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Im making another Udderly adorable thread since the last one is bump locked.

Someone was asking about her posting frequency and most of it relates to her onlyfans. She post more on there but its still not alot since this stuff is her side gig and she has an actually job. Thats also why she makes it free.

Heres a drop. To start the ball rolling.
your welcome. your the only person who has thanked me. (not a big deal getting thanked just mentioning it) Ive been reuping on multiple threads all day. No wonder the Udderly Adorable thread is goated.
>>125347 Yeah where would Earthlings be with psycho/stalker guy.
huh? Im a psycho/stalker for uploading stuff. damn
>>125350 Oh. never mind. You know not what you're doing ;p

I forgive you then stalker/terrorist
Best Most wholesome bbw. She's really fucking cute and hot too
She needs to be married because she's perfect wife material from her appearance to interests and personality but is getting mkultra'd into being an OF whore
Why do I need to add a payment card if it's free? Maybe I don't want that evil company to have my info. Is there a way to not add a card and sign in or give a dummy one or something?
Lol it sounds like your beef is with of, not her
it's not free. you can get in for free but most of her newer clips are behind paywall
Jeez dude, even if her stuff is free it's still nice of the guy to take the time to collect it and drop it in nice little package for anyone that's not aware or doesn't want to deal with the hassle. I don't understand the hostility towards and etitlement of some people here. A stranger, who owes you nothing has presented you with a gift and your first instinct is to talk to them like they're an idiot? I appriciate anyone that posts content, even if it's not something I want or something I've got already. I'm pretty sure it's a small minority that posts the majority of the content here. We're all on the same side here. Just say thanks.

Oh, thanks btw.
>>125483 To be fair your writing's pretentious and some ppl don't enjoy pretentious-sounding writing.
You know if you’re retarded you can just say that …
did I miss something? everything "free" is a chopped up of a full video that is not free. I bought the dildo vid and uploaded it here. Is it just free now?
It's not that deep. There's no need to light the fire of an argument.
>>125571 You say no now, but before you werd saying yes, yes! YES!!!
Huh? You know I should of said nothing.
>>125580 Too late. You should've used your big brain and thought of that before! But you know what? You may not believe me, but I have it in good concious that you would've made the same mistake eitherway!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Why do you have this much energy over this I only made one comment. I was id:6fdfaf
Damn does she suck at acting lol. Still hot, she should do more
>>125682 You'd better pray you're right, nigger in the shadows
Damn I had no clue she was 330 like fuck that’s awesome
Any vids out there of her masturbating or getting fucked?
Masturbating yes getting fucked no
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Whole lot of drops here, thanks to the chill dude posting them.

Here's my contribution, "Grow with me (2016-2020)".


UA has been a fav of mine for a long while, and not only is she a really cool person, but I always feel good when I buy and support her content. I know it's a real white knight thing to talk about here, but she's always been great and well worth supporting.

bbws with good personalities are hard finds so youre not wrong
>>125716 No. Get an ugly bbw, or a really old bbw
Yeah I agree especially when she would pop up sometimes and give out her content for free.
She's the best in the game. Hottest body, and most genuine personality
I keep saying it but the vids of this girl just walking around fully clothed are the best cause they really show how huge her ass is. Like how do you get genes like this?
Too bad on the face though
Does she have any weigh in vids
Its the best youre gonna get for an all in one, Also theres nothing wrong with her face. You chan people either cant resist to troll or too scared to be called a simp on the internet.
I just think her face is hideous
FWIW, I think you're the ugly one.
I cant keep track of the acronyms anymore.
where is this technology and how to I use it?
"For what it's worth"

Weirdly enough the first result that came up when I googled it was Cambridge University? I didn't think they had an urban dictionary section on their website
I swear it’s like one guy who comes in here every thread to talk shit about her face. She’s very pretty, deal with it, move on
Idk I think her face is ugly too. I can jerk it to a butterface but I’m not going to lie and say her face is beautiful
Her face isn't conventionally pretty, but if you think she's ugly you're a fucking retard who spends too much time watching porn.
facts. i mean, i've seen her be posted on 4chan /fit/ of all places, multiple times, with people thirsting after her
I don't have the vid anymore but her Chun LI cosplay was everything you could imagine it was
Does anyone know where to look to try to find the 2023 door comparison video? I think it’s her bathroom and it’s the same door she filled up width-ways in a 2021 video
She unironically looks like a fertility goddess
i think she's atleast done a measurement video but it seems to me she did a weigh-in
I saw in one video she was 330
Does anyone have her social links? I can't seem to find her on insta or anywhere with her old usernames and the linktree on her OF is probably outdated. If she pops in here as she does sometimes hey Zoey, after the whole move is done can you update that linktree thing? Big thanks
Idk if it qualifies as white knighting if she's a chill person, bbw of the decade

Damn you beggers work fast, only just released and you're already asking for someone to share it
spread it far and wide you fags
She looks fucking massive holy shit, such nice shape.
Anyone got the Chun-Li video?
may someone please share the newest vids again?
links timed out sadly

here's one where she goes completely nude:
Can someone repost the playboy bunny vid?
can someone send me videos of fat women farting?
Wow, she is so fucking hot.

