
(24 KB, 600x700, dont-keep-calm-and-kill-all-pedophiles.png)
Where in the fuck are the mods? How is it I can come here every fucking day and I have to see a picture of what is undoubtedly some sick fuck sending a link to child porn? How has this happened multiple fucking times, even as I write this there has been one here for fucking hours?

I come here to look at women getting fat, you know, ADULT women, not to play the FBI watchlist speedrun and have to be subjected to that sick shit. We're a weird bunch, for sure, but we're not monsters. And I'm tired of seeing this shit.

Mods, where the fuck are you? Step up your enforcement and prevention cause this is ridiculous.

Also, if one of you sick fucks who keeps making those threads is reading this, do the world a favor and place your neck on the steel rail of a railroad track in front of an oncoming train. The pain is still insufficient for what you deserve, but you'll be doing the world a favor.
Damn bruh it's still up are the mods asleep or something
lets just report the chan for hosting cp
well gone now but it's definitely still a problem. this should not be something that pops up every day. it's bad enough this shit gets made at all, but the fact that a thread shows up every day is really fucking bad.
We need a smart cunt to find these scum and share there location
>>130931 (OP)
Man I really wish I could find the identities of these people because I’d make sure to fill their gut with buckshot
Pedos are already subhumans worthy of death
Pedo spammers are worthy of the most agonizing ends physically possible
Same here would love a chance to off one of these bastards slowly
That pedofi needs to be gagged on all fours and have a lit soldering iron shoved up his ass and into his mouth.
Oh ya I saw that, that was some fucked off shit

this is literally what the troll doing of all this is aiming for. the whole point from their sick point of view.

so.... are you them?

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