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Anyone have anything of LMBB at her biggest or some of her videos that aren't really shared very often?

Because of her leaving quite a while ago, her Kemono is a sad graveyard of unlisted YouTube videos.

Also, here are the matching videos from the pictures above:
>>124403 (OP)
wow her belly looks so stuffed and heavy in the stuffed comparision and ready to pop videos, don't know if I've ever seen a belly look that heavy before
>>124403 (OP)
Naysayers be damned. My all-time favorite. Screw that milkmerz creep for sending her away.
Pizz4grl is comparable to LMBB
agreed but lmbb is still a legend in my book
pizz4grl is getting there but shes definitely in the top 10 for me
Pizz4grl is new best in class. Even more so if she ever fully shows face. Glimpses we have gotten she’s got as fuck
Total legend and one of the best
I’ve got the mega someone made a while ago:

Thanks bro. Before just now, I had never seen her face at all. She looks just like myfatblondegf when she was a little smaller. Idk much about either models, but there’s no way lmbb is myfatblondegf right? I see some major similarities, in both the chin, nose, (hair obv) and “style” of eating (i.e. unhinging the jaw slightly) and neither show their full face. As far as I know the timeline might add up too.
which specific vid are you talking about? I wanna see the lmbb face
The last thread uncovered that she lost all the weight after the milkmerz drama. She's thin now and is into outdoors shit. She's gone.
A bottomless vid near her thinnest as tribute
What's the source on that? Did some guy just pull it out of his ass to make us feel bad or something?
It’s the one that says private video and it’s around 1:40 it’s not a very good look at her though
No there's pics. They don't have her face but it's the same build and considering how her socials were leaked its not hard to believe. Not fullproof evidence but its not "no bro u gotta believe me"
Anyone know any of her socials? Or willing to share? Dieing to see her again, even if shes changed
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Does anybody have this video? It was on her old Stufferdb page before it got taken down and now I can't find it anywhere. It was called 'Stuffed Piggy Belly Play' or something similar to that. If someone has it and chooses to upload it, thanks in advance.
I'm guessing it's this one?

Side note: I've got a bunch of clips I've collected and dated (using Kemono as a rough guide, a lot of duplicates with the Mega but a few more too), but it's like >20GB so either I can send them as loads of wetransfers or something else idk
That would be appreciated.
you could make a drive or mega folder
Yup. Right on the moeny. I appreciate it bro.
i was the one who found out she lost weight, but that was months ago and last i checked she deleted her vsco which is where i found it
Why would anyone share that to the retards on here, no need for rd 2 of what happened the first time. Anyone saying they know her socials are just diminishing any chance of her or other models coming back, keep it to yourself
Skeptical. The shots I remember could have just as well been from someone else.