Damn, could someone reup door stuckage and the latest one?
(987 KB, 1920x1080, image.png)
jesus fucking christ my dick
>>128256 holy smokes thats so fucking sexy. a tsunami wave of lard.
Anyone have that one belly fucking video with the purple dildo? Been looking for that one for a while and she doesn't seem to be selling it.
Reup on the doughnut vid?
Thanks Brother. Can you give us a rundown what's included?
Here you go


Anyone got the ice cream video from a while back?
shit man, i got a handful but i missed that goth one. any chance you could reup? it's gonna bug me that I didn't get all of them, had to cut it short to go to work.
anyone able to reup the 26 videos please
With levels of ho-ness like these, at this rate are there going to be any girls left to marry?
mate its a porno site i dont think this is the best place to be looking for marriage
I like to play a game where I go onto a random twitter thread and take a shot when I find a female's account with their onlyfans link in their bio
Are you implying you wouldn't marry UA?
Can't I just lament in peace?

Correct. I would sleep with her, but I wouldn't marry her. If you have an onlyfans then you are no longer wife material.

this board never fails to deliver
>can’t I just shit up the thread in peace
(39 KB, 700x361, 20220214_071422.jpg)
That's so unfortunate. I didn't know you were dating Zoey. Oh wait..you aren't. It's okay to be a little delusional.
Thank you so much bro, very appreciated!
Yes, please. I kept trying to download the whole batch but it kept crashing my browser & I finally had time to individually dl them today and it's gone.
she really needs to do deluxe measurements vid including bf%, head to toe, she's a blessed genetic anomaly
There was a weight gain progression video of her on SpankBang fairly recently, which I think has been taken down. Would anyone have managed to save a copy?

Can some kind soul please reup the belly fucking video?
Does she have an instagram?
Doesn't she have a fart vid up, does anyone have it?
This is the only model I have ever actually paid for content.
Would you mind uploading the content you paid for on wetr@sfer
I dunno how a girl like her ends up talking about how much of a virgin she is like...im sure black dudes are after her and FAs are not rare.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the girl who is a major weeaboo only has a thing for east asian guys and pretty white boys who act Japanese. Maybe I'm projecting but she doesn't seem like a girl who would date blacks. Which would shrink her dating pool a lot.
You are projecting. It's cringe.
Reup on fart vid?
She's the only model who deserves random donations
Can someone reup the donut video?
>>125320 (OP)
Whats her current weight? Missed the donut video before it expired.
Please, a reup of the doughnut vid?
Please, someone can reup the donut video?
She's between 340 and 350 I'd say
Would anyone be able to re-up the donut video or any of her more recent videos? Please and thank you
Do you know what is her height ?
Random grab bag

its right know, she is gaining still.
same. Zoe is awesome and actually pretty cool and isn't afraid of anything.
How do I use that code?
you mean like halo the mascot of halo?
I watched a portion of this and it's insane how fat she is now. How much blubber is in her cheeks alone? Like she needs to do full measurements. Literally legendary ass/thighs.
Does anyone have the last two adorable videos I released?
She’s been commenting on this thread and nobody is even noticing lol
Nah but I wish I did. Especially part 2. 👀
Yeah we do and its one of the reasons she's so well liked by the community. She's a genuinely nice person. I haven't seen her comment here recently though but considering that her output on OF is a little slower she's just probably busy. Great gal, both literally and figuratively
Reup on the doughnut vid please? - honestly just found out about this model
Speaking of “figuratively” — this woman gains weight in the most incredible proportions I’ve ever seen
Missed again :'( Any reup?
So how would I download onlyfans vids? I may have something to give
open post in new tab in Chrome, Ctrl Shift I, find the media link to the respective picture or video and open in a new tab, from there you should be able to right click and save
Download Firefox and get the right clicker extension and then enable it and right click on the video you want to download and boom you can save it. It also works for dm'ed videos and you can use we transfer to create a download link for the video.
Thanks, I think I've got it to work.
Anyway, here's that part 2 vid (haven't got part 1 sorry)

That is Cortana. But I'd love to see Zoe do a Cortana cosplay at the next con DO IT GIRL! :D
Do not apologize man I'm grateful that you shared it in the first place.
jesus christ that video is hot, ty!
Thanks for the share, my dude.
I want to see her in stretchy spandex, whether it be Evanglion or something else that involves bodysuits
Yeah you are tripping. She looks nothing like her. The only thing similar is the round face.
definitely tripping, even with my glasses off, she looks nothing like Zoey, not even close.
Damn I’ve liked Zoey since she came on the scene and this is the best video I’ve seen of hers.

Can't put this into base64?? Just keeps giving me longer and longer codes bacl.

nvm just put me on encode mode when I went there for some reason and I didn't notice lol

God damn, that's good stuff. Thanks!

reup please?

Fair trade


Would appreciate it if anyone could reup part 1
Does anyone know what her current weight is?
anyone have the icecream video?
how do you guys use these links im confused google search shows up no results
use something called base64
Actual autistic moment
We have all done this once bro.
"heh what a frickin noob, he doesnt know how to decode base64 fat fetish links! 🤓"
Base64 encoded links? They're elementary and certainly not exclusive to something as commonplace as "fat fetish" links. By the age of twelve, anyone with a hint of cerebral prowess should instantly recognize aHR0cHM6Ly as a standard base64 encoding. And YUhSMGNITTZ? That's unmistakably a double encoded base64 link. When my eyes encounter binary, base 10, hex, or base64, they're already deciphering it, an automatic process for those of us with a certain intellectual caliber. Clearly, your proficiency is... lacking, to put it mildly
We not worthy of your big brain intelligence!
Christ she looks sexy in that
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besides the tiktoks has she made any more content in this outfit? hoping for something long form, hd, back shots etc. can't find anything on the coomer except these pics
tmw you see her at a beerfest and you can tell it's not camera tricks at all, she's actually that mf big
holy shit dude

every time I see any of Zoe's posts, especially that costume a day thing she's doing now for Halloween

my brain completely turns off and all I can even begin to muster is anything on the spectrum of "I want her to sit on my face so hard my nose gets broken" to "I want to fill every single one of her holes with cum"

