
(185 KB, 1194x2208, ec22d964-018b-4b54-8137-5227de5dfe8b.jpg) (320 KB, 1080x1616, ad12596d-7617-40f6-b196-18a5dacd8488.jpg) (1.6 MB, 3840x2880, 826f8a89-dbb7-4d46-a75a-cdc432a10b8e.jpg)
>>121413 (Cross-thread)
>this, great example. why are they wearing black? black is slimming. I thought we wanted to see how fat they are.
Some of my all time favorite series of photo sets from Reiina have been the ones where she's outgrown that tight, black dress she's wearing. Black is slimming, yes; but not when you're as fat as she is. That's the whole appeal of this fetish: witnessing someone get so goddamn fat that they can't hide how much of a glutton they are. Reiina's silhouette is unmistakable; she's quite literally bulging out of everything she wears! There's no hiding that gut, that ass, those tits (even those arms!). Two years ago her dress didn't fit; one year ago she had clearly outgrown it; and as of last month it's practically in tatters; and yet she continues to wear it set after set! There's nothing more erotic than that imo.
Thanks man you are a king
How did she get this big while being a powerlifter? Like I assume it's not all fat or all muscle but I'm genuinely curious

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