I remember about a month before she left, before the doxx, she stated that she was at the point where she was happy with her weight & look, and would likely go into maintenance mode. Knowing the work she put in to get to that point, and her love for food and stuffing, I don't see any reason she'd just go on a reducing plan just because she decided to no longer post public pics/vids.
Does anyone have the video called "Does this still fit" it was one of the videos from 2020 and she had a blue outfit on
>>124691 Nobody else has said so I will. Thank you so much for the content bruv.
Imo, the G.O.A.T - at least in the top five. She developed the perfectly rounded, extra chubby/fat shape. Being a cute, petite, blonde with enthusiasm (at least until the harassers got to her) certainly helped her appeal with me. Others have differing opinions, but she'll remain at the top with me. Like to know what she doing these days, but unrealistic to think we'll ever know.
Agreed, it really sucks that people like Milkmertz exist that just doxx and harass people.
if we believe what’s being said, became a nature/trek girl and lost the weight, but we won’t know for sure. she did seem genuinely happy with her weight and gain.
What's being said about a now slim & fit outdoor gal is from one person here, and extremely sketchy with no real evidence. As you say, she mentioned shortly before she left that she was very happy with her current weight - had no intention to gain more, but no indication whatsoever that she intended to lose. She was so into stuffing and plumping out, especially in her last year, it is hard for me to envision a 180% turnaround. My guess is that she is still very plump and happy, continuing to indulge on her favorite treats.
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That’s right Lennie, she’s still fat, don’t worry. Soon she’ll be back even bigger than she was before.
It's pretty much an established path at this point that more well-adjusted chicks that don't show their face/don't have schizophrenia etc. gain a bit of weight to indulge in their fetish then just lose after they peace out. More power to them tbh.
nice to see my mega is still up and appreciated. Sorry not everything is there, I ran out of room!
it's all good, your one helped fill in a lot of gaps when I was organising mine
cope harder but soon youll have to face reality pal
And what is that reality, Einstein?
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Gonna chime in here and say that the person talking about her getting fit and doing outdoorsy stuff is correct. Here is a picture from Fall last year. Slightly chubbier arms than earlier in the year, but I don’t think she plans to gain weight again any time soon. Spoiler filter for those who wish to live in denial.
I do believe it sadly, and where is this picture from?
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Not convinced. Perhaps not looking at this right, but in my scrutiny, the right upper arm birthmark does not match up. It is higher and more centered in the pic we know is lmbb.
That’s totally her you schizo
That one side profile picture is proof? You're no Perry Mason, retard.
>>125578 I guess since you say so! I don't really know what you're talking about but you're cute so yeah whatever you say baby
I love when anons just broadcast their delusions out to the internet as if they uncovered the truth

You got it man this is just a body double. I can’t believe after all that work we fucked up the mole position by a centimeter! It’s definitely not the angle difference between photos!
I guess referring to an American TV lawyer icon is not the best way to make the point on this site - but nothing has been shown here to prove lmbb is now a slim, fitness queen. Doubt it..
>>125586 You Jews love lawyers, don'tyou?
Thanks for your comment Adolph
Do we really need to bring antisemitism into a discussion on lmbb. jeez
>>125588 More like Mucellini, nerd, I bet you that 1 of us' destined for hell and that it's not gonna beme. Now stfu.
It's Mussolini, champ
>>125591 I wouldn't know that. Therexs literally no way for me to know that information, CHAMP. I hope a brilliant physicist such as yourself could understand?
Guys shut the fuck up she’s not coming back
i mean it was pretty clear it’s true, now there’s no doubt left.
Easy to call someone an idiot, not so easy to prove a former fatty is now a slim, fit, outdoorsy from what I've seen so far.
>>125634 Does itmatter though?
This thread has been dead for a minute so here's 3 of her videos I haven't seen posted here since like October of last year on the old thread which is how I even got them. The fattest stuffing ever vid I'm not even sure can be found ANYWHERE, so it's really rare. The sunburnt one is on ThisVid and no where else as far as I know and the car stuffing one used to be on there as well but I can't find it. I just got tired of ThisVid pussies making everything they have private so here y'all go, but get it while it's up because IT WON'T BE UP LONG, I'm sorry but I can't have this stuff up long. I encourage anyone else who has legitimately rare stuff to share as well please. Enjoy my friends.

I was always bummed that she never did a belly button play video :(
Same dude again. Thought I'd post my pictures as well. Not sure if any of you guys will remember but a few months ago some dude leaked his mega stash on a thread he made here and gave away his shit so that's where most of the pictures in this transfer come from. Now mind you LMBB wasn't solely what he leaked but that's mostly what I grabbed. The thread and the mega have since been deleted... not entirely sure why but yeah. So some of these pictures are rare. Like the other transfer these will only be up for a set amount of time so get it while it's here. Enjoy.

Thank you mate, much appreciated.