I don't think I've seen any woman anywhere near as hot as Zoe twerking to Pixies and The Smiths which is its own kind of attraction but the fact that she's this huge, adorable Midwestern nerd of a fatass and that her shape borders on fertility statue on top of that is just turn on after turn on across the board

she makes my dick hard enough that I could use it as body armor and it'd shrug off direct impacts from an 8mm Mauser

I'd sell half my organs just to chill with her, she seems legitimately really cool
Calm down and touch grass simp
U got any content from her that type willing to upload.
Your willing to upload****
.....does anyone have her burp content
Her ass is like half her body. Insane proportions.
seeing her just walking around in public with normal clothes trying to cover her ass is something to behold.
You are the reason why this site thrived. I bow to you my king 👑
Fucking based, what a send-off.
anyone can reup?
Can anyone upload/reup this video please? Greatly appreciated.
>>125320 (OP)
>>Hey Zoe, site is shutting down, so better shoot my shot if you ever watch this thread, I'd love to hang out and get trashed.
Just send her a message on feabie

Better yet be funny and catch her attention on tiktok. She's always lurking there.
what is it about this fetish that makes people so unbelievably autistic
It's not that it's all parasocial. They create a one-sided relationship with the model because the model facilitates a "relationship" with their weigh ins, curvage updates, onlyfans, etc.
If you're not black or from a culture that practices something like Leblouh, if you get horny from morbidly obese women, you probably find all that heavy adipose comforting like a weighted blanket, and similar factors that autists love.

Professor, are you saying that the distribution of these so called "chubby chasers" is mainly between niggers and autistic spergs?
I was diagnosed with near-autism twice but I have never touched a (fat) woman for real, so I don't have much to gauge the pressure with other than my own fat. I'm more incilined to it being an extreme male brain thing (even though neuroscience is a bit sus) where we all arrive at the same preference but had different entry points to it. don't black males have higher T?
My electricity went out as I was typing an essay so I'll give simple answer: Yes. There's a reason this site and community online is like a majority Chris-chan autists and then some various swarthoids.
I wish I could. Can't do certain sites because of job. If anyone wants to get the message to her in my steed, I'm in Portland OR and I'll buy drinks/food/anime trash all day.
One question, is she still gaining weight?
i hope she posts more farting videos on her sites. please udderly adorable do more farting videos. in fact, nothing would be hotter than to see u sit on a face and make ur man sniff ur farts. dont know if ur into that or what, but that would be the best and i think ud make a shit ton of money doin that.
Yes she's fucking massive
Does anyone have the new udderlyadorable video
What is her weight right now?
these fucking links dont work as soon as i open them i cant interact with them use wetransfer or something
Pretty sure that's a virus
Can't even right click to inspect element to download the file.

To the Shadow Realm! Reup on a non retarded website next time, my man.
NTA, but those are doodstream links, I downloaded the links using the 9xbuddy website (also works on other sites).
How is it 2023 and yall still arent using an adblocker? Dood works perfectly fine with one. Just install uBlock, its literally 4-5 clicks.
How about fuck you and no. Just use something legit you fuck
Every day I get on here, some anon always somehow lowers the bar for stupidity.

Not just one, but two anons this time, holy shit. There is no reason for either of you retards not to be using an AdBlocker at all times.

Are you telling me you sit through 30 second unskippables on Youtube as well???
theres just something about this site or this fetish that attracts the most braindead people on earth
The site sucks. If you use Adblock it blocks you from watching but the site is literally unusable how many fucking ads they shove at you it’s garbage.
i'm using adblockers and having no issues watching the videos.

skill issue.

how to download? yt-dlp doesn't detect
Can we get a reup/post of some of her better or more explicit stuff? Every wetransfer here is dead and coomer is full of holes.
idm (internet download manager) captures them fine
Nah I'm getting an SSL error when I try with IDM
Does anyone have the new tipsy truth and dare or the elastic girl video?

Some videos in exchange, it's the bunny audition, messy cake and whipped cream stuffing, and the fired from hooters vids

Agreed, i need this one too. Can we get a
Ever since she moved out to her new place her content skyrocketed. She's absolutely goated. She used to show up on this thread and actually give out videos out for free. Hopefully she does the same again in the near future.
looks like something got taken down, interesting
it was a beggar linking to her latest OF PPV update through coomer and begging for the full vid. The vid preview is still 2:24 min long though, so it's still a nice watch.
I have most of her stuff will post in like an hour. She is as her name implies, adorable.

