
First of all gay…. Second of all, stupid
Well...she was a trans man for about a year (born female, don't be a bigot).
i remember that phase, she started losing weight but made these obese himbo boyfriend rp content, those were the dark ages
At least bisexuals like me got a kick out of it lmao
She’s not actually trans tho right?
Namefags don't be complete narcissistic degenerate hellbound faggots challenge (impossible ?)
Relax for fucks sake. So unneeded
there must be something more flattering than that terrible op screenshot cause this chick does not look attractive at all, unless your on bbwchan where they cant see faces
This one I found on a whim - thought it was completely lost after the pornhub purge a ways back
If coomer ever goes down you will be out last hope
Wow, its almost like 99 percent of people just do that for attention, and the remaining 1 percent are just insane, wow, imagine that
this is what happens when you give a retard an internet connection
Gotta admit, his ability to pantomime English is almost good enough to convince me he's literate.
Are the girls who think they’re guys kinda the retarded ones here?
No, just the idiots that care so much about somebody else's life choices that doesn't effect their own lives in the slightest.
dude woods has had one of the best gains. She went from stick thin to a fat blob in like 10 years. I remember when she was new on the scene and it's hot as hell to see her like this. idc how tf she identifies I just wanna look at the fat girls, so share or get off the pot

(some favs)

Just pretend it's a girl 🤦‍♂️all the woman parts are still there
how would women losing weight "effect" you, retard
1) Don't use emoji on imageboards faggot
2) "Pretend" implied a change ever actually took place. I'm not enabling demonic possession and mental illness.
This. I can't tell what is low IQ or what is just apathetic selfishness anymore.

Society is complex. A LOT of things we take for granted every day rely on a LOT of people being at least semi-competent, semi-intelligent normal working humans. If they disappear or they end up as freaks we are SCREWED and indeed we will not be laughing at what happened to the (Western) Roman Empire anymore. And a Constantine or Justinian, or even King Theoderic (if any of you nigs know who these even are) to mop up the bloody mess are very far from guaranteed.

Yes normalizing mutilation and Frankenstein surgeries etc. does its own little part to mess everything up. If you legitimately can't even try to see this you're either so ignorant it's not worth replying to, or just careless to the point of mild evil. Go rob a bank.
you guys do realize this is a fat fetish board and we are the fucking degenerates of society right?
for having a preference for fat women? no
for watching porn? yes
those who glorify gluttony/obesity? yes
Holy fucking shit shut the fuck up nobody fucking cares
I mean that's like everyone here, we're all degenerates, I find it funny when people here want to point fingers at others like we don't jerk off to lard, and have porn habits so frequent we build fucking collections
We get it some of y'all are transphobic. For fucks sake upload porn or shut the fuck up.
>Upload porn or shut the fuck up

Doesn't upload. Average beggar
bottom-tier IQ black-as-soot gorillas
this but unironically. symbolism matters. she trooned out for the same reason she became fat purposefully at all: she's a butterface with daddy issues.
Americans are blessed by God. They have so much money, and so many friends. I envy Americans.
He doesn't want to say "you guys" because that's doin a heckin' exclusion' and gender-assumption (banned on Reddit). And also he likely fetishizes swarthoids and their culture.

These people have no morals, broken families, broken souls.
I'm on nofap.
so true oomfie MAGA 2024
>>123797 You're snitching? Well, that's not very black of you.
(2.1 MB, 400x226, 004AA71.gif)
Yeah I gotta admit. She was hot early on but when she went all trans and chopped off her hair and lost weight she looked like a deflated tranny. Quite disgusting. That's why she dropped that act after some time because she noticed a lot of guys weren't digging that repulsive look. Such a shame, before her mental illness kicked in she was definitely a hot chub.
>>123803 Just like that..... I loose nofap.
Twitter is down the hall and to the left, my nigger in Hitler
hot tbh
Is anyone able to update coomer please?
Thank you to the person that did!
Not gonna let this thread die. Here’s one from their early days.

(8.6 MB, 770x860, woods-425561569.gif)
Yeah I ain't downloading shit from that website..if someone takes it for the team can you reup it on WeTransfer.
Not to mention the video in the GIF isn't even in the download
Thats not a website its a decode link, you guys just find this website yesterday?
(2.1 MB, 2074x1488, img1.png)
Pic of videos in link.


Bunkr. It's legit. If I have time, I'll upload to WeTransfer tomorrow.


Just picked a gif at random. If I find the video, I'll add it. Don't know if I have it though.
When I tried to download something it opened a new tab and the download was super slow

Thank you! Some that I hadn’t seen before were in there

Added more videos to this link.

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