No way you tried reposting the same mega folder that's already been posted in multiple threads and tried to pass it off as some crazy secret stash lollll. It's literally been posted here lolll. I'm not stupid. Also I literally gave a bunch of stuff already. Acting like I didn't share an EXTREMELY rare video that I didn't have to. Instead of begging for more, how about you actually contribute. Like damn, be a little grateful dude. Sorry for the rant y'all but it kind of POed me that he tried to pass that old ass mega off like it was something special to get more from me.
Any chance we can get a reup of your rare videos bro?
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I guess there's some dude who's going around saying that she was pregnant in this vid.

Probably BS, but I guess it's possible. She did blow up like a balloon towards the end.
I don't get why some people say this. She was never pregnant. In her last video in March of 2021 she was smaller than she was here and this video was uploaded over a month before that one so her being pregnant here doesn't add up... pregnant womens' stomachs don't get smaller, they get bigger. She was just able to get really bloated. You can literally go to her Kemono and find the video on the first page, it's called 'Pig can't control herself...'. It was the day after the Super Bowl and she was stuffed... she was never pregnant. I wish people used their brains... some random creep says she's pregnant and dudes who are too fucking lazy and stupid to do the slightest bit of puzzle piecing believe him without hesitation.(insults not directed to who posted this and I'm not trying to ensue an argument) >>127387
I couldn't have them up long, I'm sorry bro. I might share them again when someone else shares content that hasn't been posted 1000 times already unlike this guy>>127096. It's the same dirt old recycled videos and megas getting shared in the threads made for her. I'm not going to reup my super rare vids just so people can download them and then beg for more and contribute nothing(not saying that's you) or for some chump to post some old ass mega folder and then expect shit in return I owe him something for doing it lol (talking about this guy>>127096). I'm sure there's people out there who've saved some of her patreon videos/photos and other rare ones before they were deleted who just aren't posting.(Not that they have to). But When someone else comes and shares videos that haven't been posted on Spankbang a million times, I'll reup. I don't want to see this thread go dry Sorry for the long spew.
Why are her kemono files YouTube videos? They don’t play either btw.
When she was still a part of the community and making content she obviously had a patreon, hence the kemono page. But she had a playlist of unlisted youtube videos specifically for those among her followers subbed to her patreon. So you'd have to sub to her to get access to them. But then she got blasted by some youtuber who was notorious for leaking information about belly fetish models(milkmertz or something like that). Long story story short he leaked wayy too much info about her,( her boyfriend, where she was from, when she was born I think, what university she went to, her friends, I think he said her parents' got divorced, fucking showed her parents' faces, her face and I think what state she lived in too, and events she was at) Just overkill. It obviously caused controversy and his channel ended up getting deleted. She left and in effect deleted all of her content 2 years ago so that's why the videos don't play. Albeit she was already on leave due to mental health issues and it seemed like she was losing interest anyway so milkmertz was just the final nail in the coffin. But that pretty much sums up why she left. I haven't seen milkmertz return, I've read that apparently he has, but I've never found his channel nor was evidence provided to back up the claims. Most likely he won't ever come back, at least under the same name because he'll 100% get doxxed and harassed beyond comprehension if he does, but even if he does come back with a different name, if he's still doing the same type of content as before people will catch on and blast the shit out of him. But yeah that's what happened.
Wow that is insane. Revealing her parents is WILD. Did you see what she looked like? I’ve always wanted to see her face ngl
Yeah her face is still on the web, though I'm not sure if I want to post it cuz ppl are weird ya know? lol
Its obvious she wasn’t pregnant but the fact that she was so fat that people are convinced she was is pretty hot ngl
Yeah I don't know why people started telling those lies, also grossed out that some dudes are turned on by unborn children. But we're getting off track! This is becoming more discussion than content sharing
Back to her videos, is there a specific video were we are share she was at her biggest? I’ve seen some where she was huge but can’t say for certain
Just rare videos in general, like stuff from her patreon that's been saved before she nuked it. Not the same old videos that are shared here that you can literally go find on spankbang.
The video where she was wearing a light blue sweater and trying on jeans was when she was her biggest, I havent found it in a while though
Why would you assume they're turned on by the fetus and not the woman?
Wtf else could he be turned on by? If a dude has a belly fetish and is turned on by a pregnant women, he's becoming erect by the unborn baby inside of her. Not her. It's that child making her belly big. Not food. If you're going to sit here and try to defend that your fucking disgusting.