legendary drop, thank you king
Zoe can we please go hang out and drink? Portland is Fucking bullshit right now and I know you have opinions on StarField
(21 KB, 364x272, 20210930_204147.jpg)
I'm so sorry that you're life has gotten to the point where you're going on a fetish website to ask one of the models to hang out. You clearly don't have a chance if this is the only way you can get in contact with her.
Please ground yourself in reality and get help with this parasocial "relationship".
Thats really helpful thanks.
(65 KB, 1024x576, 20220301_170605.jpg)
I don't know if your being sarcastic since it's though text but I genuinely hope you get better. So you don't make down bad post like this again on bbwchan.
Dude, touch grass, please. This is fucking sad bro
Wow, if you really want to shoot your shot duder. Check her Feabie. It has a way she might actually message you back (it involves money, so you know). Also, StarField is boring, so I don’t know if that is a particular rich field to mine for conversation.
so guys after anon’s drop I was inspired by his greatness and try to buy truth or dare vid on curvage. I used a virtual American card because curvage can not be payed by my country card directly. so I lost 15$ :) curvage refused my purchase but money was missing from my virtual card and gone to curvage as my bank says. so if u know what I can do in this situation (what exactly I need to write to the curvage support and etc) please support me!) then i will deliver the clip for u!

And sorry for my English! It is not my native language:)
Curvage should eventually refund your money. I did the same thing and they gave me my money back when they flagged my account as suspicious (I was using a temp email).
No chance on a reupload, is there? I'm a sucker for mutual gaining.
No chance of a reupload, is there? I'm a sucker for mutual gaining.
what did u do to take u money back?
Can you upload it from mab because gofile doesn't work idk why
Thanks, m8

Bros, our girl is so cute, fr.
"Our girl"
My guy, she doesn't know you exist
She hangs out on the Chan sometimes. We are the Chan.

Our girl. Comrade. o7

(PLEASE grow a sense of humor)
Damn she's fast as fuck
>>140746 Stop using this platform.
Thank you. Anyone have new videos? I say thanks
I hate this bitch and I hate y'all!!!!!! Y'all hyped her up and got her to make stupid ass eating videos and cosplay etc... wen really we all just want to see her get destroyed by some cock!! And beg for mercy and more cock!!! But that will never ever happen cus she knows she can get away with this bullshit! Just like that Kayla girl she at least did a little more actual xxx but same thing with her she won't ever fuk b/g cus y'all rather watch them eat or blog!? I hate y'all!!!!
Y'all are lame ! This wat I'm talking about! Y'all wanna see her run a few steps rather than her getting some backshots?!
"We"? Wdym "we"? If anything, it's YOU that wants that. I can't say for certain how many doesn't care about that crap but if you want girls to beg for cock so much go somewhere else dude. Keep talking about cock and we're going to assume you're gay lol.
She mentioned before (like a year ago) that she doesn't have someone to make b/g content with. We can't force her to fuck some random dude to fulfill our fantasies. Also why are u mad that model that focuses on Feederism is doing Fedderism videos. Your literally getting pissed at us for enjoying what we payed for???? Why don't you ask her again if she's open to it instead of having a breakdown on a fat fetish website.
I sooo feel ya I mean if there's no BBC I'm like wtf is the point. BWC is okay if it's big enough but bbc ic still kind
Hey does anybody have any of her burping videos btw
bbc lol ? this girl isn't trashy. the only girls that do bbc shit are either ghetto or trying to act like they're black too because they think blak guys are all they can get ie randalin. stop fantasizing about watching non trash girls getting impaled with dicks that look like petrified turds
(72 KB, 994x662, 1649568512262.jpg)
>one of the half dozen threads I follow got bumped
>open in new tab
>it's just a bunch of paragraphs of text with no links
I mean he's right. You guys sit here and jerk off to these huge hoes burping and and eating food instead of at least getting clapped. Shits wild to think about how far gone most of y'all are. You get sexual gratification from watching whales eat themselves to death, barley able to move and end up bed written cause of this sick diet fetish, instead of at least watching them take some pipe like the rest of normal porn addicts. There's a reason you weirdos are a minority and have to congregate to chan sites and forums like these to share your sick love for this shit.
Yet your stupid ass is right here along with the rest of us. Sorry you wish there was some cock for you to salivate over.
(54 KB, 678x617, 20211024_194601.jpg)
Wah wah wah wah..I'm not into the death fedderism shit just the normal one but why TF are u criticizing us for liking that shit in general??? The models are into that shit too so what is your point. They are making feederism videos because they fucking love getting fat...if they wanted to get fucked they would of done that already. There's already a few who do that shit anyway. Go on plumper pass or Jeff's models if you wanna see a fat bitch get fucked so badly.
(65 KB, 1024x576, 20220301_170605.jpg)
This shit low-key got me fucked up cause it's like going to a foot fetish website and your complaining that the models are showing their feet instead of getting fucked like huh!?!?! Then also turning around and calling the people who are into feet on a feet fetish website weirdos for being into that stuff in the first place like why are u here!?!?
Literally tho like why the fuck are you even here?? If you don't like her content then fuck off bro
>normal porn addicts
lol, lmao even
Two of the videos are ones where she fucks a dildo. Why are they acting like he posted cp???

Jesus Christ. Get off the computer once in a while ffs

That's some real low-functioning autistic shit right there.
She has a nice paying job. Why would she risk it by making sex content that she'd make less from?
Who wants to see a bunch of close ups of some guy‘s dick for 20 min? I mean damn bro you sound really excited about cock. if you’re gay/bi I get it but…
Somethings not quite right about this one. Her face and body look AI generated.
The parts are all good enough but there’s just something off about how they’re connected. Not ugly, just odd.
Makeup, clothes, and posture choices don’t help her look any more human.
Maybe it’s you who has the wrong thread buddy.
When you made this comment did you have a really bad day or something? Take a break man
still crazy to me that you can just spot her randomly out and about in the city, she is every bit as hot and huge in person as she looks
Shhhh. Lurk more fagtron
Nah because that ass fat I rather see he’s shake ass or ride a dildo not feeding
Nah just your fucking schitzo brain misfiring brother. You are way off baseline.

