
She's got a face like an angel but those tits are wrecked. Once your boobs stop growing, then it's time to maintain.
theres already a thread on ssbbw
thanks for all of these, i remember them being on pornhub but i never downloaded them
cute face and killer body, but from her posts on feabie, she's an absolute psycho. seems like she actively wants to lose weight but is just too much of a lardass, so she keeps growing. that's kind of hot in itself
Lol what sort of stuff was she saying?
(26 KB, 994x235, dd1.PNG) (6 KB, 543x125, dd2.PNG)
basically she doesn't leave her house, has panic attacks over the most minor things, is still unconsolably upset about a cat that died almost a year ago. obviously has quite disordered eating eating (very restrictive, only eats certain things, or just all-out binges)
and just in general, she posts like 10 times a day on feabie, in this weird, reddit-spaced style, detailing just about every aspect of her life. i mean, i guess good for being vulnerable on a public platform like that but its kinda unhinged
i mean, half the vids in that folder are her getting blackout drunk and fucking strangers off tinder - there used to be a vid of her flashing the pizza guy as well?

anyway, since she's obviously cognizant of this site, if you're reading this: i'm glad you're going to therapy again, you seem like an empathetic person whose been through a lot in life. hope you can get the help you need
Oh that's sad. Hope she's ok.

I thought you meant properly batshit crazy stuff, that just sounds like most women I've encountered honestly lol.
Idk if that statement is more telling about you lmao
What is her name on feabie?
lol what kinda women you talking to bro?

Where can I get a gf like that?
> you seem like an empathetic person whose been through a lot in life
Lol. Lmao. Here nor there bud she has some of THE strongest narc vibes out there.

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