If the baby's unborn it's fairplay. Not Pedo.
>>127452 "If the baby's unborn it's fairplay".

You just said the word 'baby' therefore it's pedophilic you fucking weirdo. The baby being born or not has nothing to do with it. Seek help.
>>127455 Fucking a fetus. Not Pedo.
WHICH IS AN UNBORN CHILD, not up for discussion, not up for debate. If you jack off to a pregnant women, your objectively in effect masturbating to an unborn child who's still in it's mother.
That fact you're sitting here trying argue why this is ok is making me nauseous
>>127458 Yeah? Too bad I already made that manga decades ago, in the early 2000s when Preggo was in style. It's too late and the fetus' been fucked. Through the vagina and into the womb. Still not Pedo.
Here's the blue sweater/jeans try-on.

It wasn't just milkmerz that finished her off. There were a number of chronic complainers on her Pateon. Paying patrons no less, but these retards wouldn't stop negatively critiquing her content - this during her biggest period. Then when she attempted to rearrange her tier structure, they let her have it. She was already down, but then creep milkmerz posted his infamous YT doxxing video. Such a shame. She likely wasn't going to gain much more at this point (she stated in a post that she was happy where she was) but she was looking fat as fuck for a petite gal and it would have been great to see her continue.

Listen buddy you if you're gonna sit here and give excuse after excuse after excuse on why it's ok that you masturbate to unborn babies still inside of their mothers' bellies, go right ahead. But I'm not going to damage my brain anymore than what I already have by continuing to engage with a slime ball like you. This thread is going off the rails. Back to the topic. LMBB. if anyone has rare videos of hers please share
>>127464 Why should anybody have to owe you an excuse? The fact remains that I made a manga about fucking fetuses already, and that it wasn't Pedo then, and it's not Pedo now. Actually in the manga the fetus was kicking with excitement with a dick in its mouth.
>>127444 That's not her at her biggest (not trying to be dick). Also I appreciate that fact you contributed, but this literally has already been shared in the mega folder that one dude posted right here.>>124676
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Am I the only one seeing this shit?? loll. The fact your trying so hard to defend this just proves my point that it's weird and I also want you to think long and hard about the words you just typed. Once again. Seek. Help.
Are you turned on by food? Do you go around looking for pics of mcdoubles to jerk off to? I assume not. More than likely you're turned on by what the food does to a woman's body and not the food itself. Just as someone with a pregnancy fetish is turned on by what the fetus does to a woman's body and not the fetus itself. If someone wanted to get off to fetuses they would just lookup fetus pics instead of trying to jerk off to one they can't even see due to it being inside a woman.
Guys I’m not into pregnancy but I’m pretty sure people who are get off to it because they like the idea of a lady being pregnant
I mean, come on
How much drawn preg stuff do you see where the artist shows the unborn fetus?
I'm turned on by girls with big stomachs as a result of their eating habits. Not unborn children still developing in the womb. There's a very clear line between those two things. I'm not arguing this. I suggest you talk to someone. >>127469
Doesn't matter if it's shown or not, there's an unborn child involved I'm out... stop trying defend this you fucking weirdos.

"They like the idea of a lady being pregnant." They like the idea of a child sitting it's mother belly. Mentally sick.
But please back to LMBB enough of this pregnancy shit it's making me sick. We're going off track.
Yeah, fuck your appreciation. I'm the dude that provided most of the content to the nice soul that made the original mega.