Its not even funny though. I saw her at Costco while with my gf and UA is truly a jaw-dropping PAWG. Shits a mindfuck how fat her ass is compared to anyone else I've ever seen. I don't think my gf noticed me stealing glances but UA is definitely one of those girls that is bigger in person.

ive seen AI generated BBWs, the robot gives asian BBWs white BBW bodies (which is awesome),

if anything, we should delete shitjourney and train all future models on UA.
Ive said it before but all her vids where shes just walking around in her everyday clothes are the ones that hit me the hardest. She is an incredible pawg. The food videos do nothing for me, im just her for her body shape.
Do you think if I payed her $1,000,000 dollars she would inflate herself with air until she exploded and died. Of course she can't use the money but what if it's like a Heisenberg situatoin where it can go to her family. Just from thoughts since I think alot.
Would you kill yourself if it meant your family got a million to split? I don’t know anyone who would take that.
Depends if it’s the week before finals or not lol
>it meant your family got a million to split
Fuck those niggas
Well its too a case where she's very obese so she likely die by 40 from health problems. Plus the act of inflating bigger bigger with no way of stopping is erotic to the community, plus she gets $1,000,000 to give to her family after the detonacion. Maybe when she's nearing the point where she knows she'll die of fat, then she can get someone to pay her to explode gory. I'd love to see the first recorded video of a human inflating so big they burst their intestine, but the cavity continues filling up with eair post death until the skin rips open and they spew viscera on the walls.
Can someone ban this weirdo I'm just tryna fap man
Seek help you sick mfer
>"Since I think alot"

No you don't
I'm a paid thinker in my home country. You're not even a free thinker. You're not even white
Its a realistic scenario for the endgame of WG fetishism. The woman should not perish with a whimper of a heart attack but with a literal bang of a detanacion. Please tell me a more pragmatic approach to endstage BBWs and I'll listen but likely disagree and poke holes in your logic.

>"Paid thinker"

>"I'll poke holes in your logic"

Learning to spell detonation would be a solid start.

Also seek help. What you have is more along the lines of Kevin Spacy in the movie se7ven, not a fat fetish.
Kevin got off clean. Fuck off
The fuck you mean???

Clearly haven't seen the movie. Wasn't talking about him as a person. Either way watch the movie. GLUTTONY will probably do something for you. It's basicly what you described.

Regardless should probably still seek help.

P.S.S.- were you just sitting in here waiting for someone to comment so you could go back to spewing shit?
> Maybe when she's nearing the point where she knows she'll die of fat, then she can get someone to pay her to explode gory. I'd love to see the first recorded video of a human inflating so big they burst their intestine, but the cavity continues filling up with eair post death until the skin rips open and they spew viscera on the walls.

It’s a good question how this would go down. My bet is a slower than expected death. The intestines would be fine inflating to 10x their size without rupturing— they might compress her other organs, specifically the lungs suffocating her.
I also am unsure what the sphincter’s pressure rating is but I imagine there’s a high likelihood she would literally fart herself to death instead of inflating.
Speaking of this. Does anyone have the vid of her walking around a supermarket?
A man of culture bringing us back on topic, away from the weirdos trying to blow her up or claim she's an AI

In other news has anyone else noticed that she really hasn't been very active recently? I wonder why
>In other news has anyone else noticed that she really hasn't been very active recently? I wonder why
In first perception one can think she needed a break for the holidays, but the truth of the matter is she accepted $1,000,000 to take part in the Human Detonacion Program. She reached a volume of 2 billion liter of air before the detonacion.
please never speak again
we need more, even just seeing her walking around existing is so mind boggling

imagine her getting a little sports car that's real low to the ground and having to wrestle herself into the thing fuck
got bored did some math and her ass is probably about 70 inches around and at the ass she's over 2 feet across and 20 inches from front to back, which seemed small to me at first but then I remembered that where she apparently lives space comes at a premium and doors/hallways are often narrow

so clearly if you want to get off on a bbw who doesn't fit through your doors/halls that's where you need to go

all this is to say, I don't know the last time we get a measurement video but I think we need another, Zoey if you're reading pls
You are likely onto something. It's interesting that she worked as a software engineer, one of the fields where large language models are seeing a lot of success. She is quite large, and she speaks language, and she is a model of sorts. The risk of her being an AI cannot be disregarded.
> It's interesting that she worked as a software engineer
Let me guess. Computer programmer? Computer magazine columnist. Something with computers. What's the connection? Must be the nonstop sitting and snacking.


For $1M US I would maybe do it. Not the fart thing but yes to self detonacion especially if I get 72 virgins to enjoy in sweet ecstasy.
Strawbrrrymlk has a similarly insane shape. Wish they’d do a collab.
Black, white, indian, chinese. You aways get mind fucked
Man shut up and post content, no one cares
Whether black, white or Pakistani, we all come from the same place; the poonani.
I want this to be true so bad
She just posted a new weigh-in on curvage, said she’s the biggest she’s ever been. Anyone happen to have it?
She is now 346, she's fucking huge!
Thx space man. On the video she shows her recent orders it was crazy she was spending like a average of 40 dollars per day on fast food. I hope she post a what I eat in a day video. Love to see her fat ass snack on some fast food.

