
(261 KB, 1475x1600, image_1000001779.jpg) (76 KB, 900x1600, 1000001787.webp)
Hello, my wife is a bbw and has started an onlyfans - we are looking for ideas and such and new fans - Very simply put we are trying to earn extra income to support our family - so I am going to drop the link. If ya'll are interested in PoV or specific content please leave a comment on this thread or the onlyfans page.

There is an amazon wishlist attached with costume ideas aswell.

This is a piracy site bro. We don’t care about your wife’s mediocre OF.

Maybe try sharing something? And by something I mean full videos, not shitty clips.
Cuck lol
Not the site for this.
>>119969 (OP)
Let her go man, its not cool to kidnap women
The authorities will help you get the help you need
unreal asf
>>119969 (OP)

Bro no one here is going to subscribe. We could give a damn about paying for porn....


That part ☝🏾


Ditto 🤣
Woke up happy. Now I am sad.
>>119969 (OP)

This some true life "Indecent Proposal" shit.

And I'm betting you're not Woody Harrelson...
That is tough, you are even more down bad than us
>>119969 (OP)
@all the haters, bbw-chan has an ancient rule about attention seekers and self promoters.

tits or get the fuck out

so yeah, throw us a freebie or two or we're gonna be mean and possibly even nuke the thread :)
Hey Sambo McNamefag, don't use emojis on imageboards
what the fuck
Wtf, simp alert
"""my""" wife
She was never yours, bud
Well maybe he does have something going for him
(2.3 MB, 3000x4000, z3qv5ibbjj0b1.jpg)
Hello everyone, so here's the thing. Whenever I see someone wasting a spot on the catalog by hogspamming (my term for posting an unremarkable significant other) I'm going to post stuff like botched trans surgeries, dead negros, and even worse stuff. So I'm sorry if this is bad for you to see but personally I'm getting a little sick of hogspammers.

I don't have a thing against posting wives on here but every guy thinks their wife is Mal Malloy level when you can find similar gals in Walshart. So please make sure your wife is actually pretty enough for a thread before posting so folks don't have to see gorespam.
Great fucking logic, oh a minor annoyance guess the best thing to do is post something worse and wait till I get banned.

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