
It wont decode can you send it as a normal like mega or we transfer?
decodes fine, my dude.

Try doing it again to the first result
I know this girl. Used to talk to her. She is a piece of garbage.
Most of these are private
No coomer?
Anyone got stuff on her?
Shit dude someone that makes porn for a living has a repugnant personality? Color me surprised.
Last one is private, any way you could upload it?
>>129326 (OP)

One of the vids Op asked. Her vids are quite expensive, but she know how to eat for sure...

Thank you! You're right tho; if they weren't so pricy, I would have gotten way more myself
Given how her body looks and how she gains, she could make a mint and probs be a much more popular model in the scene, but her camera work is just shockingly bad and has actually gotten worse rather than better over time, whilst the cost has gone up. It’s just so dumb, particularly when multiple people have clearly told her this too. Like how can you make a vid of yourself playing with your belly specifically yet manage to have it half out of shot for half the vid and completely out for the other half lol
She has the best belly but yeah I notice a lot of her vid are poor camera positioning. Anyone got any good ones?
Is she still active?
Is there any more? She should definitely have a coomer :-)
There’s nothing on her page to make it worth having one, it’s basically a paid sub to then buy the stuff you could get direct off manyvids, complete scam page.
Guys. This girl is a piece of garbage. I know her irl. She is trash. A game player, disgusting alcoholic, a shitty fuck, and not serious about gaining.
I know you’re trying but this only makes me more erect if she is a bitchy lush gamer that got that gut without even trying
And a kindergarten teacher to boot
any re ups please
Yup. Not gonna dox the bitch though.



You're literally only making this hotter. A lazy degenerate kindergarten teacher who doesn't even want to gain weight but she drinks so much that she can't fucking help it? God I want to put a baby in her now just to make her hungrier
Lmao. I know everything about this bitch. I want to put her on blast so bad. But, if she saw this she could put me on blast and post pictures of me in my Santa outfit and pictures with my moobs flopping around. Hahahaha
She's into mutual gaining
I used to sext her until I couldn't take it any longer.

She's literally fucking retarded.

Brain dead.

And she's a kindergarten teacher.

No wonder America is the way it is
god that's so fucking hot... fr
I guess the imp of perversion is aroused by degeneracy like that but I just hate to see people like this breeding
Anyone have anything to share though? She hot af
can anyone reup anything?
Anyone got anything new?
She’s one of the hottest retards i’ve ever seen.
Can any kind soul reupload?
Nah. She's a piece of crap retard. No one is uploading shit from this hoe. "The Russ Retard of Del"
This guy is butthurt. I’d sub if I wasn’t so cheap
You’d be better off just buying her stuff off MV. Her OF is worse than dogshit. Tried it for a month and there was fuck all on it and anything she stuck up on MV never made it to the OF, not even as PPV stuff in DMs.

Don’t have a clue why she bothers with any of it tbh, because she’s fucking awful at every part of the process from making the videos, to editing, to selling them.
I also subbed to her OF to have a peak, and even though i could simp to her figure cuz i love that belly, the angles and buildup of the content is just not it for me. And if i hear hee character is total trash, then i would not even bother giving feedback unless asked for.

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