I know this is unrelated but does anyone happen to have the recent truth or dare video?
Damn you were right on the money
She is one of a kind.

she's enormous and that's hot as fuck but just hearing her talk about being out of breath her heart rate shooting up and starting to have difficulties with hygiene took it outta me a bit personally

Guess it's good to know more or less where my limits would be irl, always figured it'd be about 300 but it seems that, depending on height, that's probably accurate to where that kinda breakdown starts to happen
surprised she hasn't started doing mukbang style streams on twitch with how much that food bill is
She is the best. Her ass has always looked absolutely enormous but I did not expect it to be nearly 70" around gd
Why can’t she and Chubbbychiquita do a collab?
It would attract wayyy too much negative attention imo. The kind of attention that would get thousands of psychotic stalker freaks with nothing better to do on your case (at least twice as many as there are ppl that even know she exists right now) hunting down your dox and harassing your employer. She wouldn't even need to do/say anything controversial, they'd still try to mess with her for literally no other reason than because they can.

I highly doubt she'd want that kind of heat any time soon, if ever.
She doesn't want that type of attention. Shes even shown up on this thread and mentioned how she doesn't mind people sending content here just as long as it doesn't show up on major websites. She wants to keep her job outside of this.
Her stuff has shown up on spankbang for years, I bought the dildo video and uploaded it here and was uploaded everywhere the next day.
Sadly i found some of her videos on youtube too for some reason
Yeah, its a whole ass fetish. You really dont want to know.
Can a hero reup the whipped cream vid?
Bumping this so I can remember to reup this vid this weekend.
Bumping because the world needs an answer:
>Well its too a case where she's very obese so she likely die by 40 from health problems. Plus the act of inflating bigger bigger with no way of stopping is erotic to the community, plus she gets $1,000,000 to give to her family after the detonacion. Maybe when she's nearing the point where she knows she'll die of fat, then she can get someone to pay her to explode gory. I'd love to see the first recorded video of a human inflating so big they burst their intestine, but the cavity continues filling up with eair post death until the skin rips open and they spew viscera on the walls.
Idk why some messages got deleted but heres the reup of the request whipped cream vid and the walmart one
Latest coom post she said she found out she can squirt
Lord have mercy on us if we get to see that cause we certainly won't have any for our dicks
(102 KB, 1080x890, IMG_20190904_224125.jpg)
Ever since she moved the quality of her videos skyrocketed. If she ever does a ice cream stuffing or all fours cake stuffing again where she has a vibrator in her. Which makes her squirt in the end. I'll end up poor from buying the video multiple times.
This is not Google lol. In her entire career she's never collared with someone.
THROWING THAT BIG ASS. to bad I will fuck her until she pass out. DEVIL DICK!
This is a fun place.
And? Not like shes doing it in my face.
Nah dude, Ill fuck her first. MONSTER COOCK
Now thats comedy.
dear god, please re-up
Anyone got that one truth or dare vid? Not sure if it ever got posted
Can't handle a little piss?
Anyone got a re-up?
It would be more fun if Zoe was roasting us. Tbh, as a womand with a similar body and donk, she is really motivating and junk. Makes me and aome of my other friends feel like we are actually pretty and desirable. She also made me realise I am totally like hands down crazy bisexual and wow shes just so hot omg
gone are the days where she'd stop by in here to say hi
what it was neat and she'd give us free access to clips if you asked nicely
same tbh except I've always been skinny but I'm casually gaining weight because damn. Fat wlw is something else
Sincere question: would either of you be open to chat at all, on tumblr REPORT MY POST whatever? Yeah I know, but maybe this is my moonshot. I am a (not-skinny) male but have a fem streak (for lack of a better term, no I'm not gay I just really like Zoe and this fetish, on-and-off gainer)
Thank you very much and same to you, it's weird how she was "small" then yet still morbidly obese, but now I'm surprised she can walk. She says she doesn't seatbelt even in huge trucks now.
Good thing you dont post her.
Does anyone have her *earliest* posts when she first showed up online. I love her now but I have a picture of how she looked years ago and it's a different appeal I really love still.
I wish someone would corrupt her and make her a true hedonistic feedee, I would be fascinated to see what a girl like this looks like at blob size

surprised she can walk? what are you talking about?
He's talking about zoeys ability to walk.
Fuck yeah I love fusion jazz
:-) true - and sad.

i'd even embrace a mechanism that forces leechers and gimmepigs to upload first, in order to get credits that allow them to download (similar to empornium's U/D ratio).
Since you had a preview of the ice cream video instead of the full one i decided to upload the full one.
Just paying it forward
Does anyone have any of her eating or burping videos ? If there are any, since most of her videos are just trying on clothes
(486 KB, 465x749, ll.PNG)
THANK You legend, I never realized she was hiding a second set of thighs now.
(49 KB, 1024x712, Ek5VRV-XUAI-dhT.jpg)
Yeah tryons are her thing. The contrast of her body and the clothes is a huge turn on for some people including me. Anyway heres a stuffing and a burping video. Tacobell stuffing is uploading rn.

