
(672 KB, 1023x2229, IMG_8854.jpeg)
Anytime I’ve ever talked to her about feedism she immediately starts incessantly begging for ludicrous amounts of money and says I’m ruining her life by stringing her along. No where do I promise mountains of money or anything just making small talk
She’s def struggling to maintain her lifestyle, trying to use language she knows will entice people like us. (I.e. make me fat; I need to eat.) I’m guessing you’re messaging her for free. She’s simply trying to turn a profit. If you’re into her, and her word is valuable, I’d pay her lol for the free OF4L
>>129023 I always got the vibe she was trying to scam me
Still haven't gotten a custom I order a while ago Smh!
Jeesus she sounds desperate.

Guess we know the answer to OP's question
>>129021 (OP)
>Is this girl mentally unhinged?
Someone into this fetish. Yes
The bitch is dumb, mentally unhinged and proběhly a scammer...

But she got a body of a goddess
>>129021 (OP)
If you are a fat fetishist/gainer, you are mentally unhinged by default
Ok boys I'm sorry but this is on you, she has 1.4k followers on feabie and you're trying to small talk her.. she doesn't give a fkn shit about ya smack talkin poopie mouth needs

Not defending her but guarrenteed when you're that popular on feabie you're either fucked up in some way or just as sexy as creetchure
I used to talk to her on KIK for a couple years. She has a lot of mental problems. God bless her
this comment right here.

God I wish I could stick my thing in that belly of hers. So round and squishy
reading these comments i'm pretty convinced ya'll are at least as fucked up as her if not more. leaning toward more.
You guys are talking about her being needy and mental unstable then some guy comes in being horny? Lmao this site can't be real
>>129021 (OP)
She’s nearly 40 and still single, that should tell you enough
Or you just developed a kink you can't get enough of.
addiction IS a mental health issue, u'know..
Let alone self-harm
no, not really... Thats an absurd asumption
There's plenty of mentally stable single women
Can confirm she only wants money, shes probably addicted to a certain lifestyle and is using us to supplement income she doesn't have
Can one of you guys help the poor girl out? C'mon, she's starving!
According to one of our government commercials, up to 30% of people are going to bed hungry. That's her!!
wtf did you do to gt a girl to like you this much?
There's morbidly obese bitches on welfare.
I don't think costs very much to maintain fat.
lowkey think thats a filter
No one got that free onlyfans link then? ;)
Hey thanks for all the nice things said about me appreciate it a lot feels fucking fantastic
Lets recap, shall we? To summarize I am VERY mentally unhinged, a welfare sucking, french fry chewing, scamming, ugly, drug abusing, desperate, begging dumb bitch. * takes a bow * enjoy your gossip column ladies
Yeah that's about right, you nailed it! Good to see you're not illiterate too.
Faggot LARPing as a woman to try and get us to feel bad

0% she comes here
No, not a faggot "larping" or pretending to be Chubb1eBunn1e - it's Chubb1eBunn1e. Just dropped by again because seems like a cool ladies gossip column. I just wanted to say WOW. You guys aren't just fat admirers -.you're like REAL scientists. You've got this stuff down to a science and shit you've got me figured out: A French fry eating, welfare sucking, VERY mentally compromised, ugly, single @ 40, drug addicted bitch! Nice work. Gold star.
Carry on. I may be back to check in, keep those compliments coming ladies and enjoy your gossip column!

- chubb1ebunn1e the heartless hustler

Anonymous 08/24/2023 Id:cd2fce No. 129063 seems to have a good handle on things
You know the rules, post proof or you’re LARPing
>not a faggot
Based femoid

Ngl, I completely agree w her. It’s a business. She wants to get money out of you. Can you blame her? Let’s not act like everyone on this board is stable. Because this fetish is abnormal af.
She ain’t said shit to OP on her socials though so fake
collected some from her awhile ago, she did the same to me and accused me of using her for her body when i told her she was asking for too much

ngl seeing her post here made me want to post this more

not much but eat up boys

A little confused though about half these comments. Definitely stuff I never said or did. There's fake accounts pretending to be me that may be responsible. And for anything I DID do wrong well I'm genuinely sorry for anyone I've hurt or upset and I'll try to be more ethical in this community.
Oh that explains everything you guys were getting scammed by an Indian dude on feabie

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