I reposted the vid because it was specifically requested now. And the period between Dec. '20 and Feb, 21 was her biggest. This was her last of 2020.
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Don't open this image you may cum uncontrollably.
You'd leave your pregnant wife sexless for 9 months all because you're too scared of the thing growing inside her? Damn.
She was bigger in Feb of '21 than she was in Dec of '20, so like I said not her biggest, her biggest period, but not objectively her biggest, but whatever lol. I was polite to you but you can keep that stick shoved up your ass if it makes you feel happy lol.
What can I say

I love little girls
I'll gladly say I cum to burgers rather say I than cum to a child still in the developmental stages sooo.

Never said I'd leave anyone loll, said if an unborn child is involved (as in porn) I'm out. If I got my wife pregnant I'm not just going to leave her and the baby... that might've happened with you and your parents but idk loll.
Sorry. I marry only for love and sex, and nothing else. Those are my only rules.
>I'll gladly say I cum to burgers rather say I than cum to a child still in the developmental stages sooo.
Neither is happening with your fetish or a pregnancy fetish sooo.
>If I got my wife pregnant I'm not just going to leave her and the baby...
But you won't fuck her for 9 months? Doctors encourage sex with unborn children involved, guess they're sick weirdos too.
Why is it that every LMBB thread we create goes off the rails at some point?
"Doctors encourage sex with unborn children involved." Due cite evidence as to where and when this was ever said please. Also big difference than making love to your pregnant wife versus jacking off to a pregnant chick's stomach you fucking slime ball. How many people know you have this fetish? Is this something you'd tell someone, think not.
Because of these degenerates
Polite? An appreciation "comment" that comes off as a cynical back-handed compliment to a long-standing contributor here is not polite. And so let's be technical about her biggest. There cannot be more than a 5-10 pound difference between her Dec bikini vid and some in Feb. But then, I'd rather debate you than this pregnancy/unborn child shit.
>>127492 (Dead)
Thank you, most sensible damn person I've seen so far.
>Due cite evidence as to where and when this was ever said please.
>Also big difference than making love to your pregnant wife versus jacking off to a pregnant chick's stomach you fucking slime ball.
They're both getting off to the woman's body, don't see a difference.
>How many people know you have this fetish? Is this something you'd tell someone, think not.
Dude this ain't some hidden thing, plenty of people have this fetish. You ever been to r/preggoporn? 500k+ members and counting. I'd tell any partner.
The Earth's home to humans filled with a dark demonic entity. They're like robots and can't determine things on their own, so they copy others, manipulate, lie, and steal with the help of dark, unseen forces.
I used to believe that there was some connection to them and psychopaths, but it appears not, and that instead these individuals loose something as they grow into adulthood and unable to regain whatever it is they've lost a sort of dark entity takes a hold of them indefinitely. They begin believing different things and look for reasons to trick themselves into believing that its all in their heads and that everything's going to be alright, but the supernatural's real, and there's no escaping reality even in death.
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Look dude I'm tired, if you like jacking off to babies, you like jacking off to babies. And the fact you're willing to go this far as to where you're listing links literally makes me nauseous. But you do you. 500k creeps attracted to developing children that didn't talk to a psychiatrist when they first noticed that shit turned them on. Plain and simple. If you get hard to a women who you know's pregnant, and you're erect despite the fact you know she's pregnant. Your weird. It is an unborn child. End of story. I'll say it again. Seek help.

"500k+ members and counting." Just because a bunch of people do something doesn't make it cool. Look at history. Think long and hard when you're busting that load to that preggo porn dude. Please, I'm so serious, talk to someone.
>>127500 (Dead)
Only so much time in the day and I'm not going through every thread
imagine paying for something, not getting it. Then getting called names for asking for it… you are braindead
wtf u talking about! They were monthly paying subs and getting all her postings. Nothing held back, friggin retard.
would also like to know what vid is at her biggest, don’t know a lot about lmbb so if someone with a little more knowledge could share would be much appreciated!