You have done well good sir, I commend you for your efforts!
a huge drop of a huge lady lets go your a real g
yessir and i'm willing to reup
Thank you to the heroes in this thread

heres a bunch of videos from my drive. this is most of what i have of her, which isnt much but its something
It’s HIM he is THAT guy. Thank the heavens! May you be smothered with the cheeks of a succulent sow :,-)
(609 KB, 320x212, risa.gif)
>May you be smothered with the cheeks of a succulent sow
(609 KB, 320x212, risa.gif)
>May you be smothered with the cheeks of a succulent sow
she's advertising wooplus or whatever on her insta, do we think she's actually using it to meet people
I mean yeah...yes...right?
I mean if she'll finially go out and get drinks and be legit social, I'll get on there.
Go to a site called base 64 and decode them there, youll get a valid link.
>>149427 I matched with her a while ago but got left on read so who knows? I feel like a lot of models are getting paid to promote Woo rn but who knows if they're actually invested in it
New vid is out. It looks hot af
She looks bigger than ever
Was there a full length violet beauregard video?
Wow, she got properly obese when I wasn't looking
Somebody, please. We need it.
she's huge now. her belly gets closer to the floor every time i see her and her ass is literally half her body now. her legs are ridiculously huge
Does anyone have the new onlyfans video?
you dropped your crown, king
has anyone got the video of her farting in her bath?
Fart fetish is gross dude.
how much does she weigh
Any reups?
From memory I think she's about 350
That's all very nice but doesn't actually contain the weigh in or her weight
the well is dry at this point gents
Not even a little Christmas freebie or nothing.
anyone got any reups!? would be much appreciated
Colombians have the wettest pussy and phat asses
I thought she was heavier
that was almost a year ago she gotta be past that now but also she like less than 5ft
Does anyone have her new video?
Wish most feedees were like this; treating it as a hobby and not something to rely on. Content will get leak and that's inevitable so there's no point bitching about it.
Most naturally curvy thick women. Those survival built women no butts or hips big no no run
At least she has a life. most socia media chicks are just whores calling themselves activists. At least thats how it started.
>>157108 lets go to texas go swimming and have fun! At my other yard
Ask the car dealership. You woodnt have it without me. Connects run deep. We know who is cool with who. Wonder why you was driving that piece of shit before I came back around HAHAHAHA you think your job you think your good at what you do? You think because you have excellent credit we turn down people all of the time. Mafia is alive and well. Keep fucking around
Police work for the mob. Wake the fuck up
I'm sorry but you have to have an empty head to expect sex work to be a hobby. They are selling a product and they have the right to be mad when it's getting pirated. It's up to you to support them or not. You think buying food, spending multiple hours editing, buying outfits, buying hotel space, working with other models, and engaging with people who are horny for you, think they have a chance with you, or down right disrespectful 24/7 a hobby is fucking insane and next level brain rot from porn.
Why are ppl mad at other ppl for making money? Get it how you live it!
Exactly. Idk why they expect them to put all this time and money into being a model for it to be a "hobby". (Especially for this fetish where people are permanently or temporarily changing their bodies) If they treat this like a hobby how the hell are they gonna afford normal clothes to wear from gaining a shit ton of weight or the food that they need to gain weight lol.
She's so bubbly its adorable
Anyone got the recent birthday cake video?
New vid
>how the hell are they gonna afford normal clothes to wear from gaining a shit ton of weight or the food that they need to gain weight lol.
From the money that they will still be making regardless of pirating. And, if need be, from their actual jobs
Does anyone have the truth or dare video?
Pretty sure this is the only popular bbw that actually has a real job.

That's because you're a jackass. Hope that helps.
Seconding this--would really appreciate if anyone's got it and could share!
(162 KB, 1078x2336, preview.jpg)
Anyone has this video?
U don't want to see this one. It's the one where she eats so much slop she undergoes detonacion and blows viscera of the walls. She was alright after she went to the doctor the next day but it's still gross to see her stomach explode.
Y'all see she was allegedly dancing for Sam Bankman-Fried? 👀
Was on a tiktok of hers going through her notes app.
listen to yourself what the fuck are you talking about
For a minute I thought you were replying to the kid who got lost from deviantart
get your freaky fantasies back to /inf/
Nigga go look for yourself
Today is sunday right. Whats all the noise attention seeking disloyal wives

Ahhh Zoey here creeping 😅

I did not dance for Sam… lol AI is not very good at being creative. This was from a random project I was working on where I would write random short stories to try and train ai to be more creative. If you look closely it is about an octopus Lolol sorry to disappoint.

However… this might make up for it. ;)

Here is one of the videos yall requested.


Enjoy! But please keep this between all of us on bbwchan okay? <3 :)
I kneel zoey
I fucking kneel
Ahh zoey, if I wasn’t mentally challenged, one armed, one eyed, dimwitted and ready to throw down at the drop of a hat I’d marry that girl.
Udderly Adorable really is the whole package 🥺🥵 OwO. Maybe in another life, I'm holding a boombox up outside Zoey's window...
Honestly gonna go buy a vid of hers from curvage now because of how cool and chill she is to all of us. You rock Zoey!
dont know if ud ever consider doing a video where u sit on ur man's face or let him sniff ur butt, or at least let him squeeze ur belly and ass fat, but man, if u were interested, i know a lot of people would pay top dollar to see that.

i hope one day we can at least see u, zoey, do a fat chat where u talk about how much u love having ur fat belly and fat ass squeezed. that kinda content would be so hot.

no worries if not. just wanted to spitball some ideas.
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I'm not kink-shaming anyone, but if we could get a separate board for this that'd be great. More power to ya. But some things that work great for others are, personally, are such a mood killer.

