
Here's what I've been able to find of her, not sure if the videos in 720p were originally 720p.


If anyone has some of the files in their original quality and can upload them that'd be cool.
That's quite the stash, Thank you, sir. I wish I had that pizza video for you. Fingers crossed that some other sould wil be inspired by your generosity and post it. Again, thanks for taking the time to upload and share. I need to be better about saying thank you. Too often I see motherload drops followed by bitching about what ISN"T included and I'm amazed that anything ever gets posted.
does anyone have the second chocolate milk chugging video? been looking for ages to see it again
Read this as “That’s quite trash” at first lol.
Thanks for these, but it was a different chugging vid, she was much bigger any chance you got a win?
she was my first, but i never ended up getting any videos downloaded
she was so hot

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