Good to know I'm not the only one who has seen people saying this. There's a guy on SDB who, I kid you not, is analyzing that video like it's the Zapruder Film. He's even got time stamps that supposedly *prove* that she was pregnant.

People are crazy.

youre the goat for this vid

i knew it existed alongside those pictures i posted earlier but never had it as i didnt have the foresight to save her stuff off patreon
thanks man. I didn't follow this when she was originally posting and only found her from this thread, but it's really sad there will never be new content or she won't return because she was absolutely perfect in this vids even just seeing them for the first time
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I don't want to speak for those people, but I think that they would just say that she gave birth in the interim.

But that would mean that this^ is a 9-month belly. I mean, she's big, (and could absolutely pass for about 6 months pregnant) but big enough to be full-term pregnant?

I don't think so.
Out of fairness to them, just because her belly isn't super big and round doesn't mean that she wasn't pregnant. There are some women who never even grow a "bump" and are still very much pregnant. Not saying she was, but saying "she wasn't big enough" isn't the argument-destroying factoid that some people want it to be in this context.

if a hero is willing to reupload that'd be really appreciated
I don’t get why people are so defensive over their “super rare lmbb content” that isn’t even there’s lmaooo. I was sharing some rare stuff with some dude on yt that I had never seen before (the munchies vid). Idk why people don’t just share the love so confusing.
Like some dude said he’s mad at pussies for privating their videos and how he got these videos from somebody else’s mega but now only shares for a couple days? Makes no sense. If anyone got the reup I’d be glad to share whatever I can.
I’m not sure what lmbb videos I have that haven’t been seen that I can share. I have one of her in blue pajamas that I haven’t really seen. I also have a girl named anonymous12 on patreon I was subbed to for a while. Was similar to lmbb where she wasn’t obese but just had a really nice belly. Id just like to see that sunburnt stuffing cause that was one of my favs from back in the day. And that really rare vid I wanna see if I’ve seen it before.
does anyone remember a video she made showing her making her weight gain shake in her kitchen that she was going to chug? i remember seeing it once on stufferdb but it got purged pretty quick.
She used YouTube private videos as her hosting method.
Do you remember what she was wearing?
Could you share the video you have of her in blue pj's?
does anyone have any videos at all, like a mega link of when she was bigger or any size? Im new to LMBB
yeah, check the thread, you'll find the megas
Can anyone reup anything from her biggest?
Yo thanks. Between all the megas and everything I’ve seen uploaded online, there’s nothing else missing from what I remember back in the day besides that one guy who shared a vid called fattest stuffing ever. Said it was super rare and I don’t remember it from back in the day. Wish I had more foresight to save everything

No problem, I just checked and I have a video titled “my biggest (and fattest) stuffing ever”, so again I’m not sure if it’s the one you’re looking for, but I uploaded it as well:

Yeah I was the guy who originally shared the "My Biggest (and Fattest) Stuffing Ever" vid on this thread. I was contemplating reupping it. Thnx for doing it for me.
No there's definitely stuff missing loll, just check her kemono. What we've got here is just scratching the surface.

What were the titles of the other rare videos you uploaded? I’m curious to see if I have them now too since I keep finding all these videos everyone is mentioning
Oh the other ones I shared were the sunburnt ones this dude reupped after me. >>127575