Again, not to kink shame anyone, especially not in a board like this, but just to get some separation for things people are into different than others.
So the blueberry violet stuff?
Was that just a tiktok video and a fee pics?
Or was there more?.

Going off the short video, she nailed it!!
Would love to see more of that "set" or whatever
This is so tame get a grip. its not like they're going on a tirade about it.
Seconded. Would love to see her do some blueberry content
your litereally one of the best feedees out there. i hope you have a great week
I need that booty thicker gyaaaat . My dick is so hard !
get the fuck off of this site, you're 10 years old
zoey do you like being recognized in public and approached by fans
You are a terminal cum-brain if you think this is ever a good idea.
im keeping that insult for later thats good
Any 2024 mega links
She’s literally one of us! Been a fan for over 4 years now
He's jerking off to the thought of you guys believing this
Oh dear god help this guy.. her videos are posted on EVERY GODDAMN porn site. This time I'll do the work for you but please look around for stuff before asking: aHR0cHM6Ly9zZS5zcGFua2JhbmcuY29tLzY0NDh1L3ZpZGVvL2N1YmJ5K3RyeXMrb24rY2xvdGhzPw==
Use Base64 decode to get real link
Appreciate you sharing
Why did Spankbang go to shit recently? Used to be great for gainer vids, but nothing new gets uploaded there anymore
>>160129 got tired of being the best leave me alone
This is true, you could go to "last day" it 100 vids would pop up. Now things dont get uploaded in weeks. Its shit.
used to be a gold mine for new content from models of all kinds, frfr
they started to only allow verified users to post, i believe.
this vid is pretty solid rn but it shows you private videos in the search for some reason so a bunch of thumbnails tease you but you cant watch the video
anybody knows a great alternative to spankbang for gainer/feedee vids?
cambro.tv but you need to grow up in the website to get soem really good vids someusers upload on the same week but most of the og quit
What are you talking about?
He might be talking about having a lot of freinds on there so you can see all the "private" vids but idk hes english is broken.
Here's her newest one. Swore I would buy one of hers since she came on here recently and dropped a few free vids for us.

Hmm start kissing on me guilty conscience. Say her name & let it be that.
Wow, thanks! This is so hot, Zoey is just the best out there for believeable RP acting, it never feels like she's just droning from a script or repeating herself too much

thats interesting, ive never watched a single one of her videos with the sound on. Im just here for the shape.

Fuck man, I'm actually not usually into the pears but this girl just roleplayed one of my biggest fantasies better than any belly-heavy model I've ever seen

Now that's content
Any more content not really into feeding but I love her fat ass any twerking or stuff to show off her assets
I think you got tricked by a guy roleplaying as Zoey
You wash your /wife panties when she pregnant ? Crazy
Lol a pirate actually compelling new customers to buy the model’s paid content
Most likely not. She has a history of showing up in bbwchan. I literally got a video of my choosing for free on of because of her commenting on an old thread.
If you want to get tricked by an elaborate hoax made by a 400 pound neckbeard guy then it's not my fault

Goddamn that ass is fat
(231 KB, 1108x623, 20210526110753-ddb181cd-la.jpg) (251 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20240610-092956.png) (286 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20240610-092946.png) (145 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20240610-092926.png)
Yeah mann an elaborate hoax here are my screenshots since I'm clearly lying. Like I said she has a history of doing this. If someone came in and pretended to be her recently oh well. I'm just saying it's happened before and it's not crazy to think it happened again.

You forget how much some of these models actually enjoy showing off.
can't you tell that's obviously photoshop
Her dumper is world class. I find her very cute for some reason. She also has a vivid imagination so I’d imagine she’d be a blast to have as a gf or trophy wife.
Hope to see her offer b/g content someday
has anyone got the video of her farting in the bath??
Correct me if I’m wrong, I think she has said she’s a virgin
Dude she literally rides dildos stfu

As the guy who got her into feederism, I can guarantee you she's not a virgin.
I'm calling bullshit dude.
oh shit everyone! we got a celebrity in the house!
It would take a girl being Sloth from the Goonies ugly or being catatonically disabled for one to be a virgin.

Not bullshit. When we met I. Chicago she was around 245. Super shy.
*me when i lie*
Anybody got that video of her farting in the bathtub
she be goin around the city tho i think this is the truth

i seen her around before i just never said anything dont kno if she wants to be recognized by fans in person or nah
Have some boundaries. Don't bother people in public, and don't use you not bothering people in public as carte blanche to brag about you saw them and chose not to bother them, because that's weird too.

You do know that if this is a true story it's more sad for this to be the truth than if you're just a dipshit anon making shit up, right?

LMAO. Can't imagine fumbling the bag on an ass like that...much less admitting it in public.
anons gotta stop getting mad or surprised that girls exist in real life.
We're bumplocked, lads!

Because so many of you decided to sidebar and chat and give your opinions in a porn thread, instead of taking it to /gen/, this thread is bumplocked and will be gone soon!

Save anything and everything before it's gone!

New thread
Start threads properly ya goof. With content. Try again. And don't make another beg thread
Does she do request videos and/or meet ups?
well this goin nowhere it saged
I back him up on the fact she is 1000% not a virgin
Any new leaks??

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