemingly don't understand that lipo isn't a magical fat removal procedure and as you said requires commitment on your end to maintain
I'd call that a pretty significant betrayal considering there was a whole separate account made for this type of content. She's been pretty damn perfect as is.

Bummerrr. Hope her loss of belly fetishists is supplanted with boob men ig
I mean she's literally passive aggressively malding on her Swolledupjessie account because people are unsubbing in masse
As they say, vote with your wallets not your voice

It's a rude awakening once they realize they now have to compete with 95% of the OF market rather than just the feedees. A lot of them have no idea people only sub to them for their belly. You can get boob content from literally everywhere for free.
I'm not even upset at the weight loss so much as I'm annoyed at how much of a genuine fucking retard she's kinda be at handling this stuff ON TOP of most of her content nowadays being fairly unremarkable especialy on her alt
I'm with you. She's been around for a while, she knows how this stuff works. People pay for what they like.

So it really rubs me the wrong way that she's bitching about people unsubbing because of what she intends to do.

I have kept an eye on her content for years and when she's gone and slimmed down at times I have lost interest and when she's gained again I become interested.
ik its bbw chan but anyone have an archive of her preg content?
Second on this? I lost all my stuff on her with my last iPad breaking.
So ole baloney nips is having herself a little come apart eh ? Making shocked pikachu face because her belly fans are leaving after she says she's getting rid of her belly lol. I would ask if she's stupid but she looks like she probably has 5 mixed kids from different fathers, so probably yeah lol
you're saying she's stupid for that? I say she's stupid because even after all this time she's still not bothered fixing her teeth
It's not that hard to find, multiple accounts on the Preggophilia Drive/Mega sharing thread have the majority of her preg vids
Her face was so much hotter before getting Botox. Fucking insane beauty standards
I think it's less Beauty Standards and more she's just a dumbass, it kinda reminds me of Reiinapops stint of trying the bimbo shit before it clicked that isn't what people want
Her belly looks a bit deflated is she gaining or losing weight?
she's getting lipo IIRC and getting a boob job
She's getting a fat grafting breast augmentation. Basically taking her belly fat and putting it in her tits
Could get them both bigger if she just ate more):
I know right? Reiinapop was really cute to me before she changed her nose and lips, I can deal with the obesity but the latter is too much. It's crazy cause she WASN'T ugly at all imo
and Reiina to an extend is still alright looking, Jessie imo only ever looked good pregnant and as a few people have brought up in prior threads I'm pretty sure she never wanted to be a fat model so much as she 'Became one" because she's too lazy to actually lose weight
Dude first run fat reiina was a goddess, now she’s a fucking clown
How far back do you know her of her? Cause tbh I knew of her when she was in that multi model site (can’t recall the name atm…) when she was still slim and she did more ass focused stuff.

But I’ll be honest, once a model goes fat, it’s hard to be as into their slim form.
Women Like constant change, and are easily influenced by other women

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