That’s me as well lmao, but awesome, glad to help get some of these rarer videos out in the wild
Oh I didn't even realize loll, yeah if her kemono page existed while she was still active, I wish I would've known... would have stached EVERYTHING.
Bruh I was subbed to her fat ass I was just naive didn’t realize it could all disappear. She would share google drive links so that’s all I had saved. Everything I had is basically out in the wild now
Damn loll, I hate the feeling of knowing I could've had some CRAZY stash but I fumbled.
Need other anons to confirm but, I could've sworn her actual biggest belly (at least in comparison to her whole body) was when she live streamed a pizza stuffing. She looked absolutely pregnant towards the end and you could see how heavy it was weighing her down. That and her thanksgiving video with the sweatpants I think are the two times where she went truly overboard and ate until it hurt
Does anyone have more videos and pictures from 2018? That’s my favourite part and I feel many are still missing
If you're talking biggest stuffed belly, that pizza stuff along with several other massive stuffs late in her presence were impressive. However, weight wise, her biggest was Jan-Feb 2021. I believe her last declared weight was 200 lbs at the end of May 2020. She was noticeably heavier, perhaps 20 lbs, in early 2021.
Wait why did she disappear again? im new. Also does anyone thing she would come back one day if she needed money
1.Some YouTube channel made a video revealing personal info on her like two years ago (name,face,etc…)
2.Nah,I doubt she’s coming back
I still can’t believe how stuffed
she could get, there isn’t a lot of models like her where I can noticeably tell the difference on her belly at the end of the stuffing vid. She was seriously impressive
My favorite LMBB video was the Red Dress/Pink Shirt one.

She just looked so big and so heavy and you could hear her belly gurgling in a few different spot.
Unless I’ve missed it in one of the drops above somewhere, but does anyone have the sushi stuffing aftermath vid?
Pretty sure that one’s on YouTube and stuff
The naysayers be damned. She'll always remain a legend in this community in my mind. Had it all - cute, petite, blonde gains 100 lbs looking fine doing it. Could stuff and expand like few others. Shame what happened.
>>127783 I feel like it's on the tip of my tongue (pause) but I can't place it. Feels like I might've watched it before.
I gotchu. It's a bit short, unfortunately.

So sorry. Im the OP and didn't realize how much the thread has grown. Any chance of a reup?
I'm the dude who originally posted the rare stuff, I got you bro, just give me a few minutes, thank you for making this thread.
Definitely one of the best models imo.
Browsing through the kemono is a sad sight
Np, yeah I wish there was more saved of her.
Anyone have the vid where’s she’s “whining” and talking about how much fatter she wants to get. Was an older vid I think
anyone wanna reup the blue sweater jeans video ? legend
I would love to see her face, how do I find it, what do I have to search for?
Also I have never been on bbwchan, how do I use these "mega keys" (aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVFVSkF0M0NNaTY=)
Look up “text decode and just click the first one or something and copy and paste
I'm really curious about how she looks, where can I see hers? Also I'm new, how I use these mega keys? (aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVFVSkF0M0NNaTY=)

You have to kind of stare at it long enough for a link to emerge. Kind of like a magic eye poster
Look up at the very top of the page. You see a tab labeled HELP?
Sorry for putting nothing in here. I just want to keep the thread alive.
Anyone got any of her button pops
i'm wondering the blue sweater-jeans try on video, can you guys send it again?
Her ass is so fat
Anyone got any of her "rare" videos from when she was at her largest or have a mega folder of all her content etc? Would be really apriciated
Does anyone actually know why she got so big so fast just before she left? I remember being absolutely shocked at the size of her just before the Milkmerz crap went down. She had to have gained, what, 30 pounds in about 2;1/2 months? I've been hearing different explanations on forums and I don't really know what's true and what's not...

She admitted to being a stoner and loved to eat. Add a feeder it’s not rocket science
How many buttons did she pop
Does someone has some videos of her
What was her last video she had posted?
Re up please
(8.6 MB, 888x1920, RPReplay_Final1699101849.webm)
There was a guy on here who said he’d make an LMBB burp comp but never came through with it. Thinking I should fulfill it, what do you guys think?
Does anyone have a Mega folder of its contents, please
fuck yeah brother, please do!
Did you provide a response for each of your personalities? Lol
are there any other websites or threads about her??
Yes please
I would suggest using this great new website: www.google.com
lol no that would take too long
instead i just fucked up by thinking i had fucked up the captcha when in fact i had not fucked up the captcha. good ca(p)tch

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